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Homework 6-3: Heats of Formation (key) 1. Distinguish between H and H0 for a reaction.

Also, distinguish between H0rxn and H0f. H is the enthalpy change for a system that is not at standard conditions whereas H0 is the enthalpy change for a system at standard conditions (1 atm, !" #, 1$, etc.% H0rxn is the enthalpy change for a reaction at standard conditions which is obtained by the sum of enthalpies of the products minus the sum of enthalpies of all the reactants. H0f is the enthalpy of formation of one mole of a compound, at standard conditions, from its constituent elements. . A reaction is characteri&ed by Hrxn ' ()00 *+,mol. Does the reaction mixture absorb heat from the surroundings or release heat to them.his reaction releases heat to the surroundings and is indicated by the negati/e sign. 0. $ethanol is an efficient fuel with a high octane rating that can be produced from coal and hydrogen. 1H02H(g% 3 4 2 (g% 12 (g% 3 H 2(l% H ' (567 *+,mol rxn a% 8ind the heat e/ol/ed when !0.0 g of methanol gas burns in excess oxygen. !0.0 g 1H02H ' ."0! moles of 1H02H 9f (567 *+,mol of reaction and ."0! moles burned, then ( 17).! *+ of heat were e/ol/ed. b% :hat mass of 2 is consumed when !7) *+ of heat is gi/en out(567 *+ of heat were gi/en off per half a mole of oxygen gas, therefore, (!7) *+ of heat gi/en off would correspond to 0.61" moles of oxygen gas 7. :hat is H for the reaction ;b2(s% 3 1(s% ;b(s% 3 12(g% 9f 0).5 *+ must be supplied to con/ert 57.6 g of lead (99% oxide to lead57.6 g ;b2 correspond to 0.007 moles ' 305.) *+< therefore, for a mole of ;b2, 11 . *+ which :ill then correspond to the enthalpy per mole of reaction. ). :hy is the standard molar enthalpy of formation, H0f, for li=uid water different than is H0f, for water /apor, both at )01. :hich formation reaction is more exothermic- Does your answer indicate that H 2(l% is at a higher or lower enthalpy than H 2(g%.he standard molar enthalpy of formation of water li=uid is different than the standard molar enthalpy of formation for water /apor at )01 because enthalpies of formation of a compound come from the compound>s constituent elements in their ?.A@DAAD states. :ater is formed from hydrogen BA? and oxygen BA? and thus forms water CA;2A with some heat lossD H (g% 3 4 2 (g% H 2(g% 8or the gas to condense into a li=uid, more heat has to be released from the system to the surroundings which explains why the water E9FG9D term is bigger in magnitude (more exothermic%. .his answer indicates that water E9FG9D has a bigger enthalpy change when compared to water CA;2A6. $ethylhydra&ine is burned with dinitrogen tetroxide in the attitude(control engines of the space shuttle

1H6@ (l% 3 4 @ 27 12 (g% 3 0H 2(l% 3 !,7 @ (g% .he two substances ignite immediately on contact, producing a flame temperature of 0000#. .he energy liberated per 0.100 g of 1H6@ at constant atmospheric pressure after the products are cooled bac* to )01 is 5)0+. a% 8ind H for the reaction as written 1H6@ (l% 3 4 @ 27 12 (g% 3 0H 2(l% 3 !,7 @ (g% 0.100 g 1H6@ ' 0.00 15 moles ' 5)0 + 9n 1 mole ' 07).6 *+ and so H0rxn ' (07).6 *+,mol b% How many *iloHoules are liberated when 77.0 g of @ is produced77.0 g of @ ' 1.)5 moles of @ H0rxn ' (07).6 *+ per !,7 moles of @ , then for 1.)5 moles of @ ' ( 71.15 *+ 5. :rite the balanced chemical e=uation whose H0rxn /alue is e=ual to H0f for each of the following substancesD a% Hydrogen sulfide, gas H (g% 3 ?(s% H ?(g% b% Eead (99% chloride, solid ;b(s% 3 1l (g% ;b1l (s% c% Atomic oxygen, 2(g% 4 2 (g% 2(g% d% Ien&oic acid, 16H)122H(s% 61(graphite% 3 0H (g% 3 2 (g% 16H)122H(s% e% Hydrogen peroxide, li=uid H (g% 3 2 (g% H 2 (l% f% Dinotrogen tetroxide, gas @ (g% 3 2 (g% @ 27(g% ". :e burn 17.7 g of magnesium in excess nitrogen at constant atmospheric pressure to form $g0@ . .hen we bring the reaction mixture bac* to )01. 9n this process 106.5 *+ of heat is gi/en off. :hat is the standard molar enthalpy of formation of $g0@ 0$g(s% 3 @ (g% $g0@ (s% 17.7 g $g 1 mol $g 1 mol $g0@ ' 0.1!5) moles $g0@ 7.00) grams of $g 0 moles $g 9f 0.1!5) moles of $g0@ gi/e off 106.5 *+, then 1 mole would gi/e off 6! .1) *+. 9n this case, this heat of reaction is e=ual to the molar enthalpy of formation of $g0@ $olar enthalpy of formation ' (6! .1) *+,mol

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