Inventory Test 1

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Materials Management Inventory Management and Physical Inventory

Inventory Management and Physical Inventory component deals with the following tasks: Verification that incoming invoices are verified. Planning, Entry, and Documentation of all Goods Movements. Completing the material procurement process. Management of Automatic Settlement. Management of material stoc s on a !uantity and value "asis. Carrying out the Physical #nventory.

Confirmed$ % Please mark the correct statement: During all transactions, #nventory Management accesses only transaction data shared "y all &ogistics components. During all transactions, #nventory Management accesses only master data shared "y all &ogistics components. During all transactions, #nventory Management accesses "oth master data and transaction data shared "y all &ogistics components.

Confirmed$ ' As a component of Materials Management, Inventory Management is directly linked with... ...(illing. ...Personnel Administration. ...Purchasing. ...)ualifications and *e!uirements. ...Material *e!uirements Planning. ...#nvoice Verification. ...#nfotypes.

Confirmed$ + When posting a Goods Movement in the SAP System, the following doc ments are created: #nvoice document. #nventory document. Accounting document. Material document. Sales document.

!nce yo have posted a Goods Movement, yo can no longer change the doc ment. ,rue. -alse.

A Material doc ment is identified "y... ...document num"er. ...time period. code. ...document year.

An Acco nting doc ment is identified "y... ...calendar year. ...fiscal year. ...document year. ...document num"er. code. ...header data.

When yo enter a Goods Movement in the system, yo m st enter a ... to differentiate "etween the vario s Goods Movements. Goods type. Movement type. ,ransaction type. Event type.

#o can se the f nction $%hange Material &oc ment$ to... ...correct typing errors ./rong !uantity or /rong movement type0. ...remove un/anted Goods Movements. ...print a goods receipt1issue slip for the document. ...modify document num"er or document year. ...enter additional information for the document.

If yo made a typing error or an inp t error 'for e(ample, wrong ) antity or wrong movement type* while entering a material doc ment, yo m st cancel the doc ment. ,rue. -alse.

In which ways can yo reverse a goods movement+ 2ou can enter a material document /ith the reversal goods type. 2ou can enter a material document /ith the reversal movement type. 2ou can enter a reversal document that references the original document. 2ou can enter a reversal goods type that references the original goods type.

#o enter a reversal doc ment with reference to a material doc ment in the same way yo entered the original material doc ment, " t sing the reversal movement type. ,rue. -alse.

Please mark the correct statement: 3hen you enter a material document or a delivery, you can enter a goods receipt1issue slip num"er .G*1G# slip num"er0 in addition to the material document num"er. 3hen you enter a material document or a delivery, you can enter a goods receipt1issue slip num"er .G*1G# slip num"er0 instead of the material document num"er. 3hen you enter a material document or a delivery, you cannot enter a goods receipt1issue slip num"er .G*1G# slip num"er0.

,or Goods Movements for Stock -ransport !rders with no involvement of the Shipping component, serial n m"ers is entered a tomatically. ,rue. -alse.

Missing Parts %heck is possi"le at the time of... ...a goods receipt. ...other receipt. limits chec ing. ...entering of reversal document. ...transfer posting.

If the standard goods receipt.iss e slips in Inventory Management are not s fficient or if yo want to plan picking, packing, and transportation in detail, yo can post goods movements via... ...the (illing component. ...the Delivery component. ...the Shipping component. ...the #nvoice Verification component.

Which types of Material /locks are there for Goods Movements+ Standard Material (loc . E4clusive Material (loc . Complete Material (loc . &ate Material (loc . Active Material (loc .

-he 0.1 System disting ishes "etween the following types of Goods 0eceipts: Goods *eceipts /ith reference to movement type. Goods *eceipts /ith reference to an order. 5ther Goods *eceipts. Goods *eceipts /ith reference to a reservation. Goods *eceipts /ith reference to a goods type.

-he Inventory Management component can handle... ...only planned Goods *eceipts. ...only unplanned Goods *eceipts. ..."oth planned Goods *eceipts and unplanned goods receipts.

-he goal of the Goods 0eceipt Planning is to simplify and accelerate the goods receipt process and to "etter organi2e the work at the goods receiving point. ,rue. -alse. '%

If yo want to Plan Goods 0eceipts sing the P rchasing component, this component provides the following so rces of information for planning the receipt of ordered goods: Shipping notification. Purchase notification. Shipping order. Purchase order. '' Planning Goods 0eceipts 3sing Prod ction !rders. When an order is released, it contains all of the data relevant for the goods receipt, as follows: 6nderdelivery and 5verdelivery ,olerances. (atch. Planned Delivery Date. Vendor. Plant. Goods *eceipt #ndicator. &atest Possi"le Delivery Date. Destination of the Goods. Material and )uantity. Shipping #nstructions. Stoc into 3hich the Goods Should "e Posted. '+ #o enter reservations for planned receipts for either of the following reasons: ,o plan goods receipts from production if your company use the PP Production 5rders component. ,o plan goods receipts from vendors, if your company use the MM Purchasing component. ,o plan goods receipts from production if your company does not use the PP Production 5rders component. ,o plan goods receipts from vendor if your company use the PP Production 5rders component. ,o plan goods receipts from vendors, if your company does not use the MM Purchasing component. ,o plan goods receipts from production, if your company does not use the MM Purchasing component. '7

If yo have received the delivery note from the vendor, and yo have verified that the delivery was "ased on a p rchase order, yo can enter the goods receipt in the 0.1 System. ,rue. -alse. '8 What Is the !pen P rchase !rder 4 antity+ #t is the difference "et/een the !uantity delivered and the !uantity ordered to date. #t is the same as the ordered !uantity. #t is the difference "et/een the !uantity ordered and the !uantity delivered to date. #t is the same as the delivered !uantity.

'9 In the standard SAP System, 3nderdeliveries are... ...allo/ed. ...not allo/ed. ...allo/ed under specific circumstances. ...not allo/ed under specific circumstances. ': In the standard SAP System, overdeliveries are... ...allo/ed. ...not allo/ed. ...allo/ed under specific circumstances. ...not allo/ed under specific circumstances.

'; -he $&elivery %ompleted$ indicator specifies whether a P rchase !rder item is considered closed. ,his means that no more goods receipts can "e posted. ,his means that no more goods receipts are e4pected for this item. ,his means that Purchase 5rder can not "e deleted. '< If yo post a goods receipt with reference to a p rchase order, is it possi"le to have Several Goods 0eceipt Items Per !ne !rder Item+ 2es. =o.

+> When yo enter a Goods 0eceipt for a P rchase !rder, yo can specify the following 5A6.3P% 'International Article 6 m"er.3niversal Prod ct %ode*: 6PC for 56n.order unit0. EA= for 56n.order unit0. EA= chec . 6PC chec . 6PC activation. EA= activation. +% #o can check the Shelf 7ife of a material when yo enter a Goods 0eceipt. #o there"y ens re that yo store only materials that are still sa"le. ,rue. -alse.

+' P rchasing can specify Packaging and Shipping instr ctions in the... ...Goods *eceipt. ...5rder #tem. ...Purchase 5rder. ...Material. ++ Goods 0eceipt When 4 ality Management '4M* is Active. -he SAP System differentiates "etween following forms of 4 ality Management. )uality Management in Purchasing. )uality Management in Material Procurement. )uality Management in Pac aging and Shipping. )uality Management in Material Activation. )uality Management in Material #nspection. +7 What are the res lts of Goods 0eceipt posting into Goods 0eceipt /locked Stock+ Stoc update. 6pdate of G1& accounts. Materials document update. 6pdates in the purchase order. 6pdate of delivery date. 6pdate of the vendor. Creation of the material document.

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