PET 1 Tapescript

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Listening Tapescript: Test 1 RUBRIC = R R This is the Cambridge Preliminary English Test.

There are four parts to the test. You will hear each part twice. For each part of the test there will be time for you to look through the questions and time for you to check your answers. For Parts 1, 2 and 4, click on the correct answer. For Part 3, you can type your answers as you listen or you can make notes on your notepaper and type your answers at the end of this part. You will have two minutes to type your answers for Part 3. Look at Part 1. There are seven questions in this part. For each question, there are three pictures and a short recording. Click on A, B or C to show which is the correct picture. You will hear each recording twice. R F Part 1, Question 1. Which gate will the flight to Amsterdam leave from? This is a message for passengers on Quickair flight 437 to Amsterdam. We regret to announce that the departure of this flight will be delayed for thirty minutes due to the late arrival of the incoming aircraft. Please note also that this flight will now depart from gate 34 and not gate 46 as previously announced. Thats flight 437 to Amsterdam. R F Part 1, Question 2. Which present does the woman decide to buy? I dont know what to get Miranda for her birthday. Perhaps Ill get her a couple of CDs. Last year I bought her a scarf, but shes never worn it.

Well, it was a rather strange colour. Why dont you get her an alarm clock she keeps saying hers doesnt work properly. But I expect you think thats a boring idea for a present.

No, I dont actually. Id rather buy her something useful. Shes got plenty of CDs anyway.


Part 1, Question 3. What will the weather be like tomorrow morning? And now the weather forecast for tonight and tomorrow. Any fog will soon clear away to give a fine night in most places. Overnight, the temperature will fall to around 3 degrees, which is quite cold for the time of year, but there is no risk of frost. Tomorrow will start cloudy, but rain is not expected before midday. It will be windy, however, and it will feel cold for most of the day, especially near sea coasts.


Part 1, Question 4. What does Natalie want to study at university? Now, Natalie, have you thought about what youd like to study at university? Youre very good at chemistry, I hear.

Oh, I dont really want to do sciences, Im afraid. My first choice actually is to do drama, because Id like to work in the theatre.

Really? Are you sure? Maybe music would be better though, because youre a very good pianist.


Im sorry my minds made up, Im afraid. Part 1, Question 5. Which is Annas new boyfriend?

Oh look, Anna. Theyre going to start. I havent been to a football match for ages. So which one is your new boyfriend?

Thats him over there. He usually wears a shirt with a number eight on it, but apparently hes playing in a different position today, so hes got the number six on instead.


Oh yes, I can see him. But whos that standing next to him? He looks nice. Number five? Thats his cousin. I could introduce you if you like, Mary! Part 1, Question 6. What will the boy have in his sandwiches today? Mum, can I have cheese sandwiches for my lunch today? Im afraid Ive already made them and Ive given you chicken. You said you liked them yesterday.

Yes, I did, but cant I have something different today? I havent had cheese for ages.

Im sorry, we havent got any cheese. Look, take your brothers Ive put fish in them. He wont mind having chicken again.


Thanks. Part 1, Question 7. Which programme can you see next? And now we have a change to tonights programmes. Because the rugby final finished later than expected, tonights programme in the series Animals from Around the World will now be shown next week at the same time instead. This means that after the news, which begins here in two minutes on Channel Twelve, you will be able to see a special edition of Test Drive, the programme

that tells you all about the latest sports cars on the market and advises you which one to buy.

Now look at Part 2, questions 8 to 13. For each question, click on the correct answer A, B or C. You will hear the recording twice. You will hear an interview with Paul Wright who runs a surfing school in Cornwall in the west of England. You now have 45 seconds to look at the questions for Part 2. Now we are ready to start.

My guest today is Paul Wright who runs a surfing school in Cornwall in the west of England. Welcome, Paul.


Hi. Have you always been a surfer? I learnt as a kid. Surfing wasnt as popular then, so not many people did it. Ive always enjoyed swimming, but my real interest was sailing because my father had a small boat. Im afraid I was never good at team sports like football, so I was at the beach every weekend.


Then you went to university? Yes. Because I was good at maths, I decided to study economics. My father was disappointed. He was a doctor and thought I should do medicine. I wanted to become a bank manager and earn lots of money, but it didnt happen. When the course finished, I worked as an insurance salesman which I hated.


So what did you do? I looked forward to the holidays. In fact, one summer I went on a course in Scotland to learn how to be a diving instructor. Thats where I met Amy, whos

now my wife. She came from Cornwall and was a really keen surfer. It was her idea to start the surfing school, and her father gave us the money to get started. I P That was lucky. Yes, but it was hard work, teaching from 10 in the morning till 7 at night without a break at busy times. For me, being out all day in the cold weather was the hardest thing. Obviously, we had more customers in the summer months, but for the school to be a success we had to stay open all year. I P So tell us about the courses you run. Well, we do all sorts. You can start with just an hour a day, although Id say that a two-hour lesson is always better. Some people come and do weekend courses, thats about 10 hours in total and theyre our most popular. Then, we also do 30hour holiday courses, where there are lessons every day for five days. I P And do you have any plans for the future? We now have three teachers working at the school so were quite busy, and Im hoping to have five by next year. But I wouldnt like it to get any bigger than that because I like to offer a personal service. Some surf schools organize trips to Hawaii or Australia for their clients, and the teacher goes with them. But I wouldnt like to be away from the school for so long. You see, I really love Cornwall.

Now look at Part 3, questions 14 to 19. For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space. You will hear the recording twice. You can type your answers as you listen or you can make notes on your notepaper. You will have 2 minutes to type your answers at the end of Part 3. You will hear a tour guide called Eric telling a group of tourists about a trip to Costa Rica. You now have 20 seconds to look at Part 3. Now we are ready to start.

Hello. Im Eric and Im the group leader on your trip to Costa Rica which starts next week. Our trip begins at Heathrow airport where Ill meet you in the departure lounge. Please report to the information desk there once youve passed through the security checks and Ill be there. Its a long flight. So when we arrive in Costa Rica, well spend two nights in a luxury hotel in the capital. There are organized activities to go on if you like. Most people go to the National Theatre and the Jade Museum, though if you only choose one, Id recommend going to the Gold Museum. Its really interesting. On Day Three, we drive down to the Atlantic coast. There well stay at a lodge in the National Park and well be able to explore the rainforest. Therell be both morning and evening trips, not by coach this time, but by boat as this is the best way to explore the area.

Well also have a talk by a naturalist wholl tell us all about Costa Ricas incredible wildlife. This includes thousands of butterflies, 850 different sorts of bird, and wonderful trees and flowers. Hopefully, after the talk, well be able to name some of the things we see as we travel round. Then, on Day Five, we drive up in to the mountains. First, well visit the Arenal volcano, where youll have the chance to bathe in the hot springs if you want, and then we go on to the Belmar Hotel in the cloud forest, where youll spend the rest of your holiday. In the forest you can explore the bridges and walkways that have been built high up amongst the trees. You get a wonderful view of the wildlife and a local guide will be there to tell you all about it. So, before I tell you about

Now look at Part 4, questions 20 to 25. Look at the six sentences for this part. Decide if each sentence is correct or incorrect. Click YES if the sentence is correct or NO if it is incorrect. You will hear the recording twice. You will hear a girl, Kirsty, and a boy, Luke, talking about watching films. You now have 20 seconds to look at the questions for Part 4. Now we are ready to start.

Hi, Luke. Thanks for lending me the DVD of that film. I thought it was really exciting.

Hi, Kirsty. Yeah I thought youd like it because its got all those brilliant special effects.

They were really great actually, but I dont know whether I got the full effect watching it on our TV at home. I mean our DVD players a pretty cheap one, but even if we had a good one it wouldnt be the same as seeing the film on a wide screen at the cinema.


Well, I think it depends on the film. Really? Id much rather go to the cinema. I dont think it matters that much actually. I mean, its fun going out to see a film, especially if theres a group of you and its a good film. But sometimes I feel trapped in the cinema. Even if its a boring film, youve got to sit there. At home, youd turn it off and do something else!

But its only when you get involved in the story that you begin to enjoy a film. Being in the cinema helps you concentrate then you really see what the films all about.


I think you must have more patience than me! I like a good comedy or a thriller. So do I, but a really good film, it doesnt matter what type, makes you think about things as well. I like going to the cinema on my own sometimes.


Whats the point of that? Well if its a good film, you dont need someone sitting with you. But dont you want to talk about it afterwards? Thats often the best bit! I like doing that too, and as long as my friends have watched the same film, I still can. But I dont actually have to be with them when they watch it.

No, I suppose not. Anyway, how about coming to that new sci-fi film thats on in town?


OK. That is the end of Part 4. You now have two minutes to check all your answers. You have one more minute. That is the end of the test.

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