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Infection Control Notes Name:________________________ Microorganisms _____________________ which can only be seen by a microscope To Live _____________ temperature _____________

____ darkness Anaerobic microorganisms which live in an environment without ________________ Aerobic microorganisms which need ____________________ to live Nonpathogenic a microorganism that does not cause __________________ Pathogenic a microorganism which is disease ______________________producing Pathogenic Microorganism Bacteria can be treated with ________________________ Viruses smaller than bacteria cannot be treated with ______________________ Protozoa larger than virus, grow within host cell Fungi low form of plant life, includes ___________________ & ____________________ Pathogen and disease Toxins some microorganisms produce poisons (toxins) that affect the ______________ How Microorganisms Spread Direct Contact transmitted directly from one _________________ to ___________________ Indirect Contact transferred from one ______________________ to ____________________ Airborne carried in the ____________ Oral route enters body through water, food, __________________________ Insects and Pests

picked up on insects and pests and ______________________ Signs and Symptoms Generalized involves the entire ______________ Localized involves a ________________ site Asepsis Asepsis free from or keeping away disease producing _____________________________ _________________ Asepsis to destroy the environment that allows pathogens to live, breed, and spread Aseptic technique methods used to make the environment, worker, and patient as germ _________ as possible Aseptic Techniques to prevent spread of disease Cross infection caused by infecting the patient with a new microorganism from another ___________ or health care worker Reinfection infection with the same microorganism that caused the original ______________ Self-inoculation Infection by the patients own ____________________ An illness passing from the patient to the health care worker or from worker to patient. Aseptic Technique Employees to be ___________ and _____________ Proper handling of all ___________________ Use sterile ________________ when necessary Use proper cleaning solutions Bacteriostatic solutions: slow or stops the growth of microorganisms bactericidal solutions: kills microorganisms Hand __________________ Universal Precautions Universal Precautions Precautions that protect the patient/client, co-workers, and community from __________ Wear gloves when touching ______________ touching ______________ __________________ performing veinipuncture touching body fluids of any kind wash hands after glove removal

protect clothing with apron or gown when splashing of blood or body fluids is possible discard ________________ or other sharps in puncture-resistant container do not _____________ needles or work with needles before disposal ________________ and ________________ linen must be handled with care

Controlling the Spread of Infections Sterilize make free from all living ____________________ Disinfection Process of freeing from microorganisms by __________________ or ______________ means Autoclaves sterilizers which use steam under pressure to kill all _____________________ Isolation Precautions Isolation condition of having __________________ contact with others Protective Isolation guarding workers and visitors from _________________ Reverse Isolation guarding the _______________ from danger Types of Isolation Respiratory Isolation protection from _________________ droplets Skin and wound isolation protection from ___________ wounds, skin _________________ Enteric Isolation solid body ________________ Strict Isolation complete protection Blood and body fluids

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