Women Role in The Society

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WOMEN ROLE IN THE SOCIETY/IN ISLAM/PROBLEMS OF WORKING WOMEN INTRODUCTION 3. Source of creation 1. Part and parcel of life WESTERN PERSPECTIVE 2. Educates the whole generation 1. Equal social, educational and 3. Source of comfort political opportunities 4. Performs different roles 2. Work shoulder to shoulder HISTORIC PERPECTIVE PAKISTANI SOCIETY 1. Treated badly 1. Doesnt get freedom 2. Considered curse 2. Social and cultural checks 3. Didnt get equal social and political PROBLEMS OF WORKING WOMEN rights 1. Social insecurity ISLAMIC PERSPECTIVE 2. Exploited sexually 1. Equal rights 3. Low paid 2. Respect as a mother and wife 4. Family conflicts and duties The beauty of this world is due to the existence of woman. Allama Iqbal Woman is as important as man. Her existence is necessary in this world. No one can deny her role and importance in the society. She is part and parcel of life. Even Adam (A.S) desired the presence of a woman in paradise. Though he had all the luxuries of life in paradise, yet he wanted Eve (A.S) there. She performs different roles in a society. Every role is important. Being a mother, she brings up not only a child rather she guides a generation. A child is father of the man. (Wordsworth). Her education is the education of a nation. Brigham Young Says, You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation. Her role as a wife and sister is important as well. These relationships make life colourful and charming. She is the symbol of love and sacrifice. She sacrifices her wishes and comforts for the sake of her family. But unfortunately, a woman has been treated badly in the human history. She was considered a burden on the society. The Arabs buried their daughters. She was treated as sex toy and slave. Her role was restricted to the four walls of the house. Though she has been a subject of mans discussion, yet she was not equal status. Trojan War was fought for the sake of a woman, Greek Helen. She was the topic of many romantic tales. The whole courtly literature revolves around wars and women. In spite of all this, she was not given importance. In ancient civilizations like Indian, Greek, Roman and western, her role was just like slaves. The western woman was not given social and political status until the mid of twentieth century. She was not allowed to cast votes and study worldly knowledge. Islam gave her importance. Islam stressed her respect. She was given equal rights and opportunities. She was consulted for her likeness and dislikes. She participated in the peace and war. Sometimes her ranks even surpassed man. She was given status that paradise lies under the feet of mother. She wasnt considered a cause of curse. Islam has addressed as the source of creation of humanity. Eve is the mother whole humanity. "O Mankind, keep your duty to your Lord who created you from a single soul and from it created its mate (of same kind) and from them twain has spread a multitude of men and women". [The Holy Quran 4:1] Islam enhanced the concept of her role. The Holy Prophet (SAAW) stressed her status as "The best of you is the best to his family. The status of woman in the western countries has developed with passage of time. After many feminist movements of nineteenth and twentieth century, she has her social and political equality. She works shoulder to shoulder with man. She is given equal opportunities in her life. She gets education and social status equally. However her domestic role has been affected owing to excessive involvement in the social activities. The upbringing of the future generation is a problem in the western countries. They are equal to men. Women hold up half of sky. Mao The role of woman in Pakistani society is neither Islamic nor western. Besides Islamic teachings and influence of media, the strong conventions in the society also restrict the role of woman. Many evils are in practice in Pakistan due to male dominance, ignorance to true Islamic teachings, poor education system and feudal system. She has to face many social, cultural and political barriers in our country. Majority is Pakistan believes her role within the four walls of the house. Thus a lot of problems are faced by a working woman in our country. They work as doctors, nurses, lawyers and teachers. They have to face prejudice in the male dominated society. They are given low salary. They are harassed on their work place and on the road. They are considered bad socially. They lose their respect in the society. Sexual exploitation by the seniors is very common. Moreover they have to compromise their domestic duties. This results family conflicts and poor upbringing of the children. They feel insecurity because laws are not implemented. There is poor law and order situation. The ills of police system and judiciary have enhanced their insecurity. It can be concluded that her role is very important in the society. She can be made more effective if she enjoys equal rights and she doesnt find any problem while working.

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