Key Ring Issue 23 - Role Models

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Godfrey Walakira
The KEY RING is a monthly publication by the Kampala Baptist Church Mens Ministry that seeks to provide an avenue where men can share knowledge and understanding of the word of God, experiences, encourage one another as the older men also perform the act of paralambano to the younger men. Our prayer is that the Lord will speak to you through these publications.

Issue 23 - March 2014

1. Who is Walakira? Walakira has been in KBC since 1989. I grew up in church, through Sunday school and was also a beneficiary from the Compassion International assisted project there. Some people used to call me church boy back then because of my role in supporting the youth ministry. I was particularly in charge of making popcorn and organising sports for the youth. Now, I am a husband to one wife and a father of two sons. I am also a social worker employed at Straight Talk Foundation working as Training and Development Manager. One more thing that stands out for me is that I love Christ.

An example I can mention here is Pastor Francis Mayinja who used to stay at church back then living where today we have the Compassion project offices. Francis used to take us on his old pick up even when he was going to date Ruth - now his wife. We played the drums, sung and ate together. As a Christian man, he was open about his relationships with the opposite sex. So these people had a certain openness that cut through all areas of their lives including the sensitive ones like dating. Sometimes, just sharing a meal with people like Loiuse Namutebi did all the magic, it kept me looking forward to the interaction I was to have with these people during home fellowships. 4. In your opinion, what should a man be looking out for when choosing a role model or role models? Humility is one of them. They should be willing to lay bare their lives before you. The other thing to look out for is: what tops the priority list of that person, what is at the center of their discussion? There are people, whose vibe is only about cars, sports, accumulating wealth, beautiful girls and picking this and that. But as you search for a role model, you should be looking out for people who talk more about Christ than anything else. People for whom Christ is the center of it all. A role model should also be able to create time. There is a lot of structuring today about how, when and how long people meet (and I am not saying it is bad) but for a healthy role modelling relationship, the role model should be able to make time just to be with you. Men should also be looking out for role models who are real, not super stars who have no weaknesses or struggles

2. Are there people who have inspired 5. Does the Bible highlight anywhere what impact a role model can have on a mans life? you to become the person you are today? Yes. Jesus showed his disciples and shows us today that greatness comes through humility Yes and they are quite a number. and serving others. And we see that the disciples made effort to have their lives modelled One of those that I looked up to in my walk with Christ that I remember so vividly is after that of Christ. Patrick Galabuzi. He was a youth worker at KBC. He gave me an opportunity to work There are other examples in the Bible of good role models whose lives impacted greatly on other lives and even continue to impact us today. Enoch he walked with God and God alongside him in the youth ministry and I learnt so much from him. We had sessions decided to take him home to be with Him, David was called a man after God's own heart, where we would sit and challenge each other, sing together and pray together. Job God considered him worthy to endure severe testing. We ought to emulate those men In my career development, Ann Grace influenced me to look towards the career in the Bible. path I am on now of sexual reproductive health. Today we have a very materialistic culture; Watching her as a Christian woman, I looked up however, we shouldnt measure a good role model on what the to her. She supported me a lot. individual has or what they have But also at a very young age, about pre-primary, done instead who they are. there was Mrs Otto (not Ivy Otto) who led me to We have a responsibility to making the decision to follow Christ in 1988. I did walk with each other and the not know much then because I was very young. younger men ought to pray But this lady loved the Lord and as a teacher, I together, talk about would look up to her and see Christ in her. challenges and support 3. What drew you to those people? one another to Their lives were an open book; these people had resist no buts; the way they shared their lives had no boundaries. We had fellowship in temptations. their homes, wherever they went they took me along; they basically opened up We can also look up to their lives to me. others, have mentors and They were not the kind of people who had a face at church and then another life accountability partners but Jesus is style in their homes. The way they related to me was not about my age or the greatest role background. And when they did that, I learnt a lot from them. model. Whatever it is, we always are But also there were certain virtues like kindness, tolerance, patience which drew to express the life of Christ wherever Godfrey, Janet and their children He has put us. me to these people.

Godfrey and his Wife Janet

what tops the priority list of that person?

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