Bahrain Media Roundup: Read More

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4th March 2014


Bahrain blast kills three policemen Interior Ministry
Three policemen were killed by a remotely detonated bomb in Bahrain on Monday during a protest in a village west of the capital Manama, the Interior Ministry said, in one of the worst incidents of violence in recent months. The United Arab Emirates said one of its police ofcers, serving in a Gulf Cooperation Council force operating in the island kingdom, was among the three dead ofcers, according to the UAE state news agency WAM. Bahrain's main opposition groups condemned the bombing as a criminal act and urged followers to ensure that protesters use only peaceful means to push their demands for reforms. Bahrain's Shi'ite majority has long complained of discrimination, a charge denied by the Sunni-led government. Read More

Emirati among three police killed in Bahrain bomb

A bomb explosion in Bahrain killed three police, including an Emirati, during confrontations with "rioters" near Manama, in the bloodiest attack on the security forces since they crushed the 2011 uprising.

Witnesses reported hearing a blast in the Shiitepopulated village of Daih, on the outskirts of the Bahraini capital, as the police red tear gas and buckshot to break up a demonstration. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon condemned the deadly bomb attack and sent his condolences to the victims' family, his spokesman said. Read More were killed Monday in what it called a "terror bombing attack," and that initial indications suggest the bomb was planted near a lamp post and was detonated remotely. Two other explosions occurred nearby and another bomb was defused, the ministry said. Among those killed in the blast was a police ofcer from the United Arab Emirates deployed to help bolster security in the tiny island kingdom. Read More The United Arab Emirates said one of its police ofcers, serving in a Gulf Cooperation Council force operating in the island kingdom, was among the three dead ofcers, according to the UAE state news agency WAM. The Bahraini Interior Ministry said on its Twitter account that a group of protesters had broken away from a mourning procession in the village of Daih and started blocking roads. Read More

Emirati officer dies in Bahrain bomb explosion

An Emirati police ofcer serving in Bahrain was killed in a bomb attack during clashes between security forces and rioters. First Lieutenant Tariq Al Shehi died after an improvised bomb exploded

as security forces dispersed Shiite protesters in the village of Daih, near Manama. Two other police ofcers with the Bahraini security forces were killed in the blast. The Minister of Interior described the blast as a terrorist attack. Read More The ministry said on its Twitter account that the policemen were killed as the police were dispersing rioters. The police were chasing a breakaway group of thugs who diverted from a funeral route in Daih to riot, the ministry said in a tweet. Read More

Bahrain bomb kills 3 police during protest

A bomb blast in Bahrain killed three policemen as they were dispersing "rioters and vandals" on the outskirts of the capital Manama, authorities said Monday in an escalation likely to increase tensions between security forces and hard-line protesters. The Interior Ministry said in a statement that the police

3 policemen killed in Bahrain blast

Three policemen were killed on Monday afternoon in a terrorist explosion, the interior ministry said. The blast occurred in the village of Daih, in the suburbs of the capital Manama.

Bahrain blast kills three policemenUPDATED

An explosion killed three policemen in Bahrain on Monday during a protest in a village near the capital Manama, the Interior Ministry said, in one of the worst incidents of violence in recent months.

Victor Dahdaleh collapsed trial: main witness wants to withdraw guilty plea
The main prosecution witness in the collapsed trial of businessman Victor Dahdaleh, who had been accused of being at the centre of a bribes-forcontracts scandal involving members of Bahrain's royal family, has told the court he wants to withdraw his guilty plea.

Bruce Hall had pleaded guilty to a charge relating to an alleged multimillionpound bribery conspiracy involving Dahdaleh, Sheikh Isa bin Ali Al Khalifa of Bahrain, and others. Accusations claimed there had been kickback payments on lucrative alumina contracts between the Bahrain's state-run aluminium rm Alba and a subsidiary of Alcoa in the US. Read More

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