Multilateral Wells Dissertation Proposal Draft Form

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The University of Salford School of Computing, Science and Engineering MSc Dissertation Proposal

Date: 5th Dec, 2012

Name: Fasakin Akinwole Proposed Project Title: Modellin o! m"ltilateral wells

#rie! $"tline o! the %ork: The most traditional form of wells drilled is the vertical well. Vertical wells are wells drilled with zero inclination angle. These wells intersect the reservoir bedding plane at right angles. To further improve upon the performances of these vertical wells particularly in some areas where vertical wells have not proved to be particularly successful, significant advances in technology have made it possible to drill horizontally. By definition, a horizontal well is a well drilled parallel to the reservoir bedding plane i.e. with an inclination angle of or near to 90 degrees. A multi lateral well is an advanced form of horizontal well in which there is more than one horizontal or near horizontal lateral well drilled from a single main bore and connected bac! to the main bore. This form of wells usually are characterised by comple" geometries and architecture (expand on this) #rilling at inclination angles re$uired for horizontal and multilateral wells %up to 90&' substantially increase the cost of the well but these wells produce certain advantages which include increased drainage area of the platform, most especially in offshore fields, prevention of water and gas coning problems, increased penetration of the producing formation, improved productivity in fractured reservoirs. These industry advantages provide the economic basis for the choice presently. and thus provides a basis for the desirability of comparative simulation modelling of the production performance of these types of wells. (ethodology. )ey methods to be employed in this dissertation pro*ect include des! researching %literature review' and computer simulation. #es! researching shall be by consultation of boo!s in the

library and also relevant materials online. #ata collated by researching shall be put to test for validation or otherwise by means of computer simulations. The basic simulation tool to be used will be the +clipse simulation software and perhaps in con*unction, and with support from other softwares li!e ,etrel and -eveal. The envisaged brea!down. structure of the dissertation shall be as detailed below/ a. 0ntroduction b. 1iterature -eview c. ,roblem #efinition 2 d. ,roposed solution 2 Basis of the pro*ect Basis of the pro*ect is to demonstrate the relevance, technical feasibility and economic viability of underta!ing (ultilateral wells drilling to the industry. The main advantage of multilateral wells over the more conventional vertical and horizontal wells is cost reduction. This finds particular importance in fields located offshore, on platforms where location of slots is limited.

Proposed &ompletion Date: 15th, Ma', 2012

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Please pro)ide a dra!t plan o! 'o"r work detailin all the tasks 'o" will *e "ndertakin ( &$MP+,T,D F$-M M./T #, -,T.-N,D T$ T0, P-$1-AMM, D2-,&T$- $F 1A/ ,N12N,,-2N1 3Pro!essor 1(1(Nasr4 and &0$/,N /.P,-52/$-

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.pon the completion o! 'o"r work, 'o" m"st pro)ide 2 hard copies and 1 so!t cop' and a &D7-$M to the /chool $!!ice, $nce it is a reed with 'o"r s"per)isor(

3ains of horizontal wells include productivity, produce from tight formations, reduce water and gas coning problems because of reduced drawdown for a given production rate, and also reduce costs, horizontal well drilling was introduced.

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