Shri Sant Gajanan Maharaj College of Engineering, Shegaon: 1KMEF5

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M. E. (Computer Engineering) Semester First Su!"e#t Co$e %&MEF' Su!"e#t N(me A$)(n#e$ Computer Ar#*ite#ture Su!"e#t Te(#*er +ro,. C. M. M(n-(r

./%0 1 ./%2

M. E. (CE) Semester First Su!"e#t MOBILE COMPUTING (%&MEF')

1. Tot(3 Num!er o, Le#turers 0' 2. Intro$u#tion to su!"e#t

The course provides an overview of the latest developments and trends in wireless mo ile communications! and addresses the impact of wireless transmission and user mo ilit" on the desi#n and mana#ement of wireless mo ile s"stems$ %ireless ad&hoc networ'in#$ %ireless L(Ns issues) ph"sical and M(C networ' la"er! C*M( and C*M(+C($ Mo ile ad&hoc networ'in#) routin# and mo ilit" protocols$ Basic principles ,li'e instruction set desi#n-! pipelinin# and its conse.uences/ 0LI% ,ver" lon# instruction word- architectures! *uper pipelined! *uperscalar! *IM1 ,sin#le instruction! multiple data! used in vector and su &word parallel processors- and MIM1 ,multiple instruction! multiple data- architectures/ *MT ,*imultaneous Multi&Threadin#-/ Out&of&order and speculative e2ecution/ Branch prediction/ 1ata ,value- prediction/ 1esi#n of advanced memor" hierarchies/ Memor" coherenc" and consistenc"/ Multi&threadin#/ E2ploitin# tas'&level and instruction&level parallelism/ Inter&processor communication models/ Input and output/ Networ' Communication (rchitecture/ and Networ's&on&Chip$

0. (4 Course O!"e#ti)e
*tudents are #iven homewor' involvin# the wireless ad&hoc networ's! multiple2in#! di#ital modulation! spread spectrum! protocol architecture! medium access control la"er! carrier sense multiple access! C*M( with collision avoidance! routin# protocols for ad&hoc networ's! mo ilit" models$ *tudents are also encoura#ed to use the internet to reach material from courses offered in other universities$ This course is intended to provide a comprehensive understandin# of the wireless ad&hoc networ's) principles! protocols and applications$ On the completion of this course! students will e)

!4 Course Out#omes 3$ 4amiliar with the concepts of multiple2in#! di#ital modulation and spread spectrum$ 5$ 4amiliar with the IEEE 675$33 s"stem and protocol architecture$ 8$ Classif" the routin# protocols for ad&hoc networ's$ 9$ 4amiliar with the mo ilit" models for multi&hop wireless networ's$ 5. 1escri e similarities and differences etween standard distri uted s"stems and mo ile and sensor s"stems/ 6. E2plain the fundamental tradeoffs related to ener#" limitations and communication needs in these s"stems/ 7. (r#ue for and a#ainst different mo ile and sensor s"stems architectures and protocols$

2. S533(!us
Su!"e#t Mo!i3e Computing 6nit No. Contents Su!"e#t Co$e %&MEF'




Characteristics! 4undamentals and Infrastructure of cellular s"stem! *atellite s"stem! Networ' protocol! (d :oc and sensor networ'! %ireless M(N;s! L(N;s and P(N;s$ Mo ile <atio Propa#ation) T"pes of <adio waves! Propa#ation mechanism! 4ree space propa#ation! Land propa#ation! Path loss! *low fadin#! 4ast fadin#! 1oppler effect! 1ela" spread! Coherence Bandwidth !Inter s"m ol and Co&channel Interferences$ Cellular Concept) Cell area! *i#nal stren#th and cell parameter! Capacit" of a cell! 4re.uenc" reuse! Cluster! Co&channel Interference! Cell *plittin#! Cell sectorin#$ Channel allocation) *tatic allocation verses 1"namic allocation! fi2ed channel allocation ,4C(-! 1"namic channel allocation! :" rid channel allocation ,:C(-! (llocation in speciali=ed s"stem structure! *"stem Modelin#$ Mo ile communication s"stems) Cellular s"stem infrastructure! <e#istration! :andoff parameter and underl"in# support <oamin# support! Multicastin#! *ecurit" and privac"! 4irewall and s"stem securit"$ E2itin# wireless s"stem) (MP*! I*&93! G*M! IMT&5777$ (d hoc (nd sensor networ') Characteristic of M(NET! (pplications! <outin#! Ta le > driven routin# protocol! *ource initiated On& demand <outin#! :" rid protocol! %ireless sensor networ'! 4i2ed wireless sensor networ's %ireless M(Ns! L(Ns and P(N;s) %ireless metropolitan area networ's ,%M(Ns-! %ireless Local (rea networ's ,%L(Ns-! and %ireless Personal (rea networ's ,%P(Ns-! <ecent (dvances! Introduction! and Ultra >wide and technolo#"$ Multimedia services re.uirement! Push >to&tal' ,PTT- technolo#"! Mo ilit" and resources mana#ement for Inte#rated s"stem! Multicast in %ireless networ's! 1irectional and smart antennas! 1esi#n issue in sensor networ's! Bluetooth networ'! Low & power desi#n! ?ML! Threat and securit" issue


'. 7oo-s Re#ommen$e$ 8

*r$ No$ T3 Title of the oo' (uthor,sPu lication Units covered *i2

Introduction to %ireless and Mo ile *"stems

(#rawal 1 P and @en# A (!

CENG(GE! 5+e

9. Re,eren#e 7oo-s 8
*r$ No$ <3 <5 <8 <9 Title of the oo' (uthor,sPu lication

Mo ile Communication Cd :oc Mo ile %ireless Networ's) Protocols D *"stems Mo ile Computin# Mo ile (d :oc Networ's) 4rom %ireless L(Ns to 9G Networ's

Bochen *chiller C$E$ Toh <aF'amal! Geor#e (

Pearson Education! 5nd Ed Pearson Edu$ O2ford Universit" Press TM:

Mr. C. M. M(n-(r *u Fect Teacher& Mo $ Comp$

:. Le#ture +3(n
M. E. (Computer S#ien#e ; Engineering) Semester First Semester Lecture *cheme *u Fect) Mo!. Computing
Le#ture Num!er 6NIT +oints o, S533(!us to #o)er

Teacher) C. M. M(n-(r
Re,eren#e 7oo-< C*(pter No

3 5 8 9 G H I 6 J 37 33 35 38 39 3G 3H 3I 36 3J 57 53 55 58 59 5G 5H 5I 56 5J 87 83 85 88 89 8G

6nit I

6nit II

Characteristics! 4undamentals and Infrastructure of cellular s"stem *atellite s"stem! Networ' protocol! (d :oc and sensor networ'! %ireless M(N;s! L(N;s and P(N;s$ Mo ile <atio Propa#ation) T"pes of <adio waves! Propa#ation mechanism! 4ree space propa#ation! Land propa#ation Path loss! *low fadin#! 4ast fadin#! 1oppler effect! 1ela" spread! Coherence Bandwidth !Inter s"m ol and Co&channel Interferences$ Cellular Concept: Cell area, Signal strength and cell parameter, Capacity of a cell, Frequency reuse, Cluster, Co-channel Interference Cell Splitting, Cell sectoring. Channel allocation Static allocation verses Dynamic allocation, fixed channel allocation FC!" Dynamic channel allocation, #y$rid channel allocation #C!", !llocation in speciali%ed system structure, System &odeling.

T3! <3

T3! <3

6nit III

6nit I=

6nit =

6nit =I

Mo ile communication s"stems Cellular s"stem infrastructure! <e#istration! :andoff parameter Underl"in# support <oamin# support Multicastin#! *ecurit" and privac" 4irewall and s"stem securit"$ E2itin# wireless s"stem) (MP*! I*&93! G*M! IMT&5777$ (d hoc (nd sensor networ' Characteristic of M(NET! (pplications! <outin#! Ta le > driven routin# protocol *ource initiated On& demand <outin# :" rid protocol! %ireless sensor networ' 4i2ed wireless sensor networ's %ireless M(Ns! L(Ns and P(N;s %ireless metropolitan area networ's ,%M(Ns-! %ireless Local (rea networ's ,%L(Ns%ireless Personal (rea networ's ,%P(Ns<ecent (dvances) Introduction <ecent (dvances Ultra >wide and technolo#" Multimedia services re.uirement! Push >to&tal' ,PTT- technolo#" Mo ilit" and resources mana#ement for Inte#rated s"stem! Multicast in %ireless networ's 1irectional and smart antennas! 1esi#n issue in sensor networ's! Bluetooth networ' Low & power desi#n! ?ML! Threat and securit" issue



T3! <5


Mr. C. M. M(n-(r *u Fect Teacher& Mo!. Comp.

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