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‘Opportunities to Help Your Business Beat the Economic Downturn

through Environmental Improvements ‘

5th March 2009
International Centre, Telford

Within the current economic climate every £ counts and understand-

ing your impact on the environment and taking action on it can
significantly benefit your business. In addition, while looking at re-
source efficiency, every business is obliged to meet legal require-
ments designed to protect the environment. For some businesses
fear of prosecution may be the main reason that they consider envi-
ronmental issues . This event had three main speakers, looking at
resource efficiency, legislation and a local case study; followed by
an interactive workshop for delegates and sharing of best practice.

Tim Robins, Envirowise Regional Manager

‘The best things in life are free… the best things in business are resource efficient’ was
the title of the presentation given by Tim Robins, Envirowise Regional Manager setting
the tone for the remaining event. He informed the business representatives of how
effective management of resources can save every company money, waste and wasted
resources have hidden costs that all organizations need to be aware of.
Tim, then spoke about the tools to enable businesses to become more resource efficient
which include resource mapping, identifying where wastes are produced including,
heating and lighting and the monitoring process around this.

Mark Simmons, Simmonsigns

BESST steering group member, Mark Simmons from Simmonsigns, made his debut presentation at a BESST
event to give Simmonsigns’ case study.
Simmonsigns have been members of BESST since its inception
and represent our SME membership on the steering group. Mark
gave an overview of the family run business, set up by his father
and how they have incorporated environmental considerations
into their every day practices. He covered the issues faced by
SME’s when tackling environmental initiatives and how they have
overcome these, and plan to continue to overcome others in
future. He talked about the environmental savings they have been
able to make by being a more environmentally aware business,
which have been through increased recycling and energy

Jill Reeves, Environment Agency

The final presentation was from Jill Reeves from the Environment Agency who gave a brief overview of the Waste
Legislation and the implications this has for businesses. A legislation overview guide and has been produced and is
located in the Members only Download Library on the website More on legislation and
the effects for businesses can be found on Netregs (

A number of different scenarios were given to the tables of delegates
looking at reductions in waste, energy management, packaging, staff
engagement and legislation. Each group then worked together to
discuss their topics, what each of their respective companies do and
areas of best practice. At the end of the session each group fedback
their top tips to the other delegates. These tips have then been shared
with the whole membership.

BESST Top Tips

• Complete audits of your site—you need to under-

stand where the wasted resources are produced.

• Communication, Communication, Communication -

staff need to be engaged in the process. Any
changes you want to implement within your company
you need to communicate to staff why this is happen-
ing and the benefits, get their input!

• Energy—check for leaks or excessive use. Can ma-

chinery, computers, lights be turned off when not in

• Creating an awareness programme depends on your

own particular circumstances – tailor to your business
and staff

• Turn down the heating and ensure radiators aren’t

blocked by furniture. Each degree dropped in tem-
perature equals a saving of approximately 8 per cent
in heating costs.

• Ensure your waste contractors are legally registered

as a waste carrier - check EA public register (online)

For more information please visit or call 01952 567567

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