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Studying in Leuven 2010-2011

International students and scholars at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven - Belgium

Welcome to Leuven!
A heartfelt welcome to one of the oldest centres of knowledge and learning in Europe! As a new student from abroad intending to come and study at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, naturally you may have a number of practical questions in mind. Being a university that continues to open wide its doors to a growing international community of students and researchers, we try to anticipate your concerns and present you with some important information via this brochure for international students and scholars at K.U.Leuven. In this brochure, you will find a concise introduction to the academic system of K.U.Leuven and the range of study options available to international students. If and when you have a more concrete idea of the kind of academic training you would like to pursue within our walls, you will find in a next part an explanation of the requirements for admission and, where applicable, the language requirements for particular courses. To help you finalise your plans for study, we include concrete financial information that covers matters from registration fees to study grants and a basic idea of the living expenses in the city of Leuven. This booklet forms part of a group of brochures that are meant to assist international students in planning efficiently and conveniently for their academic sojourn with K.U.Leuven. These other brochures are listed and described briefly in this booklet as well. We hope this brochure will be helpful to you and we wish you every success in your academic endeavours.

Professor Marc Waer Rector

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Table of contents

Welcome to Leuven!

What are the admission and language requirements?

WHAT IS THE K.U.LEUVEN ADMISSION POLICY? Diploma requirements for the Bachelors Programmes Diploma requirements for the Masters Programmes Diploma requirements for the Specialisation Programmes in Medicine and Dentistry For new applicants for the Bachelors programme with a secondary education diploma: For applicants for the Bachelors/Masters programmes with a partial diploma in Medicine/Dentistry from an EEA university: For applicants for the Bachelors/Masters programmes with a partial diploma in Medicine/Dentistry from a non-EEA university: For applicants for the specialisation programmes with a full diploma in Medicine/Dentistry from an EEA university: For applicants for the specialisation programmes with a full diploma in Medicine/Dentistry from a non-EEA university: WHAT ARE THE LANGUAGE REQUIREMENTS? For the Bachelors Programmes taught in Dutch For the Masters Programmes taught in English Language Courses in Dutch at K.U.Leuven Instituut voor Levende Talen (ILT) Crash Course in General English and Academic English Other Language Courses at K.U.Leuven Centrum voor Levende Talen (CLT)

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Getting to know the university of Leuven (K.U.Leuven)


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How is academic training organised at K.U.Leuven? 6

HOW ARE THE ACADEMIC PROGRAMMES CATEGORISED? Bachelors [BA] and Initial Masters [IMA] Programmes (some taught in English) Advanced Masters Programmes [MAS] (taught in English, Dutch and other languages) Programmes and Specialisations in Medicine and Dentistry Doctoral Education Programmes and the Doctorate K.U.Leuven Doctoral Schools Requirements Promoter - Supervisor Topics Doctoral Education Programme Doctoral process Doctoral Defence University Continuing Education WHAT WOULD MY STATUS BE AS AN INTERNATIONAL STUDENT OR FELLOW? Description Statuses for Students and Scholars Exchange Students Bachelors and Masters [IMA & MAS] Students Predoctoral Students Doctoral Students International Scholars Specialisation Students Visiting Scholars Postdoctoral Researchers Visiting Professors Important Study Contracts for Students Important Table: Statuses of International Students, Scholars and Professors at K.U.Leuven HOW IS RESEARCH CO-ORDINATED AT K.U.LEUVEN? K.U.Leuven Research Co-ordination K.U.Leuven Research and Development HOW IS THE ACADEMIC YEAR STRUCTURED? HOW ARE THE EXAMINATIONS ORGANISED? Important IS STUDY GUIDANCE AVAILABLE FOR NEW, FIRST YEAR BACHELOR STUDENTS? IS A K.U.LEUVEN DIPLOMA RECOGNISED ABROAD? 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 14 14 14 14 15 16 16 16

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What can I study at K.U.Leuven?


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How much are the costs and what are the possibilities for scholarships?
HOW MUCH IS THE TUITION FEE? Bachelors and masters programmes Doctoral students Special tuition fees for advanced master's programmes Special Registration Categories: Overview for the 2009-2010 academic year HOW MUCH IS A MONTHLY/YEARLY BUDGET IN LEUVEN? HEALTH INSURANCE FEES PARTICULARLY FOR NON-EEA STUDENTS IMPORTANT! HOW TO APPLY FOR SCHOLARSHIPS? In the framework of research projects within K.U.Leuven Research projects posted in the Doctoral Schools Research projects of individual professors University Hospitals and the Rega Institute Leuven Research and Development IMEC

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In the framework of development co-operation Interfaculty Council for Development Co-operation (IRO, Interfacultaire Raad voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking) of K.U.Leuven Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR, Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad) Belgian Technical Co-operation (BTC, Belgische Technische Coperatie) (formerly ABOS) Flemish Office for Development Co-operation and Technical Assistance (VVOB, Vlaamse Vereniging voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking en Technische Bijstand) Non-governmental Organisations In the framework of the Research Council of K.U.Leuven In the framework of Bilateral Agreements between K.U.Leuven and other universities in Africa, America, Asia and Europe In the framework of the Scholarships for Excellence Programme, signed by the China Scholarship Council and K.U.Leuven Other possibilities outside of K.U.Leuven Belgian Organisations European Organisations American Organisations International Organisations In the framework of the LLP/ERASMUS programme LIST OF COUNTRIES AND CORRESPONDING ADMISSION POSSIBILITIES, REQUIRED VISAS AND TUITION FEES


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How do I apply for admission?


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Are there any other practicalities I should know?

WHAT ARE THE RELEVANT UNIVERSITY SERVICES? International Office International Admissions and Mobility Unit International Policy Unit Development Co-operation Unit Study Advisory Centre International Housing Service Social Service for International Students Pangaea LOKO International What are other information sources about K.U.Leuven? WHOS WHO AND WHERE?

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Getting to know the university of Leuven (K.U.Leuven)

We take a glimpse at the past

Situated in the heart of Western Europe, the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven has been a centre of knowledge for almost six centuries. Founded in 1425 by Pope Martin V, K.U.Leuven bears the honour of being the oldest Catholic university in the world still in existence and the oldest university in the Low Countries. In its early days this University was modelled on the universities of Paris, Cologne and Vienna. In a short time it grew into one of the largest and most renowned universities in Europe. Its academic fame attracted scientists who have made valuable contributions to European culture. Let us enumerate a few renowned names. In the 16th century the humanist, Desiderius Erasmus, lectured here. He founded the Collegium Trilingue in 1517 for the study of Hebrew, Latin and Greek - the first of its kind. The tutor of the young emperor Charles V, Adriaan Cardinal Florensz of Utrecht, was a professor here before being elected in 1522 as the last non-Italian Pope before Pope John Paul II. The philologist, legal scholar and historian, Justus Lipsius, taught here for years. The mathematician, Gemma Frisius, helped build the foundations of modern science and tutored many famous scientists: the cartographer, Gerard Mercator, whose map-projection is still in current use; the botanist, Rembert Dodoens; and the father of modern anatomy, Andreas Vesalius. In a later period, the theses of the Leuven theologian, Cornelius Jansenius, caused huge controversy both inside and outside the Church. In the 17th and 18th centuries, K.U.Leuven was an important training centre for Roman Catholic intellectuals from Protestant countries. At the end of the Age of Enlightenment, in 1783, the physicochemist, Pieter Jan Minckelers, discovered the suitability of coal gas for lighting. In the 19th century, at the instigation of Pope Leo XIII, K.U.Leuven became an important centre of Neo-Thomist philosophy. Not all has been trouble-free, though, in the Universitys long history. It has had its share of difficulties during the various social and political upheavals in this region from the 16th to the 19th centuries. Of late, the two World Wars of the 20th century deeply scarred the University. In 1914, the University

Hall with its precious library was set to flames by German troops and 300,000 books were reduced to ashes. Afterwards, an international solidarity campaign with a major American contribution helped construct a new library on the present Msgr. Ladeuzeplein in 1928. Unfortunately this library was burned down in 1940 during the war and this time only 15,000 of its 900,000 volumes were saved. Since then, the University library, and in fact the entire University, has undergone a thorough reconstruction. The University is located in Flanders, the Dutch-speaking (northern) part of Belgium. With the steady rise to renewed prominence of the Dutch language, the University was eventually split in 1968 into two new universities. The French-speaking Universit Catholique de Louvain moved to the newly built campus in Louvain-la-Neuve in Wallonia, Belgium. The Dutch-speaking Katholieke Universiteit Leuven remained in the historic town of Leuven.

to understand the present and face future

Such rich past of almost six hundred years has provided K.U.Leuven through the centuries with its own, dynamic international dimension. Today international co-operation is regarded as essential for a modern university. Top-level research is judged according to international standards and implies interaction, co-operation and exchange, both of researchers and results. One European survey ranks K.U.Leuven among the top ten European universities in terms of its scientific output. Likewise with regard to education, several quality surveys demonstrate that the University of Leuven stands at par with internationally respected institutions in a large number of fields of study. This academic reputation attracts students from all over the world. K.U.Leuven has been involved in the Erasmus student exchange programme since its launch in Europe in the late eighties; the growing success of the Erasmus programme later on led to the launch of the Socrates programme, and today the University of Leuven has over 300 contracts under this programme. Each year around

600 international Erasmus students spend part of their study programme in Leuven, while more than 500 of our students share the same European experience at another university. The TEMPUS-PHARE programme was set up for students and researchers from Eastern Europe, while contacts with universities in the former Soviet Union are being built up through the TEMPUS-TACIS programme. The co-operation with universities in Latin America falls within the scope of the ALFA programme. Besides these exchange programmes, the University has set up a number of international academic programmes aimed both at Belgian and international students. Unlike the regular Dutch-language programmes, the international academic programmes are taught in English. Most of these programmes confer Masters degrees: full Bachelors

and about 240 sub-departments. Further, its network of 30 auxiliary libraries now houses a total of 4.3 million volumes, 14,500 magazines and journals, and 7,492 full text electronic magazines. And more specifically on its medical facilities, K.U.Leuven supports 5 hospitals, 3 affiliated hospitals, with a total of 2,057 hospital beds for the acutely ill. Hopefully, all this has given you a more vivid picture of our university. K.U.Leuvens rich history can be read not only from the citys street names, but also from the dozens of historical University buildings. The medieval Cloth Hall, near the famous Gothic City Hall, is the Universitys administrative centre. The beautifully restored Main Beguinage houses students and visiting professors. And other numerous old colleges and residence halls give Leuven its stylish face of a university town with a tradition. Where else can you

programmes in English are offered only in the fields of Theology and Philosophy. As of the present, K.U.Leuven caters to more than 31,000 students around 12 % of whom are international students (from more than 120 nations). In terms of its personnel, there are 5,287 members in the academic staff, 2,730 in the administrative and technical staff, 8,172 university hospital staff. With regard to its physical facilities, the University occupies a total area of 1,058,445 square metres and it has a total of 26,606 rooms. On the academic side, the University is composed of 14 faculties, 50 departments

find a university within a town, and indeed a town within a university, so dynamically integrated? Its rich historical tradition has served as a solid foundation on which its top-level research and centres of academic excellence have been constructed. In addition, K.U.Leuven thrives as a bustling student-town, with a strong international allure, where various cultures meet and experiences are exchanged and enriched. While it thrives at the heart of Europe, K.U.Leuven opens its doors and looks forward to more years of academic and scientific service from within Flanders, Belgium to the wider international community.

How is academic training organised at K.U.Leuven?

How are the academic programmes categorised?

Although K.U.Leuven is an independent and privately run institution, the academic programmes and diplomas are fully accredited by the Flemish Government. Consequently, the structure of academic training is stipulated by the government authorities. In 1999, 29 countries from across Europe signed the so-called 'Bologna Declaration'. As a result, many national systems of higher education in Europe have been reformed with a view to increasing transparency, facilitating mutual recognition of qualifications and broadening the international mobility of students and staff. At K.U.Leuven, the main outcome of these reforms is the introduction of a two-fold programme structure and two new degree titles: the bachelor's degree and the master's degree. PhD programmes are unaffected by the reforms in European higher education. Aside from formulating the principles underlying the generalized introduction of the bachelor-master system, the Bologna Declaration also contained a plea for the gradual introduction of a credit system, based on the ECTS (European Credit Transfer System), as a means of promoting the mobility of students through programmes and institutions. Students should have the possibility of using credits acquired via formal and non-formal learning towards the acquisition of diplomas in their home country and abroad. Flanders implemented this part of the Bologna Declaration via the Decree on the Flexibility of Higher Education issued by the Ministry of Education on April 30, 2004. The cornerstone of the decree is the abandonment of a year system of higher education in favour of a credit system: a curriculum is henceforth conceived as an ordered set of courses (each with ECTS points) and no longer as the sum of a number of (independent) study years. Beyond this principle and a minimal number of mandatory elements, the Decree left all further specific regulatory activities up to the individual institutions of higher education. Universities had to implement the Decree by the start of the academic year 2005-2006.

Starting in the 2009-2010 academic year, the K.U.Leuven transferred all of its education programmes to a so-called credit accumulation system or educational model. The implementation of the entire concept will take two academic years (2009-2010 and 2010-2011). The credit accumulation system or educational model is a new way of structuring and organising the academic offering. Instead of deliberating each academic year, deliberations will only be held at the end of a degree programme. Thus, deliberations concerning one programme year will cease in this structure. However, the programmes will still be composed of various educational stages. Likewise, a new tolerance regulation will replace the current deliberation criteria. At K.U.Leuven there are six different kinds of study programmes: Bachelor's programmes [BA], Initial Master's programmes [IMA], Advanced Masters programmes [MAS], Teacher-Training programmes, Doctoral programmes and Continuing Education.

BACHELORS [BA] AND INITIAL MASTERS [IMA] PROGRAMMES (SOME TAUGHT IN ENGLISH) These academic programmes constitute the basic level of university education after completing secondary education. In the spirit of the Bologna Declaration, all the faculties at K.U.Leuven have provided a new orientation to their programmes, revising and restructuring them into Bachelor's Programmes [BA] of three years and Initial Master's Programmes [IMA] of one or two years (or four years for Medicine). As one of the main features of the Bologna Declaration, the programmes include more international mobility for students and international co-operation with regard to curricula. In effect, K.U.Leuven aims at making these programmes even more attractive and competitive for international students, especially in terms of quality and academic standards. These programmes are mostly taught in Dutch, some in English.


K.U.Leuven Doctoral Schools K.U.Leuven has three doctoral schools: the Arenberg

These academic programmes provide training at an advanced level. They are aimed at students who already possess a basic academic (initial masters) degree, or a foreign masters diploma. Generally, they aim at providing a wider scope by offering subjects from other academic disciplines and by analysing academic subjects in depth. These programmes usually take one year of study, but some may take two years. The international academic programmes that are taught in English fall under this category. In the framework of the Bologna Declaration, these international programmes will lead to (advanced) Master's degrees. Moreover, K.U.Leuven faculties stress even more the international character of these programmes by arranging, among others, that they can be taught in another foreign language (e.g. Spanish). Likewise, the programmes will be strongly linked to the top research areas of K.U.Leuven.

Doctoral School for Science, Engineering and Technology; the Doctoral School for Biomedical Sciences; and the Doctoral School for Humanities and Arts. The responsibilities of the doctoral schools include recruiting Ph.D. students on the national and international levels; organising the doctoral education programme at the respective faculties; and helping develop the competences of Ph.D. students for their academic or non-academic careers. The doctoral schools stand for openness and versatility. K.U.Leuven forms young scholars with an open view upon the world and its societies, within which they can take up their responsibility. Such broad-thinking scholars are undoubtedly an added value for society. They may settle into different sectors, such as education, science, health care, welfare, industry, economics, culture, justice, security, mobility, and so on. More information on the doctoral schools can be found in Requirements

PROGRAMMES AND SPECIALISATIONS IN MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY The Faculty of Medicine offers complete Bachelors and Masters programmes taught entirely in Dutch. Likewise, it is possible to do further specialisations in almost all fields of medicine and dentistry. These specialisation programmes are organised in the form of on-the-job-training, by combining a post as a medical assistant in one of the University hospitals with a further training in the chosen domain. An important distinction is made, however, between specialisation programmes that provide training for clinical practice, and specialisation programmes that are mainly academic in nature and do not lead to clinical practice. These Academic Specialisation Programmes lead to masters and doctoral degrees in Medical Sciences and Dentistry. Note that there are special admission requirements for these specialisation programmes. See Part 2: What are the Admission and Language Requirements?.

The admission requirements are stipulated in the Decree on Flexibility of Higher Education in Flanders. In order to be admitted to a doctoral programme, students should fulfil one of the following requirements: a) hold a Belgian Master's degree or an equivalent Belgian or foreign degree (enrolment may be subject to an additional aptitude check) b) holders of Belgian or foreign degrees (e.g. Bachelor's degrees) that are not formally equivalent to a Belgian Master's degree can be exceptionally admitted after having succeeded in a formal aptitude check or having succeeded in an examination concerning established subject matters. Furthermore, candidate doctoral students are expected to have excelled in their previous studies. What this means concretely in terms of grades or results differs from faculty to faculty. In this regard please consult the regulations for the doctoral education programme of the respective Graduate School or faculty. Depending on your academic background, a preparatory /predoctoral period may be considered necessary.

DOCTORAL EDUCATION PROGRAMMES AND THE DOCTORATE Pursuing a doctorate at K.U.Leuven provides you with the opportunity to conduct intensive research during a number of years within an internationally competitive environment. In an independent way, you deal with fundamental or concrete questions within your academic field, with the intention of offering an original contribution to the discipline. Through this process, you will be able to publish certain results of your research and ultimately defend your findings before an academic jury.

A good command of English, both spoken and written, is also needed. Applicants are required to demonstrate their proficiency in English, either by proving that some of their previous studies were successfully completed in English, or by submitting the results of a recognized language proficiency test, such as the TOEFL (minimum score: 550 pt. on the Paper-based test or 79 -80 pt. on the Internet-based test or 213 on the Computer-based TOEFL test) or the IELTS or another equivalent English test. In some cases, the applicant may be asked to provide a writing sample such as a paper, a thesis or some publications. Note that sometimes a higher level of English proficiency may be required.

Promoter - Supervisor During your doctoral studies, you are guided by a supervisor or a promoter, as this professor is commonly called here. The promoter plays a central role in supervising your research and the choice of a good promoter is then of utmost importance. It is to your advantage to find a promoter who will support your research, motivate you during your work, provide you with the necessary logistics and with whom you can discuss your findings. By accepting to be your promoter, the professor concerned commits herself or himself to see to the proficient progress and culmination of your doctoral studies, just as you commit yourself to bring your doctoral research to completion with the right motivation. In practice, right after your masters studies you may be approached by a professor to undertake a particular line of research with her or him. Or, you may directly consult a professor to request for help in deciding upon research possibilities. If convenient, you may consult a number of prospective promoters if you havent decided yet on a suitable topic and/or promoter. You may also check the research vacancies that are published in any of the three Doctoral Schools. Admission into a doctoral programme at K.U.Leuven for international applicants presupposes that the candidate has already had previous contact with and the initial approval of a professor at K.U.Leuven who is willing to act as his or her promoter. Consult the page Research ( on the K.U.Leuven website and the research pages on the three Doctoral Schools websites ( for an overview of the expertise of the professors. Topics Choose the topic of your doctoral research wisely: you will be working on it for the coming years and possibly even during your career. Your topic can be related to that of your masters thesis, but this is not a must. Choose your topic in close co-ordination with your promoter. You may be allowed to select a topic that fits in with the actual research activities of a research group in a department, or your promoter may propose a number of themes from which you can choose. There are two other methods of selecting a doctoral research topic at K.U.Leuven: via the list of doctoral projects announced in the websites of the doctoral schools (; or via the Research Database of K.U.Leuven ( research/researchdatabase/). You can search various research topics, consult a current list of topics by doctoral students per faculty, or consult the research expertise of K.U.Leuven professors.

Doctoral Education Programme To earn a doctoral degree at K.U.Leuven, you are required in principle to participate in the doctoral education programme. This programme is now organised and managed by the Doctoral Schools. The doctoral programmes first goal is to broaden and deepen your knowledge within your research field. Second, it aims at ensuring the efficient progress of your doctoral research by means of better guidance and follow-up. Additionally, the doctoral programme can also serve as a preparation for your later professional career. Finally, it further stimulates the dynamics of research and contributes to a tradition of doctoral training. The regulations for doctoral programmes stipulate certain fundamental elements, i.e. what is expected of a good doctoral student: an international publication, presenting and attending doctoral seminars, active participation in international congresses, regular report and explanation of the progress of ones doctoral research. Doctoral process Your doctoral research will take on a number of years and thus one can speak of a process of doctoral studies. The period of your doctoral studies will consist of different phases: a planning stage, an execution stage (literature study, data gathering, setting up tests and experiments), and a writing/reporting stage. Usually these phases are not chronological, but are interwoven with each other. There will be moments of difficulty and challenge. Each doctoral candidate will at some point no longer see the forest for the trees. It is therefore important to discuss regularly your doctoral research with your colleague-researchers and with your promoter. Such contacts or discussions can be very motivating. The support of your family and friends, who will inevitably be confronted at varying degrees with your doctoral research, is likewise indispensable. Doctoral Defence The results of your research are brought together in a doctoral thesis: an extensive scientific report of your research and your results. The form of your thesis and the procedures for the doctoral defence can differ from faculty to faculty. Again, do consult the facultys Regulations for the Doctoral Education Programme on this matter.

You may be allowed to present your doctoral thesis in one thesis form or as a collection of published articles. The thesis is submitted to be read and evaluated by the members of your examination commission. In some faculties the members of the examination commission provide an extensive report of their evaluation to the chairperson of the commission, in other faculties you are required to take a preliminary examination. The chairperson then examines whether certain members have any fundamental objections that may jeopardise the positive result of the public defence. If this is not the case, the public defence can then be organised. In the meantime, you prepare your thesis in its definitive form, taking into account the requirements as to form and lay-out prescribed by the faculty. During the public defence itself you give a presentation on your doctoral research after which you are questioned by the members of the examination commission. The public defence is a unique occasion to present the result of many years of work not only to the jury, but also to a broader public composed of your family, friends and colleagues. In some faculties, the chairperson may also provide the public the opportunity to pose questions. After the examination, the examination commission withdraws for deliberation. After listening to the advice of the different members, the chairperson decides whether you can be proclaimed doctor and be awarded the doctoral degree. For complementary information on the doctoral education programmes and the doctorate, please consult the website:

A first and most important distinction involves citizens of European Economic Area nations and citizens of other nations. EEA citizens are those who have the nationality and the passport of a country that is part of the European Economic Area (EU nations + Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway; special arrangements apply for Switzerland and Monaco). Within the EEA, there is free movement of persons, thus also of students. This means that EEA citizens are free to travel in the different Member States and that the right to reside is subject to only minimal conditions. Non-EEA citizens, however, do not have this right of free movement and are required to obtain specific visas depending on the type or length of their stay. The first of such visa is the so-called Schengen Visa. Within the EEA, a number of Member States (Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland) have signed the Schengen Agreement. The most important consequence concerning residence rights is that non-EU citizens, who want to travel to Belgium, for a stay of three months' time at the most, no longer need to apply for a visa for Belgium, but for a Schengen Visa. This Schengen Visa grants automatic right of access to the other Schengen countries, unless otherwise stated in the visa. The Schengen Visa is subject to more stringent conditions than the former tourist visa. The second type is an Authorisation for Provisional Sojourn. This authorisation is a sort of visa which is issued by the Belgian Ministry of Internal Affairs through its diplomatic stations abroad to those who want to come to Belgium for study or research purposes, meaning to say for a period

UNIVERSITY CONTINUING EDUCATION Various institutes and departments of the University organise lectures, seminars, congresses and summer schools within the concept of lifelong learning. Because the topics of these continuing education programmes differ from one year to another, and because these programmes are organised in a more flexible way, it is not really possible to give a concrete list of activities. For more information about these programmes, please contact the University Continuing Education Office. Information is also available on their website:

longer than three months time. Please consult the tables listing the different countries comprising the European Economic Area, the European Higher Education Area and developing countries provided in Part 4.

STATUSES FOR STUDENTS AND SCHOLARS Exchange Students The status of Exchange Student is a special category granted to students who take part in the European educational

What would my status be as an international student or fellow?

DESCRIPTION The status of international students who are accepted to study at K.U.Leuven and admitted to reside within Belgium for a certain period of time is determined and governed by Belgian law.

programmes of Lifelong Learning Programme - Erasmus, TEMPUS, ALFA and others. Or, these are students who come to Leuven in the framework of a faculty exchange agreement between their university and K.U.Leuven.


Lifelong Learning Programme - Erasmus is the action programme of the European Commission that promotes co-operation in the area of higher education. All European Union member states are eligible to participate in the LLP-Erasmus, as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey. TEMPUS (Trans-European co-operation scheme for higher education) forms part of the overall EU programmes for the economic and social reconstruction of Central and Eastern European countries (CARDS programme) and for economic reform and recovery in the former Soviet Republics (TACIS programme) and in the Mediterranean area (MEDA programme). TEMPUS has been created as a response to the needs of higher education and training in the countries concerned. Priority areas are redefined yearly by each partner state, in accordance with the overall priorities for national reform. Students from the following countries may, in order to study at K.U.Leuven, apply for a TEMPUS grant at their home university: TEMPUS Cards: Albania, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Serbia & Montenegro, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, and Croatia. TEMPUS Tacis: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, the Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan. TEMPUS Meda: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine, Syria and Tunisia.

Predoctoral Students These are EEA citizens and non-EEA citizens who are admitted to study at K.U.Leuven in a predoctoral programme, either with a scholarship or as self-supporting students. Predoctoral students participate in a one-year or two-year programme of studies and research, the purpose of which is to evaluate the students research competence in view of the doctorate. At the end of the programme, a permanent evaluation of the students will determine whether or not they are admitted to the doctoral programme. In view of their residence permits, the Foreigners Office at Leuven City Hall has agreed that these predoctoral students do not necessarily participate in the ordinary examination sessions. Doctoral Students These are EEA citizens and non-EEA citizens who are admitted to study and conduct research at K.U.Leuven in a doctoral education programme, with a scholarship or as self-supporting students. If they hold a scholarship, the terms must comply with the Regulations for Doctoral Scholars at K.U.Leuven. A tax-exempt scholarship may be granted for a maximum period of four years for independent

Students interested in studying at K.U.Leuven in the framework of a European Educational Programme (LLP-Erasmus, TEMPUS, ALFA) or in the framework of a bilateral exchange agreement between their home university and K.U.Leuven, should contact the particular office in their home university for more information. Practical information for exchange students is provided by the following website: Further information on the programmes themselves can be found in the official publications of the European Union. You may also consult the following website: (LLP-Erasmus) index_en.html (TEMPUS) regional-cooperation/alfa/index_en.htm (ALFA) Bachelors and Masters [IMA & MAS] Students These are EEA citizens and non-EEA citizens who are admitted to study at K.U.Leuven in a Bachelors programme, an Initial Masters programme [IMA] most of which are taught in Dutch or English, or in an Advanced Masters programme [MAS] that is taught in English. They must be academically admitted into a particular programme and comply with the language requirements for that programme.

doctoral research. Depending on the source of the scholarship, the grant must amount to at least 75 %, or at most 100 %, of the salary after taxes of a research assistant at K.U.Leuven. Likewise, all doctoral scholarships are subjected to partial (for most non-EEA citizens) or full (for EEA citizens) socialsecurity contributions, in compliance with the Belgian legislation. In return, they enjoy certain benefits like child allowance, occupational hazard and occupational illness insurances. International Scholars These are EEA citizens and non-EEA citizens who are admitted to conduct studies at K.U.Leuven either in preparation for a doctorate, which they will obtain in their home university, or in the framework of research or studies conducted in their home university. Hence, these international scholars are still officially affiliated to their home university. Mostly, they come to K.U.Leuven with a scholarship in the framework of an agreement or in the context of an exchange programme. They may reside at K.U.Leuven for a longer period, i.e. for more than three months but not exceeding 18 months. Specialisation Students These are EEA and non-EEA citizens who are admitted to come to K.U.Leuven, with a scholarship or as self-supporting students, in order to participate in a specialisation programme. In the Faculty of Medicine, they are also referred to as clinical observers.

Mostly, they come to K.U.Leuven in the framework of an agreement or in the context of an exchange programme. They may reside at K.U.Leuven for a longer period, i.e. for more than three months but not exceeding 24 months. Visiting Scholars These are EEA citizens and non-EEA citizens who are admitted to come to K.U.Leuven, with a scholarship or as self-supporting scholars, for a short-term programme, usually three months at the most, of studies and research, independent of any employment contract. Usually, such research is conducted within the context of the Universitys bilateral agreements with other universities. Their status in K.U.Leuven is analogous to that of Guest and they must register as Visiting Scholar.

Important For more detailed information regarding these different categories, please refer to the following website:


STUDY CONTRACTS FOR STUDENTS The following information concerns those with the status of student at K.U.Leuven. On the basis of the Decree on the Flexibility of Higher Education and the new credit system, the student chooses one of three types of study contracts when registering: a diploma contract towards obtaining a bachelors or a masters diploma; a credit contract towards obtaining credits for one or more individual courses; an exam contract towards obtaining a diploma or independent credits, based exclusively on exams (without participation in class activities). Within a diploma contract, the student can choose between one of several model study trajectories (full time, half time and/or in some cases other part time variants) and an individual study trajectory (adjusted to an individual students needs, following an assessment of his or her case). Important notice for international students: students from countries not belonging to the European Economic Area, i.e. students coming from countries other than the European Union countries, Liechtenstein, Norway or Iceland, can only register for a full time diploma contract. They will not be granted a residence permit by the City Hall upon attempting to obtain any other type of registration (a part time or individual trajectory diploma contract, a credit contract, or an exam contract). Important For more detailed information regarding the study contracts,

Non-EEA citizens must apply for a Schengen-visa if a visa is required for citizens of their country; citizens of other countries that are exempted from a visa for a visit of three months at most need only present their valid passport. With a Schengen-visa, Visiting Scholars may travel to the other Schengen-countries, within the total period of three months. Upon arrival, they notify Leuven City Hall and receive a declaration of arrival. Postdoctoral Researchers These are EEA citizens and non-EEA citizens with high qualifications (a doctorate or equivalent qualifications) who are admitted to conduct independent, fundamental scientific research at K.U.Leuven, for a total period of three years at most. They receive a scholarship, in the framework of international mobility limited to a period of three years, which is equal to the salary after taxes of a research assistant and subjected to socialsecurity contributions, in compliance with Belgian legislation. Otherwise, they should receive a salary which is at least equal to the salary of a research assistant at the University. Visiting Professors These are EEA citizens or non-EEA citizens with high qualifications (a doctorate or equivalent qualifications) who are appointed by K.U.Leuven as Visiting Professor on a part-time or full-time basis, for teaching or research at the University. For non-EEA citizens, the appointment is limited to a period of four years. They should receive a salary that corresponds to their appointment. This salary is not required if they continue to receive income from their home university. In such cases, a per diem allowance may be awarded as unsalaried Visiting Professors. They are registered at the Human Resources Department as Visiting Professor.

please refer to the following website:


Table: Statuses of International Students, Scholars and Professors at K.U.Leuven In summary, the different official statuses for international students, scholars and professors at K.U.Leuven are presented in the table below. The first two columns list the titles and official statuses. These are further elaborated in the next columns according to the corresponding type of financing based on the type of research or programme, according to their subjection to social security and taxes based on nationality, and according to the coordinating office at K.U.Leuven that is responsible for the administration of their respective files.




Exchange Students


Exchange programme

Visiting Scholar/Fellow

Visiting Scholar/Fellow Short term: max. 3 months (EEA: 6 months) Student Student Student

Scholarship or daily allowance possible

Bachelors/Masters Student International Scholar Specialisation Student

Academic programme A Specialisation and clinical observers programme A A

Scholarship possible Scholarship possible Scholarship possible

Min. 750 Min. 750 Min. 750 Min. 750 EEA: 100% Non-EEA: min. 75 %, or 90 % or 95 % or max.100 %1

Predoctoral Student Doctoral Student

Student Student

Scholarship possible Doctoral scholarship possible

Scientific Collaborator

Salary mandatory

Min. scale Assistant


Postdoctoral Fellow in international mobility

Postdoctoral grant in international mobility

Min. 100 % net salary Assistant

Research Associate


Min. scale of Assistant

Self-Supporting Researcher or Free Associate


Grant or salary from home university or elsewhere, but not from K.U.Leuven Salary

EEA: None Non-EEA: Min. 100 % net salary Assistant Ordinary professor scales

Visiting Professor

Visiting Lecturer or Visiting Professor

Research and/or Teaching

Unsalaried Visiting Lecturer or Visiting Professor

Research and/or Teaching

Possible daily allowance and continued salary by institution


1 In conformity with the regulations on the doctorate: minimum 90 % net salary of an Assistant; maximum 100 % net salary of an Assistant. 2 Reduced social security contributions are paid if no social security agreement exists with the country of origin. This applies to almost all non-EEA scholarship holders.






TAXES Exempted


International Office







International Office

Exempted Exempted Exempted

Exempted Exempted Exempted

No No No

Exempted Exempted Exempted

Exempted Exempted Exempted

No No No

International Office International Office International Office

Exempted Yes

Exempted Exempted for a max. of 4 years

No No

Exempted Subjected to Social Security2

Exempted Exempted for a max. of 4 years

No No

International Office EEA: Human Resources Department Non-EEA: International Office



No, except for citizens from newest EU countries No




Human Resources Department


Exempted in Belgium

Subjected to Social Security2

Exempted in Belgium

No, since Belgian law of 27/02/03; via Hosting Agreement No, since Belgian law of 27/02/03; via Hosting Agreement Yes

Human Resources Department



No, except for citizens from newest EU countries No, except for citizens from newest EU countries No, except for citizens from newest EU countries No, except for citizens from newest EU countries



Human Resources Department





Human Resources Department






Human Resources Department

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable


Human Resources Department


K.U.LEUVEN RESEARCH CO-ORDINATION The Research Co-ordination Office (RCO) is a central office of K.U.Leuven. The RCO carries out various advisory and supportive tasks with regard to the policy and the functioning of scientific research in its national and international dimensions. This includes the evaluation of this research, and the entire responsibility covering inventory, administration, information and support that goes hand in hand with research in K.U.Leuven. This task is carried out on behalf of the Academic Administration, but likewise in service of all scholars at K.U.Leuven. More specifically, its mission involves: The preparation and elaboration of the K.U.Leuven research policy The optimisation of the research potential The promotion and the use of research results for the greater benefit of society, economy and industry Supporting the K.U.Leuven Research Council, which advises the Academic Council on research policy and on the allocation of the Universitys own research funds Follow-up of all research projects and contracts; projects with industry are managed in collaboration with K.U.Leuven Research and Development

How is research co-ordinated at K.U.Leuven?

At K.U.Leuven, both basic and pre-competitive research is conducted in all academic and scientific disciplines. In the past few years in particular, K.U.Leuvens research effort and output have increased considerably, both quantitatively and qualitatively, thus positioning itself at the level of other leading European universities.

To provide the K.U.Leuven research community with information and practical help about research programmes, academic prizes, new initiatives, etc.

For more information, please refer to the website:

K.U.LEUVEN RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT In 1970, K.U.Leuven Board of Governors founded the Leuven

Research at this University is characterised by originality and innovation, successful application, and virtual disappearance of interdisciplinary boundaries. Its basic orientation has always been and will remain fundamental research, in accordance with the Universitys mission. At the same time, however, our University should remain open to contemporary cultural, economic, and industrial realities, or to the communitys corresponding needs and expectations. For obvious reasons, the community referred to is in the first place our own, but competitive research at this University is to a large extent internationalised and geared towards the whole world. K.U.Leuven is ready to face the continuing challenge from European and world-wide Research and Development.

Research and Development, Inc., a non-profit organisation providing services to the industrial and commercial operation and development of University research. For further information, please refer to their website:

How is the academic year structured?

K.U.Leuven adopts a semester structure for its academic year. Basically, the academic year is divided into two semesters. Each semester comprises 13 weeks of class lectures, followed by a review period of one or two weeks, and then an examination period. The examination period of the First Semester is composed of three weeks. The examination period of the Second Semester is composed of three to four


weeks, depending on the needs of the faculty. A remedial examination period is also provided from mid-August through begin-September. After the First Semester examination period, students get a semester break of one week. After the Second Semester examination period and the deliberations, summer vacation begins. During the First Semester, students get a two-week break for Christmas and New Year. During the Second Semester, a two-week break for Easter is provided. For the new students, Orientation Days are organised by the International Office in co-ordination with the social and central services of the University (visit the website: Two Orientation Days sessions are offered yearly: during the week before the beginning of the First Semester in September and before the beginning of the Second Semester in February. The academic year formally opens on the last Monday of September.

On the basis of a students examination results after the first and second semesters (including the September examination session), the respective faculties will then determine the courses and corresponding credits to be taken during the next academic year. To pass a specific programme, the student must obtain all the 180 credits for Bachelors programmes, or 120 credits for a two-year Masters programme or 60 credits for a one-year Masters programme. The examinations are administered orally (with an opportunity for a written preparation) or in writing. The dates and times of the examinations are set by the respective faculties, within the specified examination periods during the academic year. The examinations for each course are graded on a scale of 20 points. At least 10 points must be obtained to pass. A student obtaining the degree of Bachelor or Master shall be the awarded with the following levels of achievement: distinction (cum laude), on condition that 68 % of the marks have been obtained; great distinction (magna cum laude), on condition that 77 % of the marks have been obtained; greatest distinction (summa cum laude), on condition that 85 % of the marks have been obtained; greatest distinction (summa cum laude) with the congratulations of examination committee, on condition that 90 % of the marks have been obtained. The semester examinations are obligatory and final. If a student does not participate in the January session, he/she cannot (unless in case of illness) take the exams you missed in the June session. The results will be communicated to the student after the course of the examination sessions. If the results of a students examinations after the first semester are not so good, then during the second semester he/she can avail of guidance to develop more efficient study habits. A student obtains the degree that he/she is enrolled for in the event that he/she has obtained a passing result (10/20 or above) or an exemption for every course in the curriculum. However, tolerances are possible. Students decide themselves which tolerances they apply and which they do not, within the boundaries of the tolerance conditions specified in the official examination regulations.

How are the examinations organised?

Starting in 2010-2011, with the implementation of the credit accumulation system, the examination schedule will be made available at the beginning of the academic year. New measures will be introduced concerning the monitoring of study progress and limiting the period of study. After each examination period, students will receive clear information concerning the level of their individual results. The criteria for obtaining a degree, including the new tolerance regulation, will also be communicated to the students in a comprehensible manner. There are two ordinary examination periods per academic year. The first is held in January, after the First Semester. The second is held in June, after the Second Semester. Students who do not pass in the January or June examination periods may re-take their examinations during the make-up examination period starting from mid-August until the beginning of September. Furthermore, students are not allowed to sit the same examination or part of the examination more than twice in the course of one academic year.


Important This brief description merely acts as an illustration of the way examinations are administered. The full text of the K.U.Leuven Examination Regulations can be read at the following website:

If you are not certain how you should assimilate the course material, if you find the study programme too heavy, if you become too anxious because of the examinations, or if you are having difficulties balancing your studies and relaxation, then you can also pass by the Study Advisory Centre where they offer guidance. Along with a psychologist or pedagogist, you will be helped in assessing your academic capabilities and prospects for the future.

Is study guidance available for new, first year bachelor students?

Yes, your faculty is prepared to help you if you are not so sure if you would have sufficient knowledge to begin a certain academic programme. For each course, a didactic team is set up. This team consists of the lecturer, the collaborator(s), and a monitor. Each team is prepared to help with guidance over the learning process, over psycho-social matters, and with the study direction. During the first year of a bachelors programme, the didactic teams help you in assimilating the course material. By so doing, you would also be prepared for the examinations. The results of your study tests and of your January examinations can be discussed with the didactic team. In this way you can know early on whether you are on the right track. If not, then the teams can help you with certain study difficulties. Please consult the following websites: index_en.html In addition, some of the Council of Europe treaties relate to the equivalence of university diplomas. However, as equivalence is a very difficult and complex matter, you should seek advice from the authorities in the country where you want to use your diploma. The most appropriate bodies are the information centres on recognition of the National Academic Recognition Information Centres (NARIC) network and the European Network of Information Centres (ENIC). Since Belgium is a member state of the European Union, the EU directives on the recognition of academic degrees are applicable.

Is a K.U.Leuven diploma recognised abroad?


What are the admission and language requirements?

What is the K.U.Leuven admission policy?

The Flemish Government upholds a democratic admission policy that guarantees easy access to university education for qualified Flemish students. It goes without saying that K.U.Leuven must comply with Flemish Government legislation regarding admission in order to guarantee the legality of its diplomas. While upholding a long tradition of welcoming international students, both from Europe and from other continents, the University has set up a number of provisions regulating the admission of international students, with a view to maximising their chances of success.

Legal Residents: Non-EEA citizens with a permanent residence permit in Belgium (e.g. through marriage) remain non-EEA citizens, and in terms of admission to higher education they are considered as non-EEA citizens when they obtained their secondary-school diploma in their home country. If this diploma was obtained in Belgium, then they definitely can be granted admission. In addition, there are entrance examinations organised by Belgian law for the programmes in medicine and dentistry. When admitted to the Bachelors programme, a preparatory year is likewise granted to learn the Dutch language.

DIPLOMA REQUIREMENTS FOR THE BACHELORS PROGRAMMES International students who hold a Belgian secondary-school diploma are legally eligible to register directly for a bachelor's programme in K.U.Leuven, even without previous application. However, most international students will hold a foreign diploma or certificate, and these must be officially recognized as equivalent to the Flemish diploma by law, decree, European directive or international agreement. The Advanced Masters Programmes [MAS], however, If a student's foreign diploma is not officially recognized, K.U.Leuven may still grant admission to a bachelor's programme if the diploma of secondary education gives access to university studies in ones home country. Candidates applying for admission into the advanced Council of Europe: Citizens from member states of the Council of Europe should be able to prove that they can be admitted to an equal university programme in their home country (e.g. they are allowed to participate in entrance examinations or be added to waiting lists) and thus have the right to admission. Non-Council of Europe: Citizens not from member states of the Council of Europe must be able to prove that their secondary-school diploma gives access to university studies in their home country. programmes should consult the academic prerequisites for details. Under these advanced programmes, some may require general aptitude evaluations, tests and, in some cases, a limit to the number of candidates accepted in a particular programme. All of these provisions may be cumulative: even if an applicant is eligible e.g. from a strictly legal point of view, admission may still be denied for academic or other reasons. Together, these provisions make admission for international students quite competitive and, for some advanced programmes, rather strictly selective. In these cases, the University will decide on each application individually, taking into account the academic qualifications of the candidate. are intended for students who already possess a master's degree. Further, most programmes require one year of full-time study, while others take two years full-time. Initial Masters Programmes [IMA] will require a previous Bachelors degree in the same field of study or, where indicated by the specific programme, in a related field of study. Candidates applying for admission should also consult the academic prerequisites for details. DIPLOMA REQUIREMENTS FOR THE MASTERS PROGRAMMES


DIPLOMA REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SPECIALISATION PROGRAMMES IN MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY Note that Belgian law and K.U.Leuven make an important distinction between specialisation programmes in Medicine and Dentistry that provide training for clinical practice, and specialisation programmes that are mainly academic in nature and do not lead to clinical practice. These academic specialisation programmes lead to Masters and Ph.D. degrees in Medical Sciences and Dentistry. For new applicants for the Bachelors programme with a secondary education diploma:

They must have mastered the Dutch language and passed the entrance examinations (except when they can provide proof that they have successfully finished one year of Medicine/Dentistry before the academic year 1997-1998). Upon successful completion of their programme, they are permitted to practise their profession on condition that at least half of their academic training was taken in an EEA university. If they wish to enrol in a Clinical Specialisation Programme or an Academic Specialisation Programme (MA or Ph.D.), they automatically qualify for the selection procedure like EEA citizens. For applicants for the specialisation programmes with a

EEA and non-EEA citizens who have a valid secondary education diploma and wish to enrol in the Bachelors programmes in Medicine/Dentistry, may do so on condition that they master the Dutch language and pass the entrance examinations. When admitted to the Bachelors programme, a preparatory year is likewise granted to learn the Dutch language. For applicants for the Bachelors/Masters programmes with a partial diploma in Medicine/Dentistry from an EEA university: Students with a partial diploma who wish to continue in our Bachelors or Masters programmes will have to be assessed by the Faculty as to which particular year the students may begin. They must have mastered the Dutch language and passed the entrance examinations (except when they can provide proof that they have successfully finished one year of Medicine/Dentistry before the academic year 1997-1998). On successful completion of the programme, they are permitted to practise their profession in any EEA country. If they wish to enrol in a Clinical Specialisation Programme or an Academic Specialisation Programme (MA or Ph.D.), they automatically qualify for the selection procedure like EEA citizens. For applicants for the Bachelors/Masters programmes with a partial diploma in Medicine/Dentistry from a non-EEA university: Students with a partial diploma who wish to continue in our Bachelors or Masters programmes will have to be evaluated by the Flemish Inter-University Council (VLIR, Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad) by means of theoretical and practical tests. These tests will assess in which particular year the students may begin.

full diploma in Medicine/Dentistry from an EEA university: Graduates with a full diploma in Medicine/Dentistry from an EEA university, in order to practise their profession in Belgium, need to apply first for a permit from the Provincial Commission for Medicine and then for the approval of the Provincial Order of Medical Doctors. Those who wish to begin a Clinical Specialisation Programme must have mastered the Dutch language and undergo the selection procedure by the Faculty. Those who wish to begin an Academic Specialisation Programme must undergo the selection procedure by the Doctoral Commission of the Faculty. However, they cannot perform clinical practice. For applicants for the specialisation programmes with a full diploma in Medicine/Dentistry from a non-EEA university: Graduates with a full diploma in Medicine/Dentistry from a non-EEA university who wish to practise their profession in Belgium must have the permission of the Provincial Commission for Medicine. However, applying for this permission is most difficult and applicants are generally required to follow nonetheless a certain part of the Bachelors/ Masters programme (see above, the applicants for the Bachelors/Masters programmes with a partial diploma). Those who wish to have their diploma evaluated as to its academic equivalence with Flemish diplomas need to contact the Ministry of Education. Those who wish to begin a Clinical Specialisation Programme can do so on condition that they have mastered the Dutch language, that they undergo the selection procedure by the Faculty, and that their diploma is recognised as fully equivalent to the Flemish diploma by the Ministry of Education.


There are two exemptions to this condition on diploma equivalency: 1. Doctors/Dentists who come to perform clinical practise in the framework of joint co-operations or projects approved by the Commission on Appointments for International Doctors of the University Hospital and the Royal Academy for Medicine are allowed to perform clinical practise for a temporary period in a specified place. 2. Doctors/Dentists with a diploma from a South African university do not need the permission from the Royal Academy for Medicine, but must submit an application at the Ministry of Public Health and Environment; they are allowed to perform clinical practice in Belgium. Those who wish to begin an Academic Specialisation Programme must undergo the selection procedure by the Doctoral Commission of the Faculty. However, they cannot perform clinical practice and are recognised as Clinical Observers. Applicants for the programme on Clinical Observation (which does not include any clinical practice) may send their applications to or apply at the International Office.

Candidates who have no background at all in Dutch must therefore take the one-year preparatory course at the Institute for Modern Languages. In order to participate in this course, candidates must also present a certificate or proof that they master at least one Western language, e.g. English, French, Spanish, German. In this regard, the Belgian Government has stipulated that non-EEA citizens who will participate in this preparatory course may obtain the student visa (Authorisation for Provisional Sojourn) from the Belgian Embassy and a one-year residence permit from the City Hall of Leuven to master the Dutch language. To summarise: international candidates must first apply for and be admitted academically to a bachelors programme taught in Dutch before they can participate in the one-year preparatory Dutch language course. After passing the Level 5 Proficiency Test, they can enrol for the bachelors programme. International candidates cannot apply directly for the one-year Dutch language course, in order to obtain a Student Visa or Authorisation for Temporary Residence in Belgium.

FOR THE MASTERS PROGRAMMES TAUGHT IN ENGLISH For its international students, K.U.Leuven has established

What are the language requirements?

FOR THE BACHELORS PROGRAMMES TAUGHT IN DUTCH The University offers complete bachelors programmes in Dutch in practically all of the traditional and recently developed areas of education and research. The high quality of the programmes requires a good command of the Dutch language, both spoken and written. Applicants for these bachelors programmes should therefore be aware that a superficial knowledge of Dutch is certainly not sufficient for attending lectures or taking examinations. It is also an illusion to think that one can acquire the necessary skills overnight or by just going to the lectures. In order to avoid disappointment in this respect, the University further requires those who have been admitted academically into a bachelors programme, but are non-Dutch speakers, to prove their proficiency in the Dutch language by passing a Proficiency Test, administered by the Instituut voor Levende Talen (Institute for Modern Languages) at K.U.Leuven. After one full year of studying Dutch, all candidates are required to pass Level 5.

a substantial number of programmes in English. Practically all faculties accept English-speaking international students into their programmes. It is clear that only students who have a good command of the English language, both spoken and written, have a chance of completing the academic requirements successfully. Candidates are therefore required to demonstrate their proficiency, either by proving that at least part of their previous studies were successfully taken in English, or by submitting the results of international proficiency tests. One such test is the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) where the required minimum score is 550 pt. on the Paper-based test or 79 to 80 pt. on the Internetbased test or 213 pt. on the Computer-based test. Candidates are thus required to request TOEFL to send their official test scores to the International Office, International Admissions and Mobility Unit, Atrechtcollege, Naamsestraat 63, 3000 LEUVEN. Our TOEFL Institution Code is 0749. K.U.Leuven will not accept any TOEFL scores legalised photocopies or originals sent by the candidates themselves.


Another test is the IELTS (International English Language Testing System) where the required minimum band score ranges from 6.5 to 7.5 pt. Candidates are thus required to request IELTS to send their official test scores to the International Admissions and Mobility Unit, Atrechtcollege, Naamsestraat 63, 3000 LEUVEN. K.U.Leuven will not accept any IELTS scores legalised photocopies or originals sent by the candidates themselves. Other programmes may require materials written by the candidate such as papers, a thesis or publications. Note that some programmes may require an even higher level of English proficiency in order to be admitted. Other programmes may also require students to follow the special Crash Course in English and/or the Course in Academic English offered at the Instituut voor Levende Talen (Interfaculty Institute for Modern Languages) as a condition for admission.

Summer Course Joos Florquin: Dutch Language and Culture Each year in August, the ILT organises Dutch courses for international students. All the levels (1 to 5) are offered during this summer course. Students with an elementary knowledge will be given the possibility of improving their Dutch. Lectures are given 20 hours a week from Monday to Thursday. Registration: See the ILT website for the deadline. Registration fee: 300 (not including textbook). Cancellation of enrolment is possible only until a specified date. The administration costs for such cancellation is 25. After a certain date, no more refunds of the enrolment fee will be made. See the ILT website for payment instructions. Proficiency Test in Dutch For those who have already studied Dutch elsewhere before coming to Leuven, the ILT likewise organises a Proficiency Test. Passing this test would mean that

LANGUAGE COURSES IN DUTCH AT K.U.LEUVEN Instituut voor Levende Talen (ILT) The ILT mainly organises language courses in Dutch for international students. In order to be admitted to any of the basic academic programmes at K.U.Leuven which are taught only in Dutch, they need to pass Level 5 of the Dutch language course. The ILT organises language courses throughout the academic year, and during the summer month of August.

ones knowledge of Dutch is equivalent to the ILTs level 5 requirements. This Proficiency Test is organised during the third Monday of September (1) and on the third Monday of January (2) from 9-11 am. Registration: ILT Secretariat before the second week of September (1) before the second week of January (2)

Registration fee: 60

CRASH COURSE IN GENERAL ENGLISH AND For further information on the language courses and for the registration, please visit their website: Language courses during the academic year: In the ILTs programme Dutch as a Foreign Language, five basic levels of Dutch are taught. Each basic level consists of a module of 80 contact hours. These modules can be followed either intensively (12 hours/week) or in a regular way (6 hours/week). Intensive courses are held during the morning, whilst regular courses can be followed either in the afternoon or in the evening. Registration: See the ILT website for the deadline Registration: Online registrations and regular registrations are possible. See the ILT website for exact dates of enrolment. Registration fees: The ordinary courses all cost 60 per module (textbooks not included). Registration fee: 235 (General English) and 215 (Academic English). See the ILT website for payment instructions. International students enrolling for a programme taught in English at K.U.Leuven are now given the opportunity to upgrade their English language skills. From September until December and from February until May, two complementary courses are offered by the Instituut voor levende talen, ILT (Interfaculty Institute of Modern Languages). These aim at improving the students knowledge of general as well as academic English. They are a useful preparation to a successful academic career. ACADEMIC ENGLISH


Your registration will only be accepted after payment. In case of cancellation, 10 % of the fee will be charged for administration costs. The registration fee is only refundable until the first week after the start of the course. For further information concerning the courses, send an e-mail to: or you may call tel. + 32 16 32 56 60.

Centrum voor Levende Talen (CLT) The CLT (Centre for Modern Languages) is an institution for adult education that operates in connection with the K.U.Leuven. The CLT is by and large an evening school and during the course of the academic year it organises language classes in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, Greek, Portuguese, Russian, Arabic, Turkish and Swedish.

OTHER LANGUAGE COURSES AT K.U.LEUVEN For those who have already been accepted for enrolment and have arrived in Leuven, the University also provides the opportunity to study other modern languages for the students own personal enrichment.

Registration: During the third week of September From the last week of September through October, during regular Office hours Once the quota available for a class has been reached, no further enrolment for that class will be accepted. Registration fee: The fee varies between 135 and 150 depending on the language and the level. For further information as to the organisation of the language courses, please refer to the following website: Or you may write to the CLT Secretariat.


What can I study at K.U.Leuven?

K.U.Leuven uses Dutch as its main language of instruction. Consequently, most of the Bachelors [BA] and Initial Masters programmes [IMA] are organised only in Dutch, with some exceptions. For example, the Faculty of Theology and the Institute of Philosophy have full Bachelors programmes taught in English. Aside from these programmes taught in Dutch, the University has set up a number of Advanced Masters programmes [MAS] aimed at both Belgian as well as international students. These programmes are taught in English, Dutch or in another language.

Survey of the Bachelors Programmes



Bachelor of Theology and Religious Studies (Bachelor in de Godgeleerdheid en Godsdienstwetenschappen)




Bachelor of Philosophy (Bachelor in de Filosofie)




Bachelor of Laws (Bachelor in de Rechten) Bachelor of Criminology (Bachelor in de Criminologie)


180 180


Bachelor of Economics (Bachelor in de Economie) Bachelor of Business Economics (Bachelor in de Bedrijfseconomie) Bachelor of Business Economics: Information Systems Engineering (Bachelor in de Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen: Handelsingenieur in de beleidsinformatica) Bachelor of Business Economics: Business Engineering (Bachelor in de Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen: Handelsingenieur)

180 180 180 180


Bachelor of Communication Sciences (Bachelor in de Communicatiewetenschappen) Bachelor of Political and Social Sciences (Bachelor in de Politieke en Sociale Wetenschappen)

180 180


Bachelor of Linguistics and Literature (Dutch, French, English, Latin, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish) (Bachelor in Taal- en Letterkunde: Nederlands, Frans, Engels, Latijn, Duits, Grieks, Italiaans, Spaans) Bachelor of Language and Area Studies: Ancient Near East East (Bachelor in de Taal- en Regiostudies: Oude Nabije Oosten) Bachelor of Language and Area Studies: Arab and Islamic Studies (Bachelor in de Taal- en Regiostudies: Arabistiek en Islamkunde) Bachelor of Language and Area Studies: Sinology (Bachelor in de Taal- en Regiostudies: Sinologie) Bachelor of Language and Area Studies: Japanology (Bachelor in de Taal- en Regiostudies: Japanologie) 180 180 180 D D D 180 D 180 D


Bachelor of Language and Area Studies: Slavic and East European Studies (Bachelor in de Taal- en Regiostudies: Slavistiek en Oost-Europakunde) Bachelor of History (Bachelor in de Geschiedenis) Bachelor of Archaeology (Bachelor in de Archeologie) Bachelor of Art Studies (Bachelor in de Kunstwetenschappen) Bachelor of Musicology (Bachelor in de Musicologie) 180 180 180 180 180 D D D D D


Bachelor of Psychology (Bachelor in de Psychologie) Bachelor of Educational Sciences (Bachelor in de Pedagogische Wetenschappen) Bachelor of Educational Studies (Kortrijk) (Bachelor in de Onderwijskunde)

180 180 180


Bachelor of Mathematics (Bachelor in de Wiskunde) Bachelor of Physics (Bachelor in de Fysica) Bachelor of Informatics (Bachelor in de Informatica) Bachelor of Chemistry (Bachelor in de Chemie) Bachelor of Biology (Bachelor in de Biologie) Bachelor of Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Bachelor in de Biochemie en Biotechnologie) Bachelor of Geology (Bachelor in de Geologie) Bachelor of Geography (Bachelor in de Geografie)

180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180


Bachelor of Applied Sciences and Engineering: (Bachelor in de Toegepaste Wetenschappen en Ingenieurswetenschappen) - Civil Engineering (Bouwkunde) - Mechanical Engineering (Werktuigkunde) - Electrical Engineering (Elektrotechniek) - Geotechnical and Mining Engineering (Geotechniek en Mijnbouwkunde) - Computer Science (Computerwetenschappen) - Chemical Engineering (Chemische Technologie) - Materials Engineering (Materiaalkunde) - Architecture (Architectuur)

180 180 180 180 180 180 180 180


Bachelor of Bioscience Engineering (Bachelor in de Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen)



Bachelor of Medicine (Bachelor in de Geneeskunde) Bachelor of Dentistry (Bachelor in de Tandheelkunde) Bachelor of Speech Therapy and Audiology Sciences (Bachelor in de Logopedische en Audiologische Wetenschappen) Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences (Bachelor in de Bio-medische Wetenschappen)

180 180 180 180


Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Bachelor in de Farmaceutische Wetenschappen)



Bachelor of Physical Education and Kinesiology (Bachelor in de Lichamelijke Opvoeding en Bewegingswetenschappen) Bachelor of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy (Bachelor in de Revalidatiewetenschappen en Kinesitherapie) 180 D 180 D


Survey of the Masters Programmes taught in Dutch



Master of Theology and Religious Studies (Master in de Godgeleerdheid en de Godsdienstwetenschappen) Master of World Religions, Interreligious Dialogue and Religious Studies (Master in de Wereldgodsdiensten, de Interreligieuze Dialoog en de Religiestudie) Master of Advanced Studies in Theology and Religion (Master in de gespecialiseerde studies in de Godgeleerdheid en de Godsdienstwetenschappen)

60 60 60



Master of Philosophy (Master in de Filosofie)





Master of Law, Religion and Society (Master in Samenleving, Recht en Religie) Master of Canon Law (Iuris Canonici Licentiatus) (Master in het Kerkelijk Recht)

60 120



Master of Laws (Master in de Rechten) Master of Criminology (Master in de Criminologie) Master of Economics, Law and Business Studies (Master in de Economie, Het Recht en de Bedrijfskunde) Master of Corporation Law (Master in het Vennootschapsrecht) Master of Intellectual Property Rights (Master in de Intellectuele Rechten) Master of Laws in Notarial Studies (Master in het Notariaat) Master of Taxation (Master in de Fiscaliteit)

120 60 120 60 60 60 60




Master of Economics (Master in de Economie) Master of Business Economics (Master in de Bedrijfseconomie) Master of Business Economics: Business Engineering (Master in de Toegepaste Wetenschappen: Handelsingenieur) Master of Business Economics: Information Systems Engineering (Master in de Toegepaste Economische Wetenschappen: Handelsingenieur in de Beleidsinformatica) Master of Accounting and Auditing (Master in de Accountancy en Revisoraat) Master of Economic Policy (Master in de Beleidseconomie) Master of Information Management (Master in het Informatiemanagement) Master of Insurance Studies (Master in de Verzekeringen) Master of Management (Master in het Management) Master of Economics, Law and Business Studies (Master in de Economie, het Recht en de Bedrijfskunde)

60 60 120 120 60 60 60 60 60 120



Master of Communication Sciences (Master in de Communicatiewetenschappen) Master of Business Communication (Master in de Bedrijfscommunicatie) Master of Sociology (Master in de Sociologie) Master of Public Management and Public Policy (Master in het Overheidsmanagement en -beleid) Master of Social Work (Master in het Sociaal Werk) Master of Social and Cultural Anthropology (Master in de Sociale en Culturele Antropologie)

60 60 60 60 60 120



Master of Comparative and International Politics (Master in de Vergelijkende en Internationale Politiek) 60



Master of Linguistics (Master in de Taalkunde) Master of Linguistics and Literature (Dutch, French, English, Latin, German, Greek, Italian, Spanish)




(Master in de Taal- en Letterkunde: Nederlands, Frans, Engels, Latijn, Duits, Grieks, Italiaans, Spaans)60 Master of Language and Area Studies: Ancient Near East (Master in de Taal- en Regiostudies: Oude Nabije Oosten) Master of Language and Area Studies: Arabic and Islamic Studies (Master in de Taal- en Regiostudies: Arabistiek en Islamkunde) Master of Language and Area Studies: Japanology (Master in de Taal- en Regiostudies: Japanologie) Master of Language and Area Studies: Sinology (Master in de Taal- en Regiostudies: Sinologie) Master of Language and Area Studies: Slavic and East European Studies (Master in de Taal- en Regiostudies: Slavistiek en Oost-Europakunde) Master of Western Literature (Master in de Westerse Literatuur) Master of Ancient History (Master in de Geschiedenis van de Oudheid) Master of History (Master in de Geschiedenis) Master of Archaeology (Master in de Archeologie) Master of Art Studies (Master in de Kunstwetenschappen) Master of Business Communication (Master in de Bedrijfscommunicatie) Master of Cultural Studies (Master in de Culturele Studies) Master of Musicology (Master in de Musicologie) Master of European Studies: Transnational and Global Perspectives (Master in de Europese Studies: Transnationale en Mondiale Perspectieven) Master of Literary Studies (Master in de Literatuurwetenschappen) 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60


Master of Psychology (Master in de Psychologie) Master of Educational Sciences (Master in de Pedagogische Wetenschappen) Master of Educational Studies (Master in de Educatieve Studies)

120 120 60



Master of Astronomy (Master in de Astronomie) Master of Biochemistry and Biotechnology (Master in de Biochemie en Biotechnologie) Master of Biology (Master in de Biologie) Master of Chemistry (Master in de Chemie) Master of Geography (Master in de Geografie) Master of Geology (Master in de Geologie) Master of Informatics (Master in de Informatica) Master of Applied Informatics (Master in de Toegepaster Informatica) Master of Bio-informatics (Master in de Bio-informatica) Master of Mathematics (Master in de Wiskunde) Master of Physics (Master in de Fysica) Master of Statistics (Master in de Statistiek) Master of Environmental Technology and Science (Master in de Milieutechnologie en Milieuwetenschappen) Master of Earth Observation (Master in de Aardobservatie) Master of Tourism (Master in het Toerisme) Master of Medical Radiation Physics (Master in de Stralingsfysica)

120 120 120 120 120 120 120 60 120 120 120 120 120 120 60 60



Master of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Master in de Nanowetenschappen en Nanotechnologie) 120



Master of Applied Sciences and Engineering: (Master in de Ingenieurswetenschappen) - Architecture (Architectuur) - Biomedical Technology (Biomedische Technologie) - Chemical Technology (Chemische Technologie) - Civil Engineering (Bouwkunde) - Computer Science (Computerwetenschappen) - Electrical Engineering (ICT) (Elektrotechniek) - Energy (Energie) - Geotechnical and Mining Engineering (Geotechniek en Mijnbouwkunde) - Materials Engineering (Materiaalkunde) - Mathematical Engineering (Wiskundige Ingenieurstechnieken) - Mechanical Engineering (Werktuigkunde) Master of Bio-informatics (Master in de Bio-informatica) Master of Environmental Technology and Science (Master in de Milieutechnologie en Milieuwetenschappen) Master of Statistics (Master in de Statistiek) Master of Safety Technology (Master in de Veiligheidstechniek)

120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 60



Master of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Master in de Nanowetenschappen en Nanotechnologie) 120

Master of Bioscience Engineering: (Master in de Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen) - Agricultural Sciences (Landbouwkunde) - Biomolecular Engineering (Biomedische Technologie) - Biosystems Engineering (Biosysteemtechniek) - Catalytic Science and Technology (Katalytische Technologie) - Food Science and Technology (Levensmiddelen Technologie) - Land and Forest Management (Land- en Bosbeheer) Master of Bio-informatics (Master in de Bio-informatica) Master of Environmental Technology and Science (Master in de Milieutechnologie en Milieuwetenschappen) Master of Earth Observation (Master in de Aardobservatie) Master of Statistics (Master in de Statistiek)

120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120



Master of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (Master in de Nanowetenschappen en Nanotechnologie) 120

Master of Medicine (Master in de Geneeskunde) Master of Dentistry (Master in de Tandheelkunde) Master of Biomedical Sciences (Master in de Biomedische Wetenschappen) Master of Nursing and Obstetrics (Master in de Verpleegkunde en de Vroedkunde) Master of Speech Therapy and Audiology Sciences (Master in de Logopedische en Adiologische Wetenschappen) Master of Healthcare Management and Policy (Master in het Management en het Beleid van de Gezondheidszorg) Master of Human Sexuality Studies (Master in de Seksuologie) Master of Bio-informatics (Master in de Bio-informatica) Master of Family Medicine (Master in de Huisartsgeneeskunde) Master of Hospital Hygiene (Master in de Ziekenhuishygine) Master of Insurance Medicine and Medico-legal Expertise (Master in de Verzekeringsgeneeskunde en de Medische Expertise) Master of Medical Radiation Physics (Master in de Medische Stralingsfysica)

240 120 120 60 60 60 120 120 120 60 120 60




Master of Occupational Medicine (Master in de Specialistische Geneeskunde) Master of Sports Medicine (Master in de Sportgeneeskunce) Master of Youth Health Care (Master in de Jeugdgezondheidszorg)

120 60 120



Master of Pharmaceutical Care (Master in de Farmaceutische Zorg) Master of Drug Development (Master in de Geneesmiddelenontwikkeling) Master of Hospital Pharmacy (Master in de Ziekenhuisfarmacie) Master of Industrial Pharmacy (Master in de Industrile Farmacie)

120 120 60 60




Master of Physical Education and Kinesiology (Master in de Lichamelijke Opvoeding en de Bewegingswetenschappen) Master of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy (Master in de Revalidatiewetenschappen en Kinesitherapie) Master of Sports Medicine (Master in de Sportgeneeskunde) 60 60 D&E D IMA MAS 60 D IMA

Survey of the Masters Programmes taught in English

The following list is based on the compilation of November 2009 and can be subject to further revision. For the specific admission requirements (academic, language and supplementary) please check the K.U.Leuven website for the latest information:

PHILOSOPHY AND MORAL SCIENCES PROGRAMME Master of Philosophy CREDITS 60 TYPE IMA ADDRESS & INFORMATION Institute of Philosophy Kardinaal Mercierplein 2 bus 3220 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 63 02 or + 32 16 32 63 47 fax + 32 16 32 63 52 e-mail: Master of Philosophy (MPhil) 60 MAS As above


THEOLOGY, RELIGIOUS STUDIES AND CANON LAW PROGRAMME Master of Theology and Religious Studies CREDITS 60 TYPE IMA ADDRESS & INFORMATION Faculty of Theology Sint-Michielsstraat 6 bus 3100 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 38 69 (office hours) fax + 32 16 32 38 58 e-mail: Master of Advanced Studies in Theology and Religion Master of Society, Law and Religion opleidingen/lawreligion.html 60 IMA Faculty of Canon Law Tiensestraat 41 bus 3435 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 53 21 fax + 32 16 32 51 57 e-mail: Master of Canon Law (Iuris Canonici Licentiatus) manamas/opleidingen/canon.html 120 MAS As above 60 MAS As above

LANGUAGE AND LITERARY STUDIES PROGRAMME Master of Linguistics and Literature: English CREDITS 60 TYPE IMA ADDRESS & INFORMATION Faculty of Arts Blijde-Inkomststraat 21 bus 3311 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 48 81 e-mail: Master en langue et littrature franaises [taught in French] Master of Western Literature 60 IMA As above 60 IMA As above


Master of Advanced Studies in Linguistics [Interuniversity programme in cooperation with the Universiteit Antwerpen, the Universiteit Gent and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel] Mster en Estudios Ibricos e Iberoamericanos [multilingual programme] [Interuniversity programme - in cooperation with the Universit Catholique de Louvain] Master of Literary Studies [Interuniversity programme in cooperation with the Universiteit Antwerpen, the Universiteit Gent and the Vrije Universiteit Brussel] [taught primarily in Dutch but also in English and French]



Faculty of Arts Blijde-Inkomststraat 21 bus 3308 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 48 11 e-mail: e-mail:



Faculty of Arts-International Office Blijde-Inkomststraat 21 bus 3308 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 47 70 fax + 32 16 32 47 67 e-mail:



Faculty of Arts-International Office Blijde-Inkomststraat 21 bus 3312 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 50 13 fax + 32 16 32 47 31 e-mail:

LANGUAGE AND LITERARY STUDIES / HISTORY / POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES PROGRAMME Master of European Studies: Transnational and Global Perspectives CREDITS 60 TYPE IMA ADDRESS & INFORMATION European Studies Lipsius Centre for European Studies Europahuis Blijde-Inkomststraat 5 bus 3002 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 53 48 fax + 32 16 32 53 44 e-mail: e-mail:


Master of American Studies [Interuniversity programme organised by the Universiteit Antwerpen in cooperation with the Universiteit Gent, the Vrije Universiteit Brussel and the K.U.Leuven] manamas/opleidingen/american.html



Prof. Bart Eeckhout, Programme Coordinator Universiteit Antwerpen tel. + 32 3 220 42 75 e-mail: Ms. Myriam Lodeweyckx Administrative Assistant Centre for American Studies, Royal Library (Brussels) tel. + 32 2 519 55 23 e-mail: ma_program.html

Study Abroad Programme in European Culture and Society

1 or 2 semesters

Study Abroad Office in your home educational institution

HISTORY PROGRAMME Master of Medieval and Renaissance Studies CREDITS 60 TYPE MAS ADDRESS & INFORMATION Faculty of Arts-International Office Blijde-Inkomststraat 21 bus 3312 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 50 13 fax + 32 16 32 47 31 e-mail:

ARCHAEOLOGY AND FINE ARTS / SCIENCES PROGRAMME Master of Archaeology CREDITS 60 TYPE IMA ADDRESS & INFORMATION Faculty of Arts-International Office Blijde-Inkomststraat 21 bus 3312 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 50 13 fax + 32 16 32 47 31 e-mail:


LAWS, NOTARIAL STUDIES AND CRIMINOLOGICAL SCIENCES PROGRAMME Master of Criminology opleidingen/criminology.htm CREDITS 60 TYPE IMA ADDRESS & INFORMATION Centre for Advanced Legal Studies Hooverplein 10 bus 3418 3000 LEUVEN tel + 32 16 32 52 74 fax + 32 16 32 54 63 e-mail: Master of Laws (LLM) Four options: EU Law, ICT Law, Intellectual Property Law, International Business Law 60 MAS Centre for Advanced Legal Studies Tiensestraat 41 bus 3432 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 53 12 fax + 32 16 32 51 13 e-mail: e-mail: Master of Laws in Energy and Environmental Law manamas/opleidingen/meel.htm 60 MAS Institute of Environmental and Energy Law Tiensestraat 41 bus 3414 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 51 32 fax + 32 16 32 54 86 e-mail: Master of Laws in European and International Taxation [Interuniversity programme in cooperation with the Universiteit van Tilburg] 60 MAS European Tax College Warandelaan 2, Building M, Office 611 P.O. Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, the Netherlands tel. + 31 13 466 2837 fax + 31 13 466 3073 e-mail: Master of European Social Security 60 MAS Institute of Social Law Tiensestraat 41 bus 3409 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 54 16 fax + 32 16 32 51 13 e-mail: e-mail:


PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATIONAL STUDIES PROGRAMME Master of Educational Studies CREDITS 60 YPE IMA ADDRESS & INFORMATION Department of Educational Sciences Tiensestraat 102 bus 3702 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 58 78 fax + 32 16 32 60 00 e-mail: e-mail:

ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS ECONOMICS PROGRAMME Master of Advanced Studies in Economics CREDITS 60 TYPE MAS ADDRESS & INFORMATION Ms. Annemie Vercruysse Centre for Economic Studies Naamsestraat 69 bus 3500 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 67 97 fax + 32 16 32 67 96 e-mail: Master of Advanced Business Studies 60 MAS Leuven School of Business and Economics Naamsestraat 69 bus 3500 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 66 19 fax + 32 16 32 66 20 e-mail: Master of Financial Economics Master of Economics opleidingen/economics.html Master of Business Economics Master of Information Management opleidingen/infomanagementEN.html 60 IMA As above 60 IMA As above 60 MAS As above 60 MAS As above


POLITICAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES PROGRAMME Master of Social and Cultural Anthropology CREDITS 120 TYPE IMA ADDRESS & INFORMATION Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology Parkstraat 45 bus 3610 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 54 96 or + 32 16 32 60 07 fax + 32 16 32 59 02 e-mail: Master of European Politics and Policies manamas/opleidingen/mepp.htm [Interuniversity programme in cooperation with six international universities] 60 MAS Ms. Evelien Cautaert Co-ordinator MEPP Programme Parkstraat 45 bus 3609 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 31 01 or + 32 16 32 60 45 fax + 32 16 32 32 67 e-mail: Master of Social Policy Analysis IMPALLA manamas/opleidingen/impalla.htm [Interuniversity programme - in cooperation with the Universiteit van Tilburg, Universit de Nancy II and the Universit du Luxembourg] Master of Cultures and Development Studies 60 MAS Ms. Sylvia Tutenel Faculty of Social Sciences Parkstraat 45 bus 3600 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 60 45 fax + 32 16 32 59 02 e-mail: Master of Quantitative Analysis in the Social Sciences [Interuniversity programme - organised by the Katholieke Universiteit Brussel in cooperation with the K.U.Leuven] 60 MAS Faculty of Political, Social and Communication Sciences Katholieke Universiteit Brussel Vrijheidslaan 17 1081 BRUSSELS tel. + 32 2 412 42 16 fax + 32 2 412 42 00 e-mail: 60 MAS CEPS/INSTEAD 44, rue Emile Mark B.P. 48 L-4501 DIFFERDANGE Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg e-mail:


KINESIOLOGY AND REHABILITATION SCIENCES PROGRAMME Master of Rehabilitation Sciences and Physiotherapy CREDITS 60 TYPE IMA ADDRESS & INFORMATION Ms. Lies van Gestel Faculty of Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Sciences Tervuursevest 101 bus 1500 3001 LEUVEN (Heverlee) tel. + 32 16 32 91 55 fax + 32 16 32 91 96 e-mail: Erasmus Mundus Master of Adapted Physical Activity [Interuniversity programme - in cooperation with the University of Limerick, the Norges Idrettshgskole and Univerzita Palckho v Olomouci] 120 IMA Ms. Iana Dobreva Research Centre for Adapted Physical Activity and Psychomotor Revalidation Tervuursevest 101 bus 1500 3001 LEUVEN (Heverlee) tel. + 32 16 32 91 26 fax + 32 16 32 91 96 e-mail: Master of Exercise and Sport Psychology [Interuniversity programme in cooperation with European universities] 60 MAS Ms. Lies van Gestel Faculty of Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Sciences Tervuursevest 101 bus 1500 3001 LEUVEN (Heverlee) tel. + 32 16 32 91 55 fax + 32 16 32 91 96 e-mail:

SCIENCES PROGRAMME Master of Astronomy and Astrophysics CREDITS 120 TYPE IMA ADDRESS & INFORMATION Faculty of Science Kasteelpark Arenberg 11 bus 2100 3001 LEUVEN (Heverlee) tel. + 32 16 32 14 01 fax + 32 16 32 19 95 e-mail: Master of Biology Master of Chemistry 120 IMA As above 120 IMA As above


Master of Geography [Inter-university programme - in cooperation with the Vrije Universiteit Brussel] Master of Mathematics Master of Molecular and Cellular Biophysics Master of Physics Master of Statistics



As above



As above



As above



As above



University Statistics Centre W. de Croylaan 54 bus 5307 3001 LEUVEN (Heverlee) tel. + 32 16 32 22 42 fax + 32 16 32 28 31 e-mail:

SCIENCES / ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS ECONOMICS PROGRAMME Master of Financial and Actuarial Engineering CREDITS 60 TYPE MAS ADDRESS & INFORMATION Leuven School of Business and Economics Naamsestraat 69 bus 3507 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 66 19 fax + 32 16 32 66 20 e-mail: e-mail: fa_engineering.htm

APPLIED SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING PROGRAMME Master of Engineering: Materials Engineering

` CREDITS 120 TYPE IMA ADDRESS & INFORMATION Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Kasteelpark Arenberg 44 bus 2450 3001 LEUVEN (Heverlee) tel. + 32 16 32 13 14 fax + 32 16 32 19 73 e-mail:


Master of Engineering: Electrical Engineering (ICT)



Prof. Dr. Ir. Ingrid Verbauwhede Dept. Electrical Engineering - ESAT Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 bus 2446 3001 LEUVEN (Heverlee) e-mail:

Master of Conservation of Monuments and Sites



International Centre for Conservation Kasteelpark Arenberg 1 bus 2431 3001 LEUVEN (Heverlee) tel. + 32 16 32 17 48 fax + 32 16 32 19 83 e-mail:

Master of Urbanism and Strategic Planning



Ms. Maura Slootmaekers Department ASRO bus 2429 Kasteelpark Arenberg 1 3001 LEUVEN (Heverlee) tel. + 32 16 32 13 91 fax + 32 16 32 19 81 e-mail:

Master of Human Settlements Master of Artificial Intelligence



As above



Secretariat Master of Artificial Intelligence K.U.Leuven Department of Computer science MAI Celestijnenlaan 200A 3001 HEVERLEE, Belgium tel. + 32 16 32 78 17 fax + 32 16 32 79 96 e-mail:

Master of Nuclear Engineering [Interuniversity programme - in cooperation with the Universiteit Gent, the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, the Universit de Lige and the Universit Catholique de Louvain]



Centre for Nuclear Engineering c/o Division of Energy Conversion Celestijnenlaan 300 A bus 2421 3001 LEUVEN (Heverlee) tel. + 32 16 32 25 11 fax + 32 16 32 29 85 e-mail:


Master of Industrial Management



Centre for Industrial Management Celestijnenlaan 300 A bus 2422 3001 LEUVEN (Heverlee) tel. + 32 16 32 25 67 fax + 32 16 32 29 86 e-mail:

Master of Engineering: Chemical Technology (Engineering Rheology opleidingen/rheology.html



Dr. Paula Moldenaers Applied Rheology and Polymer Processing Section Dept. of Chemical Engineering Techniques Willem de Croylaan 46 bus 2423 3001 LEUVEN (Heverlee) tel. + 32 16 32 23 59 or + 32 16 32 26 76 fax + 32 16 32 29 91 e-mail:

APPLIED SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING / BIOSCIENCE ENGINEERING / SCIENCES PROGRAMME Erasmus Mundus Master of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology [Interuniversity programme in cooperation with Chalmers Tekniska Hgskola, Technische Universiteit Delft/Universiteit Leiden and Technische Universitt Dresden] Master of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 120 IMA Prof. Guido Groeseneken IMEC Kapeldreef 75 3001 LEUVEN (Heverlee) e-mail: CREDITS 120 TYPE IMA ADDRESS & INFORMATION Ms. Elke Delfosse IMEC Kapeldreef 75 3001 LEUVEN (Heverlee) tel. + 32 16 28 17 47 e-mail:

APPLIED SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING / MEDICAL SCIENCES PROGRAMME Postgraduate Programme in Biomedical Engineering postgrad_BME.html CREDITS 39 TYPE ADDRESS & INFORMATION Department of Biomechanics and Graphic Design Celestijnenlaan 300C bus 2419 3001 LEUVEN (Heverlee) tel. + 32 16 32 70 96 fax + 32 16 32 79 94 e-mail: opleidingen/E/SC_51094625.htm


BIOSCIENCE ENGINEERING PROGRAMME Master of Tropical Natural Resources Management CREDITS 120 TYPE IMA ADDRESS & INFORMATION Laboratory of Tropical Crop Improvement Faculty of Applied Bioscience and Engineering Kasteelpark Arenberg 13 bus 2455 3001 LEUVEN (Heverlee) tel. + 32 16 32 14 21 fax + 32 16 32 19 93 e-mail: Master of Food Technology [Interuniversity programme organised by the Universiteit Gent in cooperation with the K.U.Leuven] 120 IMA Laboratory of Food Technology Kasteelpark Arenberg 22 bus 2457 3001 LEUVEN (Heverlee) tel. + 32 16 32 14 09 fax + 32 16 32 19 60 e-mail: Master of Molecular Biology opleidingen/molecular.htm [Interuniversity programme organised by the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in cooperation with the K.U.Leuven and the Universiteit Antwerpen] 120 IMA Institute of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology Vrije Universiteit Brussel Pleinlaan 2, Building E, Room 5.01 1050 BRUSSELS tel. + 32 2 629 18 63 or + 32 2 629 19 56 fax + 32 2 629 18 60 e-mail:

BIOSCIENCE ENGINEERING / APPLIED SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING / SCIENCES PROGRAMME Master of Earth Observation CREDITS 120 TYPE IMA ADDRESS & INFORMATION International Study Programmes Faculty of Bioscience Engineering Kasteelpark Arenberg 20 bus 2300 3001 LEUVEN (Heverlee) tel. + 32 16 32 17 44 fax + 32 16 32 19 99 e-mail: home.htm


Master of Water Resources Engineering [Interuniversity programme in cooperation with the Vrije Universiteit Brussel]



International Study Programmes Faculty of Bioscience Engineering Kasteelpark Arenberg 20 bus 2300 3001 LEUVEN (Heverlee) tel. + 32 16 32 17 44 fax + 32 16 32 19 99 e-mail:

Master of Space Studies opleidingen/spacestudies.html



Astronomy Department Celestijnenlaan 200d - bus 2401 3001 Heverlee Tel. +32 16 327036 or +32 16 327027 e-mail: PMA Department Kasteelpark Arenberg 41 - bus 2449 3001 Heverlee Tel. +32 16 328605 of +32 16 322480 Fax. +32 16 322987

Erasmus Mundus Master in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling

BIOSCIENCE ENGINEERING / APPLIED SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING / SCIENCES / MEDICAL SCIENCES PROGRAMME Master of Bio-informatics CREDITS 120 TYPE IMA ADDRESS & INFORMATION Prof. Dr. Jozef Vanderleyden Chair, Centre of Microbial and Plant Genetics Kasteelpark Arenberg 20 bus 2460 3001 LEUVEN (Heverlee) tel. + 32 16 32 96 79 fax + 32 16 32 19 66 e-mail:

MEDICAL SCIENCES / APPLIED SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING / SCIENCES PROGRAMME Postgraduate Studies in Advanced Medical Imaging opleidingen/E/SC_51017081.htm CREDITS 60 TYPE ADDRESS & INFORMATION Medical Imaging Centre University Hospital Gasthuisberg Herestraat 49 bus 7003 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 34 34 71 fax + 32 16 34 34 67 e-mail:


MEDICAL SCIENCES / THEOLOGY, RELIGIOUS STUDIES / PHILOSOPHY AND MORAL SCIENCES PROGRAMME Erasmus Mundus Master of Bioethics [Interuniversity programme - in cooperation with Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen and Universit degli Studi di Padova] CREDITS 60 TYPE MAS ADDRESS & INFORMATION Interfaculty Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law Kapucijnenvoer 35, blok d bus 7001 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 33 69 26 or + 32 16 33 69 51 fax + 32 16 33 69 52 e-mail:

DENTAL SCIENCES PROGRAMME Master of Forensic Odontology CREDITS 60 TYPE MAS ADDRESS & INFORMATION School of Dentistry, Oral Pathology & Maxillo-Facial Surgery Conservative Dentistry Section University Hospital St.-Rafal Kapucijnenvoer 7 blok a bus 7001 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 33 24 66 or + 32 16 33 24 77 fax + 32 16 33 24 35 e-mail:

Master of Oral Health Research



School of Dentistry, Oral Pathology & Maxillo-Facial Surgery University Hospital St.-Rafal, Kapucijnenvoer 7 blok a bus 7001 3000 Leuven Tel. +32 16 33 24 59 Fax +32 16 33 24 35 e-mail:

PHARMACEUTICAL SCIENCES PROGRAMME Postgraduate Studies in Pharmaceutical Research opleidingen/E/SC_51017040.htm CREDITS 60 TYPE ADDRESS & INFORMATION Prof. Dr. Patrick De Witte Laboratory for Pharmaceutical Biology O&N II Herestraat 49 bus 824 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 34 32 or + 32 16 33 04 17 fax + 32 16 32 34 60 e-mail:

How much are the costs and what are the possibilities for scholarships?


One must keep in mind that studies abroad are not to be undertaken lightly. These require serious preparation at many levels. Aside from ones academic qualifications, there are important practicalities to keep in mind, in particular ones finances. With regard to enrolment, registration fees at K.U.Leuven are among the lowest in the world for the simple reason that most of its programmes, both for Belgian as well as international students, are largely subsidised by the Government. Further, the cost of living in Belgium compares favourably with other industrialised countries. Nonetheless, the budget for a year of studies is still considerable, not only for the candidates or their sponsors, but also for the university and the subsidising Government. Therefore, the following important information is provided below to help one plan ones budget for ones studies.

Non-EEA students cannot register on a part-time basis. For bachelor's and initial master's programmes, the tuition fee for students from non-EEA countries amounts to 5600 unless they fall within the funding that is made available by the Flemish government. In the latter case the tuition fee amounts to 61.80 + 8.40 per study point, which totals 567.80 for a programme of 60 study points. For the 2010-2011 academic year the fee can be slightly increased after indexation. The tuition fee for VLIR-ICP scholarship students from developing countries for masters programmes, and for students from the VLIR-ICP country list registering for an ICP initial masters programme, amounts to 80.


How much is the tuition fee?

First registration and defence: the tuition fee amounts to On the basis of the Decree on Flexibility of Higher Education, the following tuition fees for international students depending on their citizenship have been proposed. Below, you will find the fees valid for 2009-2010. For the most recent information for the academic year 2010-2011 (after indexation) please consult: K.U.Leuven reserves the right to adjust the tuition fees accordingly. SPECIAL TUITION FEES FOR ADVANCED MASTER'S PROGRAMMES The special tuition fees for certain advanced master's programmes for the 2009-2010 academic year are listed on our website: BACHELORS AND MASTERS PROGRAMMES The tuition fee for EEA students amounts to a fixed amount of 61.80 + 8.40 per study point for the 2009-2010 academic year. This means that a full-time programme of 60 study points amounts to 567,80. For the 2010-2011 academic year the fee can be slightly increased after indexation. The fees for the 2010-2011 academic year will be determined by March 2010 only. Please consult our website for the updated information: 269.90 for the 2009-2010 academic year for all students. For the 2010-2011 academic year the fee can be slightly increased after indexation.



NATIONALITY European Economic Area Study Abroad Programme in ECS Not applicable Non-EEA 567.80 + additional registration fees collected by the programme 269.90, no fee for re-registration 269.90, no fee for re-registration 269.90, no fee for re-registration 61.80 + additional registration fees collected by the programme 61.80 + additional registration fees collected by the programme 61.80 + additional registration fees collected by the ILT 61.80 + insurance costs 61.80 In a faculty: 61.80; without a faculty: no fee No fee No fee No fee

International Scholar Specialisation student Predoctoral studies Continuing education

269.90, no fee for re-registration 269.90, no fee for re-registration 269.90, no fee for re-registration 61.80 + additional registration fees collected by the programme 61.80 + additional registration fees collected by the programme 61.80 + additional registration fees collected by the ILT 61.80 + insurance costs 61.80 In a faculty: 61.80; without a faculty: no fee No fee No fee No fee

Postgraduate studies

Dutch language year at the ILT

Visiting Scholar Guest student, distance students Training in medical specialities Exchange students Interuniversity registration Open University

For the 2010-2011 academic year, the fees can be slightly increased after indexation.

How much is a monthly/yearly budget in Leuven?

The estimates below provide a rough average of what a monthly/yearly budget in Leuven can amount to, apart from the tuition fee. Basically, these figures reflect a budget that is realistic and sufficient to live simply and decently. This rough minimum is also based on a subsistence minimum. It is the amount legally stipulated even for Belgians and Belgian families with children as the basic sum needed for a decent living. PREPARATION AND DEPARTURE FOR LEUVEN: DEPENDING ON COUNTRY Before travelling to Leuven, a budget must be foreseen for the following possible costs while still in home country: visa/passport application fees, transportation costs, ticket reservation costs, accommodations, costs for ticket(s), shipping costs for extra baggage and medical costs. If the partner or the family will come along to Leuven, the extra costs need to be calculated as well.

Single ARRIVAL 148.5

With partner 297

This amount includes transportation costs to Leuven within Belgium, temporary accommodation, communication costs with family at home country and the registration at the City Hall (administrative costs, ID pictures, ). ONE-TIME INSTALLATION COSTS (TOTAL) For clothing upon arrival Housing - Telephone costs for appointments - Rent guarantee - Rent for 1st month - Fire insurance - Rent/purchase furniture - Utilities costs: phone, water, electricity, etc. - Purchase household utensils - Cable TV connection and subscription - Bicycle rent and guarantee 1308 3925.95


These installation costs are normally spent once and they include the costs for clothing that needs to be bought upon arrival and the costs for searching and furnishing your lodgings. The number of available accommodations, however, in subsidised housing and for K.U.Leuven scholarship holders is quite limited, and are governed by very strict conditions. Thus do not count too much on this. If one complies with these conditions, then the monthly rent costs 225-250 (single room), 400-600 (one-bedroom apartment) and 750 + (two-bedroom apartment). The costs which are not accounted for in this case are: the payment of a rent guarantee and the rent/purchase of furniture, and the fire insurance; cable TV connection and subscription are included in the rent. The rent for housing in the private sector is considerably higher than in the subsidised housing. YEARLY STUDY COSTS (TOTAL) Registration - Tuition fee - Health insurance - Sport card Study materials Academic activities See table 13 110 17 594.85 357 See table 13 110 17 594.85 357 - Third Party Liability insurance 1155 1155

PREPARATION AND DEPARTURE FOR HOME COUNTRY: DEPENDING ON COUNTRY Before departure for ones home country, a budget needs to be foreseen for the following costs: closing accounts, ticket reservation costs, costs for ticket(s), transportation costs and shipping costs for baggage. YEARLY STUDY AND LIVING COSTS Yearly study costs (excluding tuition fee) Monthly costs x 12 1155 7849.8 1155 16417.8 17572.8 Single With partner

TOTAL (excluding tuition fee) 9004.8

Note: The yearly housing and living costs will of course be higher depending on the number of children and persons in the family. This also applies for the one-time installation costs.

Health Insurance fees particularly for Non-EEA students

Like all EEA citizens, all non-Belgians who reside in Belgium for whatever reason need to be covered by a health insurance. As far as international students are concerned, they are thus required to be affiliated with a Belgian Health Insurance agency. More detailed information with regard to health insurance in Belgium for international students can be found in our other brochures Travelling to Leuven and Living in Leuven.

The registration fee can vary depending on the academic programme or course of study. The costs for study materials as well as for academic activities can vary depending on the programme. These costs are valid for 2009-2010, and are subject to change.

MONTHLY LIVING COSTS (TOTAL) Monthly costs housing - Monthly rent for lodgings - Monthly utilities costs Monthly living costs The monthly costs include the expenses for housing (monthly rent + monthly miscellaneous costs) and the monthly living costs. The following items are covered by the monthly living costs: food, clothes, medical costs, purchase of household implements, language courses, relaxation/free time, transportation costs and expenses for the children. Families need to calculate the costs for baby food, diapers, day care, The Belgian authorities do not issue an Authorisation for Provisional Sojourn to international students who state that they will work as job students to finance their studies. In Belgium, the demands of the studies themselves are quite rigorous and access to the job market is very strictly monitored. For these reasons, it is practically impossible to finance ones studies and living expenses in Leuven as a job student. 654.15 1368.15 It is essential that you assess the financial means necessary for living and studying in Belgium adequately and responsibly. Material uncertainty during studies can jeopardise the successful completion of your programme. The figures above can help you estimate these expenses. A proof of solvency is one of the conditions for acquiring an Authorisation for Provisional Sojourn as a student in Belgium.


Married students generally want to bring their families along with them to Belgium. The practicality of this plan depends on the financial capacity of the family. Again, please refer to the estimates above to give you an idea of your budget as a family. To receive a residence visa for family members, proof must also be presented to the Belgian authorities that you have sufficient income to cover the costs of your familys stay. We stress that you must have sufficient funds at hand for the whole of your stay in Leuven. It is impossible to obtain financial help from the University or any other Belgian institution once already in the country.

Leuven Research and Development IMEC

IN THE FRAMEWORK OF DEVELOPMENT CO-OPERATION Interfaculty Council for Development Co-operation (IRO, Interfacultaire Raad voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking) of K.U.Leuven

How to apply for scholarships?

General Conditions Obtaining a scholarship or a study grant are other ways to finance your studies. The following classification of organisations provides general information about possible sources of scholarships or grants from within K.U.Leuven itself and from other possible sources. Note, however, that scholarships are in general granted for graduate or postgraduate levels only. The scholarships are only granted for doctoral or predoctoral programmes. Only candidates with excellent academic results are selected. IN THE FRAMEWORK OF RESEARCH PROJECTS WITHIN K.U.LEUVEN Certain institutions or departments within K.U.Leuven have their own possibilities for scholarships for particular research projects. It would be best to consult the respective professors who are affiliated with the groups listed below. Research projects posted in the Doctoral Schools Research projects of individual professors The proposal must be clear, feasible and goal-oriented. University Hospitals and the Rega Institute The age limit is 35 years. Priority is given to young students under 30 years of age. It must be possible to complete the research within a maximum of four years. You can find more general information about doctoral studies at K.U.Leuven on the following webpages: Your first step should be to contact a supervisor to discuss the opportunities for pursuing doctoral studies or you may select amongst the priority research fields for the IRO scholarship ( or search for possible research topics in the websites of the three Doctoral Schools K.U.Leuven to find out which professors do research on which topics. Alternatively, you may also visit the webpages of the faculties or departments ( in order to get an idea of the faculty members' research interests. The research subject must be original, innovative and highly relevant for development. You must be a citizen of a developing country recognised on the list of Flemish Interuniversity Council University Development Co-operation (VLIR-UOS). In addition, it must be financially impossible for you or your family to pay for studies abroad.


Procedure If you meet the scholarship requirements, please complete the online application form accurately and fully and include all required documents. Please indicate that you are applying for the IRO scholarship! See You are requested to submit: your personal proposal for a doctoral dissertation signed by the supervisor accepting to be your promoter or the faculty research topic posted on one of the doctoral school websites; include a brief motivation explaining how your research topic can be approached and treated in a manner relevant to development co-operation, or the printout of the priority research field you chose. a certificate of professional engagement is also required, to be signed by a person or an institution confirming that, upon your return, you will be accepted for a specific position or job in your country of origin or in another developing country. two letters of recommendation by persons who are qualified to assess your academic capabilities (to be sent in sealed envelopes). copies of applications for other scholarships. a certificate of English proficiency, for instance a TOEFL score (paper-based test) of at least 550 or an IELTS score of at least 7 or results of an equivalent test. The three first documents can be downloaded from the website. The deadline for submission of applications is December 31. Any applications that do not meet these requirements and any incomplete or late applications will not be accepted. K.U.Leuven does not acknowledge receipt of inadmissible applications. The letters of recommendation should be submitted in sealed envelopes or sent directly by the persons completing them to the International Office, Naamsestraat 63, 3000 LEUVEN, also before December 31. For more details and for the online application form, please consult:

Flemish Interuniversity Council (VLIR, Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad) 1. Scholarships for four international courses at K.U.Leuven Master of Human Settlements Master of Molecular Biology Master of Food Technology Master of Water Resources Engineering The VLIR also offers scholarships for other international courses and training programmes at universities in Flanders. For detailed information, please consult the VLIR website at General Conditions Applicants must be citizens of a developing country included in the List of Developing Countries from the DAC of the OECD (up to lower-middle-income countries). Further, it must be demonstrated that neither they nor their families are able to finance their studies. Scholarships are awarded for postgraduate studies. A bachelors or a masters degree are required. The applicant should not exceed 35 years of age for the International Course Programmes or 40 years of age for the International Training Programmes. Priority will be given to applicants with at least 2 years of work experience, preferably in the following sectors: higher education, public administration, research institutes, social economy, small and medium-size companies, and non-governmental organisations. Candidates working for a multinational company or a multilateral organisation are not eligible for a VLIR scholarship. Procedure The completed VLIR application form and other required documents must be submitted no later than February 1. For complete details regarding the requirements and for the application forms, please refer to the website:


2. The Institutional University Co-operation (IUS, Institutionele Universitaire Samenwerking) In 1997, the programme for Institutional University Co-operation was initiated by the Flemish Interuniversity Council with the approval of the Flemish Government. This programme embodies sustainable relations of co-operation between the universities in Flanders and a number of privileged partner institutions in developing countries. K.U.Leuven is coordinator of six IUS programmes: Africa Tanzania: Sokoine University of Agriculture Tanzania: University of Dar es Salaam Zambia: University of Zambia Kenya: University of Nairobi Kenya: Moi University Zimbabwe: University of Zimbabwe South Africa: University of the Western Cape Ethiopia: Mekelle University Ethiopia: Jimma University Mozambique: University of Eduardo Mondlane Latin America Bolivia: Universidad Mayor de San Simn Ecuador: Universidad de Cuenca Cuba: Universidad Marta Abreu de las Villas Ecuador: University of Cuenca Suriname: Anton de Kom Universiteit van Suriname

Asia Vietnam: Can Tho University Vietnam: Hanoi University of Technology Philippines: Benguet State University and Saint Louis University For more concrete information as to the academic programmes and scholarship possibilities within the Institutional University Co-operation, students from the universities mentioned above are advised to inquire from their universitys respective office responsible for such co-operation with the VLIR. Belgian Technical Co-operation (BTC, Belgische Technische Coperatie) (formerly ABOS) Description In the past few years, international development co-operation in Belgium has undergone a thorough reform. Its main goal still remains the promotion of sustainable human development. Priority is given to combating poverty and emphasis is laid on maintaining a healthy democracy and state, and upholding human rights. One way of attaining these goals is by means of direct bilateral co-operation, which includes, among others, the granting of scholarships for studies or internships in Belgium.


Procedure For further information, please contact the Belgian Embassy or Consulate in your country, or contact: Belgische Technische Coperatie, nv Hoogstraat 147 1000 Brussels tel. + 32 2 50 53 700 fax + 32 2 50 29 862 Or consult their website: Flemish Office for Development Co-operation and Technical Assistance (VVOB, Vlaamse Vereniging voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking en Technische Bijstand) Description VVOB is involved with the transfer of knowledge to developing countries. VVOB and its development co-operators organise and participate in education, training and research activities in developing countries. VVOB-activities are concentrated in a limited number of countries and in a limited number of fields, i.e. education and training, as well as public health care, food supply and environmental care. Procedure For further information, please contact: VVOB Maria-Theresiastraat 21 1000 Brussel tel. + 32 2 209 07 99 fax + 32 2 209 07 98 Or please refer to their website: Non-governmental Organisations Scholarships for university studies may be granted by certain NGOs. For an extensive list of NGOs worldwide, please consult the following website:

IN THE FRAMEWORK OF BILATERAL AGREEMENTS BETWEEN K.U.LEUVEN AND OTHER UNIVERSITIES IN AFRICA, AMERICA, ASIA AND EUROPE For some time now, K.U.Leuven has been playing an active role in the exchange of scientific expertise amongst its professors and researchers with those of other universities around the world. Within these Bilateral Agreements, certain kinds of scholarships or grants are also made available. It would be best to contact your own university if they have entered into such an agreement with K.U.Leuven and if you want to know what the conditions are. For more information, please visit the following website:

IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE SCHOLARSHIPS FOR EXCELLENCE PROGRAMME, SIGNED BY THE CHINA SCHOLARSHIP COUNCIL AND K.U.LEUVEN On June 7, 2005 the agreement on the CSC Scholarships for Excellence Programme was signed in Beijing between the Government of the Peoples Republic of China and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium). The key objective of the programme is to further the collaboration between K.U.Leuven and China in the field of education. Therefore, it wishes to stimulate international top students to study at K.U.Leuven and in China. K.U.Leuven and CSC offer 20 CSC scholarships per academic year to students who have studied at a Chinese university. Students should have: 1. a good portfolio of research publications 2. some research experience 3. an excellent performance in previous studies 4. a sound knowledge of English (a TOEFL score of 580 on the Paper-based test or 237 on the Computer-based

IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE RESEARCH COUNCIL OF K.U.LEUVEN The Research Council advises the Board of Governors of K.U.Leuven as to the research policy of the University. Likewise, it supervises the general administration of the research funds of the University.

test or 92-93 Internet-based test) or French 5. their domicile in China The deadline for submission of applications is December 15. For more information, please consult:


Other possibilities outside of K.U.Leuven

Below, we list some other international organisations that may be able to grant scholarships for certain study or research programmes, depending on their own conditions and requirements. Belgian Organisations

IN THE FRAMEWORK OF THE LLP - ERASMUS PROGRAMME General conditions Students who have been selected by their faculty for an ERASMUS exchange can apply for a mobility scholarship. They must comply with a number of conditions: They are citizens of one of the participating countries listed

Scientific and Technical Information Service (STIS) ( Institute for the Promotion of Innovation by Science and Technology in Flanders (IWT) ( Foundation for Scientific Research of Belgium ( Flemish Community (including bilateral agreements of the Flemish Community) ( Federal Government of Belgium (

below, or have been granted a permanent residence permit in the country of their home university: Member states of the EU (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and The United Kingdom) as well as Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Turkey. Their home university must grant a full academic recognition of the period of study in the host university (the period of study forms an integral part of the normal course of study in the home university). They must be fully exempted from paying the registration fees in the host university (note: the host university can require a small fee for insurance, membership in student organisations, or for the use of various materials).

European Organisations European Commission ( Community Research & Development Information Service (Cordis) ( American Organisations Belgian American Educational Foundation (BAEF) ( Fullbright Scholar Programme/CIES ( Rotary International (

Their home government or national authorities have to continue paying their scholarship or loans during their stay abroad (the mobility-scholarship is separate from whatever possible study grants the students receive from their home government). Procedure It would be best to contact the office responsible for these European exchange programmes within your own university. They should be able to provide you with the concrete information for applying for scholarships.

International Organisations International Association of University Presidents (IUAP) ( UNO ( UNESCO ( WHO ( WorldBank (


List of Countries and Corresponding Admission Possibilities, Required Visas and Tuition Fees


EU EEA 1 CoEurope 2 EHEA 3 Schengen EU EEA CoEurope EHEA Schengen EU EEA CoEurope EHEA Schengen EU EEA CoEurope EHEA Schengen EU EEA CoEurope EHEA Schengen EU EEA CoEurope EHEA Schengen


BA 4: CoEurope IMA 5: based on selection MAS 6: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card 7 EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

EEA = European Economic Area (see further for the list of member states) CoEurope = Council of Europe (see further for the list of member states) EHEA = European Higher Education Area = Bologna country (see further for the list of member states) BA = Bachelors programmes IMA = Initial Masters programmes MAS = Masters-Advanced Studies programmes Id.card = Identity card



EU EEA CoEurope EHEA Schengen EU EEA CoEurope EHEA EU EEA CoEurope EHEA Schengen EU EEA CoEurope EHEA Schengen EU EEA CoEurope EHEA Schengen EU EEA CoEurope EHEA Schengen EU EEA CoEurope EHEA Schengen EU EEA CoEurope EHEA Schengen EU EEA CoEurope EHEA EU EEA CoEurope EHEA EU EEA CoEurope EHEA EU EEA CoEurope EHEA EU EEA EHEA EU EEA EHEA

BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens

United Kingdom

BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens

Czech Republic

BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens



EU EEA CoEurope EHEA EU EEA CoEurope EHEA EU EEA CoEurope EHEA EU EEA CoEurope EHEA EU EEA CoEurope EHEA EU EEA CoEurope EHEA EU EEA EHEA EEA CoEurope EHEA Schengen EEA CoEurope EHEA EEA CoEurope EHEA Like EEA CoEurope EHEA Non-EEA CoEurope EHEA Non-EEA CoEurope EHEA Non-EEA CoEurope EHEA Non-EEA CoEurope EHEA Non-EEA CoEurope EHEA Non-EEA CoEurope 10 EHEA

BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection BA: non-CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


AFPS 8 IAR 9 non-EEA

Cf. non-EEA citizens



Cf. non-EEA citizens

Russian Federation


Cf. non-EEA citizens

F.Y.R. Macedonia


Cf. non-EEA citizens



Cf. non-EEA citizens



Cf. non-EEA citizens

8 AFPS = Authorisation for Provisional Sojourn (Visa type D) 9 IAR = Inscription in the Aliens Register in Leuven City Hall 10 Serbia is a member of the CoEurope but has not yet signed the treaty on the equivalence of diplomas.



Non-EEA CoEurope EHEA Non-EEA CoEurope 11 EHEA Non-EEA CoEurope

BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection BA: CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection BA: non-CoEurope IMA: based on selection MAS: based on selection Admission depending on country where current diploma was obtained Admission depending on country where current diploma was obtained With documents: based on dossier Without documents: assessment With documents: based on dossier Without documents: assessment Dossier-management after fulfilment of language requirements


Cf. non-EEA citizens



Cf. non-EEA citizens



Cf. non-EEA citizens

New Zealand

Non-EEA CoEurope


Cf. non-EEA citizens


Non-EEA CoEurope EHEA Non-EEA CoEurope EHEA Non-EEA CoEurope EHEA Non-EEA CoEurope EHEA Non-EEA CoEurope EHEA Like France CoEurope


Cf. non-EEA citizens



Cf. non-EEA citizens



Cf. non-EEA citizens



Cf. non-EEA citizens



Cf. non-EEA citizens


No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens

San Marino

Like Italy CoEurope

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens


Like Spain CoEurope EHEA Like Italy EHEA

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens

Vatican City

No visa necessary Id.card EEA-citizen

Cf. EEA citizens

Non-EEA legal residents in Belgium

Considered like EEA citizens

Permanent residence, but remain non-EEA citizen

Cf. EEA citizens

Non-EEA legal residents in another EEA country

Considered like EEA citizens


Cf. EEA citizens

Authorized political refugees

Same rights and duties like Belgian citizens

Residence right cf. Belgian citizens

Cf. EEA citizens

Candidate political refugees

Considered like potential Belgian citizens if application for refugee status is declared eligible

Residence right to be decided by General Commissariat

Cf. EEA citizens

11 Montenegro is a member of the CoEurope but has not yet signed the treaty on the equivalence of diplomas.


Other Non-EEA countries & Non-Developing countries Other Non-EEA countries & Developing countries 12 VLIR-ICP-BTC scholarship holders


BA: Cf. non-CoEurope MAS: based on selection BA: Cf. non-CoEurope MAS: based on selection BA: Cf. non-CoEurope MAS: based on selection


Cf. non-EEA citizens


Application for reduction is possible Fee for Flemish scholarship holders (80)

Non-EEA Developing Countries

EU = European Union member states Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom, plus the newest EU member states Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Bulgaria and Romania EEA = European Economic area member states EU + Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland Schengen countries Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain and Sweden CoEurope = Council of Europe member states EEA + Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Russian Federation, San Marino, Serbia, Switzerland, F.Y.R. Macedonia, Turkey, Ukraine EHEA = European Higher Education Area member states (countries that ratified the Bologna Declaration) EEA + Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, F.Y.R. Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Russian Federation, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine and Vatican City

12 See the table of Developing Countries employed by K.U.Leuven


How do I apply for admission?

Online Application
After having read through the different categories of student status, the admission and language requirements and the various academic programmes, to apply for admission one must submit a complete application file. This file consists primarily of the Online Application Form and the other relevant documents to be uploaded with the Online Application Form. Applicants can fill in the Online Application Form on the following webpage: A Guest Account will have to be requested via the web application Applicant. As soon as the Guest Account is activated, the Application Form can be downloaded and completed offline. Sending the Application Form is only possible while online or logged in on the internet.

3. All non-native English applicants must submit a certificate proving their proficiency in English: for example, a TOEFL certificate sent by ETS, an IELTS certificate sent by The British Council. The copies of the TOEFL or IELTS certificates have to be uploaded as attachment. The original TOEFL or IELTS certificates have to be sent directly by ETS or The British Council. - ETS: please use university code 0749, department code 99 - IELTS: please request for the score card to be sent to the International Office, International Admissions and Mobility Unit, Naamsestraat 63 bus 5410, 3000 LEUVEN, Belgium. 4. A passport photograph and a copy of your passport

Additional documents to be uploaded

1. Additional documents may be required by a specific

Core documents to be uploaded

Please note that applications received by us without these core documents will not be processed: 1. A certified copy of your diplomas and transcripts of academic records. Please add a document explaining the grading system of your country (i.e. comparing the grades to numeric score). If you are still preparing for an examination at the time of application, you are requested to upload as soon as the results are available a certificate attesting to the results. 2. Translation of your diploma and official transcripts: If your documents are not in English, French or Dutch, please arrange for these documents to be translated by a registered translator. These documents must be also certified by the educational institution that issued them or by a Belgian diplomatic office.

programme: for example, statement of purpose, GMAT and/or GRE test results, recommendation letters, project proposals, etc. (please see the programme requirements). If the programme you are applying for requires a GMAT score, please contact the Graduate Management Admission Council ( and arrange for an original score card to be sent to us (code JQH7X51). 2. Dutch language Bachelor applications: a certificate attesting to the equivalence of a foreign diploma for the purpose of access to bachelors programmes in a Belgian university (to be downloaded from the Online Application Form webpage): For countries not represented in the Council of Europe, the Flemish Government Decree concerning universities of June 12, 1991, specifies that any diploma allowing access to university studies in the country where the diploma was awarded must be considered equivalent to a permission to enter university studies in Belgium.


All Council of Europe countries, including all countries of the European Union, are bound by the Convention of December 11, 1953, concerning the equivalence of diplomas allowing access to university studies. This convention, to which Belgium is party, specifies as equivalent any diploma allowing access to similar university studies in the country where the diploma was awarded. 3. For doctoral programmes: the thesis proposal signed by a supervisor (promoter) at K.U.Leuven (to be downloaded from the Online Application Form webpage). 4. For Chinese applicants, please add your address in Chinese characters on a separate sheet.

Please submit proof of payment with your application. Payment can only be made via bank transfer. No other form of payment will be accepted. Via bank transfer to: KBC Bedrijvenkantoor Brusselsesteenweg 100 3000 Leuven Account number: 432-0000011-57 Swift/biccode: KREDBEBB IBANnumber: BE09 4320 0000 1157 Referring to VGS number: 400/0000/27826, shared costs and id number

Deadlines for applications

5. International scholars must add a proof of registration from their home university. The deadlines for applications are: 1. For bachelor's programmes in Dutch: February 1, for non-EEA-citizens.

Hard copy documents to be mailed

When you have completed the Online Application Form and uploaded the relevant documents, please send the printout of the first page of the Application Form and the certified copies of your diplomas and transcript of records in hard copy to the International Office, International Admissions and Mobility Unit, Naamsestraat 63 bus 5410, 3000 Leuven, Belgium by regular mail, express mail or registered mail. All academic documents should be certified as true and original by either the educational institution that issued them (in a sealed institution envelope) or by the local Belgian diplomatic office. If you are still preparing for an examination at the time of application, you are requested to send as soon as the results are available a certificate attesting to the results. Copies of diplomas and transcript of records sent via email or fax will not be accepted. Please note that the application documents cannot be returned to the applicant.

2. For master's programmes in English: March 1, for non-EEA citizens. 3. We prefer to receive the applications of EEA citizens before June 1. However, EEA students with the required background and language fluency may register until the end of September. 4. For pre-doctoral and doctoral programmes: no deadline. 5. For international scholars and visiting scholars: no deadline. We regret that applications after these dates will not be accepted anymore. Your application will be passed on to the faculty concerned. The academic authorities decide, on the advice of the faculty, whether you may be admitted and, if so, to which programme. This whole procedure may take about 12 weeks. Via the web application Applicant, you will be able to follow up the status of your application. If you are accepted, you will receive a written Letter of Admission from the

Requested application fee

All non-EHEA applications require an application processing fee of EUR 50 (excluding any possible bank transfer fees). This application fee needs to be paid for each application made, and this fee will be reimbursed upon registration at K.U.Leuven. VLIR ICP-scholarship applicants do not have to pay the application fee. Applicants for the predoctoral or doctoral programmes do not have to pay the application fee either. The Faculty of Theology will pay the application fee for their applicants.

International Office. Please note that successful applicants will have to show their original (university) diploma(s) upon enrolment.


Are there any other practicalities I should know?

What are the relevant University services?

Below, we list a number of offices and organisations within K.U.Leuven that are directly involved in assisting international applicants who are planning to come to Leuven for the first time. Note that there are other services and organisations within K.U.Leuven that offer particular help to students in other fields. These are listed in the brochure Living in Leuven.

Development Co-operation Unit K.U.Leuven implements numerous co-operation programmes and development projects involving partner universities all over the world. Apart from this, members of the university community are regularly called upon to play an active part in regional, national and international development organizations. A K.U.Leuven Mission Statement on university development

INTERNATIONAL OFFICE International Admissions and Mobility Unit This Unit forms the integral administrative body of the Universitys policy for all its international students. Thus to a large extent, the first contact between international students and K.U.Leuven happens via this Unit. Its responsibilities include the administration of applications for enrolment from international applicants for all University programmes including exchange programmes. It also takes charge of the administration regarding study grants awarded in the framework of development co-operation, exchange agreements or research activities, and the administration of the payments of these study grants. Finally, this Unit is responsible for the reception of international students and guests, working in close co-ordination with other services within the University mentioned below. International Policy Unit This Unit co-ordinates and supports the different forms of international co-operation in which K.U.Leuven is involved. In general, these take the form of bilateral contacts and formal agreements with universities abroad, and K.U.Leuvens membership in multilateral organisations and international networks of universities. Moreover, its regular contacts with international organisations ensure a close follow-up of new developments in the field of the internationalisation of higher education.

co-operation has been developed by the Interfaculty Council for Development Co-operation (IRO). Basically, IRO is an advisory board, consisting of representatives from all faculties. It has a limited budget to support a series of well-defined IRO initiatives, such as doctoral scholarships. In Flanders, University (Development) Co-operation is managed by VLIR, the Flemish Inter-university Council, of which K.U.Leuven is a member. K.U.Leuven actively participates in the VLIRs university co-operation programmes.

STUDY ADVISORY CENTRE This Centre provides information on the different academic programmes at K.U.Leuven, both for Belgian as well as international students. Likewise, it provides a variety of forms of study counselling or guidance for students. This Centre helps students find information regarding employment possibilities and postgraduate training. Finally, it provides assistance for disabled students and co-ordinates all matters and facilities that grant them equal opportunities within K.U.Leuven.

INTERNATIONAL HOUSING SERVICE This Service provides general information on the various sorts of student accommodations within the University and in the private sector. Each year, a database of available student rooms, studios and apartments is compiled and made available on the internet. Likewise, this Service offers advice regarding


rent contracts and the guarantee, fire insurance, your rights and duties as a tenant, and other legalities regarding rentals. If need be, this Service can mediate for you before the landlord on matters of the signing of the contract and of contractual conflicts.

they could have on the policies of the University, their faculties and professors. For instance, Belgian students have a say in the drawing up of the exam schedule. It is clear that in the long run, international students could develop a similar influence within the University. Secondly, LOKO International tries to make international students feel at home in Leuven. Studying abroad is not only about obtaining a degree, but also about experiencing other cultures and, as a result, achieving a better

SOCIAL SERVICE FOR INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS This Service is mainly concerned with helping international students integrate themselves with ease within Belgian society during the course of their studies. It therefore provides assistance with regard to their questions on all sorts of practical matters including health insurance, third-party liability insurance, child-support, and on legislation in Belgium with regard to foreigners. For instance, international students can obtain some assistance from this Service in case of unexpected financial problems. A special feature of their service involves volunteers among the Belgian students who help their international counterparts with practical problems.

understanding of one's own culture. In addition, LOKO International helps out international students on an individual basis. Problems can range from the interpretation of information leaflets about prescription drugs to problems with a professor. Finally, LOKO International publishes its own newspaper, The Voice.

WHAT ARE OTHER INFORMATION SOURCES ABOUT K.U.LEUVEN? An overview of all the academic programmes that are made available to international students is provided by the brochure International Programmes at K.U.Leuven. Practical information about individual programmes, the requirements, the faculty

PANGAEA The name Pangaea originally refers to the primordial, single continent that made up the entire land surface of the Earth some 175 million years ago. Taking inspiration from this phenomenon, K.U.Leuven established its Pangaea which is the international students centre where students from other nationalities and Belgian students can meet socially. There are several facilities put at the disposal of its members: a spacious lounge with a coffee bar (free coffee for members) and a large assortment of foreign newspapers, a recreational room with table tennis equipment, a TV room with video and satellite TV, a kitchen and a terrace for relaxation during sunny days. Pangaea organises a variety of activities such as concerts, lectures, workshops and trips. Dutch, English and Spanish can be practised in conversation groups. Regular video movies are shown during the evening. And various trips or excursions are organised as well.

or department to which a programme belongs are likewise offered, including the co-ordinates of the respective contact persons. The brochure can be obtained from the Communication Office. Other practical matters, such as administrative formalities prior to departure, registration at the university and at the City Hall, accommodation, and administration of scholarships or grants are discussed in the brochure Travelling to Leuven. Information about Flanders and Belgium, governmental and municipal services, medical matters, welfare, religion, cultural and sports activities are described in the brochure Living in Leuven. These brochures can be obtained from the International Office. Finally, information about daily life at K.U.Leuven can be found in the University newspaper Campuskrant International. To receive this newspaper, please contact the Communication Office or alternatively, you may download its electronic edition from the following website:

LOKO INTERNATIONAL LOKO International is a subgroup of the student body council, LOKO, and it represents the interests of international students in the operation of the University. Unlike Belgian students, international students are often unaware of the major influence

Moreover, for the benefit of its international students and scholars, K.U.Leuven circulates a weekly, electronic newsletter via e-mail, with a link to the following website:


Whos who and where?

NAME CENTRAL SERVICES International Office


Atrechtcollege Naamsestraat 63 bus 5410 3000 LEUVEN

International Admissions, and Mobility Unit

fax + 32 16 32 37 73 admissions@

International Policy Unit

tel. + 32 16 32 40 46 fax + 32 16 32 40 22

Development Co-operation Unit

tel. + 32 16 32 40 17 fax + 32 16 32 40 22

Registrar's Office

University Hall Naamsestraat 22 bus 5401 tel. + 32 16 32 40 40 fax + 32 16 32 37 76

Study Advisory Centre

Van Dalecollege Naamsestraat 80 bus 5415 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 43 11 fax + 32 16 32 43 30

Communication Office

University Hall Oude Markt 13 bus 5005 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 40 10 fax + 32 16 32 40 14

Alumni Association K.U.Leuven

Atrechtcollege Naamsestraat 63 bus 5601 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 40 02 fax + 32 16 32 41 90


STUDENTS SERVICES Social Service for International Students Van Dalecollege Naamsestraat 80 bus 5415 3000 LEUVEN tel. +32 16 32 43 75 fax + 32 16 32 43 84 International Housing Service Van Dalecollege Naamsestraat 80 bus 5415 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 44 02 fax + 32 16 32 43 90 Pangaea Vesaliusstraat 34 bus 5417 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 33 96 fax + 32 16 32 33 90 LOKO International Vesaliusstraat 34 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 33 95 fax + 32 16 32 33 90

LANGUAGES Institute for Modern Languages (ILT) Dekenstraat 6 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 56 60 fax + 32 16 32 56 56 Centre for Modern Languages (CLT) Dekenstraat 4 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 56 61 fax + 32 16 32 56 95


FACULTIES Faculty of Theology MariaTheresiacollege Sint-Michielsstraat 6 bus 3100 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 38 28 fax + 32 16 32 38 58 Institute of Philosophy Kardinaal Mercierlaan 2 bus 3220 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 63 00 fax + 32 16 32 63 52 Faculty of Canon Law Tiensestraat 41 bus 3435 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 53 21 fax + 32 16 32 51 57 Faculty of Law Tiensestraat 41 bus 3413 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 51 01 fax + 32 16 32 51 03 Faculty of Business and Economics Naamsestraat 69 bus 3500 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 66 12 fax + 32 16 32 66 10 Faculty of Social Sciences E. Van Evenstraat 2C bus 3600 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 30 44 fax + 32 16 32 32 53 Faculty of Arts Blijde-Inkomststraat 21 bus 3301 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 50 10 fax + 32 16 32 47 13 Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences Tiensestraat 102 bus 3700 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 61 01 fax + 32 16 32 60 00


Faculty of Science

Geel Huis Kasteelpark Arenberg 11 bus 2100 3001 HEVERLEE tel. + 32 16 32 14 01 fax + 32 16 32 19 95

Faculty of Engineering

Kasteelpark Arenberg 1 bus 2200 3001 HEVERLEE tel. + 32 16 32 13 50 fax + 32 16 32 19 82

Faculty of Bioscience Engineering

Kasteelpark Arenberg 20 bus 2300 3001 HEVERLEE tel. + 32 16 32 17 42 fax + 32 16 32 19 56

Faculty of Medicine

Herestraat 49 bus 400 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 33 06 68 fax + 32 16 33 74 87

Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences

Herestraat 49 bus 420 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 34 00 fax + 32 16 32 34 67

Faculty of Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Sciences

Tervuursevest 101 bus 1500 3000 LEUVEN tel. + 32 16 32 90 00 fax + 32 16 32 91 96/97


BELGIAN GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENTS Department of Education Administration for Higher Education Hendrik Consciencegebouw Koning Albert II-laan 15 1210 BRUSSELS tel. + 32 2 553 31 11 fax + 32 2 553 98 05 Department of Education Administration for Secondary Education Hendrik Consciencegebouw Koning Albert II-laan 15 1210 BRUSSELS tel. + 32 2 553 89 01 fax + 32 2 553 89 05 National Academic Recognition Information Centre (NARIC): Recognition of Belgian diplomas by other countries Hendrik Consciencegebouw Koning Albert II-laan 15 1210 BRUSSELS tel. + 32 2 553 98 19 fax + 32 2 553 98 05 recognition/index_en.html



2010 K.U.Leuven, International Office - International Admissions and Mobility Unit Publisher: Marie-Thrse Deloddere Text: Edmund Guzman and Marie-Thrse Deloddere Printed by: Van der Poorten Design: altera

The International Office provides information and advice on all aspects concerning the stay, the studies and the research of international students and scholars at K.U.Leuven. All the information in this brochure has been carefully checked by K.U.Leuven. Due to the rapidly changing nature of the legislation governing higher education, however, no guarantee nor warranty, express or implied, is given as to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the said information. Moreover, in many cases the application of regulations will depend on a student's specific circumstances. The readers are themselves fully responsible for the choice of information they consult in this brochure and for the consequences of using this information. K.U.Leuven accepts no liability or responsibility in respect of the information herein and reserves the right to update the information on an ongoing basis.

International Office Atrechtcollege Naamsestraat 63 bus 5410 3000 LEUVEN

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