Labour Laws For HR Professionals

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Acts covered: 1. The Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act 1970 2. The Emplo ee! "ro#ident $und! and %i!cellaneou! "ro#i!ion! Act 19&2 '. The Emplo ee! (tate )n!urance Act 19*+ *. The $actorie! Act 19*+ &. The )ndu!trial ,i!pute! Act 19*7 -. The )ndu!trial Emplo ment ((tanding .rder!) Act/ 19*7. The %aternit 0ene1it Act 19-1 +. The %inimum 2age! Act 19*+ 9. The "a ment o1 2age! Act 19'10. 11. 12. The "a ment o1 3ratuit Act 1972 The Trade 4nion! Act 192The 2or5men6! Compen!ation Act 192'

The Employees St te I!s"r !ce Act #$%& The Emplo ee! (tate )n!urance Act i! a piece o1 !ocial !ecurit legi!lation concei#ed a! a mean! o1 e7tinction o1 the e#il! o1 !ociet / namel di!ea!e/ dirt/ ignorance and indigence. The ob8ect o1 thi! Act i! to !ecure !ic5ne!!/ maternit / di!ablement/ and medical bene1it to emplo ee! and dependant!6 bene1it! to the dependant!. The!e bene1it! are !ecured b 1inancial contribution! to the (cheme b emplo er! and emplo ee!. Appl'c t'o! )n the 1ir!t in!tance/ it !hall appl to all 1actorie! (including 1actorie! belonging to 3o#ernment) other than !ea!onal 1actorie!. (e)'!'t'o! *F ctory+ 2here on ten or more emplo ed and being carried out the %anu1acturing acti#it 9ith the aid o1 po9er or 9here on 20 or more per!on! emplo ed and being carried out the %anu1acturing acti#it 9ithout aid o1 po9er. *Employee+ mean! an per!on emplo ed 1or 9age! in or in connection 9ith the 9or5 o1 a 1actor e!tabli!hment to 9hich thi! Act applie! *F m'ly+ A (pou!e A minor Legitimate or adopted child A child 9ho i! 9holl dependent till he or !he attain! age o1 21 r! An 4nmarried daughter A child 9ho i! in 1irm b rea!on o1 an ph !ical or mental abnormalit ,ependent parent! * W ,es+ All remuneration paid or pa able but doe! not include "$ : 3ratuit pa able o1 the di!charge *Employme!t I!-"ry+ A per!onal in8ur to an emplo ee cau!ed b accident or an occupational di!ea!e ari!ing out o1 and in the cour!e o1 emplo ment .(epe!d !t. mean! an o1 the 1ollo9ing relati#e! o1 a decea!ed in!ured per!on/ namel ;< (i) a 9ido9/ a minor legitimate or adopted !on/ an unmarried legitimate or adopted daughter= (ia) a 9ido9ed mother= (ii) i1 9holl dependent on the earning! o1 the in!ured per!on at the time o1 hi! death/ a legitimate or adopted !on or daughter 9ho ha! attained the age o1 eighteen ear! and i! in1irm= or

(iii) i1 9holl or in part dependent on the earning! o1 the in!ured per!on at the time o1 hi! death/ < (a) a parent other than a 9ido9ed mother/ (b) a minor illegitimate !on/ an unmarried illegitimate daughter or a daughter legitimate or adopted or illegitimate i1 married and a minor or i1 9ido9ed and a minor/ (c) a minor brother or an unmarried !i!ter or a 9ido9ed !i!ter i1 a minor/ (d) a 9ido9ed daughter<in<la9/ (e) a minor child o1 a pre<decea!ed !on/ (1) a minor child o1 a pre<decea!ed daughter 9here no parent o1 the child i! ali#e/ or (g) a paternal grand<parent i1 no parent o1 the in!ured per!on i! ali#e= .Perm !e!t p rt' l d's /leme!t. %ean! !uch di!ablement o1 a permanent nature/ a! reduce! the earning capacit o1 an emplo ee in e#er emplo ment 9hich he 9a! capable o1 underta5ing at the time o1 the accident re!ulting in the di!ablement. .Perm !e!t tot l d's /leme!t. mean! !uch di!ablement o1 a permanent nature a! incapacitate! an emplo ee 1or all 9or5 9hich he 9a! capable o1 per1orming at the time o1 the accident re!ulting in !uch di!ablement. *S'c0!ess+ A condition/ 9hich re>uired medical treatment/ attendance and nece!!itate! ab!tention 1rom 9or5 on medical ground!. 1 '! Prov's'o!s 2o!tr'/"t'o!: The !um pa able to the contribution b the principal emplo er in re!pect o1 an emplo ee and emplo er Emplo ee Contribution i! 1.7&? Emplo er6! Contribution i! *.7&? 2o!tr'/"t'o! Per'od 1!t April to '0th (ept 1!t .ctober to '1!t %arch Be!e)'t Per'od 1!t @an to '0th @une o1 the ear 1ollo9ing 1!t @ul to '1!t ,ec

St !d rd Be!e)'t: A %ean! &0 ? o1 contributed dail 9age! (A#erage o1 !i7 month! contribution!)

BENEFITS S'c0!ess Be!e)'t: 91 da ! in an t9o con!ecuti#e bene1it period! (&0? o1 (tandard 0ene1it) E3te!ded S'c0!ess Be!e)'t 12* da ! 9hich ma be e7tended to '09 da ! in ca!e o1 T0/ lepro! etc during a period o1 ' r!. (2&? abo#e the (td 0ene1it) E!h !ced S'c0!ess Be!e)'t 7 da ! 1or #a!ectom and 1* da ! 1or tubectom . (T9ice (tandard 0ene1it) Bo bene1it 1or the 1ir!t t9o da !. (2aiting da !) 1 ter!'ty Be!e)'t (T9ice (td 0ene1it rate) 12 9ee5! (+* ,a !) - 9ee5! in ca!e o1 mi!carriage (*2 ,a !). Additional one month i1 nece!!ar . ('s /leme!t Be!e)'t (Emplo ment )n8ur ) )n ca!e o1 temporar di!ablement a! long a! incapacit la!t! and inca!e o1 permanent di!ablement 1or li1e time. ,ependent6! 0ene1it (70? o1 9age) ,ependence bene1it! ; The dependent!/ o1 in!ured per!on 9ho died a! a re!ult o1 an emplo ment in8ur / 9ill be allo9ed dependent! bene1it! b the E() in the 1orm o1 pen!ion a! 1ollo9!; To the 9ido9 To the children %inimum bene1it 1ed'c l Be!e)'t An in!ured per!on and hi! dependent! can recei#e medical bene1it in the 1orm o1 1ree 1ull medical treatment at an E() ho!pital/ di!pen!ar or clinic. F"!er l Be!e)'t R!. 2&00C< i! paid to meet the 1uneral e7pen!e! o1 )n!ured per!on NOTI2E OF IN4UR5 : The in!ured emplo ee 9ho !u!tain! a emplo ment in8ur !hould gi#e a notice o1 the !ame to the emplo er or manager or !uper#i!or etc./ b mean! o1 an entr in the accident boo5 or other9i!e in 9riting or e#en orall . Thi! i! #er important 1or claiming the di!ablement bene1it. O22UPATIONAL (ISEASES : )1 a per!on contract! an di!ea!e !peci1ied a! an occupational di!ea!e in re!pect the indu!tr / under the act/ then !uch di!ea!e 9ould be treated a! an emplo ment in8ur . A22I(ENT REPORT B5 THE E1PLO5ER : ,uring li1e until remarriage/ 'C&th o1 the 1ull !tandard bene1it rate Till the attain the age o1 1+/ 2C&th o1 the !tandard bene1it rate. R!. 1* per da .

)n ca!e o1 an accident in the e!tabli!hment/ the emplo er !hould prepare an DAccident reportE in 1orm Bo. 1- (in triplicate) and !ubmit to the local o11ice and the in!urance medical o11icer. The third cop i! the o11ice cop . The report !hould be !ubmitted 9ithin *+ hour! in ordinar ca!e! and immediatel in death ca!e!. (b) The particular! o1 the accident !hould be entered in the accident boo5 in 1orm no. 1&. (c) )n ca!e o1 death o1 an in!ured per!on due to an accident/ the bod o1 the in!ured per!on !hall not be di!po!ed until the bod ha! been e7amined b the in!urance medical o11icer or i1 he i! not able to arri#e 9ithin 12 hour!/ b an other medical practitioner/ 9ho 9ill arrange a po!t<mortem to be conducted be1ore the bod i! di!po!ed o11. FOR1S AN( RETURNS : Certain 1orm! including return! are re>uired to be 1illed and !ubmitted b the emplo er! to the E() authoritie!. $orm! generall re>uired to be 1illed in b the emplo er! are a! under. $orm Title purpo!e 01 Emplo er6! regi!tration 1orm To be completed b emplo er to 1urni!h (Regi!tration o1 1actorie! or to the appropriate regional o11ice 9ithin e!tabli!hment! a! re>uired b 1& da ! a1ter the act become! regulation F 100) applicable. 1 ,eclaration b per!on! in The particular! o1 the emplo ee! are to emplo ment engaged a1ter be obtained and the 1orm! ha#e to be appointed da (Regulation! 11 : completed and !ubmitted to the 12)G appropriate local o11ice C regional o11ice doing regi!tration 9or5 9ithin 10 da !. ' Return o1 declaration 1orm! Thi! i! a co#ering letter 1or the (Regulation F 1*) declaration 1orm! to be !ubmitted in duplicate to the appropriate o11ice. 10 Change in the 1amil particular! Thi! 1orm i! re>uired 9hene#er there i! (Regulation<1&0) a change in the particular! o1 the 1amil or 9hen the in!ured per!on ac>uire 1amil . Return o1 contribution! (Regulation< Thi! 1orm ha! to be !ubmitted in 2-) >uadruplicate to the regional o11ice along 9ith the !i7 challan! o1 depo!it o1 contribution! 9ithin *2 da ! o1 the end o1 e#er contribution period (be1ore %a 12th : Bo# 12th) A Bil return i! to be !ubmitted i1 there are no emplo ee! in an contribution period. 1Accident report (Regulation F -+) Thi! 1orm i! to be 1illed triplicate (one cop to local o11ice/ another to )%.C)%" and third o11ice cop to be retained). The report! are to be !ubmitted 9ithin *+ hour! in ordinar ca!e! and immediatel in ca!e o1 death. '7 Certi1icate o1 re< The 1orm i! to be gi#en b the emplo er emplo mentCcontinuing to an in!ured per!on on re<entr into emplo ment. in!urable emplo ment pro#ided he ha! earlier been debarred 1rom medical


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72 +-


(<))) (<)I

bene1it or 9here he ha! been di!entitled 1or medical bene1it due to non< !ubmi!!ion or dela in !ubmi!!ion o1 contribution return!. Thi! card 9ill help the in!ured per!on in getting the medical bene1it. Application 1or change. Thi! i! re>uired 1or e11ecting change! in di!pen!ar . 2age C contributor record )nitiated b the local o11ice to the emplo er to a!certain the contributor particular! in the ab!ence o1 return o1 contribution!. Application 1or duplicate identit To be 1illed in b in!ured per!on and card counter!igned b the emplo er and !ubmitted to the local o11ice. Certi1icate o1 emplo ment i!!ued to To authoriHe medical bene1it to ne9l in!ured per!on b emplo er appointed emplo ee! be1ore their identit car! C temporar identi1ication certi1icate! are recei#ed. Certi1icate o1 entitlement 1or medical To be gi#en to in!ured per!on going to treatment. out!tation on temporar dut or on lea#e to enable him and hi! 1amil to obtain medical bene1it at out!tation. (Ca!h) Challan!. To be 1illed in >uadruplicate and (Che>ue!) Challan! pa ment depo!ited in the !tate ban5 o1 )ndia or an other authori!ed ban5 9ithin 21 da ! 1ollo9ing the end o1 the calendar month in 9hich contribution! 1all due (9ithin 21!t o1 e#er month)

RE6ISTERS TO BE 1AINTAINE(: The 1ollo9ing regi!ter! are to be maintained; a) regi!ter o1 emplo ee! 1orm 7 b) accident boo5 1orm 1& c) in!pection boo5 OFFEN2ES AN( PENALTIES: ( .11ence! "enaltie! 1 2hoe#er 5no9ingl ma5e! an 1al!e !tatement or )mpri!onment repre!entation 1or the purpo!e o1 (a) claim or up to increa!ing an bene1it or pa ment allo9able to him or month! or (b) a#oiding an pa ment pa able to him. 1ine up to R!.2000C< or both 2 a) 1ailure to pa emplo ee6! contribution! deducted )mpri!onment 1rom the !alar . upto ' ear! (minimum 1 ear) and 1ine o1 R!. 1000C< b) 1ailure to pa contribution! )mpri!onment


upto ' ear! (minimum 1 ear) and 1ine o1 R!. &000C< c) deduction o1 an !um 1rom or reduce 9age! o1 an )mpri!onment emplo ee on account o1 emplo er6! contribution. upto 1 ear or 1ine upto R!. *000C< or both d) 1ailure to !ubmit an return or !ubmi!!ion o1 1al!e )mpri!onment return upto 1 ear or 1ine upto R!. *000 or both e) ob!truction o1 an in!pector in allo9ing him to )mpri!onment di!charge hi! dutie!. upto 1 ear or 1ine upto R!. *000C< or both. 1) contra#ention o1 an other pro#i!ion o1 the act or )mpri!onment rule!. upto 1 ear or 1ine upto R!. *000C< or both .n e#er !ub!e>uent o11ence committed a1ter )mpri!onment con#iction 1or the !ame o11ence being mentioned at 2 upto & ear! (a) or (b) abo#e (minimum 2 ear!) and 1ine o1 R!. 2&000C< .n e#er !ub!e>uent o11ence committed a1ter )mpri!onment con#iction 1or the !ame o11ence being an other upro 2 ear! o11ence. and 1ine o1 R!. &000C<

LE75 OF INTEREST: )ntere!t !hall be pa able J 12? p.a. in re!pect o1 each da o1 de1ault or dela in pa ment o1 contribution!.

(A1A6ES FOR (ELA5 IN PA51ENT OF 2ONTRIBUTIONS AN( OTHER A1OUNTS (l.Bo. "eriod o1 dela 1 2 ' * Rate o1 damage! in ? per annum upto 2 month! & 2 month! and abo#e but le!! than * 10 month! * month! and abo#e but le!! than - 1& month! - month! and abo#e 2&

(ISPUTE : A di!pute ari!ing under the act !hall be decided b the E() court (not b a ci#il Court)/ pro#ided the emplo er depo!it! &0? o1 the due! claimed b the E()C. APPEAL : An appeal !hall be lie to the Kigh court again!t order o1 E() Court. The appeal !hould be 1iled 9ithin -0 da !. Acc'de!ts h ppe!'!, 8h'le tr vel'!, '! employer9s tr !sport (1) An accident happening 9hile an in!ured per!on i!/ 9ith the e7pre!! or implied permi!!ion o1 hi! emplo er/ tra#eling a! a pa!!enger b an #ehicle to or 1rom hi! place o1 9or5 !hall/ not9ith!tanding that he i! under no obligation to hi! emplo er to tra#el b that #ehicle/ be deemed to ari!e out o1 and in the cour!e o1 hi! emplo ment/ i1 (a) the accident 9ould ha#e been deemed !o to ha#e ari!en had he been under !uch obligation= and (b) at the time o1 the accident/ the #ehicle (i) i! being operated b or on behal1 o1 hi! emplo er or !ome other per!on b 9hom it i! pro#ided in pur!uance o1 arrangement! made 9ith hi! emplo er/ and (ii) i! not being operated in the ordinar cour!e o1 public tran!port !er#ice. (2) )n thi! !ection L#ehicleL include! a #e!!el and an aircra1t 6e!er l O/l', t'o! o) 2P2L

The F ctor'es Act: #$%& 2or5ing condition! in 1actorie! are regulated b thi! Act/ 9hich pro#ide! 1or health/ !a1et and 9el1are and precaution! to be ta5en inca!e o1 haHardou! proce!!e!. %inimum !tandard! o1 lighting/ #entilation/ health/ !a1et and 9el1are !er#ice/ 9hich the emplo er !hould pro#ide in their 1actorie!/ ha#e al!o been laid do9n. The Act pre!cribe! *+ hour! 9ee5 1or adult 9or5er!/ prohibit! the emplo ment o1 children under 1* in an 1actor / and ma5e! !ome !pecial pro#i!ion! 1or children and 9omen. )t al!o ma5e! pro#i!ion 1or annual lea#e 9ith 9age!. The Act i! en1orced b the (tate 3o#ernment! through their $actor )n!pectorate!. (e)'!'t'o!: *F ctory+ mean! an premi!e! including the precinct! thereo1 < i. 9hereon 10 or more 9or5er! are 9or5ing on an da o1 the preceding t9el#e month!/ and in an part o1 9hich a manu1acturing proce!! i! carried on 9ith the aid o1 po9er/ or i! ordinaril !o carried on/ or ii. 2hereon 20 or more 9or5er! are 9or5ing on an da o1 the preceding t9el#e month!/ and in an part o1 9hich manu1acturing proce!! i! carried on 9ithout the aid o1 po9er/ or i! ordinaril carried on /< 0ut doe! not include a mine !ub8ect to the operation o1 the %ine! Act 19&2 or a mobile unit belonging the armed 1orce! o1 the 4nion/ rail9a running !hed or a hotel/ re!taurant or eating place. E7planation ) ; $or computing the number o1 9or5er! 1or the purpo!e! o1 thi! clau!e all the 9or5er! in di11erent group! and rela ! in a da !hall be ta5en into account. E7planation )) ; $or the purpo!e! o1 thi! clau!e/ the mere 1act that an Electronic ,ata "roce!!ing 4nit or a Computer 4nit i! in!talled in an premi!e! or part thereo1/ !hall not be con!trued to ma5e it a 1actor i1 no manu1acturing proce!! i! being carried on in !uch premi!e! or part thereo1= .1 !") ct"r'!, process. mean! an proce!! 1or < (i) ma5ing/ altering/ repairing/ ornamenting/ 1ini!hing/ pac5ing/ oiling/ 9a!hing/ cleaning/ brea5ing up/ demoli!hing/ or other9i!e treating or adapting an article or !ub!tance 9ith a #ie9 to it! u!e/ !ale/ tran!port/ deli#er or di!po!al/ or (ii) pumping oil/ 9ater/ !e9age or an other !ub!tance= or= (iii) generating/ tran!1orming or tran!mitting po9er= or (i#) compo!ing t pe! 1or printing/ printing b letter pre!!/ lithograph / photogra#ure or other !imilar proce!! or boo5 binding= lra<- M N lra<7 or lra<7 M (#) con!tructing/ recon!tructing/ repairing/ re1itting/ 1ini!hing or brea5ing up !hip! or #e!!el!= ()n!erted b the $actorie! (Amendment) Act/ 197-/ 9.e.1. 2-<10<197-.)

(#i) "re!er#ing or !toring an article in cold !torage= Wor0er+ a per!on emplo ed directl or b or through an agenc (including a Contractor) 9ith or 9ithout the 5no9ledge o1 the principal emplo er 9hether 1or remuneration or not/ in an manu1acturing proce!!/ or in cleaning an part o1 the machiner or premi!e! u!ed 1or manu1acturing proce!!/ or an other 5ind o1 9or5 incidental to or connected 9ith the manu1acturing proce!! or the !ub8ect o1 the manu1acturing proce!! but doe! not include an member o1 the armed 1orce! o1 the 4nion. 1AIN PRO7ISIONS Re,'str t'o! !d Re!e8 l o) ) ctor'es: To be granted b Chie1 )n!pector o1 $actorie! on !ubmi!!ion o1 pre!cribed 1orm/ 1ee and plan He lth 2le !l'!ess E#er 1actor !hall be 5ept clean and 1ree 1rom e11lu#ia ari!ing 1rom an drain pri# or other nui!ance. ('spos l o) 8 stes !d e))l"e!ts E11ecti#e arrangement! !hould be made 1or the treatment and di!po!al o1 9a!te! and e11luent! 7e!t'l t'o! !d temper t"re Ade>uate #entilation b circulation o1 1re!h air and !uitable temperature 1or maintaining com1ort and pre#enting in8ur to the 9or5men !hould be en!ured. ("st !d )"mes E11ecti#e mea!ure! !hould be ta5en to pre#ent inhalation and accumulation o1 du!t and 1ume! in 9or5 room. Art')'c' l H"m'd')'c t'o! Arti1icial humidi1ication !hall be maintained a! per the !tandard! pre!cribed b the (tate 3o#ernment Over cro8d'!, Each emplo ee !hould be gi#en a !pace o1 at lea!t 1*.2 cub.m L',ht'!, (u11icient and !uitable lighting natural or arti1icial or both !hould be maintained (r'!0'!, W ter 2hole!ome drin5ing 9ater !hould be !upplied to the 9or5er! L tr'!es !d Ur'! ls


(u11icient Latrine and 4rinal accommodation con#enientl !ituated and acce!!ible to all 9or5er! at all time! !hould be pro#ided Sp'ttoo!s (u11icient number o1 !pittoon! in con#enient place! !hall be maintained in clean and h gienic condition!.

S )ety 1e s"res: Fe!c'!, o) 1 ch'!ery E#er mo#ing part o1 the prime mo#er and all mo#ing part! !hould be properl 1enced. Wor0 o! !e r m ch'!ery '! mot'o! Trained adult male 9or5er 9earing tight 1itting clothing !hould onl be allo9ed to 9or5 near machiner in motion Employme!t yo"!, perso!s o! d !,ero"s m ch'!es Bo oung per!on !hould be allo9ed to 9or5 on dangerou! machine! 9ithout proper training Str'0'!, ,e r !d dev'ces )or c"tt'!, o)) po8er (uitable de#ice! 1or cutting o1 po9er !hall be pro#ided 1or cutting o11 po9er Sel) ct'!, m ch'!es Bo tra#er!ing part o1 the !el1<acting o1 machine !hall run o#er a !pace 9hich an per!on i! liable to pa!! 2 s'!, o) !e8 m ch'!ery All !cre9! and bolt! !hould be enca!ed to pre#ent an danger Proh'/'t'o! o) employme!t o) 8ome! !d ch'ldre! !e r cotto! ope!ers Bo 9omen and children !hould be emplo ed near cotton opener! Ho'sts: l')ts: l')t'!, m ch'!es: ch '!s: ropes !d t c0les Koi!t!/ li1t!/ li1ting machine!/ chain!/ rope! and tac5le! !hould be o1 good mechanical con!truction and te!ted periodicall Revolv'!, 1 ch'!ery E11ort !hould be ta5en to en!ure that !a1e 9or5ing !peed o1 the re#ol#ing machiner !hould not be e7ceeded Press"re Pl !ts E11ecti#e mea!ure! !hould be ta5en to en!ure that !a1e 9or5ing pre!!ure o1 "re!!ure "lant i! not e7ceeded Floors: st 'rs !d me !s o) ccess $loor!/ !tair! and mean! o1 acce!! !hould be o1 !ound con!truction and properl maintained


Protect'o! o) eyes E e !hould be protected 1rom an in8ur or e7po!ure to e7ce!!i#e light Prec "t'o! , '!st d !,ero"s )"mes !d , ses etc;: All practical mea!ure! !hould be ta5en to remo#e an dangerou! 1ume!/ ga!e!/ #apour! be1ore allo9ing an per!on to enter into con1ined !pace E3plos've or '!)l mm /le d"st: , s etc;: E11ecti#e enclo!ure o1 machiner and remo#al o1 in1lammable du!t ga! etc./ !hould be done to pre#ent an e7plo!ion Prec "t'o! '! c se o) )'re (a1e mean! o1 e!cape in the e#ent o1 a 1ire and nece!!ar e>uipment! or e7tingui!hing 1ire !hould be pro#ided S )ety O))'cer 2herein more than or e>ual to 1000 emplo ee! are 9or5ing/ a (a1et .11icer !hould be appointed

Wel) re 1e s"res: W sh'!, ) c'l't'es Ade>uate and !uitable 1acilit 1or 9a!hing !hall be pro#ided and maintained 1or the u!e o1 9or5er! F c'l't'es )or stor'!, !d dry'!, clothes (uitable place! 1or 5eeping clothing not 9orn during 9or5ing hour! and 1or the dr ing o1 9et clothing !hould be pro#ided F c'l't'es )or s'tt'!, (uitable arrangement! 1or !itting !hall be pro#ided and maintained 1or all 9or5er! obliged to 9or5 in a !tanding po!ition/ in order that the ma ta5e ad#antage o1 an opportunitie! 1or re!t 9hich ma occur in the cour!e o1 their 9or5. F'rst A'd ppl' !ces: "ro#i!ion o1 1ir!t<aid bo7e! or cupboard! e>uipped 9ith the pre!cribed content! and the number o1 !uch bo7e! and cupboard! to be pro#ided and maintained !hall not be le!! than one 1or e#er one hundred and 1i1t 9or5er! ordinaril emplo ed. 2 !tee!s )n e#er 1actor 9herein more than 2&0 9or5er! are ordinaril !hould be pro#ided and maintained.

emplo ed a canteen

Shelters: Rest rooms !d L"!ch rooms: E#er 1actor 9herein more than 1&0 9or5er! are ordinaril emplo ed ade>uate and !uitable !helter! or re!t room! and a !uitable lunchroom/ 9ith pro#i!ion 1or drin5ing 9ater !hall be pro#ided and maintained 1or the u!e o1 the 9or5er!.


2r<ches 2hen there are '0 are more 9omen 9or5er! are emplo ed/ there !hall be pro#ided and maintained !uitable room! 1or the u!e o1 children under - ear! o1 age o1 !uch 9omen Wel) re O))'cer 2hen there are &00 or more 9or5er!/ occupier !hall emplo !uch number o1 9el1are o11icer! a! pre!cribed

Wor0'!, Ho"rs o) Ad"lts: Norm l 8or0'!, ho"rs: 2ee5l Kour! F *+ hr! ,ail Kour! < 9 hr! (!ub8ect to *+ hr!. C 9ee5) The abo#e re!triction! !hall not appl to emplo ee! 9ho hold po!ition o1 !uper#i!or / %anagement or emplo ee! in con1idential po!ition!. ((tenographer/ Telephone .perator/ "A! or (ecretarie!.)

Ur,e!t Rep 'rs; 2ee5l hour! < &- hr! ,ail hour! < 10 hr! Total Kour! o1 .T C Otr.< &0 (Otr mean! three con!ecuti#e month! beginning 9ith 1 @anuar / 1 April/ 1 @ul or 1 .ctober) (hi1t 9or5men are allo9ed to 9or5 the 9hole or part o1 the !ub!e>uent !hi1t due to ab!ence o1 a relie#er !ub8ect to 1ollo9ing condition!; the ne7t !hi1t 1or the !hi1t 9or5men !hall not commence be1ore a period o1 eight hour! elap!ed. notice to )n!pector o1 1actorie! 9ithin 2* hr! o1 the commencement o1 the !hi1t e7plaining the rea!on! under 9hich the 9or5er i! re>uired to 9or5 e7emption to male adult 9or5er onl . Ur,e!t Rep 'rs 8h'ch '!volve d !,er to h"m ! l')e or s )ety: E7emption! are allo9ed 1or 4rgent repair!; ,ail hour! F 1& hour! (Cumulati#e ' da ! F '9 hour!) 2ee5l hour! F -- hour! 2h'e) I!spector o) F ctor'es e3empt the ) ctory to de l 8'th ! e3cept'o! l press"re o) 8or0: ,ail hour! < 12 hr! Total Kour! including .T C 9ee5.< -0 hr! .T Kour! per >tr < 7& hr!. Bo 9or5er !hall be allo9ed to 9or5 more than 7 da ! at a !tretch Employme!t o) yo"!, perso!s "rohibition o1 emplo ment o1 oung children 9ho ha#e not completed 1* ear! A!!" l le ve 8'th 8 ,es:


A 9or5er ha#ing 9or5ed 1or 2*0 da ! i! granted lea#e 9ith 9age! J one da lea#e 1or e#er 20 da !.o1 9or5.

Wor0ers9 P rt'c'p t'o! '! S )ety 1 ! ,eme!t (1) The occupier !hall/ in e#er 1actor 9here a haHardou! proce!! ta5e! place/ or 9here haHardou! !ub!tance! are u!ed or handled/ !et up a (a1et Committee con!i!ting o1 e>ual number o1 repre!entati#e! o1 9or5er! and management to promote cooperation bet9een the 9or5er! and the management in maintaining proper !a1et and health at 9or5 and to re#ie9 periodicall the mea!ure! ta5en in that behal1 ; "ro#ided that the (tate 3o#ernment ma / b order in 9riting and 1or rea!on! to be recorded/ e7empt the occupier o1 an 1actor or cla!! o1 1actorie! 1rom !etting up !uch committee. (2) The compo!ition o1 the (a1et Committee/ the tenure o1 o11ice o1 it! member! and their right! and dutie! !hall be !uch a! ma be pre!cribed. O/l', t'o!s o) 8or0ers (1) Bo 9or5er in a 1actor < (a) !hall 9il1ull inter1ere 9ith or mi!u!e an appliance/ con#enience or other thing pro#ided in a 1actor 1or the purpo!e! o1 !ecuring the health/ !a1et or 9el1are o1 the 9or5er! therein= (b) !hall 9il1ull and 9ithout rea!onable cau!e do an thing li5el to endanger him!el1 or other!= and (c) !hall 9il1ull neglect to ma5e u!e o1 an appliance or other thing pro#ided in the 1actor 1or the purpo!e! o1 !ecuring the health or !a1et o1 the 9or5er! therein. (2) )1 an 9or5er emplo ed in a 1actor contra#ene! an o1 the pro#i!ion! o1 thi! !ection or o1 an rule or order made thereunder/ he !hall be puni!hable 9ith impri!onment 1or a term 9hich ma e7tend to three month!/ or 9ith 1ine 9hich ma e7tend to one hundred rupee!/ or 9ith both. R',ht o) 8or0ers: etc; E#er 9or5er !hall ha#e the right to < (i) obtain 1rom the occupier/ in1ormation relating to 9or5er!P health and !a1et at 9or5= (ii) get trained 9ithin the 1actor 9here#er po!!ible/ or/ to get him!el1 !pon!ored b the occupier 1or getting trained at a training centre or in!titute/ dul appro#ed b the Chie1 )n!pector/ 9here training i! imparted 1or 9or5er!P health and !a1et at 9or5= (iii) repre!ent to the )n!pector directl or through hi! repre!entati#e in the matter o1 inade>uate pro#i!ion 1or protection o1 hi! health or !a1et in the 1actor


Pe! lt'es: O))e!ce $or contra#ention 1or the pro#i!ion! o1 the Act or Rule! .n continuation o1 contra#ention .n contra#ention o1 Chapter )I pertaining to !a1et or dangerou! operation! Pe! lt'es )mpri!onment upto 2 ear! or 1ine upto R!.1 La5h or both R!.1000 per da Bot le!! than R!.2&000 in ca!e death Bot le!! than R!.&000 in ca!e !eriou! in8urie! (ub!e>uent contra#ention o1 !ome )mpri!onment upto ' ear! or 1ine not pro#i!ion! le!! than R!.10/000 9hich ma e7tend to R!.2 La5h! .b!tructing )n!pector! )mpri!onment upto - mont! or 1ine upto R!.10/000 or both 2rong1ul di!clo!ing re!ult pertaining to )mpri!onment o1 !i7 month! or 1ine upto re!ult! o1 anal !i! R!.10/000or both $or contra#ention o1 the pro#i!ion! o1 )mpri!onment upto 7 ear! 9ith 1ine (ection! *1 0/ *1 C and *1 K pertaining to upto R!.2 La5h! and on continuation J compul!or di!clo!ure o1 in1ormation b R! &000 per da . occupier !peci1ic re!pon!ibilit o1 occupier or right o1 9or5er! to 9or5 imminent danger )mpri!onment o1 10 ear! contra#ention continuou! 1or 1 ear


The P yme!t o) 6r t"'ty Act:#$=> 3ratuit i! a retirement bene1it li5e "ro#ident $und or "en!ion. )t i! the pa ment 9hich i! intended to help an emplo ee a1ter hi! retirement. The general principle underl ing gratuit !cheme! i! that b 1aith1ul !er#ice o#er along period the emplo ee! i! entitled to a certain amount a! retirement bene1it. Thu!/ it i! earned b an emplo ee a! a re9ard and meritoriou! !er#ice. Appl'c /'l'ty: E#er 1actor / %ine/ .il 1ield/ "lantation/ "ort/ Rail9a !/ Compan / !hop e!tabli!hment or educational in!titution! emplo ing ten or more per!on! (e)'!'t'o!s .Employee. mean! an per!on (other than an apprentice) emplo ed on 9age!/ in an e!tabli!hment/ 1actor / mine/ oil1ield/ plantation/ port/ rail9a compan or !hop/ to do an !5illed/ !emi<!5illed/ or un!5illed/ manual/ !uper#i!or / technical or clerical 9or5/ 9hether the term! o1 !uch emplo ment are e7pre!! or implied/ and 9hether or not !uch per!on i! emplo ed in a managerial or admini!trati#e capacit / but doe! not include an !uch per!on 9ho hold! a po!t under the Central 3o#ernment or a (tate 3o#ernment and i! go#erned b an other Act or b an rule! pro#iding 1or pa ment o1 gratuit . .Employer. mean!/ in relation to an e!tabli!hment/ 1actor / mine/ oil1ield/ plantation/ port/ rail9a compan or !hop < (i) belonging to/ or under the control o1/ the Central 3o#ernment or a (tate 3o#ernment/ a per!on or authorit appointed b the appropriate 3o#ernment 1or the !uper#i!ion and control o1 emplo ee!/ or 9here no per!on or authorit ha! been !o appointed/ the head o1 the %ini!tr or the ,epartment concerned/ (ii) belonging to/ or under the control o1/ an local authorit / the per!on appointed b !uch authorit 1or the !uper#i!ion and control o1 emplo ee! or 9here no per!on ha! been !o appointed/ the chie1 e7ecuti#e o11ice o1 the local authorit / (iii) in an other ca!e/ the per!on/ 9ho/ or the authorit 9hich/ ha! the ultimate control o#er the a11air! o1 the e!tabli!hment/ 1actor / mine/ oil1ield/ plantation/ port/ rail9a compan or !hop/ and 9here the !aid a11air! are entru!ted to an other per!on/ 9hether called a manager/ managing director or b an other name/ !uch per!on= .8 ,es.


mean! all emolument! 9hich are earned b an emplo ee 9hile on dut or on lea#e in accordance 9ith the term! and condition! o1 hi! emplo ment and 9hich are paid or are pa able to him in ca!h and include! dearne!! allo9ance but doe! not include an bonu!/ commi!!ion/ hou!e rent allo9ance/ o#ertime 9age! and an other allo9ance

1 '! Prov's'o!s 6r t"'ty El','/'l'ty 2r'ter' : 3ratuit !hall be pa able to an emplo ee on termination o1 hi! emplo ment a1ter he ha! rendered continuou! !er#ice 1or not le!! than & ear!. Thu! 1or an emplo ee to become entitled 1or the pa ment o1 gratuit / he mu!t ha#e rendered continuou! !er#ice o1 at lea!t & ear!. The completion o1 continuou! !er#ice o1 & ear! i! not nece!!ar 9here the termination o1 the emplo ment o1 an emplo ee i! due to hi! death or di!ablement. W ,es )or c lc"l t'o!: 3ratuit i! calculated at the rate o1 1& da !6 9age! 1or e#er completed ear a! i1 the month compri!e! o1 2- da ! at the la!t dra9n 9age!. 2 lc"l t'o! )or p'ece r ted employee: At the rate o1 1& da !6 9age! 1or e#er completed ear on an a#erage o1 ' month! 9age! 2 lc"l t'o! )or se so! l employee: At the rate o1 7 da !6 9age! 1or e#er completed ear o1 !er#ice. Employee: All emplo ee! irre!pecti#e o1 !tatu! or !alar . ?" l')y'!, per'od: .n rendering o1 & ear! o1 !er#ice either on termination or on re!ignation or retirement. E!t'tleme!t: .n completion o1 & ear! !er#ice e7cept in ca!e o1 death or di!ablement. 1 3'm"m ce'l'!,: R!.'/&0/000C< For)e't"re o) ,r t"'ty: 3ratuit can be 1or1eited .n termination o1 an emplo ee 1or moral turpitude and riotou! or di!orderl beha#iour 2holl or partl 1or 9ill1ull cau!ing lo!! de!truction o1 propert / etc./ Protect'o! o) 6r t"'ty: 3ratuit cannot be attached in e7ecution o1 an decree. Pe! lt'es: )mpri!onment 1or !i7 month! or 1ine upto R!.10/000 1or a#oiding to ma5e pa ment b ma5ing 1al!e !tatement or repre!entation. )mpri!onment not le!! than ' month! and upto one ear 9ith 1ine on de1ault in compl ing 9ith the pro#i!ion! o1 Act or rule!.


The P yme!t o) W ,es Act: #$@A The "a ment o1 2age! Act 19'- i! meant 1or the bene1it o1 indu!trial emplo ee! not getting #er high 9age! and to !a1eguard their intere!t it pro#ide! again!t irregularitie! in pa ment o1 9age!/ 9ithholding 9age!/ dela in pa ing 9age! and ma5ing unrea!onable deduction! out o1 the 9age!. Thi! Act en!ure! pa ment o1 9age! in a particular 1orm and at regular inter#al!. (e)'!'t'o!s .F ctory. mean! a 1actor a! de1ined the $actorie! Act 19*+ and include! an pro#i!ion! o1 that Act ha#e been applied place to 9hich the

.W ,es. mean! all remuneration (9hether b 9a o1 !alar allo9ance! or other9i!e) e7pre!!ed in term! o1 mone or capable o1 being !o e7pre!!ed 9hich 9ould i1 the term! o1 emplo ment e7pre!! or implied 9ere 1ul1illed b pa able to a per!on emplo ed in re!pect o1 hi! emplo ment or o1 9or5 done in !uch emplo ment and include! < (a) an remuneration pa able under an a9ard or !ettlement bet9een the partie! or order o1 a court= (b) an remuneration to 9hich the per!on emplo ed i! entitled in re!pect o1 o#ertime 9or5 or holida ! or an lea#e period= (c) an additional remuneration pa able under the term! o1 emplo ment (9hether called a bonu! or b an other name)= (d) an !um 9hich b rea!on o1 the termination o1 emplo ment o1 the per!on emplo ed i! pa able under an la9 contract or in!trument 9hich pro#ide! 1or the pa ment o1 !uch !um 9hether 9ith or 9ithout deduction! but doe! not pro#ide 1or the time 9ithin 9hich the pa ment i! to be made= (e) an !um to 9hich the per!on emplo ed i! entitled under an !cheme 1ramed under an la9 1or the time being in 1orce/ but doe! not include < (1) an bonu! (9hether under a !cheme o1 pro1it !haring or other9i!e) 9hich doe! not 1orm part o1 the remuneration pa able under the term! o1 emplo ment or 9hich i! not pa able under an a9ard or !ettlement bet9een the partie! or order o1 a court= (2) the #alue o1 an hou!e<accommodation or o1 the !uppl o1 light 9ater medical attendance or other amenit or o1 an !er#ice e7cluded 1rom the computation o1 9age! b a general or !pecial order o1 the (tate 3o#ernment=


(') an contribution paid b the emplo er to an pen!ion or pro#ident 1und and the intere!t 9hich ma ha#e accrued thereon= (*) an tra#elling allo9ance or the #alue o1 an tra#elling conce!!ion= (&) an !um paid to the emplo ed per!on to de1ra !pecial e7pen!e! entailed on him b the nature o1 hi! emplo ment= or (-) an gratuit pa able on the termination o1 emplo ment Appl'c /'l'ty; To all 1actorie! and e!tabli!hment!. 1 '! Prov's'o!s W ,e Per'od; %a7imum 2age "eriod !hould be one month. T'me o) P yme!t o) W ,es: 2age! !hould be paid be1ore the end o1 7th da 9hen emplo ee! le!! than 1000 10th da 9hen emplo ee! more than 1000 (ed"ct'o!s )rom W ,es: W'th A"thor's t'o! L)C "remium "o!tal "L) "remium Trade 4nion (ub!cription Contribution! to "rime %ini!ter $und W'tho"t A"thor's t'o! $ine! "eriod o1 ab!ence 1rom dut ,amage or lo!! o1 good! Reco#er ad#ance! C Loan! )ncome Ta7 "ro#ident $und .rder o1 Court ,eduction 1or Kou!e Accommodation ,eduction 1or amenitie! and !er#ice! "a ment to Cooperati#e (ocietie!

1 3'm"m ded"ct'o!s sho"ld !ot e3ceed: 2hen 9hole or part o1 the deduction! are meant to Cooperati#e (ociet < 7& ? o1 9age )n other ca!e! < &0? o1 9age!. Pe! lt'es Sl;No O))e!ce 1 Contra#ention o1 an pro#i!ion o1 the Act regarding Time o1 pa ment o1 9age! and ,eduction! 1or 1ine!/ ab!ence 1rom dut and damage or lo!!/ 1or !er#ice! rendered and pa ment to cooperati#e !ocietie! 2 Contra#ention o1 an pro#i!ion o1 the Act regarding 9age period and 9age! in current coin!Cnote! and di!pla o1 ab!tract o1 the Act ' $ail! to maintain regi!ter! and record!/ neglect! 1urni!hing o1 in1ormation/ 1urni!he! 9rong in1ormation.

Pe! lty $ine o1 R! 200C< 9hich ma e7tend upto 1000C<

$ine 9hich ma e7tend upto &00C< $or each o11ence 1ine o1 R! 200C< 9hich ma e7tend upto 1000C<


The I!d"str' l ('sp"tes Act: #$%= The )ndu!trial ,i!pute! Act / 19*7 i! a principle central legi!lation 9hich pro#ide! 1or !ettlement o1 indu!trial ,i!pute!. The main ob8ecti#e o1 the Act i! to !ecure indu!trial peace b pre#enting and !ettling indu!trial di!pute! through internal 9or5! committee! or e7ternal machiner o1 conciliation (con!i!ting o1 Conciliation .11icer!/ 0oard! o1 Conciliation and Court! o1 in>uir ) or compul!or ad8udication(con!i!ting o1 Labour Court!/ )ndu!trial Tribunal! and Bational Tribunal!) and through Ioluntar arbitration. Thi! Act al!o protect! the !er#ice condition! o1 emplo ee! during pendenc o1 )ndu!trial di!pute! proceeding!. )t al!o prohibit! emplo er! and 9or5men 1rom indulging in an un1air trade practice!. Appl'c /'l'ty o) Act Thi! Act i! applicable to all )ndu!trie! in the countr . (e)'!'t'o!s *I!d"stry+ mean! an bu!ine!!/ trade/ underta5ing/ manu1acture or calling o1 the emplo ee! and include! an calling/ !er#ice/ emplo ment/ handicra1t/ or indu!trial occupation or a#ocation o1 9or5men. *I!d"str' l ('sp"tes+ mean! an di!pute or di11erence bet9een ; Emplo er! and Emplo er! or bet9een Emplo er! and 2or5men or bet9een 2or5men and 2or5men/ 9hich i! connected 9ith the emplo ment or non<emplo ment or the term! o1 emplo ment or 9ith the condition! o1 labour/ o1 an per!on *W ,es+ mean! all remuneration capable o1 being e7pre!!ed in term! o1 mone / 9hich 9ould/ i1 the term! o1 emplo ment/ e7pre!!ed or implied 9ere 1ul1illed/ be pa able to a 9or5man in re!pect o1 hi! emplo ment or o1 9or5 done in !uch emplo ment/ include! i. !uch allo9ance! including ,earne!! Allo9ance/ ii. #alue o1 an hou!e accommodation/ iii. Tra#eling conce!!ion/ commi!!ion but doe! not include= a) 0onu! b) Emplo er6! contribution to E"$CE() c) 3ratuit on termination o1 !er#ice


1 '! Prov's'o!s o) the Act I!d"str' l ('sp"tes An di!pute concerned to an indi#idual 9or5man i! not to be con!idered a! an )ndu!trial di!pute. Ko9e#er/ di!pute! connected to di!charge/ di!mi!!al/ retrenchment o1 an indi#idual 9or5man are treated a! )ndu!trial di!pute. Wor0s 2omm'ttee )n ca!e o1 an indu!trial e!tabli!hment in 9hich one hundred or more 9or5men are emplo ed or ha#e been emplo ed/ the appropriate 3o#ernment b general or !peci1ic order re>uire the emplo er to con!titute a 2or5! Committee. )t i! a @oint Committee 9ith e>ual number o1 emplo er! and emplo ee! repre!entati#e! 1or di!cu!!ion o1 certain common problem!. A"thor't'es "!der I( Act The authoritie! 1or !ettlement and in#e!tigation o1 )ndu!trial under; Sl;No ('sp"te settleme!t m ch'!er'es 1 Conciliation .11icer! F generall the Regional Labour Commi!!ioner o1 the re!pecti#e region are appointed a! conciliation o11icer!. The conciliation arri#ed at i! 5no9n a! Q !ettlement6 2 Conciliation 0oard F con!i!t! o1 a Chairman()ndependent) and 2C* member! repre!enting all the partie! e>uall ' Court! o1 )n>uir F con!i!t! o1 one independent per!on or i1 Bo. i! more than 2 then one o1 them i! appointed a! Chairman. Their deci!ion i! 5no9n a! QA9ard6 * Labour Court! F con!i!t o1 1 per!on 9ho ha! a) been 8udge o1 Kigh court /or b) been ,i!trict @udge 1or atlea!t ' ear!/ or c) been a 8udge in other o11ice 1or atlea!t 7 ear!/ or d) "re!ided a Labour court under an (tate Act 1or & ear! & ,i!pute! a! per the ), Act are a! A"thor'ty Bon F 8udicial.

<<<<<<<<do<<<<<<<<<< Oua!i @udicial.


)ndu!trial Tribunal! F con!i!t! o1 one per!on 9ho <<<<<<<<do<<<<<<<<<< ha! a) been 8udge o1 Kigh court /or b) been ,i!trict @udge 1or atlea!t ' ear! Bational Tribunal! F con!i!t! o1 ) per!on 9ho ha! <<<<<<<<do<<<<<<<<<< been a 8udge o1 Kigh Court

Follo8'!, po'!ts re to /e !oted '! c ses o) I!d"str' l ('sp"tes; (i) %atter! 9hich are to be dealt 9ith b the Labour Court! and )ndu!trial tribunal are !peci1ied in (chedule 2 and (chedule ' o1 the ), Act Str'0es !d Loc0o"ts


1. Bo per!on emplo ed in a public utilit !er#ice !hall go on !tri5e/ in breach o1 contract< a) 9ithout gi#ing to the emplo er notice o1 !tri5e/ a! hereina1ter pro#ided/ 9ithin !i7 9ee5! be1ore !tri5ing= or b) 9ithin 1ourteen da ! gi#ing !uch notice or c) be1ore the e7pir o1 the date o1 !tri5e !peci1ied in an !uch notice a! a1ore!aid or d) during pendenc o1 an conciliation proceeding! be1ore a conciliation o11icer and 7 da ! a1ter conclu!ion o1 !uch proceeding!. 2. Bo emplo er carr ing on an public utilit !er#ice !hall loc5<out an o1 hi! 9or5men< a) 9ithout gi#ing them notice o1 loc5out a! hereina1ter pro#ided/ 9ithin !i7 9ee5! be1ore loc5ingout or b) 9ithin 1ourteen da ! gi#ing !uch notice or c) be1ore the e7pir o1 the date o1 loc5<out !peci1ied in an !uch notice a! a1ore!aid or d) during pendenc o1 an conciliation proceeding! be1ore a conciliation o11icer and 7 da ! a1ter conclu!ion o1 !uch proceeding!. 6e!er l proh'/'t'o! o) str'0es !d loc0Bo"ts Bo 9or5man 9ho i! emplo ed in an e!tabli!hment !hall go on !tri5e in breach o1 contract and no emplo er o1 an !uch 9or5man !hall declare a loc5<out a) during the pendenc o1 conciliation proceeding! be1ore a 0oard and !e#en da ! a1ter the conclu!ion !uch proceeding! b) during the pendenc o1 proceeding! be1ore a Labour Court/ Tribunal or Bational Tribunal and t9o month! a1ter the conclu!ion !uch proceeding! c) during the pendenc o1 arbitration proceeding! be1ore an arbitrator and t9o month! a1ter the conclu!ion !uch proceeding! d) during an period in 9hich a !ettlement or a9ard i! in operation/ in re!pect o1 an o1 the matter! co#ered b the !ettlement or a9ard L yo)): Retre!chme!t !d clos"re The!e are the action! ta5en b an emplo er. The general condition! go#erning the!e are a! under; SN 1 (escr'pt'o! %eaning L yo)) $ailure/ re1u!al or inabilit o1 an emplo er on account o1 !hortage o1 coal/ po9er/ ra9 material! / or natural calamit to gi#e emplo ment to a 9or5man 9ho!e name i! borne on mu!ter roll Bot nece!!ar 9hen no. o1 9or5men le!! than &0. )n other ca!e! prior permi!!ion o1 3o#t. nece!!ar Retre!chme!t Termination o1 emplo ment o1 9or5man other9i!e than a) ,i!ciplinar action/ b) Ioluntar retirement/ c)(uperannuation d) Bon rene9al o1 contract and e) continued ill health o1 9or5man Bot nece!!ar 9hen no. o1 9or5men i! le!! than &0. )n other ca!e! prior permi!!ion o1 3o#t. nece!!ar 2los"re "ermanent clo!ing do9n o1 a place o1 emplo ment or part thereo1

"rior "ermi!!ion 1rom go#ernment

Bece!!ar in all ca!e!



Botice to 9or5men Compen!ation .ther point!

Cop o1 permi!!ion letter to go#t. !hould be gi#en to 9or5men &0? o1 0a!ic R ,A to 9or5man 9ho i! on roll! 1or atlea!t a ear 1. 2or5man 9ill get compen!ation i1 he pre!ent! him!el1 at the e!tabli!hment at the appointed da . 2. 2or5man not entitled to compen!ation i1 he re1u!e! emplo ment 9ithin radiu! o1 & mile! 1rom e!tabli!hment

* &

'0 da ! 9hen 9or5men i! le!! than &0. )n other ca!e! ' month 1& da ! 9age! 1or each completed ear 1. La!t in 1ir!t out !hould be 1ollo9ed 1or retrenchment 2. Retrenched 9or5man !hould be gi#en pre1erence 1or reemplo ment

-0 da ! 9hen 9or5men i! le!! than &0. )n other ca!e! 90 da ! 1& da ! 9age! 1or each completed ear 1. )n ca!e o1 1inancial di11icultie! total compen!ation !hould not e7ceed ' month! 9age!. 2. Clo!ed e!tabli!hment ma be re!tarted in e7ceptional circum!tance!

Pe! lt'es O))e!ce "enalt 1or la o11 and retrenchment 9ithout permi!!ion "enalt 1or clo!ure 9ithout proper notice/ compen!ation and permi!!ion "enalt or un1air labour practice! "enalt 1or illegal !tri5e C loc5<out "enalt 1or breach o1 !ettlementCa9ard P"!'shme!t )mpri!onment 9hich ma month or $ine 9hich ma 1000C< or both )mpri!onment 9hich ma month or $ine 9hich ma 1000C< or both )mpri!onment 9hich ma month or $ine 9hich ma 1000C< or both )mpri!onment 9hich ma month or $ine 9hich ma &0C< or both )mpri!onment 9hich ma month or 9ith $ine or both

e7tend upto 1 e7tend upto R! e7tend upto 1 e7tend upto R! e7tend upto 1 e7tend upto R! e7tend upto 1 e7tend upto R! e7tend upto -


The 1 ter!'ty Be!e)'t Act: #$A# 2omen at the reproducti#e !tage are e7po!ed to !pecial ri!5! during pregnanc and child bearing/ and mortalit and maternal morbidit are 1actor! 9hich re>uire !pecial con!ideration. The %aternit bene1it Act 9a! pa!!ed to regulate the emplo ment o1 9omen 1or certain period be1ore and a1ter the child birth and to pro#ide certain maternit and other bene1it! . (e)'!'t'o!s .8 ,es. mean! all remuneration paid or pa able in ca!h to a 9oman/ i1 the term! o1 the contract o1 emplo ment/ e7pre!! or implied/ 9ere 1ul1illed and include! < (1) !uch ca!h allo9ance! (including dearne!! allo9ance and hou!e rent allo9ance) a! a 9oman i! 1or the time being entitled to= (2) incenti#e bonu!= and (') the mone #alue o1 the con1e!!ional !uppl o1 1ood grain! and other article!/ but doe! not include < ()) an bonu! other than incenti#e bonu!= (ii) o#er <time earning! an an deduction or pa ment made on account o1 1ine!= (iii) an contribution paid or pa able b the emplo er to an pen!ion 1und or pro#ident 1und or 1or the bene1it o1 the 9oman under an la9 1or the time being in 1orce= and (i#) an gratuit pa able on the termination o1 !er#ice= L9omanL mean! a 9oman emplo ed/ 9hether directl or through an agenc / 1or 9age! in an e!tabli!hment. Appl'c /'l'ty o) Act Thi! Act i! applicable to all e!tabli!hment! and 1actorie! in 9hich 10 or more per!on! areC9ere emplo ed in the preceding 12 month!. Thi! Act i! applicable to e#er e!tabli!hment in#ol#ed in e>ue!trian/ aerobatic! and other per1ormance!/ irre!pecti#e o1 the number o1 emplo ee!

This Act is not applicable to those establishments /factories were Emplo ees !tate "ns#rance Act$ 1948 is applicable% 24

1 '! Prov's'o!s o) the Act Proh'/'t'o! o) employme!t o) Wome! d"r'!, cert '! per'ods Bo emplo er !hall; Sno9ingl emplo 9omen during !i7 9ee5! immediatel 1ollo9ing the date o1 pregnanc C mi!carriageC medical termination o1 pregnanc . Emplo a 9oman in a 9or5 o1 arduou! nature and 9hich ma inter1ere 9ith the pregnanc or normal de#elopment o1 1oetu! 1or a period o1 .ne month be1ore pregnanc . 1 ter!'ty Be!e)'ts The maternit bene1it! under thi! act are a! 1ollo9! ; El','/'l'ty A 9oman i! eligible 1or maternit bene1it! 9hen !he ha! 9or5ed 1or atlea!t +0 da ! in the preceding 12 month! 1rom her date o1 e7pected deli#er . P y Emplo er !hall pa %aternit bene1it e>ual to 0a!ic R,AR Ca!h Allo9ance! R )ncenti#e 0onu! 1or the period o1 ab!ence to the 9omen emplo ee. Le ve The 9oman emplo ee i! eligible to get maternit bene1it 1or &% d ys (i.e 12 9ee5!). .ut o1 the +* da ! / the period be1ore deli#er !hould be ma7imum *2 da ! 1ed'c l Bo!"s Emplo er !hould pa R! 2&0C< to the 9oman emplo ee a! %edical 0onu! i1 no prenatal and po!t natal care i! pro#ided to the concerned 9oman emplo ee 1ree o1 charge Other Le ves (9ith 9age! a! in maternit bene1it) ari!ing out o1 pregnanc a) %i!carriage/ %edical termination < - 9ee5! 1rom da a1ter pregnanc %i!carriage/ %edical termination o1 pregnanc b) Tubectom c) )llne!! due to "regnanc /,eli#er < < 2 9ee5! 1rom the da a1ter tubectom .ne month

N"rs'!, /re 0s;B E#er 9oman deli#ered o1 a child 9ho return! to dut a1ter !uch deli#er !hall/ in addition to the inter#al 1or re!t allo9ed to her/ be allo9ed in the cour!e o1 her dail 9or5 t9o brea5! o1 the pre!cribed duration 1or nur!ing the child until the child attain! the age o1 1i1teen month!. 2l 'm )or 1 ter!'ty /e!e)'t !d P yme!t 1. A 9oman 9ho i! pregnant !hall gi#e a notice to the emplo er mentioning the 1ollo9ing ; ,ate 1rom 9hich !he 9ill be ab!ent (not being earlier than *2 da ! 1rom e7pected date o1 deli#er ) %aternit bene1it to be paid to her or to her nominee Ko9e#er/ i1 a 9oman emplo ee 9a! unable to gi#e a Botice to the emplo er 9hen !he 9a! pregnant/ !he ma do !o a! !oon a! po!!ible a1ter the deli#er . 2. .n recei#ing the notice/ the emplo er !hall ma5e the pa ment to the 1emale emplo eeC nominee 9ithin %& hrs;


Proh'/'t'o! )or d'sm'ss l d"r'!, /se!ce d"e to Pre,! !cy 1. An emplo er cannot di!mi!! a 1emale emplo ee 1or ab!ence 9ho i! a#ailing maternit bene1it. 2. (uch a di!mi!!al b the emplo er !hould not deri#e a 1emale emplo ee 1rom claiming maternit bene1it! '. Ko9e#er/ an emplo er can depri#e a 1emale emplo ee o1 the maternit bene1it i1 the di!charge i! due to 6ross m'sco!d"ct; Le ve )or m'sc rr' ,e;B )n ca!e o1 mi!carriage/ a 9oman !hall/ on production o1 !uch proo1 a! ma be pre!cribed/ be entitled to lea#e 9ith 9age! at the rate o1 maternit bene1it/ 1or a period o1 !i7 9ee5! immediatel 1ollo9ing the da o1 her mi!carriage. For)e't"re o) 1 ter!'ty Be!e)'ts The 1emale emplo ee 9ho i! a#ailing %aternit bene1it 1rom her emplo er but 9or5! in !ome other e!tabli!hmentC1actor / !hall 1or1eit her claim to %aternit bene1it. Pe! lt'es O))e!ce ,i!mi!!al o1 1emale emplo ee 1or ab!ence due to maternit .ther pro#i!ion! o1 the Act P"!'shme!t )mpri!onment 1or ' %onth! 9hich ma e7tend up to 1 ear !d 1ine o1 R! 2000C< 9hich ma e7tend up to R! &000C< )mpri!onment 9hich ma e7tend up to 1 ear or 1ine 9hich ma e7tend up to R! &000C<


The 1'!'m"m W ,es Act: #$%& The %inimum 2age! act aim! at ma5ing pro#i!ion 1or !tatutor 1i7ation o1 %inimum rate! o1 9age! in a number o1 indu!trie!. Thi! act aim! to pre#ent e7ploitation o1 labour b pa ment o1 9age! 9hich are nece!!ar 1or normal and rea!onable need o1 a 9or5men and hi! 1amil . Appl'c /'l'ty o) Act Thi! Act i! applicable to all emplo ment! de!cribed in the Act i.e. minimum 2age! ha#e to be paid to all the emplo ee! o1 the emplo ment! de!cribed in the Act (e)'!'t'o! .Employer. mean! an per!on 9ho emplo ! 9hether directl or through another per!on or 9hether on behal1 o1 him!el1 or an other per!on one or more emplo ee! in an !cheduled emplo ment in re!pect o1 9hich minimum rate! o1 9age! ha#e been 1i7ed under thi! Act. .W ,es. mean! all remuneration capable o1 being e7pre!!ed in term! o1 mone 9hich 9ould i1 the term! o1 the contract o1 emplo ment e7pre!! or implied 9ere 1ul1illed be pa able to a per!on emplo ed in re!pect o1 hi! emplo ment or o1 9or5 done in !uch emplo ment and include! hou!e rent allo9ance but doe! not include < (i) the #alue o1 < (a) an hou!e accommodation !uppl o1 light 9ater medical attendance or (b) an other amenit or an !er#ice e7cluded b general or !pecial order o1 the appropriate go#ernment= (ii) an contribution paid b the emplo er to an per!on 1und or pro#ident 1und or under an !cheme o1 !ocial in!urance= (iii) an tra#eling allo9ance or the #alue o1 an tra#eling conce!!ion= (i#) an !um paid to the per!on emplo ed to de1ra !pecial e7pen!e! entailed on him b the nature o1 hi! emplo ment= or (#) an gratuit pa able on di!charge= .Employee.


mean! an per!on 9ho i! emplo ed 1or hire or re9ard to do an 9or5 !5illed or un!5illed manual or clerical in a !cheduled emplo ment in re!pect o1 9hich minimum rate! o1 9age! ha#e been 1i7ed= and include! an out<9or5er to 9hom an article! or material! are gi#en out b another per!on to be made up cleaned 9a!hed altered ornamented 1ini!hed repaired adapted or other9i!e proce!!ed 1or !ale 1or the purpo!e! o1 the trade or bu!ine!! o1 that other per!on 9here the proce!! i! to be carried out either in the home o1 the out<9or5er or in !ome other premi!e! not being premi!e! under the control and management o1 that other per!on= and al!o include! an emplo ee declared to be an emplo ee b the appropriate go#ernment= but doe! not include an member o1 the Armed $orce! o1 the 4nion. 1 '! Prov's'o!s o) the Act F'3'!, 1'!'m"m R tes o) W ,es F Appropriate 3o#ernment !hall 1i7 minimum rate! o1 9age! 1or all emplo ment! !peci1ied in the (chedule o1 the Act Re#ie9 o1 %inimum 9age! F The appropriate 3o#ernment !hall re#ie9 the minimum 9age! at !uch inter#al! a! it ma deem 1it. Ko9e#er/ !uch a re#ie9 !hall be done be1ore F've ye rs 1rom date o1 1i7ing minimum 9age!. W ,e per'od The %inimum 9age! ma be 1i7ed 1or di11erent 9age period! li5e 0 the Kour/ 0 the ,a / 0 the month/ or 0 other larger 9age period ('))ere!t 1'!'m"m W ,es ma be 1i7ed b the 3o#ernment 1or ; ,i11erent emplo ment! (!peci1ied in the !chedule) ,i11erent cla!!e! (e.g. !5illed/ un!5illed/ !emi! !5illed/ etc.) o1 9or5 in the !ame emplo ment Adult!/ adole!cent!/ children and apprentice! ,i11erent localitie!. 1'!'m"m r tes o) W ,es 1i7ed b the 3o#ernment ma con!i!t o1 0a!ic R (pecial Allo9ance ( 9hich #arie! 9ith the co!t o1 li#ing inde7) 0a!ic R Ca!h #alue o1 conce!!ional !uppl o1 material! li5e 1ood/ clothe!/ etc An All inclu!i#e rate 9hich include! 0a!ic R Co!t o1 Li#ing Allo9ance R Ca!h #alue o1 conce!!ional !uppl o1 material! F'3'!, m'!'m"m R tes o) W ,es $or 1i7ing %inimum rate! o1 9age!/ the 3o#ernment ma ; *. "ubli!h it! propo!al! in the o11icial gaHette a!5ing 1rom comment! 1rom the a11ected partie!/ .r. &. Con!titute committee!C!ub<committee! 1or the purpo!e The committee!C!ub<committee! and ad#i!or board! con!tituted b the 3o#ernment con!i!t o1 e>ual number o1 member! o1 ; Emplo er!/


Emplo ee! and )ndependent per!on!

W ,es '! 2 sh The 9age! ha#e to be paid in Ca!h .nl . Ko9e#er/ permi!!ion can be ta5en 1rom the go#ernment 9here pa ment o1 9age! in 5ind 9hen the !ame i! a! per cu!tom or conce!!ional !uppl o1 material! i! made to the emplo ee! (ed"ct'o!s )rom 1'!'m"m W ,es deduction! 1rom %inimum 2age! li5e "$/ E()/ Ad#ance! / etc ( a! mentioned in "a ment o1 2age! Act 19'-) are permitted. W ,es to 8or0m ! 8ho 8or0s less th ! !orm l 8or0'!, d y in !uch ca!e! $ull 2age! 1or normal da 6! 9or5 ha#e to be paid to 9or5man. Ko9e#er/ a 9or5man i! not entitled to 9age! 1or a 1ull normal 9or5ing da 9hen he i! un9illing to 9or5 e#en though 9or5 i! made a#ailable b the emplo er. Pe! lty O))e!ce Contra#ention o1 %inimum 2age! Act b emplo er "a ment o1 le!! than %inimum 9age! to emplo ee P"!'shme!t $ine 9hich ma e7tend upto R! &00C< )mpri!onment 9hich ma e7tend upto %onth! or 1ine 9hich ma e7tend upto R! &00C< or 0oth


The Tr de U!'o!s Act: #$>A The la9 relating to the regi!tration o1 trade union! and certain other matter! i! contained in the Trade 4nion! Act 192-. Thi! Act 9a! pa!!ed to regulate; a) Condition! go#erning the regi!tration o1 Trade 4nion! b) .bligation! impo!ed upon a regi!tered Trade 4nion! c) Right! and Liabilitie! o1 regi!tered Trade 4nion! (e)'!'t'o! LTrade 4nionL mean! combination/ 9hether temporar or permanent/ 1ormed primaril 1or the purpo!e o1 regulating the relation! bet9een 9or5men and emplo er! or bet9een 9or5men and 9or5men/ or bet9een emplo er! and emplo er!/ or 1or impo!ing re!tricti#e condition on the conduct o1 an trade or bu!ine!!/ and include! an 1ederation o1 t9o or more Trade 4nion!= "ro#ided that thi! Act !hall not a11ect < (c) An agreement bet9een partner to their o9n bu!ine!!= (i) An agreement bet9een an emplo er and tho!e emplo ed b him a! to !uch emplo ment= or (ii) An agreement in con!ideration o1 the !ale! o1 the good9ill o1 a bu!ine!! or o1 in!truction in an pro1e!!ion/ trade or handicra1t. 1 '! Prov's'o!s o) the Act Re,'str t'o! o) tr de "!'o! C An 7 or more member! o1 a trade union ma appl !ub!cribing to the rule! o1 the Trade 4nion 1or Regi!tration o1 the !aid 4nion. D 1'!'m"m N"m/er o) mem/ers B $or regi!tration/ the minimum member! !hould be 100 or 10? o1 9or5men o1 e!tabli!hment/ 9hiche#er i! le!! /D Appl'c !ts ce s'!, to /e mem/er F The application 1or regi!tration 9ill not be in#alid i1 le!! than &0? o1 member! appl ing 1or it! regi!tration ha#e cea!ed to be the member o1 the concerned trade union. cD St teme!t to Re,'str r B 1ollo9ing in1ormation !hould be gi#en to the Regi!trar o1 Trade 4nion! along9ith the application; Bame/ occupation and addre!! o1 meber! ma5ing aplliocation Title/ name/ age/ occupation and addre!!e! o1 o11ice bearer! o1 trade union "lace o1 9or5 o1 the 2or5men (in ca!e o1 trade union o1 9or5men) Bame o1 Trade 4nion and addre!! o1 it! head o11ice. Re,'str t'o!


The regi!trar on being !ati!1ied that all re>uirement! o1 the Trade 4nion! Act in re!pect o1 regi!tration ha#e been 1ul1illed/ regi!ter a particular trade union and i!!ue a QCerti1icate o1 Regi!tration6 to the concerned trade union.

2ert')'c te o) Re,'str t'o! The Regi!trar regi!tering a Trade 4nion !hall i!!ue a certi1icate o1 regi!tration in the pre!cribed 1orm/ 9hich !hall be conclu!i#e that the Trade 4nion ha! been dul regi!tered under thi! Act. 2 !cell t'o! o) Re,'str t'o! A certi1icate o1 regi!tration o1 a Trade 4nion ma be 9ithdra9n o cancelled b the Regi!trar (a) .n the application o1 the Trade 4nion to be #eri1ied in !uch manner a! ma be pre!cribed/ or (b) )1 the Regi!trar i! !ati!1ied that the certi1icate ha! been obtained b 1raud or mi!ta5e/ or that the Trade 4nion ha! cea!ed to e7i!t or ha! 9ill1ull and a1ter notice 1rom the Regi!trar contra#ened an pro#i!ion o1 thi! Act or allo9ed an rule to continue in 1orce 9hich i! incon!i!tent 9ith an !uch pro#i!ion/ or ha! re!cinded an rule pro#iding 1or an matter/ pro#i!ion 1or 9hich i! re>uired b (ection -; "ro#ided that not le!! than t9o month! pre#iou! notice in 9riting !peci1 ing the ground on 9hich it i! propo!ed to 9ithdra9 or cancel the certi1icate !hall be gi#en b the Regi!trar to the Trade 4nion be1ore the certi1icate i! 9ithdra9n or cancelled other9i!e than on the application o1 the Trade 4nion. 2r'm'! l co!sp'r cy '! tr de d'sp"tes Bo o11icer! or memberTo1 a regi!tered Trade union !hall be liable to puni!hment under !ub< !ection (2) o1 (ection 120<0 o1 the )ndian "enal Code/ in re!pect o1 an agreement made bet9een the member! 1or the purpo!e o1 1urthering an !uch ob8ect o1 the Trade 4nion a! i! !peci1ied in (ection 1& unle!! the agreement i! an agreement to commit an o11ence. Imm"!'ty )rom c'v'l s"'t to cert '! c ses (1) Bo !uit or other legal proceeding !hall be maintainable in an Ci#il Court again!t an regi!tered Trade 4nion or an NBote; )n!erted b Act Bo.&1 o1 1970M or member thereo1 in re!pect o1 an act done in contemplation or 1urtherance o1 a trade di!pute to 9hich a member o1 the Trade 4nion i! a part on the ground onl that !uch act induce! !ome other per!on to brea5 a contract o1 emplo ment/ or that it i! in inter1erence 9ith the trade/ bu!ine!! or emplo ment o1 !ome other per!on or 9ith the right o1 !ome other per!on to di!po!e o1 hi! capital o1 hi! labour a! he 9ill!. (2) A regi!tered Trade 4nion !hall not be liable in an !uit or other legal proceeding in an Ci#il Court in re!pect o1 an tortuou! act done in contemplation or 1urtherance o1 a trade di!pute b and agent o1 the Trade 4nion i1 it i! pro#ed that !uch per!on acted 9ithout the 5no9ledge o1/ or contrar to/ e7pre!! in!truction! gi#en b the e7ecuti#e o1 the Trade 4nion. Le, l st t"s o) Tr de U!'o! A regi!tered Trade 4nion !hall be a


0od corporate ha#ing perpetual !ucce!!ion and a common !eal )t can ac>uire / hold and !ell propertie! )t can 1ile a !uit and be !ued in it! name

1em/ersh'p o) Tr de U!'o! %inor! 9ho ha#e attained 1& ear! o1 age can become member! o1 a trade union !ub8ect to the rule! o1 the concerned Trade 4nion. ('sE" l')'c t'o! )or /ecom'!, O))'ce /e rers o) Tr de U!'o! Bo member o1 a Trade 4nion can become .11ice bearer i1 heC!he; Ka! not attained 1+ ear! o1 age/ Con#icted b a court 1or o11ence in#ol#ing moral turpitude and !ent 1or impri!onment and & ear! ha#e elap!ed !ince hi!Cher relea!e. Re,'stered o))'ce All corre!pondence to a Trade union ma be addre!!ed to it! regi!tered o11ice. An change in the abo#e ha! to be in1ormed to the Regi!trar 9ithin 1* da ! o1 !uch change. 2h !,e o) N me

An change in name o1 a regi!tered trade union ha! to be in1ormed in 9riting to Regi!trar b the !ecretar and 7 member! o1 the Trade 4nion. Am l, m t'o! o) Tr de U!'o!

An t9o or more regi!tered Trade 4nion! ma become amalgamated together a! one Trade 4nion 9ith or 9ithout di!!olution or di#i!ion o1 the 1und! o1 !uch Trade 4nion! or either or an o1 them/ pro#ided that the #ote! o1 at lea!t one<hal1 o1 the member! o1 each or e#er !uch Trade 4nion entitled to #ote are recorded/ and that at lea!t !i7t percent o1 the #ote! recorded are in 1a#our o1 the propo!al. ('ssol"t'o! (1) 2hen a regi!tered Trade 4nion i! di!!ol#ed/ notice 1or the di!!olution !igned b !e#en member! and b the (ecretar o1 the Trade 4nion !hall/ 9ithin 1ourteen da ! o1 the di!!olution/ be !ent to the Regi!trar and !hall be regi!tered b him i1 he i! !ati!1ied the di!!olution ha! been e11ected in accordance 9ith the rule! o1 the Trade 4nion/ and the di!!olution !hall ha#e e11ect 1rom the date o1 !uch regulation. (2) 2here the di!!olution o1 a regi!tered Trade 4nion ha! been regi!tered and the rule! o1 the Trade 4nion do not pro#ide 1or the di!tribution and 1und! o1 the Trade 4nion on di!!olution/ the Regi!trar !hall di#ide the 1und! among!t the member in !uch manner a! ma be pre!cribed. 6e!er l F"!d The Regi!tered Trade 4nion ma u!e the general 1und 1or the 1ollo9ing purpo!e!; (alarie!Callo9ance! to o11ice bearer! E7pen!e! 1or admini!tration o1 trade union Conduct o1 Trade di!pute! on behal1 o1 Trade 4nion


"ro#i!ion 1or education/ !ocial or religiou! belie1! o1 member! or to the dependent! o1 decea!ed member!/ etc.

Pol't'c l F"!d a !eparate political 1und ma be con!tituted b a trade 4nion 1or the 1ollo9ing purpo!e!; "a ment o1 e7pen!e! 1or a candidate 1or election to a legi!lati#e bod Kolding o1 an meeting or di!tribution o1 an literature in !upport o1 !uch candidate %aintenance o1 an per!on elected to legi!lati#e bod The member!hip to !uch a political 1und !hould be a) Ioluntar 1or the %ember! b) (hould not be di!entitle a non<member o1 !uch 1und to an bene1it! o1 the trade union. Ret"r!s A general !tatement/ audited in the pre!cribed manner/ ma be !ent to the Regi!trar. The !tatement !hall be prepared in !uch 1orm and !hall compri!e !uch particular! a! ma be pre!cribed. Pe! lt'es O))e!ce P"!'shme!t $ailure o1 o11ice bearer! to gi#e notice or $ine o1 R! &C< !tatement a! re>uired under Act An per!on ma5ing 9ill1ul $al!e entr !tatement/ alteration o1 rule! or $ine 9hich ma e7tend upto R! &C<


The Wor0me!s 2ompe!s t'o! Act #$>@ The pa!!ing o1 2or5men6! Compen!ation Act in 192' 9a! the 1ir!t !tep to9ard! !ocial !ecurit o1 9or5men. The theor o1 thi! act i! that D the co!t o1 product !hould bear the blood o1 the 9or5manE. Thi! Act pro#ide! compen!ation to certain cla!!e! o1 9or5men b their emplo er! 1or in8ur / 9hich ma be !u11ered/ b the 9or5men a! re!ult o1 an accident during the cour!e o1 emplo ment. O/-ect To pro#ide Compen!ation to 2or5men 1or accidental in8ur and occupational di!ea!e! ari!ing during and in the cour!e o1 emplo ment. Appl'c /'l'ty o) Act Thi! Act i! applicable to all emplo ment! in 9hich the E() Act i! not applicable. (e)'!'t'o!s .(epe!de!t. mean! an o1 the 1ollo9ing relati#e! o1 a decea!ed 9or5man/ namel ;< (i) a 9ido9/ a minor legitimate or adopted !on/ and unmarried legitimate or adopted daughter/ or a 9ido9ed mother= and (ii) i1 9holl dependent on the earning! o1 the 9or5man at the time o1 hi! death/ a !on or a daughter 9ho ha! attained the age o1 1+ ear! and 9ho i! in1irm= (iii) i1 9holl or in part dependent on the earning! o1 the 9or5man at the time o1 hi! death/ (a) a 9ido9er/ (b) a parent other than a 9ido9ed mother/ (c) a minor illegitimate !on/ an unmarried illegitimate daughter or a daughter legitimate or illegitimate or adopted i1 married and a minor or i1 9ido9ed and a minor/ (d) a minor brother or an unmarried !i!ter or a 9ido9ed !i!ter i1 a minor/ (e) a 9ido9ed daughter<in<la9/ (1) a minor child o1 a pre<decea!ed !on/


(g) a minor child o1 a pre<decea!ed daughter 9here no parent o1 the child i! ali#e/ or (h) a paternal grandparent i1 no parent o1 the 9or5man i! ali#e. Explanation ; $or the purpo!e! o1 !ub<clau!e (ii) and item! (1) and (g) o1 !ub<clau!e (iii)/ re1erence! to a !on/ daughter or child include an adopted !on/ daughter or child re!pecti#el = .employer. include! an bod o1 per!on! 9hether incorporated or not and an managing agent o1 an emplo er and the legal repre!entati#e o1 a decea!ed emplo er/ and/ 9hen the !er#ice! o1 a 9or5man are temporaril lent or let on hire to another per!on b the per!on 9ith 9hom the 9or5man ha! entered into a contract o1 !er#ice or apprentice!hip/ mean! !uch other per!on 9hile the 9or5man i! 9or5ing 1or him= .8 ,es. include! an pri#ilege or bene1it 9hich i! capable o1 being e!timated in mone / other than a tra#elling allo9ance or the #alue o1 an tra#elling conce!!ion or a contribution paid b the emplo er a 9or5man to9ard! an pen!ion or pro#ident 1und or a !um paid to a 9or5man to co#er an !pecial e7pen!e! entailed on him b the nature o1 hi! emplo ment= .8or0m !.

means an person &other than a person whose emplo ment is of a cas#al nat#re an' who is emplo e' otherwise than for the p#rposes of the emplo er(s tra'e or b#siness) who is * &i) a railwa ser+ant as 'efine' in cla#se &34) of section 2 of the ,ailwa s Act$ 1989 &24 of 1989)$ not permanentl emplo e' in an a'ministrati+e$ 'istrict or s#b*'i+isional office of a railwa an' not emplo e' in an s#ch capacit as is specifie' in !che'#le ""%

Total di!ablement )ncapacitate! 9or5man 1or all 9or5 9hich he 9a! capable o1 doing at the time o1 accident

"artial di!ablement

Temporar Reduce! earning capacit o1 9or5man in an emplo ment in 9hich he 9a! engaged at the time o1 accident

"ermanent Reduce! earning capacit o1 9or5man in e#er emplo ment in 9hich he 9a! engaged at the time o1 accident


1 '! Prov's'o!s o) the Act I!-"ry F ('se ses r's'!, o"t o) !d '! co"rse o) employme!t re p y /le F The term Qari!ing out o1 and in the cour!e o1 emplo ment6 mean! that Compen!ation i! pa able onl in tho!e in8ur Cdi!ea!e! 9here the emplo ment i! the immediate and pro7imate cau!e o1 the !aid in8ur Cdi!ea!e. )n other 9ord!/ the in8ur Cdi!ea!e 9ould not ha#e occurred had the 9or5man not been emplo ed in the particular emplo ment

2ompe!s t'o! p y /le C The 2or5men6! Compen!ation pa able a! per the act i! a! under ; (.B ,e!cription Compen!ation 1 ,eath due to in8ur &0? o1 9age! U Rele#ant 1actor OR R! +0/000C< / 9hiche#er i! more 2 ' * & "ermanent total di!ablement due to in8ur "ermanent "artial di!ablement due to in8ur Temporar ,i!ablement .ccupational di!ea!e -0? o1 9age! U Rele#ant 1actor OR R! 90/000C< / 9hiche#er i! more ? o1 compen!ation a! i! pa able in (ii) or ? o1 compen!ation proportionate to lo!! o1 earning capacit 2&? o1 9age! paid hal1 monthl .ccupational di!ea!e to be treated a! in8ur b accident and compen!ation a! applicable in the ca!e! o1 in8ur are pa able

Follo8'!, po'!ts re to /e !oted '! c lc"l t'o! o) compe!s t'o! a) 2age! to be actual or %a7 R! *000C< per month. b) Rele#ant 1actor are gi#en in (chedule ))) o1 the Act c) Emplo ee not eligible 1or compen!ation 9hen heC!he ha! 1iled a Ci#il (uit again!t the emplo er. 2ompe!s t'o! !ot p y /le : Compen!ation under thi! Act i! not pa able 9hen The di!ablement due to in8ur i! le!! than * da ! The emplo ee 9a! under the in1luence o1 drug!Calcohol at the time o1 accident 2or5man 9ill1ull di!obe ! an !a1et rule 2or5man 9ill1ull remo#e!Cdi!regard! an !a1et guardC e>uipment! 2or5man ha! 1iled a Ci#il !uit again!t the emplo er 1or claim o1 compen!ation. 2or5man ha! re1u!ed to get him!el1 medicall e7amined co!t o1 9hich i! borne b the emplo er. P yme!t o) 2ompe!s t'o! F The Compen!ation pa able under the Act i! to be made b depo!it to the Commi!!ioner o1 2or5men6! Compen!ation 9ho 9ill di!tribute the !ame to 9or5men or hi! dependent!. Ko9e#er/ amount e>ual to ' month! 9age! can be paid directl to the dependent! in ca!e! o1 death o1 9or5man/ pro#ided the !aid amount i! le!! than the total compen!ation pa able to 9or5man.


Report o) de th !d ser'o"s /od'ly '!-"ry F !hould be gi#en 9ithin 7 da ! o1 the deathC !eriou! bodil in8ur to the Commi!!ioner o1 2or5men6! Compen!ation 1ed'c l E3 m'! t'o! FThe emplo er !hould get the medical e7amination o1 the 9or5man 9ho ha! made a claim 1or compen!ation/ 9ithin ' da ! o1 receipt o1 claim. Pe! lt'es O))e!ce P"!'shme!t 2hoe#er 1ail! to maintain notice boo5 $ine 9hich ma e7tend upto R! &000C< or !end in1ormation Creport to Commi!!ioner


The 2o!tr ct L /o"r GRe,"l t'o! !d A/ol't'o!D Act: #$=H The emplo ment o1 contract labour cannot be completel ruled out under the circum!tance!/ the go#ernment/ committed a! it i! to ideal o1 !ocial 8u!tice could adopt onl the middle cour!e i.e./ regulating the emplo ment o1 contract labour in certain e!tabli!hment! and aboli!hing it in other e!tabli!hment. )n #ie9 o1 the abo#e/ thi! Act 9a! 1ormulated. Appl'c /'l'ty 1. To e#er E!tabli!hment 9here 20 or more contract 9or5men are emplo edC 9ere emplo ed in pre#iou! 12 month!/ !d 2. To e#er Contractor 9ho emplo ! 20 or more 9or5men Cemplo ed in pre#iou! 12 month! (EFINITIONS; LAppropr' te 6over!me!tL mean!/ (i) in relation to an e!tabli!hment in re!pect o1 9hich the appropriate 3o#ernment under the )ndu!trial ,i!pute! Act/ 19*7 (1* o1 19*7)/ i! the Central 3o#ernment/ the Central 3o#ernment= (ii) in relation to an other e!tabli!hment/ the 3o#ernment o1 the (tate in 9hich that other e!tabli!hment i! !ituated= (b) a 9or5man !hall be deemed to be emplo ed a! Lcontract labourL in or in connection 9ith the 9or5 o1 an e!tabli!hment 9hen he i! hired in or in connection 9ith !uch 9or5 b or through a contractor/ 9ith or 9ithout the 5no9ledge o1 the principal emplo er= .2o!tr ctor.: mean! a per!on 9ho underta5e! to produce a gi#en re!ult 1or the e!tabli!hment/ other than a mere !uppl o1 good! or article! o1 manu1acture to !uch e!tabli!hment/ through contract labour or 9ho !upplie! contract labour 1or an 9or5 o1 the e!tabli!hment and include! a !ub<contractor= .2o!trolled '!d"stry. mean! an indu!tr the control o1 9hich b the 4nion ha! been declared b an Central Act to be e7pedient in the public intere!t= .Est /l'shme!t. mean! (i) an o11ice or department o1 the 3o#ernment or a local authorit / or (ii) an place 9here an indu!tr / trade/ bu!ine!!/ manu1acture or occupation i! carried on= (1) Lpre!cribedL mean! pre!cribed b rule! made under thi! Act=


.Pr'!c'p l employer. mean! (i) in relation to an o11ice or department o1 the 3o#ernment or a local authorit / the head o1 that o11ice or department or !uch other o11icer a! the 3o#ernment or the local authorit / a! the ca!e ma be/ ma !peci1 in thi! behal1/ (ii) in a 1actor / the o9ner or occupier o1 the 1actor and 9here a per!on ha! been named a! the manager o1 the 1actor under the $actorie! Act/ 19*+ (-' o1 19*+)/ the per!on !o named/ (iii) in a mine/ the o9ner or agent o1 the mine and 9here a per!on ha! been named a! the manager o1 the mine/ the per!on !o named/ (i#) in an other e!tabli!hment/ an per!on re!pon!ible 1or the !uper#i!ion and control o1 the e!tabli!hment. E7planation ; $or the purpo!e o1 !ub<clau!e (iii) o1 thi! clau!e/ the e7pre!!ion! LmineL/ Lo9nerL and LagentL !hall ha#e the meaning! re!pecti#el a!!igned to them in clau!e (8)/ clau!e (l) and clau!e (c) o1 !ub<!ection (1) o1 !ection 2 o1 the %ine! Act/ 19&2 ('& o1 19&2)= .W ,es. !hall ha#e the meaning a!!igned to it in clau!e (#i) o1 !ection 2 o1 the "a ment o1 2age! Act/ 19'- (* o1 19'-)= .Wor0m !. mean!/ an per!on emplo ed/ in or in connection 9ith the 9or5 o1 an e!tabli!hment to do an !5illed/ !emi<!5illed or un<!5illed manual/ !uper#i!or / technical or clerical 9or5 1or hire or re9ard/ 9hether the term! o1 emplo ment be e7pre!! or implied but doe! not include an !uch per!on F (A) 9ho i! emplo ed mainl in a managerial or admini!trati#e capacit = or (0) 9ho/ being emplo ed in a !uper#i!or capacit dra9! 9age! e7ceeding 1i#e hundred rupee! per men!em or e7erci!e!/ either b the nature o1 the dutie! attached to the o11ice or b rea!on o1 the po9er! #e!ted in him/ 1unction! mainl o1 a managerial nature= or (C) 9ho i! an out<9or5er/ that i! to !a / a per!on to 9hom an article! and material! are gi#en out b or on behal1 o1 the principal emplo er to be made up/ cleaned/ 9a!hed/ altered/ ornamented/ 1ini!hed/ repaired/ adapted or other9i!e proce!!ed 1or !ale 1or the purpo!e! o1 the trade or bu!ine!! o1 the principal emplo er and the proce!! i! to be carried out either in the home o1 the out<9or5er or in !ome other premi!e!/ not being premi!e! under the control and management o1 the principal emplo er. (2) An re1erence in thi! Act to a la9 9hich i! not in 1orce in the (tate o1 @ammu and Sa!hmir !hall/ in relation to that (tate/ be con!trued a! a re1erence to the corre!ponding la9/ i1 an / in 1orce in that (tate.


1 '! Prov's'o!s o) the Act Re,'str t'o! o) Est /l'shme!t B "rincipal Emplo er ("E) !hould appl 1or Regi!tration o1 the e!tabli!hment. At an gi#en time/ there !hould be onl that number o1 contract labour (or le!!) a! !peci1ied in the Regi!tration Certi1icate. An e!tabli!hment 9hich i! not regi!tered under thi! Act cannot emplo Contract Labour L'ce!se )or 2o!tr ctorsB All the contractor! co#ered under thi! Act ha#e to obtain a Licen!e 1or emplo ing contract labour in a particular e!tabli!hment. Licen!e i! #alid 1or !peci1ied period and can be rene9ed on pa ment o1 1ee! Licen!e contain! condition! li5e pa ment o1 9age! to contract labour/ number o1 contract labour/ hour! o1 9or5/ etc Proh'/'t'o! o) 2o!tr ct L /o"r C The Appropriate go#ernment ma prohibit Contract Labour in a particular emplo ment in con!ultation 9ith the Contract Labour Ad#i!or 0oard .The 1ollo9ing a!pect! !hould be con!idered b appropriate go#ernment be1ore prohibiting emplo ment o1 contract labour 2hether 9or5 i! incidental or nece!!ar to indu!tr / trade/ bu!ine!! 2hether 9or5 i! o1 perennial nature 2hether the 9or5 i! ordinaril done through regular emplo ee! 2hether the 9or5 i! !u11icient to emplo a con!iderable no. o1 9hole time emplo ee! Ame!'t'es )or 2o!tr ct L /o"r B The 1ollo9ing amenitie! are to be pro#ided b the Contractor to the Contract Labour; Canteen! F 9hen 100 or more contract labour! are emplo ed Re!t Room! F 9hen contract labour i! re>uired to halt at night 2hole!ome drin5ing 9ater Latrine! and urinal! 2a!hing 1acilitie! $ir!t Aid 1acilitie! F $ir!t Aid bo7 9ith pre!cribed content! The "rincipal Emplo er !hould pro#ide the abo#e 1acilitie! i1 the contractor 1ail! to pro#ide the !ame. Ko9e#er/ the principal Emplo er can deduct the e7pen!e incurred in pro#iding the abo#e 1acilitie! to the contract labour 1rom the bill o1 contractor. P yme!t o) W ,es to 2o!tr ct L /o"r F The pa ment o1 9age! to the contract labour ha! to be 9itne!!ed and dul certi1ied b an authoriHed repre!entati#e o1 the principal emplo er. Import !t Po'!ts Regi!tration certi1icate !hould be amended 9hene#er the number o1 Contract Labour engaged change!. 0e1ore ma5ing the pa ment to the contractor 1ollo9ing !hould be ta5en 1rom the Contractor; Cop o1 "$CE() Challan


,eclaration 1rom the Contractor !peci1 ing the name! o1 the emplo ee! 1or 9hom contribution! ha#e been made. 2age! !hould be paid to Contract Labour in the pre!ence o1 AuthoriHed repre!entati#e. ('rect s"perv's'o! o1 Contract Labour !hould not be done. Le ve Perm'ss'o!FI( 2 rdFE!try p ss o1 contract emplo ee! !hould not be !igned b the Compan emplo ee!. Contract !hould not !peci1 the number o1 per!on! but the >uantit o1 9or5.


The Employees Prov'de!t F"!d !d 1'scell !eo"s Prov's'o!s Act: #$I> The !cheme! o1 "ro#ident $und! are meant to induce emplo ee! to !a#e a portion 1rom their pre!ent earning! 1or a rain da . The ob8ect o1 the Act i! to pro#ide 1or in!titution o1 "ro#ident $und/ "en!ion $und and ,epo!it Lin5ed )n!urance $und 1or emplo ee! in $actorie! and other e!tabli!hment!. (e)'!'t'o!s .B s'c 8 ,es. mean! all emolument! 9hich are earned b an emplo ee 9hile on dut or on lea#e or on holida ! 9ith 9age! in either ca!e in accordance 9ith the term! o1 the contract o1 emplo ment and 9hich are paid or pa able in ca!h to him but doe! not include; (i) the ca!h #alue o1 an (ii) an emplo bonu! emplo 1ood conce!!ion=

dearne!! allo9ance (that i! to !a all ca!h pa ment! b 9hate#er name called paid to an ee on account o1 a ri!e in the co!t o1 li#ing) hou!e<rent allo9ance o#ertime allo9ance commi!!ion or an other !imilar allo9ance pa able to the emplo ee in re!pect o1 hi! ment or o1 9or5 done in !uch emplo ment=

(iii) an pre!ent! made b the emplo er= .Employer. mean! ;

(i) in relation to an e!tabli!hment 9hich i! a 1actor the o9ner or occupier o1 the 1actor including the agent o1 !uch o9ner or occupier the legal repre!entati#e o1 a decea!ed o9ner or occupier and 9here a per!on ha! been named a! a manager o1 the 1actor under clau!e (1) o1 !ub< !ection (1) o1 !ection 7 o1 the $actorie! Act 19*+ the per!on !o named= and (ii) in relation to an other e!tabli!hment the per!on 9ho or the authorit 9hich ha! the ultimate control o#er the a11air! o1 the e!tabli!hment and 9here the !aid a11air! are entru!ted to a manager managing director or managing agent !uch manager managing director or managing agent= .Employee. mean! an per!on 9ho i! emplo ed 1or 9age! in an 5ind o1 9or5 manual or other9i!e in or in connection 9ith the 9or5 o1 an e!tabli!hment and 9ho get! hi! 9age! directl or indirectl 1rom the emplo er and include! an per!on (i) emplo ed b or through a contractor in or in connection 9ith the 9or5 o1 the e!tabli!hment= (ii) engaged a! an apprentice not being an apprentice engaged under the Apprentice! Act 19-1 or under the !tanding order! o1 the e!tabli!hment= E3empted Est /l'shme!t


An e!tabli!hment 9hich ha! been granted e7emption 1rom the operation o1 all or an o1 the pro#i!ion! o1 an !cheme or in!urance !cheme pre!cribed under the Act. (uch e7emption ma be granted to the e!tabli!hment or to an per!on or to an cla!! o1 per!on! o1 the e!tabli!hment. Appl'c /'l'ty Thi! Act i! applicable to all 1actorie! and e!tabli!hment! 9ere 20 or more emplo ee! areC9ere emplo ed. The Act continue! to be applicable e#en i1 the number o1 emplo ee! 1all! belo9 20. 1 '! Prov's'o!s o) the Act The E"$ and %" Act ma5e pro#i!ion! 1or ' t pe! o1 !cheme!. The!e been !ummariHed a! under E"$ and %" Act "ro#ident 1und SN 1 P rt'c"l rs .b8ecti#e "en!ion (cheme ,epo!it Lin5ed )n!urance (epos't L'!0ed I!s"r !ce GE(LID To pro#ide 1or in!urance o1 emplo ee made on !alar (0a!ic R Bil !cheme! ha#e

2 ' *

(alar ceiling

& -

Contribution o1 F Emplo ee Contribution F '.-7? o1 0a!ic R Emplo er ,A R An di11erence bet9een actual +.''? o1 0a!ic R,A and R! &*1C< Contribution< Bil Central 3o#t. Ioluntar Allo9ed. Ko9e#er contribution o1 emplo er i! not bound to contribute emplo ee! o#er and abo#e the !tatutor Return! Ad#ance!

Prov'de!t )"!d Pe!s'o! GEPFD SchemeGEPSD To pro#ide 1or To pro#ide 1or monthl lump!um pa ment pen!ion to member at the time o1 and hi! 1amil retirementCdeath The contribution to the!e !cheme! C1und are ,A) o1 R! -&00C< "er month. 12 ? o1 0a!ic R ,A Bil

+.''? o1 0a!ic R ,A ( 0.&? o1 0a!ic R ,A !ub8ect to ma7 o1 R! &*1C< (+.''? o1 ba!ic R ,A o1 R! -&00) 1.1-? o1 0a!ic R ,A Bot Allo9ed Bil Bot Allo9ed

7 + 9

re>uirement! J 9.&? per ear Bo $i7ed return! Allo9ed a1ter Bot Allo9ed member!hip o1 pre!cribed period 0ene1it! 9hen At the time o1 At the time

B)L Bot Allo9ed o1 $or death 9hile in



recei#ed b retirement or death emplo ee T pe! o1 Ad#ance! $or bene1it! 1. hou!e building/ 2. marriage/ '. L)C premium *. Education

retirement or death "en!ion on a) Retirement b) ,i!abilit c) Commutation o1 "en!ion 4pon ,eath o1 an emplo ee pen!ion pa able to; d) 2ido9 e) Children 1) .rphan g) Bominee

!er#ice An amount e>ual to a#erage balance upto R!'&000C< R 2&?o1 balance amount !ub8ect to ma7 o1 R! -0000C< i! paid to dependent!

Est /l'shme!t to '!cl"de ll /r !chesFdep rtme!ts All the branche! and department! o1 e!tabli!hment are included in the e!tabli!hment 1or the purpo!e o1 thi! Act. Adm'!'str t'o! o) Schemes The abo#e !cheme! and 1und! are admini!tered b the Emplo ee! "ro#ident $und .rganiHation GE"$.). The E"$. ha! appointed o11icer! at #ariou! le#el! to 1urther appl the pro#i!ion! o1 the Act e.g Central "ro#ident $und Commi!!ioner! Additional Central "ro#ident $und Commi!!ioner! ,eput "ro#ident $und Commi!!ioner! Regional "ro#ident $und Commi!!ioner!/ etc Thi! o11icer! are al!o authoriHed to li!ten to an complaint! regarding contribution/ bene1it! / etc and ma pa!! order! !uitabl . Protect'o! , '!st Att chme!t the amount !tanding to the credit o1 account o1 an member cannot be attached/ a!!igned or charged b an order o1 an court. Employer !ot to red"ce 8 ,es Emplo er cannot reduce 9age! o1 an emplo ee b rea!on o1 hi! liabilit o1 contributing to the !cheme! under thi! Act. Pe! lt'es Sl O))e!ce Pe! lty No 1 A#oiding pa ment under thi! Act or )mpri!onment 9hich ma 5no9ingl ma5ing 1al!e !tatement ear or $ine 9hich ma &000C< or both 2 Emplo er 9ho contra#ene! in )mpri!onment 9hich ma pro#i!ion! regarding pa ment o1 ear or )mpri!onment ) admini!trati#e charge! and 10000C< contribution ' Contra#ention regarding pa ment o1 )mpri!onment 9hich ma in!pection charge! ear or $ine 9hich ma

e7tend upto 1 e7tend upto R! e7tend upto ' ear R$ine R! e7tend upto 1 e7tend upto R!


&000C< or both (ame o11ence i! committed again )mpri!onment 9hich ma e7tend upto & ear !d $ine o1 R! 2&000C< The I!d"str' l Employme!t GSt !d'!, OrdersD Act: #$%A

The ob8ect o1 the Act i! to Dre>uire emplo er! in indu!trial e!tabli!hment! to de1ine the condition! o1 emplo ment under them and ma5e the !aid condition! 5no9n to 9or5men emplo ed b them. The condition! o1 emplo ment include! the condition! o1 recruitment/ di!charge/ di!ciplinar action/ holida ! o1 the 9or5men emplo ed in the e!tabli!hment! etc./ (e)'!'t'o! .I!d"str' l est /l'shme!t. mean! (i) (ii) (iii) (i#) an indu!trial e!tabli!hment a! de1ined in clau!e (ii) o1 !ection 2 o1 the "a ment o1 2age! Act/ 19'- (* o1 19'-)/ or a 1actor a! de1ined in clau!e (m) o1 !ection 2 o1 the $actorie! Act/ 19*+ (-' o1 19*+)/ or a rail9a a! de1ined in clau!e (*) o1 !ection 2 o1 the )ndian Rail9a ! Act/ 1+90 (9 o1 1+90)/ or the e!tabli!hment o1 a per!on 9ho/ 1or the purpo!e o1 1ul1illing a contract 9ith the o9ner o1 an indu!trial e!tabli!hment/ emplo ! 9or5men=

1 '! Prov's'o!s o) the Act S"/m'ss'o! o) (r )t St !d'!, Orders; (1) 2ithin !i7 month! 1rom the date on 9hich thi! Act become! applicable to an indu!trial e!tabli!hment/ the emplo er !hall !ubmit to the Certi1 ing .11icer 1i#e copie! o1 the dra1t !tanding order! propo!ed b him 1or adoption in hi! indu!trial e!tabli!hment. (2) "ro#i!ion !hall be made in !uch dra1t 1or e#er matter !et out in the (chedule 9hich ma be applicable to the indu!trial e!tabli!hment/ and 9here model !tanding order! ha#e been pre!cribed/ !hall be/ !o 1ar a! i! practicable/ in con1ormit 9ith !uch model. (') The dra1t !tanding order! !ubmitted under thi! !ection !hall be accompanied b a !tatement gi#ing pre!cribed particular! o1 the 9or5men emplo ed in the indu!trial e!tabli!hment including the name o1 the trade union/ i1 an / to 9hich the belong. (*) (ub8ect to !uch condition! a! ma be pre!cribed/ a group o1 emplo er! in !imilar indu!trial e!tabli!hment! ma !ubmit a 8oint dra1t o1 !tanding order! under thi! !ection. 2o!d't'o!s )or 2ert')'c t'o! O) St !d'!, Orders; (tanding order! !hall be certi1iable under thi! Act i1


(a) pro#i!ion i! made therein 1or e#er matter !et out in the (chedule 9hich i! applicable to the indu!trial e!tabli!hment/ and (b) the !tanding order! are other9i!e in con1ormit 9ith the pro#i!ion! o1 thi! Act= and it !hall be the 1unction o1 the Certi1 ing .11icer or appellate authorit to ad8udicate upon the 1airne!! or rea!onablene!! o1 the pro#i!ion! o1 an !tanding order!. 2ert')'c t'o! o) St !d'!, Orders; (1) .n receipt o1 the dra1t under !ection '/ the Certi1 ing .11icer !hall 1or9ard a cop thereo1 to the trade union/ i1 an / o1 the 9or5men/ or 9here there i! no !uch trade union/ to the 9or5men in !uch manner a! ma be pre!cribed/ together 9ith a notice in the pre!cribed 1orm re>uiring ob8ection!/ i1 an / 9hich the 9or5men ma de!ire to ma5e to the dra1t !tanding order! to be !ubmitted to him 9ithin 1i1teen da ! 1rom the receipt o1 the notice. (2) A1ter gi#ing the emplo er and the trade union or !uch other repre!entati#e! o1 the 9or5men a! ma be pre!cribed an opportunit o1 being heard/ the Certi1 ing .11icer !hall decide 9hether or not an modi1ication o1 or addition to the dra1t !ubmitted b the emplo er i! nece!!ar to render the dra1t (tanding .rder! certi1iable under thi! Act/ and !hall ma5e an order in 9riting accordingl . (') The Certi1 ing .11icer !hall thereupon certi1 the dra1t !tanding order!/ a1ter ma5ing an modi1ication! therein 9hich hi! order under !ub<!ection (2) ma re>uire/ and !hall 9ithin !e#en da ! therea1ter !end copie! o1 the certi1ied !tanding order! authenticated in the pre!cribed manner and o1 hi! order under !ub<!ection (2) to the emplo er and to the trade union or other pre!cribed repre!entati#e! o1 the 9or5men. Appe ls; (1) An emplo er/ 9or5man/ trade union or other pre!cribed repre!entati#e! o1 the 9or5men aggrie#ed b the order o1 the Certi1 ing .11icer appeal to the appellate authorit / and the appellate authorit / 9ho!e deci!ion !hall be 1inal/ !hall b order in 9riting con1irm the !tanding order! either in the 1orm certi1ied b the Certi1 ing .11icer or a1ter amending the !aid !tanding order! b ma5ing !uch modi1ication! thereo1 or addition! thereto a! it thin5! nece!!ar to render the !tanding order! certi1iable under thi! Act. ( te o) oper t'o! o) St !d'!, Orders; (tanding order! !hall/ unle!! an appeal i! pre1erred under !ection -/ come into operation on the e7pir o1 thirt da ! 1rom the date on 9hich authenticated copie! thereo1 are !ent under !ub< !ection (') o1 !ection &/ or 9here an appeal a! a1ore!aid i! pre1erred/ on the e7pir o1 !e#en da ! 1rom the date on 9hich copie! o1 the order o1 the appellate authorit / are !ent under !ub< !ection (2) o1 !ection -. ("r t'o! !d mod')'c t'o! o) St !d'!, Orders; (1) (tanding order! 1inall certi1ied under thi! Act !hall not/ e7cept on agreement bet9een the emplo er and the 9or5men/ or a trade union or other repre!entati#e bod o1 the 9or5men/ be liable to modi1ication until the e7pir o1 !i7 month! 1rom the date on 9hich the !tanding order! or the la!t modi1ication! thereo1 came into operation.


(2) An emplo er or 9or5man or a trade union or other repre!entati#e bod o1 the 9or5men ma appl to the Certi1 ing .11icer to ha#e the !tanding order! modi1ied/ and !uch application !hall be accompanied b 1i#e copie! o1 the modi1ication! propo!ed to be made/ and 9here !uch modi1ication! are propo!ed to be made b agreement bet9een the emplo er and the 9or5man or a trade union or other repre!entati#e bod o1 the 9or5men/ a certi1ied cop o1 that agreement !hall be 1iled along 9ith the application. P yme!t o) S"/s'ste!ce Allo8 !ce; (1) 2here an 9or5man i! !u!pended b the emplo er pending in#e!tigation or in>uir into complaint! or charge! o1 mi!conduct again!t him/ the emplo er !hall pa to !uch 9or5man !ub!i!tence allo9ance F (a) at the rate o1 1i1t per cent. o1 the 9age! 9hich the 9or5man 9a! entitled to immediatel preceding the date o1 !uch !u!pen!ion/ 1or the 1ir!t ninet da ! o1 !u!pen!ion= and (b) at the rate o1 !e#ent <1i#e per cent. o1 !uch 9age! 1or the remaining period o1 !u!pen!ion i1 the dela in the completion o1 di!ciplinar proceeding! again!t !uch 9or5man i! not directl attributable to the conduct o1 !uch 9or5man. (2) )1 an di!pute ari!e! regarding the !ub!i!tence allo9ance pa able to a 9or5man under !ub< !ection (1)/ the 9or5man or the emplo er concerned ma re1er the di!pute to the Labour Court/ con!tituted under the )ndu!trial ,i!pute! Act/ 19*7 (1* o1 19*7)/ 9ithin the local limit! o1 9ho!e 8uri!diction the indu!trial e!tabli!hment 9herein !uch 9or5man i! emplo ed i! !ituate and the Labour Court to 9hich the di!pute i! !o re1erred !hall/ a1ter gi#ing the partie! an opportunit o1 being heard/ decide the di!pute and !uch deci!ion !hall be 1inal and binding on the partie!. (') Bot9ith!tanding an thing contained in the 1oregoing pro#i!ion! o1 thi! !ection/ 9here pro#i!ion! relating to pa ment o1 !ub!i!tence allo9ance under an other la9 1or the time being in 1orce in an (tate are more bene1icial than the pro#i!ion! o1 thi! !ection/ the pro#i!ion! o1 !uch other la9 !hall be applicable to the pa ment o1 !ub!i!tence allo9ance in that (tate. I!terpret t'o!: etc;: o) St !d'!, Orders; )1 an >ue!tion ari!e! a! to the application or interpretation o1 a !tanding order certi1ied under thi! Act/ an emplo er or 9or5man or a trade union or other repre!entati#e bod o1 the 9or5men ma re1er the >ue!tion to an one o1 the Labour Court! con!tituted under the )ndu!trial ,i!pute! Act/ 19*7 (1* o1 19*7)/ and !peci1ied 1or the di!po!al o1 !uch proceeding b the appropriate 3o#ernment b noti1ication in the .11icial 3aHette/ and the Labour Court to 9hich the >ue!tion i! !o re1erred !hall/ a1ter gi#ing the partie! an opportunit o1 being heard/ decide the >ue!tion and !uch deci!ion !hall be 1inal and binding on the partie!. Pe! lt'es Sl O))e!ce Pe! lty No 1 Emplo er 9ho 1ail! to !ubmit dra1t 1ine 1i#e thou!and rupee! !tanding order! 2 contra#ention o1 the !tanding order! 1ine one hundred rupee!



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