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DhulHijjah Month- From Mafatih Ul Jinan

In the blessed month of Dhul-ijjah, the pious companions of the Holy Prophet and their followers used to do
many acts of worship . The first ten days of this month are called al-ayym al-ma`lmt (The Stated Days) by
the Holy Qur'n.
About these highly honorable days, the Holy Prophet () is reported to have said that nothing
is more preferable to Almighty Allah than practicing acts of worship on these ten stated days.
First: It is recommended to observe fasting on the first nine days of Dhul-ijjah, for it is equal to the fasting
of ones whole lifetime.
Second: At each of these ten nights, it is recommended to offer a two unit prayer between the Maghrib and
`Ish' obligatory prayers and to recite at each unit Srah al-Ftiah once, Srah al-Tawd once, and the
following verse (7/142):
The reward of offering this prayer is to participate in the rewards of those who go on ajj.
Third: It is recommended to say the following prayer, which is reported by Shaykh al-s and Sayyid Ibn
ws from Imam Ja`far al-diq (`a), after the obligatory Fajr and Maghrib Prayers since the first day of
Dhul-ijjah and up to the eve of the `Araft Night, the ninth of Dhul-ijjah:Mp3Ppt file

wa w`and ms thalthna
And We appointed with Moses a
time of thirty nights
` wa atmamnh bi`ashrin
and completed them with ten
' `
fatamma mqtu rabbih
arba`na laylatan
so the appointed time of his Lord
was complete forty nights,

wa qla ms li'akhhi hrna
ikhlufn f qawm
and Moses said to his brother
Aaron: Take my place among my

wa ali wa l tattabi` sabla

and act well and do not follow the
way of the mischief-makers.
' ` '
` ' '
allhumma hdhih al-ayymu
allat faaltah `al al-
ayymi wa sharraftah
O Allah, these days that You have
preferred and favored on other

qad ballaghtanh bimannika
wa ramatika
You have allowed me to attain
them out of Your favor and mercy;
fa'anzil `alayn min
so, (please) descend on us Your
wa awsi` `alayn fh min
and expand for us Your boons.
' ` ` `
' '
allhumma inn as'aluka an
tualliya `al muammadin
wa li muammadin
O Allah, I beseech you to send
blessings to Muammad and the
Household of Muammad
wa an tahdiyan fh lisabli
and to guide us on these days to
the path of guidance,
Page 1
wal`affi walghin chastity, sufficiency,
wal`amali fh bim tuibbu
wa tar
and doing that which You like and
' ` `

allhumma inn as'aluka y

mawi`a kulli shakw
O Allah, I beseech You, O object of
all complaints,
wa y smi`a kulli najw O Hearer of all confidential talks,
wa y shhida kulli mala'in O Attendant in all sessions,
' wa y `lima kulli khafiyyatin O Knower of all hidden matters,
` ' '
an tualliya `al
muammadin wa li
to send blessings to Muammad
and the Household of Muammad,
wa an takshifa `ann fh
relieve us from all hardships on
these days,
wa tastajba lan fh
respond to our prayers,

wa tuqawwiyan fh wa tu`
grant us power, aid us,
' '

wa tuwaffiqan fh lim
tuibbu rabban wa tar
and lead us successfully to all that
which You, O our Lord, like and

wa `al m iftarata `alayn

min `atika
and to do acts of obedience to You
that which You have made
obligatory upon us
wa `ati raslika wa ahli
as well as acts of obedience to
Your Messenger and to the men of
Your leadership.
' ` ` `
allhumma inn as'aluka y
arama alrrimna
O Allah, I beseech You, O most
Merciful of all those who show
` ' '
an tualliya `al
muammadin wa li
to send blessings to Muammad
and the Household of Muammad
` wa an tahaba lan fh alrri
and grant us [Your] pleasure on
these days.
' innaka sam`u alddu`'i You are verily Hearer of prayers.

wa l tarimn khayra m
tunzilu fh min alssam'i
Do not deprive us of the good that
You cause to come down from the
heavens on these days,
' wa ahhirn min aldhdhunbi purify us from sins,
y `allma alghuybi O Knower of all unseen things,
wa awjib lan fh dra
and make certain for us the abode
of immortality.
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Fourth: It is recommended to say the following five testaments on the first ten days of Dhul-ijjah:Archangel
Gabriel has conveyed these five testaments as gift of Almighty Allah to Prophet Jesus (`a) and instructed him
to say them on the first ten days of Dhul-ijjah.An excellent reward has been mentioned to be for whoever
repeats these five statements one hundred times each day. However, `Allmah al-Majlis says that it is not
improbable that each of these five testaments is repeated ten times each day. Yet, to repeat them one
hundred times is better.Mp3
' '
allhumma alli `al
muammadin wa li
O Allah, send blessings to
Muammad and the Household of

wa l tatruk lan fh dhanban
ill ghafartah
and do not leave for us a sin but
that You forgive it,
' wa l hamman ill farrajtah
no depression but that You relieve
wa l daynan ill qaaytah
no debt but that You help us settle
` ' wa l gh'iban ill addaytah
no absent but that You make join

wa l jatan min aw'iji

aldduny wal-khirati
and no need in this world and the
Next World
' ' ill sahhaltah wa yassartah
but that You make it easy and

innaka `al kulli shay'in qad
You, verily, have power over all
' '
allhumma y `lima
O Allah! O Knower of all hidden
y rima al`abarti O Merciful of all tears!
' y mujba aldda`awti O Answerer of all prayers!
' ` '
y rabba al-arana
O Lord of the [layers of the] earth
and the heavens!
y man l tatashbahu
`alayhi al-awtu
O He Who is not confused by
various sounds!
' '
alli `al muammadin wa li
(Please) send blessings to
Muammad and the Household of

waj`aln fh min `utaq'ika
wa ulaq'ika min alnnri
and include us, on these days, with
those whom You release and
discharge from Hellfire,
walf'izna bijannatika
those whom You make win Your
walnnjna biramatika
and those whom You save, out of
Your mercy.
` ' y arama alrrimna
O most Merciful of all those who
show mercy!
wa all allhu `al sayyidin
muammadin wa lih ajma`
Allah may send blessings to our
master, Muammad, and to his
entire Household.
Page 3
) 1 ( ` ` ashhadu an l ilha ill allhu
(1) I bear witness that there is no
god save Allah,
wadah l sharka lah
alone without having any partner.
wa lah alamdu
His is the kingdom and His is all
biyadih alkhayru
In His Hand is all goodness,

wa huwa `al kulli shay'in
and He has power over all things.
) 2 ( ` ` ashhadu an l ilha ill allhu
(2) I bear witness that there is no
god save Allah,
wadah l sharka lah
alone without having any partner.
` aadan amadan
One and Only and Besought of all.

lam yattakhidh ibatan wa
l waladan
He has not taken to Himself wife
nor son.
) 3 ( ` ` ashhadu an l ilha ill allhu
(3) I bear witness that there is no
god save Allah,
wadah l sharka lah
alone without having any partner,
` aadan amadan
One and Only and Besought of all.
lam yalid wa lam ylad
He begets not, nor is He begotten,
wa lam yakun lah kufwan
and there is none comparable to
) 4 ( ` ` ashhadu an l ilha ill allhu
(4) I bear witness that there is no
god save Allah,
wadah l sharka lah
alone without having any partner.
lah almulku wa lah alamdu
His is the kingdom and His is all
yuy wa yumtu
He brings to life and causes to die,
' wa huwa ayyun l yamtu
and He is Ever-living and never
biyadih alkhayru
In His Hand is all goodness

wa huwa `al kulli shay'in
and He has power over all things.
) 5 ( asbiya allhu wa kaf
(5) Sufficient to me is Allah and
nothing else.
sami`a allhu liman da`
May Allah listen from him who
prays to Him.
laysa war'a allhi muntah
There is no end beyond Allah.
` ashhadu lillhi bim da`
I bear witness to Allah for all that
He has declared,
` ' ' `
wa annah bar'un mimman
He is clear of all that from which
He has declared clearness,
Page 4
Fifth: It is recommended to say the following doxology, which is reported from Imam `Al Amr al-Mu'minn
(`a), on the first ten days of Dhul-ijjah. An excellent reward has been reported for those saying this
doxology, which should preferably be repeated ten times a day: Mp3

` ' `
wa anna lillhi al-khirata
and Allahs is the end and the
beginning of all things.

l ilha ill allhu `adada
allayl waldduhri
There is no god save Allah as
many as nights and ages.
l ilha ill allhu `adada
amwji alburi
There is no god save Allah as
many as the waves of oceans.

l ilha ill allhu wa

ramatuh khayrun mimm
There is no god save Allah and
His mercy is better than what
they amass.

l ilha ill allhu `adada

alshshawki walshshajari
There is no god save Allah as
many as thorns and trees.

l ilha ill allhu `adada
alshsha`ri walwabari
There is no god save Allah as
many as hairs and piles.

l ilha ill allhu `adada
alajari walmadari
There is no god save Allah as
many as stones and loams.

l ilha ill allhu `adada lami
There is no god save Allah as
many as sights of eyes.

l ilha ill allhu f allayli idh
`as`asa walubi idh
There is no god save Allah in the
night when it departs and in the
morning when it brightens.

l ilha ill allhu `adada
alrriyi f albarr walukhri
There is no god save Allah as
much as wind in lands and rocks.

l ilha ill allhu min alyawmi
il yawmi yunfakhu f alri
There is no god save Allah from
this day up to the day when the
Trumpet will be blown.
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