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Section 4 Corrosion of Materials Used in Shipbuilding

Section 4 : Corrosion of Materials Used in Shipbuilding Version 1.0 Date: October 200

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Corrosion !ll "aterials including "etals deteriorate. So"e deteriorate faster than others# $hile so"e deteriorate "ore than others. %his gradual process of deterioration or degradation is called corrosion and it affects the "etals used in ship construction. !ll "etals $ill corrode on contact $ith $ater and air. &ffecti'e coating and "ini"isation strategies are essential to the shipbuilding industr( and the effecti'e life)span of the co"ponents the( "anufacture.

%he reduction or "ini"isation of corrosion is of 'itall( significant in deter"ining the potential life span and suitabilit( of "aterials to be used for shipbuilding# outfitting re*uire"ents and structural applications. Corrosion process %he corrosion process is an electroche"ical process $hich begins $hen the "etal reacts to its en'iron"ent and its ato"s are e+posed to the "oisture filled at"osphere# gi'ing up electrons and releasing positi'el( charged ions into the "oisture filled solution $hich beco"e electricall( conducti'e# and is called an electrol(te. %he point of corrosion is called an !node.

O,% M172-0. - 01 !node &lectrode

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Anodic site !n anode site can be triggered b( 'er( "inor surface irregularities such as crac/s# pit "ar/s# ca'ities# pin holes# or bare "etal e+posed to "oisture# or# i""ersed in sea$ater $hich is a corrosi'e electrol(te. &'en salt deposits on the surface beco"e h(groscopic and act as an effecti'e electrol(te. %he electrol(te acts as the corrosi'e "ediu"# $here the "etal anode passing through it# releases positi'el( charged ions into the solution# at the sa"e ti"e releasing electrons to another electrode site called a cathode. %he cathode can be another "etal surface in contact $ith the anode and electrol(te or part of the sa"e "etal. %he cathode accepts the release of electrons and sets up a cathodic reaction of electrons# flo$ing through the "etal tr(ing to inhibit corrosion for"ing. %he anode and cathode for" a partnership /no$n as a 0couple1. %he "etal anode co"ponent of the couple corrodes faster than it $ould nor"all( in an electrol(te# and the other co"ponent# being the cathode# corrodes slo$er than nor"al. O,% M172-0. - 02 !nodic and Cathodic Cell

Electro-chemical corrosion involving wet corrosion %he three co"ponents for" a cell# co"prising an anode# cathode and electrol(te. %hese are /no$n as anodic and cathodic cells #or potential sites for bi"etallic# electrol(tic or gal'anic corrosion of the "etals. Metallic corrosion occurs $hen the follo$ing essential re*uire"ents are "et: ! potential difference bet$een t$o dissi"ilar "etals2 %he presence of an effecti'e electrol(te or electricall( conducting solution2 !n electrical connection bet$een the t$o "etals. 3hen these conditions are "et# the "etal in contact $ith the li*uid solution# $ill discharge positi'el( charged particle ions into the solution $here the( re"ain in negati'e charge. %his is called a "etal1s negati'e potential# or# electrode potential# and is an indication of the "etal1s corrosion resistance.

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Electrode potential ! "etal1s electrode potential is graded# and sho$n in an electro)che"ical series table. %he higher the electrode potential grade# the higher the position to$ards the anodic end of the table# because of its greater potential tendenc( to corrode. Electro Chemical Series %he corrosion resistance of a "etal is sho$n b( its position in the electro) che"ical series $hen co"pared to other co""onl( used "etals. 4ts position is arranged according to its relati'e electrode potential as sho$n belo$. O,% M172-0. - 0 &lectro 5 Che"ical Series



Galvanic corrosion 6al'anic corrosion is a co""on proble" $hen dissi"ilar "etals are i""ersed in sea$ater in a "arine en'iron"ent# and an electrical connection is "ade. !n( "etal that is abo'e the other# in the gal'anic series# $ill corrode at a faster rate than the other. One $ill corrode $hile the other is protected. %he farther the t$o "etals are apart on the gal'anic series# the greater the potential difference bet$een the". %he least noble "etal is anodic. 4t $ill be "ore reacti'e and corrode at the e+pense of the "ost noble "etal# $hich is cathodic and less reacti'e and protected.

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O,% M172-0. - 0. 6al'anic Series


Corrosion $rotection Strategies &' Cathodic $rotection Cathodic protection is used to protect steel ship hulls fro" such reacti'it( and corrosion. 7or e+a"ple a co""on "anganese bron8e propeller is usuall( 'er( close to the steel hull# and is an e+a"ple of bi)"etallic coupling of differing "etals# i""ersed in corrosi'e electrol(te# sea$ater. Under this condition the steel hull $ould corrode 'er( fast and its ser'ice life $ould be s"aller than if it had cathodic protection. %o offer cathodic protection to the "anganese bron8e propeller and the steel hull it is co""on practice for the bi)"etallic couplings to be connected electricall( b( 8inc cathodes in the for" of thic/ 8inc plates attached to the hull along its length. %he 8inc plates are strategicall( placed close to the propeller and i""ersed in the electrol(tic sea$ater. %his pro'ides cathodic protection of the steel hull as the 8inc assu"es an anodic role offering the steel and the propeller cathodic protection. %he 8inc slabs corrode at a faster rate than the steel hull or propeller that the( protect. %he 8inc plates can be replaced on a regular basis e+tending the ser'ice life of both the propeller and the steel hull.

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4n the e+a"ple abo'e# 8inc plates are used to induce sacrificial corrosion of the : (elow the waterline; co"ponents such as hull# stern and rudder areas. %he techni*ue is also suitable for other co"ponents sub<ected to salt $ater penetration or partial i""ersion. Other "etals such as "agnesiu" or alu"iniu" can be used for sacrificial anodes for cathodic protection prior to coating. %hese are referred to as sacrificial anodes. 7or "arine structures alu"iniu" and 8inc are co""onl( used as sacrificial anodes because their higher potential is "ore reacti'e than the "arine "etallic structure being protected. %his sets up an electroche"ical cell $here the "etal $ith the lo$er potential# being the "arine structure beco"es the cathode# offering cathodic protection $hile the 8inc anodes corrode at a faster rate. Corrosion $revention Strategies )' "mpressed C*rrent S+stems !nother "ethod of cathodic protection of the sub"erged hull is to use i"pressed current s(ste"s. %he i"pressed currents are pro'ided b( a po$er) generating source through a s"all nu"ber of inert anodes to the area to be protected in "uch the sa"e $a( as pre'iousl( discussed. 4"pressed current s(ste"s can be used for "an( other shipboard applications such as protection for hot $ater tan/s# cooling pipe s(ste"s# boilers# po$er plant and other "etallic net$or/s and antifouling "echanis"s gi'ing the follo$ing benefits: Microprocessor control. Controlled ad<ustable protection. =ong lasting protection of 'ital co"ponents. =ong ) ter" reliabilit(. =o$er "aintenance and repair costs. 4ncreased ser'ice life. Co"bined antifouling protection.

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O,% M172-0. - 09 4"pressed Current S(ste"s


3hen corrosion does occur# it occurs in a gal'anic cell# unifor"l( and predictabl(# enabling pre)e"pti'e action to be ta/en. %he i"pressed current protection s(ste" has the follo$ing benefits: 4"pressed current s(ste"s force a protecti'e current to flo$. 4t enables the ser'ice life of the product to be esti"ated. %he 8inc plates used as sacrificial anodes can be replaced on a regular basis. ?re'entati'e "aintenance schedules to be planned and progra""ed $ith a degree of certaint( and reliabilit(. 4t allo$s for correcti'e "easures to be i"ple"ented# before se'ere conditions# or co"plete failure e'entuates. Galvanic cell Corrosion ta/es place in a gal'anic cell co"prising of dissi"ilar "etals in contact $ith a corrosi'e electrol(te at the anode @AB end# $hile a reduction in corrosion occurs at the cathode @)B end. %he anode end $ill be reacti'e and corrode# $hile the cathode end $ill e+perience a reduction reaction# re"aining protected and relati'el( intact b( the application of cathodic current.

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O,% M172-0.-0> 6al'anic cell


Cecause of the high 8inc content of brass# na'el bron8e# and "anganese bron8e# fasteners or fittings "ade fro" these "aterials :sho*ld not, be used for e+posed to $ater applications. Dor used for co"plete sub"ersion in sea$ater# as the( $ill corrode at a rapid rate. 4nstead# alu"iniu" bron8e# silicon bron8e# or phosphor bron8e fasteners# and fittings# should be used. ,o$e'er# precautions "ust be ta/en to ensure that the( are not# in contact $ith dissi"ilar "aterials# unless ade*uate corrosion protection strategies are in place such as# 8inc cathodic protection# i"pressed current s(ste"s# or pre'entati'e coatings such as epo+( paint ha'e been used. !ustenitic stainless steel fasteners should be used to secure alu"iniu" co"ponents such as "asts# out)dri'es# fittings e+posed to cli"atic conditions and sea$ater as long as the( are onl( in contact $ith alu"iniu"# stainless steel# gal'anised steel# or "onel "etal. Monel fasteners should be used to secure under$ater stainless fittings. Copper# copper allo(s# brass and bron8e "ust not be <oined to alu"iniu" other$ise se'ere gal'anic corrosion $ill occur.

Section 4 : Corrosion of Materials Used in Shipbuilding Version 1.0 Date: October 200

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O,% M172-0.-07 Cathodic protection fro" corrosion


Corrosion $revention Strategies -' $rotective Coatings o. marine str*ct*res - !etallic coatings Metallic coatings are applied to deposit thin la(ers of "etal such as# chro"iu"# nic/el# copper# cad"iu" and 8inc# to the base "etal of the "arine structure to be protect fro" corrosion such as steel# ferrous allo( often caused b( the sea$ater and the pre'ailing cli"atic conditions. %he coating pro'ides a durable# corrosion resistant la(er protecting the part at the e+pense of the coating "ediu". So"e of the "ethods used are the application of 8inc rich paints# electroplating# hot)dip gal'anising and fla"e spra( coating. 4n electroplating an electrical current is passed through a dissol'ed "etal ion solution containing the part to be plated# $hich beco"es the cathode in the electroche"ical cell that for"s. %he part deri'es its ions fro" the solution it co"es into contact $ith plating the surface $ith a thin barrier coating. ! 'ariet( of "etals can be used for electroplating such as alu"iniu"# brass# bron8e# cad"iu"# copper# chro"iu"# iron# lead# nic/el# tin# 8inc# gold# platinu" and sil'er. %hese are <ust a fe$ of the "etals that can be used. 7or the electroplating process to be efficient the follo$ing para"eters "ust be controlled. Controlling the: purit( of the bath solution2 te"perature2 length of ti"e the part sta(s in solution2 a"perage2 'oltage.

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Electroless $lating !n &lectroless nic/el @&DB plating process uses a che"ical catal(tic reduction process and a "etal plating "ediu" such as nic/el in solution. %he nic/el is placed in an a*ueous solution containing a reduction agent that causes the nic/el ions to flo$ through the a*ueous solution.

%he solution of nic/el ions is agitated thoroughl( to ensure unifor"it( of a co"bined "i+ture of dissol'ed nic/el ions and solution. 3hen the ferrous "etal allo( is placed into this "i+ture the disposition adheres onto the part being coated in the for" of a consistent plating barrier coat. %he thic/ness of the plating is unifor" to all internal and e+ternal features# faces and parts. 4t is a "easure of its corrosion resistant *ualities. 7or gal'anic protection Copper allo(s are so"eti"es coated $ith @&DB nic/el because of its higher position on the gal'anic series. &D plated ob<ects are e+pensi'e but generall( superior $hen co"pared to those that ha'e been nic/el ) plated using the electroplating process. Galvanising ,ot)dip gal'anising is a process of "etallurgicall( bonding a 8inc coating to cleaned# o+ide free# ferrous "etal parts# b( i""ersion in a "olten 8inc bath# lea'ing a 8inc coating that is bonded to the ferrous "etal to for" an allo( of the base "etal. %he 8inc for"s a gal'anic couple $ith the ferrous "etal# and it protects it fro" corrosion for long e+tended periods and often decades# depending on the thic/ness and *ualit( of gal'anising and the corrosi'e en'iron"ent in'ol'ed. O'er ti"e $here da"age occurs or the 8inc gal'anising coat is disturbed# the 8inc $ill sacrifice itself to protect the ferrous "etal and $aste a$a(. Due to

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gal'anic corrosion# rust $ill e'entuall( begin to for". !nd# if left untreated for an e+tended period# the ferrous "etal $ill be consu"ed in the corrosion process. ,ot 5dip gal'anising is used for "an( shipbuilding applications $here ferrous "etals are used such as fabricated co"ponents# cargo holds# sheet "etal parts# piping# cladding# e+posed tubes# rails# balustrading# dec/ing and "an( other applications that re*uire a durable corrosion and rust resistant barrier coating. %he gal'anising process consists of the follo$ing steps. Galvanising $rocess

O,% M172-0.-0E 6al'anising process 5 Step 1

The cleaning process is ver+ important in preparing the part .or acid (athing


O,% M172-0.-0F 6al'anising process 5 Step 2

Acid (athing o. the parts ens*res scale and r*st removal (e.ore rinsing and dr+ing'

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O,% M172-0.-10 6al'anising process 5 Step

/or chemical cleaning the parts are immersed in a hot .l*0 sol*tion o. 1inc ammoni*m chloride O,% M172-0.-11 6al'anising process 5 Step .

$arts are galvanised (+ immersion in molten 1inc hot-dip galvanising (ath'

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O,% M172-0.-12 6al'anising process 5 Step 9

A.ter galvanising the parts are chilled to .orm a (onded 1inc coating' %he gal'anising protects the ferrous "etal fro" the corrosi'e en'iron"ent b( gi'ing Cathodic and sacrificial protection. !nd irregular# co"plicated shapes# including internal surfaces such as piping and tubes are e*uall( suitable for hot)dipped gal'anising. %he gal'anised products ha'e a high resistance to "echanical da"age as $ell as anti)corrosi'e properties in a thic/ 8inc coating seal allo(ing $ith the base "etal# eli"inating "aintenance re*uire"ents for long periods. !fter careful surface preparation and special adhesion treat"ents such as etch pri"ers# secondar( coatings can be applied. &po+( based paints and other such protecti'e coatings can be applied o'er the gal'anising for e+tra durabilit( or decorati'e re*uire"ents.

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$ac2 Cementation

Thermal Spra+ Coating %he ther"al spra( coating process is used to appl( a "etallic coating to the surface of the part and e+tend its ser'ice life. %here are three "ethods of ther"al spra( coating. 7la"e spra( using co"bustion torch. ,igh)'elocit( o+()fuel @,VO7B and detonation torch. &lectric $ire arc and plas"a arc spra(. %he process in'ol'es the use of a high)energ( spra( s(ste"# such as a high 'elocit( o+()fuel @,VO7B together $ith po$dered particles of "etal# cera"ic or carbide co"pounds that are heated to high te"peratures until the( reach a plastic state. ! strea" of co"pressed air or gas is used to spra( the se"i)"olten "etal particles onto the prepared substrate to $hich the( adhere and for" a per"anent durable tough coating. On stri/ing the substrate the po$dered particles flatten and for" thin adhered o'erlapping porous la(ers that need sealing before use. !s $ell as po$dered "aterials# rod and $ire can be used in this process. Materials used for ther"al spra( coating include "etal# cera"ic or carbides. &+a"ples of use include bra/e discs# piston rings# gas turbine blades# steering shafts# co"bustion c(linders# in<ector no88les and rotational 'anes and "an( parts e+posed to salt at"ospheres re*uiring corrosion resistance. %he steps in the ther"al spra( coating process are: Substrate preparation. Mas/ing. 7i+turing. Coating. 7inishing. 4nspection

Section 4 : Corrosion of Materials Used in Shipbuilding Version 1.0 Date: October 200

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Organic coating Various paints and resins such as al/(ds# epo+ies# esters# 'in(ls# rubbers# coal tar epo+ies# aro"atic pol(urethane# aliphatic pol(urethane# late+# acr(lics# phenolics# and 8inc) rich products can be used to pro'ide a protecti'e fil" that increases the corrosion resistance of the part and protects against corrosion and en'iron"ental da"age. Surface preparation including thorough cleansing is 'er( i"portant to ensure ade*uate bonding adhesion and longe'it( of coating protection. ?rior to use obtain @MSDSB Material Safet( Data Sheets for each of the products to be used and follo$ safe handling# storage and use instructions. Manufacturers instructions "ust be follo$ed carefull( in all aspects of product preparation and use. 3arrier coating o. al*mini*m allo+s - Anodising ! barrier coating can be applied to alu"iniu" allo(s using an electrol(tic process of treat"ent called anodising that uses sulphuric# chro"ic# or phosphoric acid solutions# to for" a thin o+ide scale protecti'e fil"# on the "etals surface. %he process is an electroche"ical process in'ol'ing an anode# electric current and an electrol(te# usuall( sulphuric acid. %he alu"iniu" itself is the anode. %he electric current passing through the electrol(te coats the anodic alu"iniu" surface lea'ing a alu"iniu" o+ide protecti'e fil" that has increased abrasion# corrosion resistance# and anodic protection in a corrosi'e seafaring en'iron"ent. !nodising is not considered a stand alone process in shipbuilding applications and is usuall( acco"panied b( a secondar( application of finishing b( painting# po$der coating or other protecti'e organic coating "ediu" especiall( in highl( corrosi'e# al/aline or acidic situations.

O,% M172-0.-1 !lu"iniu" anodised outfitting co"ponents

The anodised .ilm (ecomes part o. the s*(strate and does not r*( o.. and is an ideal preparator+ (ase .or painting or secondar+ conversion coating'
Section 4 : Corrosion of Materials Used in Shipbuilding Version 1.0 Date: October 200 19 of 17

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S*r.ace preparation Cefore the application of an( barrier coating the surface "ust be thoroughl( cleaned to aid adhesion and "echanical bonding. Cefore grit blasting the surface should be degreased. Conta"inants "ust be re"o'ed using onl( reco""ended cleaners that don1t lea'e cleaning co"pounds on the surface that "a( inhibit proper coating adhesion and reduced durabilit( protection. Organic sol'ents# high)pressure stea"# caustic solutions# detergents# $ater <et spra( or grit blasting e*uip"ent# "a( be used pro'iding the parts are thoroughl( dried# prepared and coated i""ediatel( after cleaning. 7or "a+i"u" benefit# coating adhesion and corrosion protection the surface "ust free of dirt# grease# dust# rust# "ill scale# old paint or protecti'e coating# prior to the application of the final coating "ediu". Surfaces should be 'acuu"ed prior to application and be "oisture free. 6al'anised "aterials should be ade*uatel( etched in a suitable che"ical etching or phosphate solution# rinsed and dried thoroughl( prior to coating. Surface o+ides "ust be re"o'ed fro" copper or brass allo(s using a ferric chloride and "uriatic acid solution. %his "ust be rinsed off thoroughl( before dr(ing and final application of the coating "ediu". Corrosion inhi(itors 4nhibitors offer protection to the e+posed surfaces b( che"ical reaction that for"s a protecti'e seal slo$ing do$n the corrosion process thereb( decreasing the corrosion rate. 4nhibitors are che"ical in nature and s"all concentrations are added to offer protection b( decreasing the corrosion rate. %he higher the concentration generall( results in increased efficienc( of the inhibitor. &+a"ples of so"e co""onl( used inhibitors and their application are sho$n belo$:

O,% M172-0.-1. 4nhibitors and their application %able 1

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O,% M172-0.-19 4nhibitors and their application %able 2

4apo*r $hase "nhi(itors Vapour phase inhibitors are co"pounds used in closed or confined spaces b( 'olatilisation to pre'ent corrosion. %he( do this b( neutrali8ing acidic carbon dio+ide# or b( "odif(ing the p, 'alues# fro" acid and corrosi'e# to less acid and corrosi'e. On contact $ith the "etal surface# the 'apour inhibitor condenses and is h(drol(sed b( "oisture to release protecti'e ions and acting inhibition for e+tended periods of enduring protection.

O,% M172-0.-1> 4nhibitors and their application %able

igh volatilit+ compo*nds are *sed .or .ast acting inhi(ition5 while low volatilit+ compo*nds are less .ast acting (*t more end*ring over longer periods
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