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-JOIN THE SENTENCE IN COLUMN A WITH THE SENTENCE THAT HAS THE SAME MEANING IN COLUM B A 1-I played football____________ 2-She was a nurse____________ 3.-They usually wore formal clothes____________ .-It is easy for me to swim long distances____________ !.-It is not easy for her to speak to strangers____________ #.-"orking for her is not easy but I will try____________ B a.-She is not used to speaking to strangers b.-I am used to swimming long distances c.-She usually trains on Saturdays d.-I used to play football e.-"e usually go to the cinema on Sundays f.-I had to get used to wearing a uniform

$.-I can%t stand so much tea____________ g.-I will get used to working for her &.-"e often go to the cinema on Sundays____________ '.-She trains on Saturdays____________ h-They used to wear formal clothes i.-She used to be a nurse

1(.-I didn%t like to wear a uniform but I had ).-I can%t get used to drinking so much tea to____________ 2.-Fill in the blank !ith the "#$$e"t ten e #% the &e$b in b$a"ket a.-There usedn%t to ____________ *be+ computers in the nineteenth century. b.-I am used to____________ *work+on the night shift. c.-I used to ____________ *work+ on the night shift. d.-She had to get used to____________ *speak+ in public e.-She would get used to____________ *wear+ contact lenses if she tried to. f.-They couldn%t get used to____________ *li,e+ in a flat that%s why they mo,ed to a small house in the country. g.-They used to ____________ *commute+e,ery day but now they walk to work . h.-"e used to ____________ *read+a lot of books at school. i.-I am not used to____________ *wear+make-up. ).-She used to____________ *bite+her nails.

USED TO+infinitive ,GET USED TO gerund, BE USED TO+gerund.

1.-Ch## e the "#$$e"t enten"e a."e aren%t used to listening to that kind of music "e arent%used to listen to that kind of music b.She will soon get used to work here She will soon get used to working here c.I used to working for that company I used to work for that company d."e ne,er got used to getting up so early "e ne,er got used to get up so early e."e used to getting up early but we are retirednow and we don%t need to "e used to get up early but we are retirednow and we don%t need to f."hen she mo,ed to -rance she had to get used to dri,e on the right "hen she mo,ed to -rance she had to get used to dri,ing on the right g."e couldn%t sleep ,ery well in .apan/ we aren%t used to sleeping on the floor "e couldn%t sleep ,ery well in .apan/ we aren%t used to sleep on the floor h."e used to tra,elling a lot before ha,ing children "e used to tra,el a lot before ha,ing children i.The most difficult thing was to get used to eating such spicy food The most difficult thing was to get used to eat such spicy food ).I am used to working on the night shift I am used to work on the night shift

Selecciona la traducci0n correcta de las oraciones.

1. Ella li'(iaba la "a a. She used to clean the house. She got used to cleaning the house. She is used to cleaning the house. 2. )l e a"# t*'b$+ a le&anta$ e te'($an#. 1e used to wake up early. 1e is used to waking up early. 1e got used to waking up early. 3. ,abl# e t- a"# t*'b$a.# a i$ ta$.e. 2ablo is used to going late. 2ablo used to go late. 2ablo is getting used to going late. . E t#/ a"# t*'b$a.a a "#"ina$ en la 'a0ana. I am getting used to cooking in the morning. I am used to cooking in the morning. I used to cook in the morning. !. Ma$ia "#n.*"1a el "#"he. 3aria used to dri,e the car. 3aria got used to dri,ing the car. 3aria is used to dri,ing the car. #. Ella e e t- a"# t*'b$an.# a t$aba2a$ en e a "#'(a01a. She is getting used to working at that company. She used to work at that company. She is used to working at that company. $. N# le1a '*"h# lib$# .

I didn4t use to read many books. I am used to reading many books. I got used to reading many books.

&. 3E t- a"# t*'b$a.# al "li'a4 5re you used to the climate6 7id you used to the climate6 7id you get used to the climate6 8scribe la oraci0n en ingl9s traduci9ndola del espa:ol. ;sa la informaci0n en el parentesis en la traducci0n. ejemplo _I got used to speaking 8nglish._*speak 8nglish+ Me a"# t*'b$5 a habla$ in6l5 . *Escribe una contraccin cuando sea osib!e" #or e$e% !o & I'% used to s(i%%in)" 1. ________________________*cook+ E t#/ a"# t*'b$a.# a "#"ina$. 2. ________________________ *watch T< at night+ 7e1a la tele&i i+n en la n#"he. 3. ________________________ *use the computer+ Me e t#/ a"# t*'b$an.# a * a$ el #$.ena.#$. . ________________________ *need=study+ Ne"e it# a"# t*'b$a$'e a e t*.ia$. !. ________________________ *clean the house on Saturdays+ N# li'(iaba la "a a l# -ba.# . #. ________________________ *work at night+ )l e t- a"# t*'b$a.# a t$aba2a$ (#$ la n#"he.

$. ________________________ *play with the children+ 3J*6aba "#n l# ni0# 4 &. ________________________ *tra,el+ Me a"# t*'b$5 a &ia2a$.

Instrucciones >usca el error en las siguientes oraciones. 8scribe la oraci0n corregida. e2e'(l# 1e are a student. - 1e is a student. 1. I got use to the weather. ________________________ 2. They4re used waking up early. ________________________ 3. I didn4t used to speak 8nglish. ________________________ . 7id you used to study6 ________________________ !. She use to run for e?ercise. ________________________

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