Is India Really - in For A Political Change: Problem-Solution Focused Vs People Focused

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Is India really in; for a Political Change: Problem-Solution Focused Vs People Focused

By: Amit Bhushan Date:4 March, 2014


A lot of noise is being made in Commercial and print media about the impending political change in the Governing Coalition and about the changes in society and its repercussion on politics in the country. We also have new players amongst political parties, and a lot of n ew leaders seem to be rising up within existing political power structures. The media also seems to be competing with social media in its attempts to keep its relevance and its elbow room with political power brokers as a decisive engagement tool for mass hypnotism has receded quite a bit. We are also witnessing attempts by Courts to take baby steps to discipline Corporate which seems to be a first for a large entity/business; though it is public knowledge that many patronized business organizations have remained scot free and results for this round are yet to be out. It is easy to get mesmerized considering all the above, however if one carefully examines the continuity aspect in the above, he/she is likely to be even more astonished. One can easily talk about little change in bureaucratic structure that presides over governance of the country barring a small change in the law made recently and that is still to be implemented. Our bureaucrats have not changed and neither has the kind of training or grooming imparted to them has changed. The operations of the various departments, ministries and special purpose vehicles has not changed barring a little more computerization at the lower level. The actual capability and processes required to take decisions have not undergone any significant change (or at least no noise is being heard) and any bureaucrat can reveal about the fuss around data gathering and decision making on its back. Grease and politics continue to play a role along with errors of judgments and honest intents of bureaucrats and politicians. The role or process and procedural guidance, exception handling procedures remain highly inadequate. Besides, we only know how to add layers while still do not know how to dismantle old structure where the same is not required and any policy or process is hijacked to protect existing structure even if it

means compromising with desired processes or even the end results. The same is the story about Judiciary which has also not seen much change in capacity, capability, processes or procedures. Our media still does not debate about the adequacy and capacity of our governing bodies including decision making set of stakeholders required for taking decisions i.e. bodies such Group of Secretaries/Ministers etc. A newspaper or television debate will almost never focus if all stakeholders are adequately represented and if the individuals in such bodies have a unblemished track record including no axe to grind. There is not one report in media for years, which raises curiosity about the investigative ability and commitment. Further, there is little focus on Rules that guide how we engage with the government and how they impact different business segments i.e. those already having large business, those wanting to set up new businesses, consumers and other stake holders. So instead of focus on Administrative system, policies and rules, the commercial media continues to fulfill its duties towards common man with its focus on individuals who make or break the life of Aam Admi (and the saga of new political faces is no different in spite of claim of intellectual and legal expertise of their backers). The media continues to manage sales of such stories in a God loving/fearing country which continues to swing to debates that are about people rather than a value or issue. A debate on how a sabotage has been affected on the Administrative system, policies and rules including its throttling, subvention and subservience; is too time consuming and does not yield enough TRPs or circulation value. It also has little political advantage as a tool in hands of political players since such a debate reduces maneuver capabilities rather than enhancing them which is a need for survival/reduces risks in a highly diverse country. We therefore in all likelihood will continue to remain a soft state in spite of all the hype about strong leadership thus allowing ourselves to be mocked at. Our soft state tag comes due to our attitude at problem solving be it domestic, regional or international. We have continued to solve problem of poverty, of our pathetic education level, our low agricultural productivity or food-related issues, lack of industry and jobs, inadequacy of reach of government services to people, lack of proper townships with adequate power, water, sanitation and roads etc. for past innumerable years. Yet with over a billion people seem to be reaching nowhere with regards to even any one of the problem. Our media can continue to debate suitability of laws regarding jobholders protection for the private sector, but wouldnt bat an eyelid on making bureaucracy accountable. Similarly, not much has been written in media about populist freebies by political parties and their impact on businesses especially small businesses where it is negative and

large business interests that benefit out of such schemes. The media becomes abuzz only when a contractors bridge collapses but remains silent when cost of bridge escalates several times and instead of penalizing the contractor, he is rewarded since the bridge is intact. The newbie political avatars do not seem to be alive to such sabotage although they claim to be change agents who are not even seeking to win political battles. Then off course we have the lingering issues with neighbors as well as views regarding some of the burning international problems. Our approach is to keep off such issues to the extent possible while offering patronizing sermons and claim our greatness as a nation of our a billion people. Take the case with the neighbors. We are fixated with the problems of boundary disputes. One may have though off proposed the kind of scenarios that could have been unleashed if India favorably chooses to open its markets for a regional trade and logistics including energy (gas or renewable). Say if we try to develop a market in East consisting of Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Thailand or if a market is developed in West consisting of Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and Central Asia with supporting logistics via Road, Rail and may be Waterways (Caspian, Rivers). Instead of taking lead in designing and offering solutions, we have rather lingered in soft pedaling issues. Though it keeps us away from controversies but this gives other countries an enormous clout to even keep us sub-dued. We must know that as a nation we will be able to extend this outreach only when the government is not seen/perceived as pushing specific business interests of chosen business groups and contractors, but engaging in a fair manner under clearly defined international rules. It is thus suffice to summarize that the Elections may have been hyped in media as being about Change. If effect, they represent little more than a play of gimmickry mixed with smart talk and carefully crafted self promotion by some reasonably smart brains in media. This may be to advantage of some and to the peril of some others since although the crucial players know this game and also know how to manipulate the same to their advantage. I am sure that we are not seeing a change anytime soon.

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