An Analytical Study of Power Consumption in Portable Thin Clients

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This full te!t paper #as peer revie#ed at the direction of *EEE Communications Society su'Cect matter e!

perts for pu'lication in the *EEE Glo'ecom @B33 proceedings$

n nalytical Study of )o#er Consumption *n )orta'le Thin Clients

Toolika Ghose
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Wichita State University Wichita, KS, US t!ghose"#ichita$edu

%inod &am'oodiri
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Wichita State University Wichita, KS, US vinod$nam'oodiri"#ichita$edu

(avi )endse
Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Wichita State University Wichita, KS, US ravi$pendse"#ichita$edu

Abstract The thin client model relies on offloading computations to a remote server. This results in reduced hardware complexity on the thin client which will cut costs and possibly increase lifespan of the thin client. Increased lifespan in turn has benefits in terms of reducing electronic waste. Realizing the benefits of a thin-client paradigm for emerging portable devices however requires consideration of battery life, a critical resource. The optimum design for an energy-efficient thin clientserver model for portable devices is yet to be found and is still under investigation. In this wor an end-to-end analytical model for power consumption in wireless based portable thin clients is proposed. This model is then evaluated by comparing to a scenario where applications are executed locally on the device to gain insight on the energy-efficiency of the thin-client paradigm for portable devices. Keywords- wireless networking; power consumption; energyefficient networking; green computing; thin client

*$ *&T(+DUCT*+& typical thin client is a soft#are module that is installed on the devices in order to access the applications installed on a remote server$ Thin clients can use remote display protocols to communicate over the net#ork #ith a server$ The application logic is computed on the server #hile the graphical output is visuali,ed on the client$ The servers usually run on standard operating systems for processing of the applications$ With most of the heavy processing no# done at the server, the client does not need to do much local #ork apart from ena'ling the packet communication to the server and rendering the output$ This allo#s the client to use some minimally capa'le hard#are that can significantly reduce costs$ Some of the #ell-kno#n thin client display protocols are Citri! *ndependent computing architecture .*C /, 0icrosoft (emote Desktop )rotocol .(D)/, daptive internet protocol . *)/, %irtual &et#ork Computing .%&C/, Sun (ay, Windo#s 1 display manager 2345 2365$ 0ost of the remote desktop protocols are not designed to efficiently handle the multimedia and gaming applications on the porta'le devices$ %arious packet level and frame level solutions have 'een suggested 'y the authors in 2375 2385 to handle the comple! multimedia application$ Their #orks #as mostly related to the C)U utili,ation and 'and#idth re9uirements for multimedia applications in porta'le thin clients 'ut do not 9uantify po#er 'enefits$

With the thin client acting more like a :dum'; terminal, it does not need to 'e upgraded or replaced as often as a more capa'le device$ 0ost upgrades #ould no# 'e performed at the server side$ s a result, the lifespan of involved devices is e!pected to increase$ This further provides the 'enefit of reducing the amount of such terminals that are manufactured, significantly reducing electronic #aste, an issue of increasing glo'al concern, especially #ith porta'le electronic devices 235$ s the latest porta'le devices and smart phones are em'edded #ith the capa'ilities of 'oth #ireless communication and computation, they can easily support the thin-client paradigm reali,ing the 'enefits mentioned a'ove$ The primary limitation of porta'le devices is 'attery life$ *ncreasing the capacity of the 'attery is a challenging and is currently an active area of research$ The primary focus of this paper is to analytically study the po#er consumption of porta'le devices under the thin client paradigm$ This involves 9uantifying the po#er consumed 'y a porta'le device operating under the thin-client paradigm #hich e!ecutes tasks<applications remotely at a server$ We then compare this to the po#er consumed if the same task<application #ere e!ecuted locally on the device$ %arious po#er related parameters #ere taken into consideration #hile designing the end-to-end analytical model for porta'le devices such as= po#er consumed 'y the net#ork interface card, #orkload on the C)U, num'er of users on server etc$ The proposed model also considered net#ork factors such as active, idle, or sleep states of the #ireless interface, and #hether the net#ork #as relatively lossless or lossy$ The results of this #ork not only provide a comprehensive insight on the impact of these parameters on the energy consumption of porta'le devices, 'ut also provide future guidance to develop optimal approaches for energy efficient application management in porta'le devices #hen remote and local domains are availa'le$ We 'elieve this #ork is a first step to#ards designing more sustaina'le and po#er efficient porta'le devices that improve user satisfaction through longer 'attery life #hile reducing electronic #aste$ **$ )(*+( W+(K Thin client 'ased solution approach for porta'le devices has 'een adopted at various levels targeting reduction in manufacturing and maintenance cost of the devices #hile



This full te!t paper #as peer revie#ed at the direction of *EEE Communications Society su'Cect matter e!perts for pu'lication in the *EEE Glo'ecom @B33 proceedings$

effectively trying to meet the user re9uirements in terms of performance and relia'ility$ Thin clients are made up of fe#er hard#are components and only re9uire lesser manipulations and lo# display usage on the user interfaces 2@5$ maCor concern in the usage of devices like mo'ile phones, )Cs, palmtops etc$ is that they 'ecome technologically o'solete after a fe# years and are re9uired to 'e disposed$ These devices heavily contri'ute to#ards the increase in e-#aste$ The thin client technology #as found to reduce the amount of ha,ardous e-#aste 'y utili,ing less hard#are than the formerly mentioned devices$ Thin client solutions not only reduce e-#aste 'ut also help in cutting do#n the total energy consumption and car'on dio!ide emission 'y devices assisting in information and communication technology .*CT/$ (esearch performed 'y Dorrester (esearch *nc$ in @BB? sho#s that thin clients reduce po#er usage 'y @4E and car'on dio!ide emission 'y @FE and increases the life span 'y five to ten years 2F5$ Earlier studies sho# that the *CT consumes FE of the overall po#er usage$ The porta'le devices are responsi'le for 38E of the total energy consumed 'y the *CT 245$ The end-to-end thin client scenario saves FBBE po#er #hen compared to typical desktop technologies$ Gy replacing the desktops 'y thin clients, nearly t#o-thirds of the po#er consumption can 'e reduced 265$ )orta'le devices using thin clients are lighter in #eight and have longer 'attery life than fat clients$ &ote'ooks are lighter in #eight 'y a'out t#o pounds and provide a 'attery life of 3B to 36 hours 275$ *n the process of utili,ing the availa'le 'attery po#er more efficiently, a trade-off typically e!ists 'et#een computation and communication on #ireless thin clients$ pplication 'ased protocols have hence 'een proposed for #ireless thin clients in order to increase 'attery life$ The efficiency of the thin clients depends on various protocols adapted 'y the devices 285$ The 'attery life of the porta'le devices is also related to the range of mo'ility of the porta'le client$ The #ireless interface used 'y the thin client to communicate #ith the remote server is another important factor #hich has a direct influence on the po#er consumption$ s clients continuously scan for nearest net#ork connectivity, a lot of 'attery po#er is inherently lost 2?5$ The task performed 'y porta'le thin clients can 'e computed locally 'y installing the application on the client #ithout any #ireless communication or handled remotely 'y installing the soft#are module on the server and use a #ireless interface to communicate #ith the client$ +ffloading the computation to the remote server may reduce computation energy and increase the 'attery life$ Through thin client technologies, large computations can 'e efficiently performed 'y remote servers, eventually leading to increase in the 'attery life and saving po#er in porta'le thin clients 2335$ Certain other factors such as #ireless technology used 'y the client to connect to the remote server and #orkload on the local C)U are also re9uired to 'e taken into consideration, to have a more energy efficient 'alance 'et#een local and remote computation$ s reported in 2>5, analytical model and e!perimental results sho# that Wi-Di scenarios are more po#er efficient than U0TS on mo'ile thin client devices$ s reported in 23B5, computation offloading can 'e used to improve the performance and save energy #hen the #ork load

consists of more than 3BBB cycles of computation for each 'yte of data$ The porta'le devices using WH & for remote connectivity consume less energy than FG as the later have more communication latencies 23B5$ The study in 2335 sho#s that remote e!ecution of large tasks can reduce po#er consumption 'y 6BE and increase the 'attery life$ *t #as also noticed that communication in noisy medium increases additional po#er consumption 'y the 'attery$ %eerecken et$ al$ reported a po#er consumption model for the mo'ile device #hich defines and analy,es the po#er model for desktops 265$ +ur #ork is 'ased on a similar architectural model 'ut focused on evaluations of the po#er consumed 'y porta'le thin clients$ The #ork in 2>5 also focuses mainly on end-to-end po#er consumption of mo'ile and #ireless thin client$ Their #ork targeted to#ards analy,ing the model 'ased on U0TS and Wi-Di technologies and #as focus to analy,e the end-to-end po#er consumption$ This paper models the end-to-end po#er consumption of porta'le thin client devices$ +ur goal is to analy,e the local po#er consumption of porta'le thin client devices 'ased on local and remote e!ecution of the applications$ We also study the impact of parameters on 'attery life such as #orkload related to the application and net#ork conditions$ ***$ )
(+)+SED 0+DEH D+( )+WE( C+&SU0)T*+& & HIS*S

*n this section #e first define the po#er consumption model for traditional porta'le devices$ *n the second scenario the end-to-end po#er model for thin client paradigm for porta'le devices$ Dor completeness of the thin client server paradigm #e have defined the end-to-end po#er consumption model$
T GHE *$ % (* GHES !ariable "efinition 2 0o'ile device total po#er 2 *dle po#er consumption of the mo'ile device 2 )o#er consumed 'y device C)U Hoad on the device for local computation Hoad on the device for remote computation 2 )o#er consumed 'y the mo'ile &*C card 2 )o#er consumed 'y the mo'ile &*C card active state )o#er consumed 'y the mo'ile &*C card idle state 2 )o#er consumed 'y the mo'ile &*C card sleep state 2 2, )o#er consumed 'y the mo'ile device using thin client 2 )o#er consumed 'y the net#ork 2 Gase po#er consumption 'y the server 2 )o#er consumed 'y server C)U Hoad on server C)U 2 )o#er consumed 'y the server net#ork port 2 )o#er consumed 'y the server &*C card active state )o#er consumed 'y the server &*C card idle state 2 2 End to end po#er consumed 'y the thin client server model

A. Application executed locally on the portable device The locali,ation of the applications can 'e ensured 'y pre-installation on the porta'le device$ *n this case there #ill 'e no communication 'et#een the client and the server$ ll the computations re9uired 'y the application #ill 'e e!ecuted 'y the processor locally$ Therefore the complete load is assumed to 'e on the local C)U$ The total po#er

This full te!t paper #as peer revie#ed at the direction of *EEE Communications Society su'Cect matter e!perts for pu'lication in the *EEE Glo'ecom @B33 proceedings$

consumed 'y the porta'le device is divided into three parts as sho#n in the encircled part in Digure 3$ The first part is the 'ase po#er consumption 'y the device and includes the cumulative po#er consumed 'y all hard#are parts other than the C)U and &*C card$ )o#er consumed 'y the processor varies linearly #ith load ( ;. Hoad on the C)U for local computation may vary from ,ero to hundred percent$ Therefore, the total po#er consumed 'y the porta'le device is o'tained 'y the summation of three terms, namely, the 'ase po#er consumption 'y the porta'le device, po#er consumption related to C)U processing and po#er consumed 'y the net#ork interface card as in .3/$
L 2 E 2 2 E 2

proposed$ The thin client solution allo#s porta'le devices to handle po#er hungry computation Co's efficiently$ When the application is remotely processed, the po#er consumption is the summation of po#er consumed 'y the client, the net#ork, and the server$ We #ill model the end-to-end po#er consumption here, 'ut our primary focus in evaluations #ill 'e the po#er consumed 'y the client$ (i Power consumed by the !lient )o#er consumed 'y the client #ill include the 'asic po#er consumption 'y any porta'le devices, po#er consumed 'y the C)U for signal processing, data compression and decompression re9uired during communication #ith the remote server and also the &*C card$ Total load on the C)U for data processing is assumed to 'e and the total po#er consumption on the client is as presented in .F/$
2, L 2 E 2 E 2


)o#er consumed 'y the net#ork interface card is considered as a linear model$ Three different states of &*C card are taken into consideration= active, idle and sleep$ The interface card is assumed to 'e in active state #hile transmitting and receiving data$ When the #ireless interface is not used it is considered to 'e in sleep mode and rest of the time it is idle$ &*C card is assumed to 'e in each state for a fraction of time B :.; $ The total po#er consumption 'y the &*C card of the porta'le device is represented in .@/$
2 L B 2 E B 2 2 +B


The data transfer from the client to the server is performed using its #ireless interface$
T GHE **$ % HUES USED 2345

.@/ The model for po#er consumption of the porta'le device as represented in .3/ is a general model$ Gased on the re9uirement of the application and users need, the a'ove model could 'e modified$ Dor applications that do not re9uire Wi-Di connectivity for e!ecution, the &*C card can 'e considered to 'e in sleep mode e$g$ for an office application or any game that has 'een preinstalled in the device, no #ireless communication is necessary$ The porta'le devices also have the option to turn off the Wi-Di connectivity #henever not re9uired$ We can also turn off the #ireless interface for such applications to reduce the total po#er consumption 'y the mo'ile device$

#omponents | o| | | !"o

$ower %&att' ?B 36> 3@

(ii Power consumed by the networ" and server The total po#er consumed 'y the net#ork is $ )o#er can efficiently 'e managed in this assumed to 'e 2 sector 'y using net#ork devices that consumes less po#er$ *t is assumed that there are # users on the server$ Total po#er consumed 'y the server is e9ual to po#er consumed 'y the processor #hile handling the user task po#er consumed 'y the &*C connecting to the net#ork and po#er consumed 'y rest of the modules on the server$ )o#er consumption per user 2 on the server as represented in e9uation .4/$
2 L$2 E B 2 E 2 % 5& '


CPU Power

Wireless NIC | ( Power( !"o ;

|( ) Base Power

Network Power (| ) )

Remote Server Power (| * * )

The fraction of time for #hich the server &*C card is transmitting and receiving is considered as active state$ The po#er consumed 'y the server &*C is represented in e9uation .6/$ The data for analysis is o'tained from 2345 as sho#n in Ta'le **$
2 L B 2 E B 2

Digure 3$ )o#er model for )orta'le Thin client J server paradigm$ The encircled part sho#s po#er consuming components #hen #e consider local computation 'y the client$


B. Power consumption for processing the application remotely (Thin client-server model *n this section, thin client-server model has 'een considered #here all the computation is done on a remote server #irelessly connected to the client as depicted in Digure 3$ T he client is only used for displaying the application$ n e9uation for end-to-end po#er consumption has 'een

Drom Digure @ it can 'e o'served that the per user po#er consumption 'y the server is lo#er if the num'er of users on the server is higher$ *t is not optimum to operate the server #ith a smaller #orkload value 'ecause the server utili,es a minimum amount of po#er irrespective of the amount of load on it$ Therefore it is al#ays po#er efficient to operate the server at ma!imum load on the servers$

This full te!t paper #as peer revie#ed at the direction of *EEE Communications Society su'Cect matter e!perts for pu'lication in the *EEE Glo'ecom @B33 proceedings$

30 ) W ( 25 ver eser 20 h t y b d 15 e m u s con 10 er ow P s P

#ase (tudy Case 3 Case @ Case F Case 4


)I# *ctive + 8B 6B 3B 3B

)I# Idle + FB @6 3B B

)I# (leep + B @6 ?B >B


0 0 20 40 60 N-number of users 80 100

&'50)*+'25)*%'25) &'10)*+'10)*%'80) &'10)*%',0)

Digure @$ Total po#er of the server %s$ &um'er of users$

8 ) W d( 6 e v " 4 % r e Pow 2 0

The end-to-end po#er consumed 'y the mo'ile device using thin clients is the com'ination of the po#er consumed 'y the client, po#er consumed 'y the server and po#er consumed 'y the #ireless net#ork as in .7/$ 2



E$2 E

% 2 + 5 ,


-2 -4 0 02 04 06 m m !o"d #$fference - 08 1

*%$ E%

HU T*+& +D TKE )(+)+SED 0+DEH

*n this section, evaluation of po#er consumption 'y porta'le devices and comparison of traditional porta'le devices #ith thin client scenario is presented$ *n the first case, a comparison is performed #ithout the consideration of any net#ork condition or processor speed$ Whereas in the second case, various net#ork conditions are considered$ ll the evaluation is 'ased on the po#er model proposed in the previous section$ A. !omparative study of local vs. remote processing *n this case, it is assumed that the entire task is 'eing offloaded to the remote servers$ &o net#ork conditions are taken into account for analysis$ *t is also assumed that there is no retransmission as noiseless net#ork condition is considered and the processor speed is assumed to 'e faster for remote server$ Dor local computation it is assumed that no #ireless connection is re9uired$ Therefore the #ireless interface #as considered to 'e in sleep mode$ The total po#er saved from remote computation can 'e calculated 'y su'tracting .F/ from .3/ as
: - )o#er savedL 2 / J 2

Digure F$ )o#er saved 'y the mo'ile thin client paradigm

*t can 'e also o'served from Digure F that the po#er can 'e saved on porta'le devices if the load difference is greater than the po#er consumed 'y the #ireless interface to process and send the data for remote processing$ This suggests that if the application re9uires less computation it is energy efficient to handle the task locally$ Dor applications #hich re9uire more comple! computation remote processing #ould 'e energy efficient$ B. !omparative study of local vs. remote processing based on #etwor" conditions The nature of the #ireless medium also plays an important role in the process of evaluating the energy efficient trade-off 'et#een #ireless communication for remote processing and local computation$ n increase in num'er of porta'le devices #ill very likely cause saturation in the #ireless packets due to sharing of the channels for data transfer$ The congestion in the #ireless medium pertaining to high data rate transfer leads to packet collision #hich conse9uently results in retransmission of the packets$ *t is assumed that time re9uired to transmit # packets is B and N represents num'er of times each packet is retransmitted to achieve successful transmission$ Therefore fraction of time :.E/; as re9uired to send #($+% packets is e9ual to B sho#n in .?/$
2 L B :.E/;2 E B 2


Theoretically po#er can 'e saved on porta'le devices #hen : - / MM 2 . E9uation this condition is satisfied 2 .8/ is analy,ed 'elo# 'y considering various com'inations of different operational states for the &*C card as in Ta'le ***$ Case 3 is considered #here the client used the &*C interface actively therefore no sleep mode #as considered$ Cases 3 and @ represent the scenario most of the tasks<applications are computed on the remote server$ *n cases F and 4 #e consider the scenario #here the #irelesses interface of the porta'le device in the sleep mode for most of the time$ Dor analysis, #e have used the data from 23@5 for Henovo Think)ad (4BBB Core@ Duo laptop #ith processor speed @$?B GK,$
T GHE ***$ D*DDE(E&T C SES +D &*C +)E( T*+&


ny increase in N #ill in turn increase the po#er utili,ed 'y 2 , #hich #ill further lead to an increase in the 'attery po#er consumption for remote computation . 2 &2, /$ Thus higher num'er of packets retransmitted 'y the porta'le device for remote processing may lead to increased energy usage in transmitting than in local processing$ *t #as e!perimentally o'served that there #as less than 3E packetloss #hen different university #e'sites located at different

countries #ere pinged$ Therefore, a range of / 'et#een B and 3BE seems reasona'le for evaluations$ The load difference #as assumed to 'e 4BE and the &*C card of the porta'le device #as considered to 'e in active state$


This full te!t paper 1 2#as peer revie#ed at the direction of *EEE Communications Society e!perts for pu'lication in the *EEE Glo'ecom @B33 proceedings
1 ) W ( d e 08 v %" r 06 e w Po 04 02 0

0 02

0 04 0 06 P"c-et-!oss

0 08


Digure 4$ )o#er saved 'y the mo'ile thin client paradigm for varying packet-loss

s e!pected from Digure 4 minimal packet retransmission saves more po#er on the porta'le devices$ Gut the interesting fact is that there is still some po#er savings for large num'er of retransmissions$ The round-trip time for each data packet may vary 'ased on the destination server location and latencies in the #ireless medium$ This may affect the %o*) calls or audio<video streaming on the porta'le devices$ Dor 'etter connectivity of the porta'le thin-client #ith the server, #ireless medium optimi,ation is re9uired, #hich #ill 'e considered in our future #ork$ %$ C+&CHUS*+& This study highlights the 'enefits of po#er consumption in porta'le devices 'y offloading tasks to remote servers$ n end-to-end analytical model #as developed for evaluating the po#er consumption in porta'le thin clients$ comparative study #as done comparing the po#er consumed 'y a porta'le device operating under the thin-client paradigm #hich e!ecutes tasks<applications remotely at a server #ith the po#er consumed 'y the same task<application #hen e!ecuted locally on the device$ The conditions that can lead to reduction in po#er consumption 'y a porta'le device through offloading of tasks #ere discussed$ (EDE(E&CES
235 %$ &am'oodiri, OTo#ards Sustaina'ility in )orta'le Computing through Cloud Computing and Cognitive (adiosO, *nternational Conference on )arallel )rocessing Workshops .*C))W/, San Diego, C , Septem'er @B3B$ C$ ksoy and S$ Kelal$, P+ptimi,ing Thin Clients for Wireless ctivemedia pplications,Q *EEE Third Workshop on 0o'ile Computing Systems and pplications, pp$ 363- 37B, @BBB$ E$ Davis, PGreen Genefits )ut Thin-Client Computing Gack on the Desktop Kard#are genda,Q White )aper, Dorrester (esearch *nc$, @BB?$ http=<<###$hp$com<canada<products<landing<thinRclients<files <Dorrestor-GreenRandRTCs$pdf )$ Somavat, S$ Sadhav, %$ &am'oodri, P ccounting for energy consumption of personal computing including porta'le devices,Q *nternational Conference on Energy-Efficient Computing and &et#orking archive, pp$ 343-34>, @B3B

W$ %ereecken, H$ De'oorsere, )$ Simoens, G$ %ermeulen, D$ Colle, C$ Develder, 0$ )ickavet, G$ Dhoedt T )$ Demeester, P Energy Efficiency in Thin Client Solutions,Q *nstitute for Computer Sciences, Social*nformatics and Telecommunication Engineering, pp$3B>-337,@B3B$ 275 http=<<net$educause$edu<ir<li'rary<pdf<DECBBB6$pdf 285 S$ &ieh, S$ S$ Iang, &$ &ovik, Q Comparison of Thin-Client Computing rchitectures,Q Technical (eport CUCS-B@@-BB&ovem'er @BBB$ 2?5 $ Gupta and )$ 0ohapatra, QEnergy Consumption and Conservation su'Cect matter in WiDi Gased )hones= 0easurement-Gased Study,Q Sensor, 0esh and d Koc Communications and &et#orks, @BB8$ SEC+& UB8$ 4th nnual *EEE Communications Society, pp$ 3@@ J 3F3, B7-@BB8$ 2>5 W$%ereecken,W$Kaerick, C,Develder, D$Colle, G$ Dhoedt T )$ Demeester, Q)o#er Consumption of 0o'ile and Wireless Thin Clients,Q @B3B$ 23B5 $ )$ 0iettinen, S$ K$ &urminen, PEnergy efficiency of mo'ile clients in cloud computing,Q KotCloudU3B )roceedings of the @nd USE&*1 conference on Kot topics in cloud computing,, pp-4, @B3B$ 2335 $ (udenko, )$ (eiher, G$ S$ )opek, G$ K$ Kuenning , PSaving )orta'le Computer Gattery )o#er through (emote )rocess E!ecution,Q University of California, 0o'ile Computing and Communication revie#, %ol-@, 3>>?$ 23@5 http=<<do#nloads$energystar$gov<'i<9plist<laptopsRprodRlist$pdf$ 23F5 (eport to Congress on Server and Data Center Energy Efficiency )u'lic Ha# 3B>-4F3 ,U$S$ Environmental )rotection gency E&E(GI ST ( )rogram ugust @,@BB8$ 2345 Citric Systems, http=<<###$citri!$com$ B6-@BB> 2365 (emote Desktop )rotocol,http=<<msdn$microsoft$com<enus<li'rary< aaF?FB36$asp!, @BB> 2375 )$ Simoens, )$ )raet, G$ %ankeirs'ilck, S$ Wachter, H$ De'oosere, D$ Turck, G$ Dhoedt, )$ Demeester, PDesign and implementation of a hy'rid remote display protocol to optimi,e multimedia e!perience on thin client devices,Q Telecommunication and &et#ork pplication Conference, 3@-@BB?$ 2385 S$ Kim, ($ $ Garatto, and S$ &ieh, Ppthinc a thin-client architecture for mo'ile #ireless #e',Q )roceedings of the 36 th international conference on World Wide We', @BB7$

2@5 2F5


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