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Software Requirements Specification

Conference Management Portal Version 1.0

Prepared by
Group Name: Bug Hunters
Meghana Thodaskar Manjula Bhajantri Vikas S Chavan <student #> <student #> 1PI13SSE18 <e-mail> <e-mail>

Instructor: Course: Teaching Assistant: Date:

Software Testing <place your TAs name here> 3/3/2014

REVISIONS ................................................................................................................................................................II 1 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................................................4 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2 DOCUMENT PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................4 PRODUCT SCOPE .......................................................................................................................................4 INTENDED AUDIENCE AND DOCUMENT OVERVIEW ............................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. DEFINITIONS, ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ........................................................................................4 DOCUMENT CONVENTIONS ................................................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. REFERENCES AND ACKNOWLEDGMENTS...................................................................................................4

OVERALL DESCRIPTION ..............................................................................................................................5 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 PRODUCT PERSPECTIVE ............................................................................................................................5 PRODUCT FUNCTIONALITY .........................................................................................................................5 USERS AND CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................................................................5 OPERATING ENVIRONMENT ........................................................................................................................5 DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION CONSTRAINTS ..........................................................................................6 USER DOCUMENTATION .............................................................................................................................6 ASSUMPTIONS AND DEPENDENCIES ..........................................................................................................6

SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS ..........................................................................................................................7 3.1 3.2 3.3 EXTERNAL INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................7 FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................ ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. BEHAVIOUR REQUIREMENTS......................................................................................................................8

OTHER NON-FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS .........................................................................................9 4.1 4.2 4.3 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................................................9 SAFETY AND SECURITY REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................9 SOFTWARE QUALITY ATTRIBUTES .............................................................................................................9

OTHER REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................ 11

APPENDIX A DATA DICTIONARY ................................................................................................................... 12 APPENDIX B - GROUP LOG ................................................................................................................................. 13

Version Draft Type and Number Primary Author(s) Full Name Description of Version Information about the revision. This table does not need to be filled in whenever a document is touched, only when the version is being upgraded. Date Completed 00/00/00

The explanations provided below, do not cover all of the material, but merely, the general nature of the information you would usually find in SRS documents. It is based on the IEEE requirements and was adapted specifically for the needs of Software Engineering courses. Most of the sections in this template are required sections, i.e. you must include them in your version of the document. Failure to do so will result in marks deductions. Optional sections will be explicitly marked as optional.

1 Introduction
1.1 Document Purpose
This SRS Document contains the complete software requirements for the Conference Management Portal describes the design decisions, architectural design and the detailed design needed to implement the system. It provides the visibility in the design and provides information needed for software support.

1.2 Product Scope

The portal is to build upon the existing web-based project marking system in order to implement the conference management process and allocating supervisor/ideas to students. This increase in efficiency of data access, Conference management, gives feedback to student, finally, publication of documents. It provides a mechanism to organize any conference online which makes the system is flexible.

1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations

IEEE SRS J2EE JSP OS HTML PHP CMP The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. Software Requirements Specification Java 2 Platform Enterprise Edition Java Server Page Operating System Hyper Text Mark-up Language Hypertext Pre-processor Conference Management Portal

1.4 References and Acknowledgments

Briggs 2005 IEEE 1998 Briggs, J. (2005). SUMS documentation. Retrieved 3 rd December 2005, from IEEE Std 830-1998, IEEE Recommended Practice for Software Requirements Specifications. ISBN 0-7381-0332-2.

2 Overall Description
2.1 Product Perspective
The Conference Management Portal (CMP) would be composed of presentation, application, data access and security layers which would provide the platform to house the applications suggested for use at the department level. All the service requests with respect to these applications initiated using different delivery channels would be processed by the Conference Management Portal. These portals and existing applications will share data using web services.

2.2 Product Functionality

The major objectives of the Conference Management Portal are as follows : To provide one stop, single window solution to all the students for accessing information and services related to the department eliminating the need to remember multiple URL and to navigate multiple web sites and applications. . To act as a gateway for delivery of information and services in department which will be accessed using Conference Management Portal. To build a comprehensive knowledge management system for university students by providing platform to collaborate and share knowledge. Use of icons/pictures/ images and graphical interfaces to represent links and information for quicker understanding of the students. Consistent and Easy to Use interface- Consistent design of the web pages for common look and feel. Easy to navigate, search and browse- Site map for navigation guidance. To provide a secure and individualized view of multiple online resources and interactive services.

2.3 Users and Characteristics

Target user groups for the CMP can be broadly classified under five main categories, these are: Administrator Users who have all the privileges regarding the Conference Management Portal. He/she have all the permissions and authorization to every conferences. Author Users who feeds all the papers and documents regarding the conferences. Reviewer Users who publishes all the papers and documents online, created by authors. Conference Administrator Users who have access and authorization relevant only to a particular conference. He/she dont have any permissions of other conferences. Anonymous Users Users who anonymously just visit the website to read about the portal.

2.4 Operating Environment

Operating System :Windows Database:MySql Front End:HTML

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraints

Hardware Limitations Dependency on connectivity, bandwidth constraints in different regions across the country for Web/Mobile based interface Hardware interfaces for accessibility like speaker, touch screens etc. Software limitation -Screen readers, local language fonts Interfaces to other applications - The portal needs to interact with different set of applications and portals Parallel Operation - Unexpected increase in the number of concurrent user requests during peak transaction period Higher-Order Language requirements: The applications under Conference Management Portal will be in vernacular languages and language is not constrained

2.6 Assumptions and Dependencies

Although basic password authentication and role based security mechanisms will be used to protect CMP from unauthorised access; functionality such as email notifications are assumed to be sufficiently protected under the existing security policies applied by the University network team. Redundant Database is setup as the role of backup Database Server when primary database is failure. The correct functioning of CMS will partly be dependent on the correctness of the data stored and managed as part of the system. Also, the application will be hosted by one of many applications; the event of the server failing due to an error with one of these applications might result in CMS becoming temporarily unavailable.

3 Specific Requirements
3.1 Home Page Links

3.1.1 Portal Title Bar This bar displays logo and name of the project. 3.1.2 Login Bar Some of the services of the portal are only for the registered users. User has to register on portal to access these services. User can register on portal using New? Register Here link. Once this link is clicked, user will be displayed the User Registration form. Details for User Registration have been covered in subsequent sections. 3.1.3 Sign In After registration, user will be allowed to login on the portal clicking Sign In link provided on the right side of the home page. User has to provide User Id, Password and enter verification code for site security and click on Log In button provided at the bottom of the window. After successfully login, he can access the user specific services for which he has privileges like upload the content, participate in discussion forums, blogs, use customization option, ask queries to experts, post grievances etc. 3.1.4 Conference Here users can see all the details of the previous and upcoming conferences online. 3.1.5 Online Registration Users can register themselves and also register the conferences. 3.1.6 Submit a paper This link will provide the facility to authors for submitting the papers and documents relevant to the conferences. 3.1.7 FAQS This section includes all the frequently asked questions by the users about the conference or website. .

3.1.8 Search Box In search box, user will be able to provide keyword based on which content will be searched on local site and results will be displayed to user. 3.1.9 Contact Us This link provides the facility to the users to contact the website developer about any problems that they have regarding the conference or website. It provides address , contact no and email-id of the conference administer. 3.1.10 Membership This link provides the facility to the users to become a member of the website for a definite time of period. Users have to register themselves to gain the membership.

3.2 Behaviour Requirements

3.2.1 Use Case View

Register and fill Forms Submit paper

Assign paper to commitee

Create review panel

Assign paper to panel

Make payment

Setup for presentation



4 Other Non-functional Requirements

4.1 Performance Requirements
<If there are performance requirements for the product under various circumstances, state them here and explain their rationale, to help the developers understand the intent and make suitable design choices. Specify the timing relationships for real time systems. Make such requirements as specific as possible. You may need to state performance requirements for individual functional requirements or features. TODO: Provide at least 5 different performance requirements based on the information you collected from the client. For example you can say 1. Any transaction will not take more than 10 seconds, etc>

4.2 Safety and Security Requirements

Most of the information for information services will be in public domain. Security requirements of the transaction based services and workflow based services are high. Adequate safety measures would be incorporated during development stage itself to prevent vulnerabilities and build secured code for these services on Conference Management Portal. The system should have protection against unauthorized creation / modification of data and unauthorized viewing of data

4.3 Software Quality Attributes

High Availabity High availability refers to a system or component that is continuously operational for a desirably long length of time. It is an ability to withstand failure of individual components. Conference Management Portal should be highly available. To make CMP to be highly available, it is essential that all components like hardware, network, system software, and application software are operational all the time. If the system is not available for all the time, user loses his interest and avoids using the service again presuming that it may waste users time in accessing the service without any result.


Scalability is the ability of a system, network, or process, to handle growing amount of load in a CMPable manner by means of deploying additional resources, if required, without any noticeable degradation of its performance. Conference Management Portal should be able to cope up with significant increase in load or page requests, without noticeable degradation in performance, by means of deploying additional hardware but without making any changes in the application software. Scalability should be addressed at each and every component level.


Software Reliability is an important to attribute of software quality. Reliability is the probability of failure-free software operation for a specified period of time in a specified environment. Due to any human interventions, the system should not behave abnormally. Software failures may be due to errors, ambiguities, oversights or misinterpretation of the specification that the software is supposed to satisfy, carelessness or incompetence in writing code, inadequate testing, incorrect or unexpected usage of the software or other unforeseen problems. It is expected that there shall not be any bug while operating Conference Management Portal and the system shall be tested on end cases to offer user a quality and reliable package.


Usability is a quality attribute that assesses how easy user interfaces are to use. Compromising user friendliness leads to loss of productivity. Conference Management Portal should be easy to use. The underlying technology should be transparent to users, so they can concentrate on tasks at hand. Screens should be designed for ease of use by non -technical users who do not have any computer knowledge. The GUI design shall be intuitive and taskbased without any superfluous design. Usability is defined by 5 quality components :Learnability: How easy is it for users to accomplish basic tasks the first time they encounter the design? Efficiency: Once users have learned the design, how quickly can they perform tasks? Memorability: When users return to the design after a period of not using it, how easily can establish proficiency? Errors: How many errors do users make, how severe are these errors, and how easily can they recover from the errors? Satisfaction: How pleasant is it to use the design?


Portability is the usability of the same software in different environments. The software will be hosted / installed in the environment as decided by DAC later on.


Extensibility refers the ability to add new functionality without requiring major changes to the existing code. Conference Management Portal should be extensible in the sense that new features can be easily added or plugged-in without any significant changes to the existing system.

Maintainability is defined as the ease with which a software system or component can be modified to correct faults, improve performance or other attributes, or adapt to a changed environment.

Accessibility is a general term used to describe the degree to which a product, device, service, or environment is available to as many people as possible. Accessibility is often used to focus on people with disabilities or special needs and their right of access to entities, often through use of assistive technology. Website accessibility is important design consideration. Website should be accessible to all, irrespective to the physical compatibility of the user, technical expertise, limitations of the devices he is using for accessing website, speed of connectivity, language he knows etc.Conference Management Portal should have wide reach. The accessibility with respect to these aspects is also an important design consideration. For making Conference Management Portal accessible, it should be made Web Accessibility Guidelines compliant. Web accessibility guidelines are published by the W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative.

5 Other Requirements
<This section is Optional. Define any other requirements not covered elsewhere in the SRS. This might include database requirements, internationalization requirements, legal requirements, reuse objectives for the project, and so on. Add any new sections that are pertinent to the project.>

Appendix A Data Dictionary

<Data dictionary is used to track all the different variables, states and functional requirements that you described in your document. Make sure to include the complete list of all constants, state variables (and their possible states), inputs and outputs in a table. In the table, include the description of these items as well as all related operations and requirements.>

Appendix B - Group Log

<Please include here all the minutes from your group meetings, your group activities, and any other relevant information that will assist the Teaching Assistant to determine the effort put forth to produce this document>

Properties of SRS:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Correct Complete Unambiguous Verifiable Consistent Ranked for importance and/or stability Modifiable Traceable

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