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SYNONYMS ---------------------------1. Admonish = usurp (reprove) 2. merry = gay 3. Aliena e = es range (isola e) !. ins iga e = in"i e #.

$ispel = dissipa e (dismiss) %. &elie' = "onvi" ion (. )ove = "rave (desire) *. &ela ed = oo la e +. Soli"i = &esee"h (see,) 1-. &rim = &order 11. Su&side = .ane (drop) 12. renoun"e= re/e" 13. 0over = linger (s ay "lose) 1!. divulge = reveal 1#. 0eap = o pile ("olle" ) 1%. adhesive = &onding agen 1(. 1eer = diverge ( urn) 1*. hamper = o&s ru" 1+. )apri"e = .him (impulse) 2-. o meri = o deserve 21. S i'le = su''o"a e (smo her) 22. iner = passive 23. 2a en = po en ial (ina" ive) 2!. la i ude = s"ope 2#. )on"ur = a"3uies"e (a""ep ) 2%. momen ary = ransien 2(. 4ran3uil = serene ("alm) 2*. over = o&vious 2+. 2e hargy = s upor (la5y) 3-. volume = 3uan i y

31. 6ur ive= s eal hy (se"re ) 32. meager = s"an y 33. )argo = 'reigh (load) 3!. &a''le = 'rus ra e 3#. 7''a"e = o&li era e (.ipe ou ) 3%. misery = dis ress 3(. 8re en ious = os en a ious (a''e" ed) 3*. dis"re ion = pruden"e 3+. )ompun" ion = remorse (regre ) !-. amia&le = 'riendly !1. )a/ole = "oa9 (.heedle : al,) !2. in"en ive = provo"a ion !3. 7m&ra"e = hug (hold-"uddle) !!. ova ion = applause !#. )on'is"a e = appropria e ( o a,e "harge) !%. eman"ipa e = li&era e !(. 2amen = mourn !*. peni en"e = o repea !+. O&s ina e = s u&&orn #-. a"umen = e9a" ness #1. Me amorphosis = rans'orm #2. s"ru iny = "lose e9amina ion #3. Annihila e = o des roy #!. 'use = "om&ine ##. ;he = sharpen #%. &ehes = re3ues #(. Adage = prover&

4)S main Papers From Campus Recruitment at NIT Bhopal 003 Vocabulary Section: Synonyms # 1. 2. 3. !. #. Mori&und : de"lining< dilapida ed< .aning =epudia e : re/e" < dis"laim< renoun"e< deny ranslu"en : ransparen < semi- ransparen < lu"id< lu"en < "lear< see hrough Mi iga e- allevia es< lessen< ease< alley< une do.n< dull< Assuage >nunda e : 'lood< over.helm< s.amp< su&merge (Time : ! mins"

%. ?il, : de"eive< ri",< s.indle< "on (. Ne le : annoy< irri a e< ve9 *. >mpugn : hold responsi&le< "harge< "ensure< a""use +. Mul"h 1-. 4ena"i y : s u&&ornness< resolve< 'irmness< persis en"e< insis en"e< de ermina ion 11. So&rie y : emperan"e< modera ion< a&s emiousness< so&erness 12. $egrade : shame< disgra"e< mor i'y< humilia e 13. 0ide&ound - narro.-minded< "onserva ive< pre/udi"ed 1!. ;ai' : s ray< sole< hing 1#. 0amper : &as,e < hinder 1%. =e rograde : nos algi"< re rospe" ive< radi ional and "onserva ive 1(. $esponden : hopeless< lo.< de/e" ed 1*. $e&a"le : disas er< ragedy< "a as rophe 1+. Ne&ulous : vague< ha5y< un'ormula ed< enuous 2-. >n"onsis en : "on'li" ing< "on radi" ory< unrelia&le < in"ompa i&le< inhoheren 21. 8arado9 : in"onsis en"y< irony< a&surdi y Paper $rom Campus Recruitment in %amshe&pur 003 synonym 1. 2. 3. !. #. %. d.indle : de"rease< de"line< 'all< 'all o''< drop< drop o'' e''a"e - .ipe ou < o&li era e< eradi"a e< des roy inep : in"ompe en < ine9per < "lumsy in'irmi y - ill-heal h< si",ness "andid- open< 'ran, dangle - hang<< s.ay

'ntonym 1. 2. 3. !. #. %. >r,some @ pleasan Aaun y @ sorro.'ul< sad Ne&ulous @ pre"ise Misapprehension @ "omprehension @ unders anding O&ese @ hin ;himsi"al @ ordinary

Paper $rom Campus Recruitment in NIT (ur)apur 003 Synonym an& antonym 1. 2. 3. !. #. 0ar&inger : 'orerunner< por en < indi"a ion )a"ophony : dissonan"e< disharmony $ivulge : reveal< dis"lose )lu "h : grasp< gra&< "lasp< hold A"ronym : shor 'orm< "on ra" ion< ellipsis

%. >llus rious : memora&le< .ell:,no.n< 'amous (. 8roli'i" : produ" ive< a&undan *. $ivergen : di''eren < devia ing< "on'li" ing +. Aaded : .orld-.eary< ired< la",lus er< .orn-ou < e9haus ed< &ored< 'ed up 1-. Mien : appearan"e< demeanor 11. Mi iga e : allevia e< ease< lessen< so' en< allay< modera e 12. Am&i ious : de ermined< grand< s riving 13. A&erra ion : devia ion< a&normali y< e""en ri"i y< oddness 1!. 6oray : raid< sor ie< in"ursion< a a",< ven ure 1#. $enoun"e : "ondemn< a""use< "ri i"i5e Campus Recruitment in Calicut R*C +,,17=?A2 S7)4>ONB Directions for questions 1-15:6ind he synonyms o' he ' .ords. Synonyms: 1. 8onderous : heavy< edious< "um&ersome 2. Mundane : ordinary< dull< mono onous< dreary 3. >"on : image< idol< em&lem< sym&ol !. ?ra",ish : sal y< &riny #. Molli'y : pla"a e< pa"i'y< "alm< appease< soo he %. $epre"ia ion : redu" ion< de"line (. 73uanimi y : "omposure< poise< "almness< sel'-"on rol *. Cis : general idea< su&s an"e< essen"e +. Caudy : garish< 'lashy< e9 ravagan < loud< sho.y< "olor'ul 1-. A.ry : s,e.ed< "roo,ed< .rong 11. =epar ee : &an er< /o,ing< .ord play 12. ?ois erous : energe i"< anima ed 13. Dngainly : "lumsy< a.,.ard< ungra"e'ul< miserly< mean< inelegan < ga.,y 1!. ;himsi"al : 'an"i'ul< unusual< 3uir,y< "apri"ious 1#. Asperi y : roughness< severi y< &rus3ueness 1%. )avil : 3ui&&le< "omplain< niggle< spli hairs< "arp 1(. Eui9o i" : idealis i"< roman i"< dreamy< unrealis i"< impra" i"a&le 1*. 8ro'ound : deep< in ense< hough 'ul< re'le" ive< philosophi"al< .eigh y< insigh 'ul 1+. >n"orrigi&le - ha&i ual< persis en < inve era e< hopeless 2-. Mus y : milde.ed< moldy< s ale< ran,< 'us y< s u''y 21. ;ai' : s ray< hing< lose< ur"hin< orphan 22. >r, : displease< ve9< annoy< rou&le< &o her< nag< rile 23. >n erdi" : prohi&i < ve o< in/un" ion< &ar< em&argo 2!. )ohere - hold oge her 2#. =up ure - &rea, 2%. Mori&und : dying< de"lining< .aning 2(. $F"olle F : lo. ne",ed< revealing 2*. )allo. : ine9perien"ed< imma ure< you h'ul 2+. ?almy : mild< "lemen < pleasan

3-. re"al"i ran : unruly< diso&edien < o&s ina e< s u&&orn 31. guile : "unningness< deviousness< slyness< "leverness< .iliness< as u eness 'ntonyms 1. )ompose 9 dis ur& 2. 8ris ine 9 sullied 3. 4ur&id 9 limpid !. Mone ary 9 non-e"onomi"al #. =evere 9 hrea en %. 0amper 9 'a"ili a e (. 4ransien 9 permanen"e *. 6as"ina e 9 mundane +. 6i",le 9 loyal 1-. )on ra&and 9 legal goods 11. =epellen 9 a ra" ive 12. Slur 9 gra"e 13. 8ro ean 9 "ons an 1!. 0ide&ound 9 &roadminded 1#. 8re"ipi a e 9 dila oryG"on radi" ory SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS. +. Censure / $ault0 critici1e 2. Op imum : &es < mos 'avora&le 3. )andid : 'ran,< open< &lun < up'ron < 'or h-righ !. )i e : 3uo e< name< men ion< re'er o< allude o #. 7''usive : demons ra ive< 'ussy< al,a ive< overen husias i"< vo"i'erous< e9 rover ed %. 1olu&le : ar i"ula e< vo"i'erous< al,a ive (. ?anal : "ommonpla"e< rivial< predi" a&le< ri e< ha",neyed <unoriginal *. S anding : ran,< permanen < posi ion< dura ion< s a us< repu a ion< eminen"e +. Nas"en : &udding< emerging< &lossoming< em&ryoni" 1-. )lu "h : grasp< gra&< hold 11. Ceneri" : general< &asi"< "ommon 12. 7mpiri"al : e9perimen al< pragma i"< pra" i"al 13. Anomaly : irregulari y< gli "h< di''eren"e 1!. )ir"ui ous : rounda&ou < .is y< meandering< indire" < .inding< or uous 1#. Surveillan"e : o&serva ion< .a "h< 1%. O&/e" ive : aim< impar ial< real< purpose< goal 1(. =au"ous : rough< .ild< hoarse< gu ering 1*. 1ora"ious : insa ia&le< avid< hungry< &ig< rapa"ious< greedy 1+. 8edigree : rare-&reed< 'ull-&looded< lineage 2-. 6ideli y : loyal y< relia&ili y 21. Augmen : supplemen < &oos < add o< &ump up 22. 8re"arious : uns a&le< sha,y< ris,y< un"er ain 23. $eroga ory : disparaging< "ri i"al< insul ing< o''ensive

2!. Onus : responsi&ili y< &urden< o&liga ion< du y 2#. Analogous - similar< a,in< rela ed 2%. 79pedien : measure< "onvenien < devi"e< maneuver 2(. )omplian"e : 'ul'illmen < o&edien"e 2*. $i''iden : shy< inse"ure< imid 2+. 8lain ive : mourn'ul< sad< melan"holi"< nos algi"< lamen ing 3-. >nsinua e : imply< sugges < ma,e-ou < ingra ia e yoursel' 31. Misdemeanor : .rong< sin< "rime< o''ense 32. 79onera e : "lear< 'orgive< a&solve 33. Cregarious : ou going< e9 rover ed< so"ia&le< e9pressive< unreserved 3!. ?enign : ,ind< &enevolen < "ompassiona e 3#. A enua e : sa is'y< "alm< soo he< ease 3%. Sonorous : loud< deep< resonan < e"hoing 3(. ?ols er : &oos < s reng hen< rein'or"e< en"ourage 3*. 0e erodo9 : unor hodo9< dissen ing< "on rary o a""ep ed &elie'< here i"al< devia ing 3+. =es iveness : impa ien"e< res lessness< nervousness !-. 7''igy : image< s a ue< model !1. =e rograde : re rospe" ive< radi ional< "onserva ive< nos algi"<'or.ard loo,ing(an onym) !2. Sa"rosan" : sa"red< holy< revered !3. $angle : hang do.n< s.ay< droop<< suspend !!. )ryp i" : mys erious< enigma i"< pu55ling< hidden !#. $e&ili a e : in"apa"i a e< .ea,en< hamper< en"um&er< hinder !%. $ivulge : reveal< dis"lose !(. Spend hri' : .as rel< s3uanderer< "ompulsive shopper !*. >ndigenous :na ive< original< lo"al !+. 7rroneous : mis a,en< 'la.ed< in"orre" #-. Minion : '< su&ordina e< underling< go'er #1. 1era"i y : reali y< ru h< sin"eri y V*RB'2 R*'S3NIN4 S5N3N56SB

1. "ir"umspe" (i) "ondi ion (ii) inspe" (iii) cautious 2. a&ysmal - terrible (i) sligh (ii) deep (iii) illus rious 3. diligen : har&7or8in)0 in&ustrious0 meticulous0 care$ul (i) in elligen (ii)H.. (iii)HH !. vehemen (i) passionate (ii) "on'esy (iii) noisy #. impe us (i) "onne" (ii) "ru"ial (iii) stimulus

(iv) re",less (iv) proli'i" (iv)HH (iv) mo3ulis (iv) immedia e

%. a"ronym (i) abbre9iation (. dissemina e (i) 'ore"as *. har&inger (i) naval antonyms: 1. ra" a&le (i) ob:ectionable (iv) o&s ina e 2. "over (i) mani'es 3. pensive (i) repen en !. mi iga e (i) a))ra9ate #. divergen (i) "on rary %. dogma i" (i) s"ep i"al (. "lu "h (i) hold *. mo ley (i) &ul,y +. relin3uish (i) pursue 1-. ransien (i) permanent

(ii) similar (ii) sprea& (ii) un"ommon (iii) &ransp (iii) $ore runner (iv) glory

(ii) en/oya&le (ii) in9isible (ii) sad (ii) relieve

(iii) adap a&le (iii) s"ared (iii) thou)htless (iii) elemina e (iv) al er (iv) "areless (iv) e9human (iv) "on roversy (iv) suspicious (iv) spread (iv) di''eren (iv) devas a e

(ii) comin) to)ether (iii) "onversan (ii) resilien (ii) gra& (ii) spe",led (ii) van3uish (ii) removed (iii) s u&&orn (iii) release (iii) homo)eneous (iii) des roy

Papers From Campus Recruitment at NIT Bhopal 003 You "an re'er o ?arronIs mos 're3uen ly used .ords lis 'or a "lose re"ap. Vocabulary Section: ;or8 out the synonyms0 antonyms o$: #(time ! mins" 1. 8hysiognomy 2. =epudia e 3. 4ranslu"en !. Mi iga e #. >nunda e %. ?il, (. Ne le *.>mpugn +.Mul"h 1-. 4ena"i y

11. So&rie y 12. $egrade 13. Misan hrope 1!.;ai' 1#.0amper 1%.=e rograde 1(.$esponden 1*. $e&a"le 1+.4arry 21.>n"on inen . 22.Ne&ulous 23.8arado9 2!.0ide&ound 2#.2a",lus re 2%.Mori&und. Paper $rom Campus Recruitment in %amshe&pur 003 synonym d.indle e''a"e indigini y inep in'irmi y "andid dangle An onym res ivness >r,some Aaun y Ne&ulous Misapprehension O&ese O&loguy Paper $rom Campus Recruitment in NIT (ur)apur 003 Synonym an& antonym <arbin)er )a"ophony $ivulge )lu "h A"ronym >llus rious 8roli'i" $ivergen Aaded Mie Mi iga e

Am&i ious A&erra ion 4ransien (an)-permanen"e ?u9om 6oray $enounen One s uden go (-* .ords s ar ing .i h JAK 'rom high 're3uen"y .ord lis .(&arronIs guide) Campus Recruitment in %a&a9pur uni9ersity+,,, S7)4>ON > 1O)A?D2A=Y (SYNONYMS) 4>M7 B1# Min. MA=LSB 2-. $>=7)4 ANS;7=S B ----------------------------------------------------------------- 6reshers.orld."om Admonish B usurp Meager Bs"an y Aliena e B es range Merry B gay ?rim B ?oarder o&s ina e B s u&&orn 8re en ionBpre en ioius 4ran3uilBserene soli"i B urge su&side B .ane 'ur ive Bs eal hy misery B diss ress volume B3uan i y veer B diverge s i'le B su''o"a e< suppress< "ho,e adhesive B &onding agen < glue< gum 0amper B o&s ru" &elie' B "onvi" ion lamen B .ail o meri B o deserve in"en ive B mo iva ion< en"ouragemen < spur iner B passive ?a''le B 6rus ra e )on'is"a e B appropria e )ove B "rave )apri"e B .him )on"ur Ba"3uies"e )argo B'reigh $ispel B S"a er $ivulge B reveal< dis"lose $is"re ionB pruden"e 7man"ipa e B li&era e 7''a"e B o&li era e 0over B linger 0eap B o pile *

>ns iga e B in"i e la i ude B s"ope la en B po en ial le hargy B s upor momen ary B ransien Campus Recruitment in Calicut R*C +,,17=?A2 S7)4>ON Directions for questions 1-15:6ind he synonyms o' he ' .ords 6reshers.orld."om 1. Merry Ans. Cay<0appy 2. Aliena e Ans. 7s range 3. Soli"i Ans. 4o re3ues !.0eap Ans. 4o pile #.)argo Ans. 6reigh %.Momen ary Ans. 4ransien (. 1olume Ans.Euan i y *.1eer Ans.$iverge +.$ispel Ans.$issipa e 1-.Admonish Ans.)au ious 11.Meager Ans.S"an y 12.2a i ude Ans.S"ope

13.2a en Ans.8o en ial 1!.)ove Ans.)rave 1#.$is"re ion Ans. 8ruden"e Papers 4ot $rom Stu&ents ;ho )one $or Campus Inter9ie7s V*RB'2 S*CTI3N Directions for questions 1-15:6ind he synonyms o' he ' .ords 6reshers.orld."om 1. $epre"ia ion Ans. $e'la ion< $epression< $evalua ion< 'all< slump in value 2. $epre"a e Ans. 6eel and e9press disapproval o' 3. >n"en ive Ans. 4hing one en"ourages a person o do some hing !. 7"helon Ans. 2evel o' au hori y or responsi&ili y #. >nnova ion Ans.4o ma,e "hanges or in rodu"e ne. hings %. >n ermi an Ans. 79 ernally s opping and hen s ar ing (. $e rimen al Ans.0arm'ul *. A&erra ion Ans. $evia ion +. )on"ilia ion Ans.4o ma,e less angry or more 'riendly 1-. Or hodo9 Ans.)onven ional or supers i ious 11. 6alli&le Ans.2ia&le o err


12. 1ola ile Ans.7ver "hanging 13. Mani'es ion Ans.)lear or o&vious 1!. )onno a ion Ans. Sugges in addi ion o he 'undamen al meaning 1#. =e"ipro"al Ans. =everse< Opposi e 1er&al B(re' ?arrons) (Synonyms and An onyms) 6reshers.orld."om 8onderous 0amper Ne&ulous Mundane >"on ?ra",ish Molli'y $epre"a ion 73uanimi y 4ransien Mie Cis Caudy )on ra&and(an ) =epellan (an ) A.ry Col ish 6rugali y-7"onomy =epar ee ?ois erous Dngainly ;himsi"al(an Msyn) Asperi y )avil Eui9o i" 8ro'ound >n"orrigi&le Mus y ;ai' >r, >n erdi" -prohi&i )ohere-hold oge her =up ure-&rea, 11

Mori&und-dying $F"olle F-lo. ne",ed )allo.-you h'ul =epugnane )ompose 9 dis ur& 8ris ine 9 sullied 4ur&id 9 limpid 8re"ipi a e 9 dila oryG"on radi" ory 6reshers.orld."om =evere 9 hrea en 0amper 9 'a"ili a e Slur 9 8ro ean 9 6as"ina e 9 mundane 6i",le 9 loyal Synergy 9 0ide&ound Mone ary >n"ompa i&le )hoi"es->ndi''eren < 6aul y Sentence completion A passage is given .i h mul iple &lan,s. 4here .as a passage a& Ar is s<a& Money mgm <a& )leanlinessHH SYNONYMS AND ANTONYMS. ;0>MS>)A2 )7NSD=7. O84>MDM. M>SA88=707NS>ON. )AN$>$ 4O=S7. )>47. 766DS>17. >==A$>A47. 47NA)>ODS 1O2D?27. ?ANA2. =D84D=7. S4AN$>NC. NAS)7N4. 4=ANS>7N4. )2D4)0. C7N7=>). 7M8>=>)A2. ANOMA2Y. )>=)D>4ODS. 0AM87=. 12

SD=17>22AN)7. O?A7)4>17. =AD)ODS. 1O=A)>ODS. 87$>C=77. 6>$72>4Y. ADCM7N4. 8=7)A=>ODS. 4=ANS>7N4. A2A)=>4Y. $7=OCA4O=Y. ONDS. ANA2OCD7. 7N87$>7N4. ANA2OCODS. ASSDAC7. )OM82>AN)7. >==A$>A47. $>66>$AN4. 82A>N4>17. >N)>NDA47. M>S$7M7ANO=. 7NON7=A47. C=7CA=>ODS. ANA407MA4>O7. ?7N>CN. A447NDA47. SONO=ODS. ?O2S47=. $>17=C7N4. $7)O22A47 0747=O$ON =7S4>17N7SS >CNON>MODS. 82ACA=>ODS. 766>CY. 47NA)>ODS. =74=OCA$7. SA)=OSAN)4. $ANC27. ANOMA2Y. )=Y84>). $7?>2>A47. $>1D2C7. S)784>). S87N$40=>64.


>N$>C7NODS. 7==ON>DS. =D84D=7. M>N>ON. 17=A)>4Y. &almy-mild re"al"i ran -s u&&orn guile-de"i 8onderous 0amper Ne&ulous Mundane >"on ?ra",ish Molli'y $epre"a ion 73uanimi y 4ransien Mi e Cis Caudy )on ra&and (an ) =epellan (an ) A.ry )ol ish 6rugali y-7"onomy =epar ee ?ois erous Dngainly ;himsi"al (an Msyn) Asperi y )avil Eui9o i" 8ro'ound >n"orrigi&le Mus y ;ai' >r, >n erdi" -prohi&i )ohere-hold oge her =up ure-&rea, Mori&und-dying $F"olle F-lo. ne",ed )allo.-you h'ul =epugnan"e 1!

)ompose 9 dis ur& 8ris ine 9 sullied 4ur&id 9 limpid 8re"ipi a e 9 dila oryG"on radi" ory =evere 9 hrea en 0amper 9 'a"ili a e Slur 9 8ro ean 9 6as"ina e 9 mundane 6i",le 9 loyal Synergy 9 0ide&ound Mone ary >n"ompa i&le )hoi"es->ndi''eren < 6aul y 17=?A2 =7ASON>NC SYNONYMSB --------------1. )>=)DMS87)4 (i))ON$>4>ON (ii)>NS87)4 (iii))AD4>ODS (>1)=7)L27SS 2. A?YSMA2 1.S2>C04 2.$778 3. >22DS4=>ODS !. 8=O2>6>) #. $>2>C7N4 1.>N4722>C7N4 2..... %. 1707M7N4 1.8ASS>ONA47 2.)ON67SY 3.NO>SY !.MOED2>S (. >M874DS 1.)ONN7)4 2. )=D)>A2 3.S4>MD2DS !. >MM7$>A47 *. A)=ONYM 1. A??=71>A4>ON 2. S>M>2A= +. $>SS7M>NA47 1.6O=7)AS4 2.S8=7A$ 3.?=ANS8 1-. 0A=?>NC7= 1.NA1A2 2. DN)OMMON 3.6O=7 =DNN7= !.C2O=Y AN4ONYMSB ----------------11. 4=A)4A?27 1.O?A7)4>ONA?27 2.7NAOYA?27 3.A$A84A?27 !.O?S4>NA47 12. )O17=4 1.MAN>67S4 2.>N1>S>?27 3.S)A=7$ !.A247= 1#

13. 87NS>17 1.=787N47N4 2.SA$ 3. 40ODC0427SS !.)A=727SS ANSB 3 1!. M>4>CA47 1.ACC=A1A47 2.=72>717 3.727M>NA47 !.7N0DMAN 1#. $>17=C7N4 1.)ON4=A=Y 2.)OM>NC 4OC7407= 3.)ON17=SAN4 !.)ON4=O17=SY 1%. $OCMA4>) 1.S)784>)A2 2.=7S>2>7N4 3.S4D??O=N !.SDS8>)>ODS 1(. )2D4)0 1. 0O2$ 2. C=A? 3.=727AS7 !.S8=7A$ 1*. MO427Y 1.?D2LY 2. S87)L27$ 3.0OMOC7N7ODS !.$>667=7N4 1+. =72>NED>S0 1.8D=SD7 2.1ANED>S0 3.$7S4=OY !.$71AS4A47 2-. 4=ANS>7N4 1.87=MAN7N4 2.=7MO17$

2-- 2% 6>22 >N 407 A88=O8=>A47 S7N47N)7S ?74;77N 407 8ASSAC7 2(-32 =7A$ 407 8ASSAC7 AN$ ANS;7= 407 ED7S4>ON


1o"a&ulary 'or 4)S es ;or& A&ysmal a"ronym admonish )ir"umspe" )on"ilia ion )onno a ion 6eanin) Adj. ?o omless Use B 0is arrogan"e is e9"eeded only &y his a&ysmal ignoran"e n. A .ord 'ormed &y he ini ial le ers o' a mul i-.ord name . .arn s rongly< reprove Use: 0e admonished his lis eners o "hange heir .i",ed .ays . >nves iga ion &e'ore a" ing< Use: She ried al.ays o &e "ir"umspe" n. he a" o' pla"a ing Synonyms 4erri&le< a.'ul< dread'ul< appalling< very &ad< )on ra" ion< ellipsis< =eprove< reprimand< "hide< re&u,e< usurp 'ntonyms Super&

Approve re",less >n"i emen


)ove ous

$epre"a e


$is"re ion

)u ious< pruden < "are'ul< guarded< .ary< /udi"ious< vigilan < Appeasemen < pa"i'i"a ion< propi ia ion n. Sugges ed or implied meaning o' an Nuan"e< sugges ion< e9pression. Use: 6oreigners 're3uen ly impli"a ion< under one< are una.are o' he "onno a ions o' he over one< su& e9 < .ords hey use. Adj. se"re or hidden< no openly )landes ine< "on"ealed< pra" i"ed or vo.ed n. a "overing ha s eal hy< underground< serves o "on"eal or shel er some hing "opse< .ood< hi",e Use: >nves iga ions o' )>A reveal ha su"h "over opera ions "an ge ou o' "on rol Adj. avari"ious< eagerly desirous o' envious< /ealous< Use: 4he "hild .as "ove ous &y na ure desirous< greedy and .an ed o a,e he oys &elonging o his "lassma es . e9press disapproval o'< pro es $enoun"e< deplore< agains < &eli le Use: A 'irm &eliever o' "ondemn< "ensure< old-'ashioned "our esy< Miss 8os < denigra e< de"ry< depre"a ed he modern enden"y o &eli le. address ne. a"3uain an"es &y heir 'irs names. n. "are and perseveran"e in "arrying 0ard-.or,ing< ou as,s. Use B 0er employers .ere assiduousness< grea ly impressed &y her diligen"e and me i"ulousness< o''ered her a par nership in he 'irm "ons"ien iousness< pains a,ingness n. a&ili y o ad/us a" ion o 8ruden"e< "au ion< "ir"ums an"es Use: Dse your a"umen< predile" ion< dis"re ion in his ma er and do no saga"i y< .ariness<


Cenerous< empera e Approve

2a5iness< "arelessness< negligen"e >ndis"re ion


dis"uss he ma er .i h anyone. dispel . s"a er< drive a.ay< "ause o vanish Use: 4he &righ sunligh even ually dispelled he morning mis $issemina ion . Opening o pu&li" dis"ussion or de&a e< he a" o' spreading some hing< Use:?y heir use o' he in erne < propagandis s< have &een a&le o dissemina e heir pe do" rines o ne. audien"es around he glo&e $ogma i" Adj. Opiniona ed Use: ;e ried o dis"ourage him 'rom &eing so dogma i"< &u no hing "ould "onvin"e him ha his opinions migh &e .rong e"helon n. A &ody o' roops arranged in a line 'alli&le 0ar&inger Adj. 2ia&le o err. Use: > Lno. > am 'alli&le< &u > 'eel "on'iden ha > am righ his ime n. an indi"a ion o' he approa"h o' some hing or someone< 'orerunner . 'ore shado. or presage Use: 4he "ro"us is an early har&inger o' spring Adj. !idel" ,no.n and es eemed n. A 'or"e ha moves some hing along< in"en ive< s imulus Use: A ne. 'ederal high.ay program .ould "rea e /o&s and .ill give added impe us o our e"onomi" re"overy Adj. 8eriodi" Use: 4he ou door .edding re"ep ion had o &e shi' ed indoor o avoid he in ermi en sho.ers ha 'ell on and o' all a' ernoon. Adj. 8o en ially e9is ing< &u no presen ly eviden or reali5ed Use: 8olaroid pi" ures are popular a he par ies &e"ause you "an see he la en pho ographi" image gradually appear &e'ore your eyes n. 'reedom 'rom narro. limi a ions Use: > hin, you have permi ed your son oo mu"h la i ude in his manner n. ou .ard demons ra ion< indi"a ion Use: Mo5ar Is early a ra" ion o he

voli ion $isperse ?road"as ing< di''usion< propaga ion<

A ra"

Ar&i rary< do" rinal< un&ending< in'le9i&le< au hori arian< 2evel< s ra um< ran,< heigh >mper'e" < unsound< mor al< .ea,< 'rail< 6orerunner< herald< po en < omen< Memora&le< .ell,no.n< 'amous Momen um< hrus < mo iva ion



illus rious impe us

>nglorious< shame'ul iner ia

>n ermi en

Al erna ing< sporadi"

)ons an

2a en

$orman < em&ryoni"< suppressed< undeveloped<


2a i ude Mani'es a ion

2ee.ay< 'reedom< au onomy< li&er y< room< rope Sign< demons ra ion< e9pression< symp om< 1*

mi iga e

mo ley


proli'i" relin3uish

soli"i ra" a&le

veer 1ehemen


s i'le

harpsi"hord .as he 'irs mani'es a ion o' his pronoun"ed musi"al &en . lessen or ry o lessen he seriousness or e9 en o' UseB No hing he "ould do o mi iga e her anger< she re'used o 'orgive him Adj. Mul i"olored or mi9ed Use: he .ore a mo ley uni"< red and green and &lue and gold all pa "hed oge her hapha5ardly Adj. $reamily hough 'ul< hough 'ul .i h a hin o' sadness Use: 4he pensive lover ga5ed a he por rai o' his &eloved and sighed deeply. Adj. A&undan ly 'rui 'ul Use: She .as a proli'i" .ri er< .ho produ"ed as meany as hree &oo,s a years . give up some hing .i h relu" an"e< yield Use: on"e you ge used o 'ringes li,e e9pense a""oun meal and "ompany "ar< i is very di''i"ul o relin3uish hem . re3ues earnes ly< see, Use: 4he Mayor elephoned all he mem&er o' he "i y "oun"il o soli"i heir vo es Adj. $o"ile< easily managed< sus"ep i&le o sugges ion Use: Al hough Susan seemed o &e a ra" a&le young .oman< she had a s u&&orn s rea, o' independen"e . "hange in dire" ion Use: A' er .ha seemed o &e en e erni y< he .ind veered o he eas and he s orm a&a ed Adj. 6or"e'ul< in ensely emo ionalP .i h mar,ed vigor Use: 0e &e"ame so 1ehemen in des"ri&ing .ha had happened .i h him ha he s ar ed /umping up and do.n n. .him< a sudden desire. Use: She .as an unpredi" a&le "rea ure< a" ing on "apri"e< never a,ing hough o' "onse3uen"es . suppress< e9 inguish< inhi&i Use: 0al'.ay hrough he &oring pi" ure< 2aura gave up rying o s i'le he ya.ns.

Appease< allevia e< allay< assuage< molli'y< e9 enua e< pallia e Assor ed< diversed< mi9ed< dissimilar< ?rooding< pondering< medi a ive< "on empla ive 8rodu" ive< a&undan < 'e"und Surrender< renoun"e< a&andon< repudia e< "ede< >mpor une< implore< "rave< &esee"h< O&edien < du i'ul< .ellmannered

Aggreva e< e9a"er&a e Dni'orm< homogenous< mono"hrome

Dnprodu" ive< s"ar"e 1an3uish< re ain<

Cran $iso&edien < in ra" a&le

4urn< s.erve 6erven < passiona e< Apa he i"

;him< impulse< 3uir,< 'ad< 'an"y< no ion Smo her< asphy9ia e< "ho,e< su''o"a e< s rangle< "ur&< res rain< repress< 2e ou


"on"ur le hargy 6ur ive

e''a"e 8re en ious

"ompun" ion

. agree Use: $id you "on"ur .i h he de"ision o' he "our or did you 'ind i un'airQ . la", o' vi ali y or energy Use: A "omple e days .or, le' him in a s a e o' le hargy Adj. s eal hy< snea,y< se"re and sly or sordid Use: no i"ing he 'ur ive glan"e he "us omer gave he diamond &ra"ele on he "oun er< he /e.eler .ondered .he her he had a po en ial shopli' er in his hands . .ipe ou or ma,e dim Use: 4he "oin had &een handled so many imes ha i s da e had &een e''a"ed Adj. >n ended o a ra" no i"e and impress o hers< ma,ing un/us i'ied "laims< overam&i ious Use: 4he o her pri5e .inner isnI .earing her medal.P isnI i a &i pre en ious o' you o .ear yoursQ n. a 'eeling o' deep regre (usually o' some misdeed) Use: 4he /udge .as espe"ially sever in his sen en"ing as he "riminal had sho.n no "ompun" ion 'or his heinous "rime

Agre< harmoni5e< "oin"ide< assen < a"3uies"e S upor< indolen"e< .eariness Surrep i ious< "landes ine

)on'li" < resis Ce -up-andgo open

O&li era e< eradi"a e< Os en a ious< pompous< "on"ei ed

7ngrave $o.n- oear h

=egre < s"ruple< 3ualm< guil < relu" an"e< hesi a ion<

"on'is"a e 1R $epre"ia ion = de'la ion<depression<devalua ion<'all<slump 2R $epri"a e = 'eel and e9press disapproval 3R >n"en ive = hing one en"ourages one o do !R 7"helon = level o' au hori y or responsi&ili y #R >nnova ion = ma,e "hanges or in rodu"e ne. hings %R >n ermi an = e9 ernally s opping and hen s ar ing (R $e rimen al = harm'ul *R Meso ia e = ... +R )on"ilia ion = ma,e less angry or more 'riendly 1-R Or hodo9 = "onven ional or supers i ious 11R 6alli&le = lia&le o err 12R 1ola ile = ever "hanging 13R Mani'es ion = "lear or o&vious 1!R )onno a ion = 1#R =e"ipro"al = reverse< opposi e 1%R Agrarian = rela ed o agri"ul ure 1(R 1a"illa e = unde"ided or dilemma 1*R 79perden = 'i ing proper < desira&le


1+R Simula e = produ"e ar i'i"ially resem&ling an e9is ing one 2-R A""ess = o approa"h 21R )ompensa ion= salary 22R 4run"a e = shor en &y "u ing 23R Adheran"e = s i", 2!R 0e erogenous = non-similar hings 2#R Surplus = e9"essive 2%R Assess = de ermine he amoun or value 2(R )ogne5an"e = ,no.ledge 2*R =e rospe" ive = revie. 2+R Naive = inno"en < rus i" 3-R 73uivo"a e = allying on &o h sides 31R 8os ula e = 'rame a heory 32R 2a en = dorman < se"re 33R 6lu" ua e = .avering 3!R 7limina e = o redu"e 3#R A''ini y = s rong li,ing 3%R 79pedi e = has en 3(R )onsole = o sho. sympa hy 3*R Adversary = opposi ion 3+R A''a&le = lova&le< approa"ha&le !-R $e"omposa&le = ro en !1R Agregious = apar 'rom "ro.d< espe"ially &ad !2R )onglomera ion = group !3R A&erra ion = devia ion !!R 7rudi e = .ise< pro'ound !#R Augury = predi" ion !%R )redi&ili y = a&ili y o "ommon &elie'< 3uali y o' &eing "redi&le !(R )oin"iden = in"iden ally !*R )ons i uen = a""ompanying !+R $i''eren ial = having or or ma,ing use o' #-R $is en ion = a" ou < s re "hing ou <s.elling ou #1R 2i iga ion = engaging in a la. sui e #2R Mora orium = legally or o''i"ially de ermined period o' delay &e'ore he 'ul'illmen o' he agreemen or paymen o' de& s #3R Nego ia e = dis"uss or &argain #!R 8repara ion = a" o' preparing ##R 8reponderan = superiori y o' or 3uali y #%R =elevan"e = 3uali y o' &eing relevan #(R Appara us = applian"e #*R >gnoran"e = &lindness or ine9perien"e #+R O&session = "omple9 en husiasm %-R 8re"ipi a e = Eui",en. Synonyms


1) )holeri" 2) ;ai' 3) 6lorid !) Servili y #) 4epid %) Melee () Aplom& *) Ma.,ish +) 1ora"ious 1-) )li"hF 11) 8i hy 12) )eli&a"y 13) =e rograde 1!) 6oil 1#) )has e 1%) 6ur ive 1() 8arado9 1*) Ala"ri y 1+) =emiss 2-) =epar ee 21) Mundane 22) Mori&und 23) ?anal 2!) 4arry 2%) )le' 2() 1irulen 2*) >ndulgen 2+) 4an amoun 3-) =epudia e 31) =epro&a e

= 0o 4empered< >rri a e = Dr"hin< A&andoned 8erson = Orna e< Sho.y = Surrender = 2u,e .arm< 0al' hear ed = 6igh < )om&a = Sel'-"on'iden"e< "omposure = Over emo ional< .eepy = 0ungry< eager< greedy = )ommonpla"e< 4ruism = S rong = )has i y< S a e o' no &eing married = ;orsen< Move &a",.ard = me al shee < 2ayer o' aluminum paper = 8ure< Modes = Se"re < S eal hy = )on radi" ion = 7agerness< =eadiness = )areless = ;i y =epor = Normal = $ying< 79piring = S ale< )ommon pla"e< Dsual = $elay = Spli = 8oisonous< $angerous = O&liging< )omplain = 73uivalen = =e/e" < $eny< =enoun"e = $egenera e

2#) Misapprehension = >mproper Dnders anding


32) A""livi y 33) ?ane'ul 3!) )hide 3#) )ir"ui ous 3%) )hurlish 3() 2a i ude 3*) Ae ison 1) Molli'y 2) >nunda e 3) 73uanimi y !) Cau"he #) 79hume %) ?ale'ul *) 7nigma i" +) 8ariah 1-) 4ur&id

= an up.ard slope = $es ru" ive< 0arm'ul = S"old = >ndire" in a" ion or language = ?ru ish< )ruel< =ude = 6reedom< 2i&er y = hro. a.ay< ge rid o' 'ntonyms S 7nrage< 8rovo,e S $rain S Agi a ion S 4a" 'ul S >n er S ?ene'i"en S Dnam&iguous S >dol S 2impid

() Ana hema i5e S ?less


imid - la", o' sel' "on'iden"e 1O=A)>ODS -ravenous< glu onous< insa ia&le< avid< hungry< greedy a.ry-"roo,ed >r,some -annoying< iresome<e9aspira ing remons ra e - pro es P .himsi"al -"apri"ious< un-predi" a&le< unusual re rograde -move &a",.ard<degenera e. vera"ious - ru h'ull gli& - 'luen ru&&le - &ro,en s one. 3ui9o i" - e9 ravagan ly idealis i"P impra" i"al ameliora e - improve misan hrope - ha er o' humani y< pessimis pla i ude - ri e remar, 6oray -raid<in"ursion<ven ure<sor ie<a a",<assaul s"a ny - meager<insu''i"ien 6rugali y - 7"onomy mul ilingal - many languages arid - dry "ogni5an - ,no.ledge la i ude - 'reedom 'rom narro. limi a ions inimi"al - adverse<hos ile "li"he - ri e Te9pression


Verbal A)DM7N a. e9a" ness &. po en ial ". shrewdness d. &lun ness e. None o' hese ?707S4 a. &ehavior &. hold down ". hold up d. relieve e. "ondemn $>S)=74>ON a. prudence &. "onsis en"y ". pre"ipi"e d. dis ur&an"e e. dis emper O=$A>N a. arrange &. command ". "on ri&u e d. es a&lish e. "on rol 62O=>$ a. ornate &. hriving ". ar is i" d. elegan MO=4>6Y a. ma,e a "avi y &. displease ". humiliate d. relapse e. murder A$AC7 a. advi"e &. proverb ". enlargemen d. advan age e. usage 4O $>S872 a. to dissipate &. o dissen ". o dis or d. o dis'igure e. o disse" 7==A4>) a. unroman i" &. 'ree ". popular d. s eady e. unknown 4O M7=>4 a. o em&ra"e &. o devo e ". to deserve d. o "om&ine A?O$7 a. "lay &. o&s a"le ". dwelling d. &ind e. o &eguile 8O47N4>A2 a. latent &. hys eri"al ". "onven ional d. symme ri"al e. "ons"ien ious 7N4=>)A47 a. ermina e &. isola e ". liberate d. simpli'y e. 'rus ra e $>S8A=>4Y a. inequalit &. impar iali y ". un'airness d. .is e. None o' hese 4O )ON6>S)A47 a. o harass &. o repulse ". o "onsole d. to appropriate


e. o "ongrega e e. None o' hese 87N>47N)7 a. li,ing &. insigh 'ul ". a ra" ive d. pene ra&le e. compunction ;074 a. stimulate &. humorous ". in"ula e d. dampen e. None o' hese >N)7N4>17 a. re'le9 &. ampli ude ". in'le" ion d. provocation e. es"u "heon 2A4>4D$7 a. scope &. segmen ". glo&ule d. legisla ure e. lamen a ion =A84 a. lively &. concealed ". engrossed d. pro o ype e. None o' hese 4O 07A8 a. to pile &. o 'or&id ". o pro"eed d. o share e. o s oop )AAO27 a. coa! &. mo iva e ". pro'ound d. molli'y e. evade O1D2A47 a. penury &. immuni5e ". "ertili#e d. reprodu"e e. in"isions e. o display 8>ODS a. his ori" &. devout ". mul iple d. 'or una e e. au hori a ive 2740A=CY a. reminis"en"e &. "a egory ". 'alla"y d. unanimi y e. stupor )A=CO a. "a&&age &. "amel ". lan"e d. "reight e. 'la9 O1A4>ON a. ora ion &. ges ure ". emula ion d. applause e. nourish




S5N3N56S = 'NT3N56S 8illage : s eal < loo < plunder )le' - spli < "ra", >n"esmen : ?ra5en - &old < shameless A.ry - s,e.ed < .is ed < "roo,ed =emiss : "areless < negligen $e'e" ion - deser ion 7nsue - 'ollo. Avid - ,een < eager =upidia e =epudia e - re/e" <deny Cau"he - "lumsy< vulgar >n rinsi" - essen ial Caudy : 'lashy < sho.y 0ide&ound : narro. minded >n"ogni en >n ermi en : irregular<&ro,en )las ropho&ia - 'ear )on ra&and : illegal rade 8agm concealed rapt 1ora"ious : avid<hunger<greedy Seedy : slea5y<seamy Omnis"ien"e : , all $ia ri&e : a a",<"ri i"ism Sla", - loose< rela9ed 6eli"i ous : 'or una e<lu", =elish : en/oy<savor Aloo'ness : un'riendliness< remo eness Am&igui y - un,no.n 8a ry ?ale'ul : hrea ening< malevolen 8a ry ?ale'ul : hrea ening< malevolen 2apidarian Cam&ol - s,ip 0igh handed : dominan <imperious =e rospe" ion - per"ep ion An i he 8agan Cenu'le" : ,neel<&o. "oer"e : 'or"e<"ompel >ndu&i a&ly : undou& edly< "er ainly 79 raneous : irrelevan < unrela ed )orpulen : 'a <pump 4ransien : momen ary Spurious : 'alse<'a,e ;himsi"al - 'an"y ?raggado"io -


S5N3N56S = 'NT3N56S )himeri"al )allo. : ine9perien"e<naive Menial : uns,illed<&oring >ndigenous : na ive<original Am&igui y 6oil : 'rus ra e<hal 'ntonyms: A.ry )onsensus @ disagreemen =e rograde @ 'or.ard loo,ing Calleon )hide @ praise $epravi y @ goodness<righ eousness 8arado9 @ "onsis en"y S il ed @ na ural 2evi y @ gravi y 6ri y Cenry Synonym 1. >nsima e 2. ?anal 3. misdemeanour !. &om&as i" #. ena"ious %. repellen (. ensue *. repro&a e +. a"er&i y 1-. gam&ol 11. ameliora e 12. "on'is"a e 13. 3ui9o i" 1!. 'oray 1#. 'ideli y 1%. inimi"al 1(. s oi" 1*. haggard 1+. "a"ophony 2-. dis"ord 21. 'ledgling


S5N3N56S = 'NT3N56S 22. in"ongruous 23. ingenious 2!. es range 2#. "landes ine An onym 1. lou ish 2. prevari"a e 3. 0ilary !. admoni ion #. &oonish %. dangle (. spur *. ape9 +. aplom& 1-. vera"ious 11. "li"hF 12. muggy 13. &ouillon 1!. in"o"us 1#. pro9imi y 1%. indemen 1(. .himsi"al 1*. dis al 1+. ransien 2-. predominan 21. mo",ish 22. misan hrope 23. mis"anprehen"ia 2!. dol ish 2#. mulle 2%. gad'ly 2(. ignominious 2*. hide&ound 2+. re i"en"e 3-. an amoun


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