Administrative Intern Questionnaire

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What am I currently doing that you would advise I continue in regards to curriculum, discipline, or staff morale?
It is great that you follow up with teachers after each referral. Thanks for sending the meetings after each staff meeting. Test Please keep checking in and just saying hi! I love your positive attitude, and I feel like I can talk to you about anything (educationally and personally). I would advise that you continue with a relentless work ethic. You are always on a mission to complete a task and pushing people to want more. It is contagious. Continue to always smile! Being visible in the hallways and talking with students. Make sure the students and staff know you are approachable. I believe you will make an excellent administrator because of your listening ears. You take time to encourage staff, faculty and students. thoughtful notes to staff correcting issues, issuing discipline immediately Admitting we are not where we need to be, yet! Continue to support teachers when they need you. Continue to offer suggestions and continue to ask many questions that cause teachers to think. Continue to stay firm on our expectations for the school I would keep doing what you are doing. Be visible, vocal, & vigilent Whenever you are on campus, you are constantly checking in, sending emails, and asking how we're doing. Those little check-in's remind us that the administrative team cares about us on a deeper level. It shows that as a potential administrator, you will do wonderfully when it comes to having a personal relationship with each teacher. Love the notes you leave after your walk-throughs. Also, love the staff "kudos" bulletin board in the office. You remain visible in the hallways during class changes. You always speak and offer positive encouragement when needed. You have relentlessly searched to find the math department usable resources. Continue visibility, Administrator friendly Always seem to have a smile and a great rapport with the students! You have an excellent talent for organization and teacher guidance, and sumarizing what is important. Continue to develop it. We have enjoyed your thorough, complete, effective and fast paced presentations. curriculum-na disciplinemaintain your consistency staff morale- keep on putting that beautiful smile

on your face every day. You are visible which is wonderful and something we are not necessarily used to. You ask questions and actually listen which is great for morale. You have made it clear that you are learning and do not know everything but you are willing to work and find answers and solutions. I like the way you continually monitor hallways during exchanges, the way that you stop by the classroom and leaves encouragement at times, and the concern for student achievement.

What 1 - 2 recommendations can you provide to me to ensure that I can be more effective in regards to curriculum?
Test From what I've seen of you popping in and out of my classroom, you take an interest in what the lesson is. you ask questions about why we're teacher what we're teaching and honestly care about the answer. You take interest in our classroom lessons and it's wonderful to see. Try to attend PLC for all departments to get the pulse of the school. Helping teachers know what is being taught in other classes so that there can be some connections across the curriculum as is referenced in Common Core. Keep doing what you are doing. What helps is reading whatever comes your way in terms of changes. Obviously you can not be as knowledgeable as a teacher who has a specific subject as their area of teaching, but quick glances at pacing guides willn also give an overall view of what is being taught. Nothing came to mind for now. Converse with liscensed and classified staff about issues and ideas in regards to improving the educational environment. Always be open-minded towards making changes to strengthen the outcome for student achievement. Basically, see what is the best fit for each staff member. Spend as much time as possible in the classroom. Talk to the experts- teachers in the classrooms. Get in the EC classrooms as much as possible and educate yourself on EC practice/law. Small issues in EC can easily escalate if not properly handled. Diffiult to say because you seem to frequently visit classrooms and offer constructive criticism as needed to help teachers become better educators. Continue to talk to your staff and acquaint yourself with their curriculum. Always follow up on any items you state you will follow up on. Understand that you can not be an expert in all areas. Teachers are and should be the expert. An administrator can not have all the answers, but can ask all the right questions. Maybe help discover anymore resources each department may need or share whatever you may know high school is a broad educational area - try to come to as many PLCs as possible

What 1 - 2 recommendations can you provide to me to ensure that I can be more effective in regards to discipline?
Test Stay fair, firm, & consistent with all that you do Understanding that all

students need to be handled on a case by case basis; just handing out firm enough consequences where the student understands behavior is not acceptable. you are great! You take the time to explain to the student the issue - not just dole out punishment Consistency has always been a good habit; so let's keep a good thing going. From watching in the hallway, you have a strong voice when you ask a student to remove his/her hat, take out their ear buds, etc.. This voice makes them see that you mean what you are saying and that you are the one in control. When a student does what you ask them to do, you immediately thank them, which intrinsically motivates them. I think your presence in the hallway during transition times is helpful in decreasing behavior issues in the hall. Keep doing that! That I cannot comment on because we did not have enough interaction in regards to discipline. I think you do a great job of ushering students in the hallway. Keep doing what you are doing presently with discipline. The kids seem to really respond to the methods that are being used. already statedmaintain consistency None at this time. Questionnaires and surveys like this. Staff meetings. Keeping in mind every teacher has a different style in their classroom while simultaneously keeping all rules enforced consistently. Be consistent in the way you handle referrals. Be fair in the way you handle referrals. I have noticed that teachers and administrators don't follow through on their expectations of students. Please don't get me wrong, these students could be very tough to handle most times; however, it will be nicer if you could be more effective in this area ma'am. Honestly, I know you are doing your best considering the kind of students we have. consistency and work on preventing the issue prior to it becoming an issue. Do not just get a general look at the student body, really look at each student and address the rule that is or is not being followed. It does not matter if administration says it is the teachers' responsibility to make sure rules are followed. If students go by administrators and are not acknowledged for breaking a rule, there is not much hope for continued follow-thru by the faculty. Eventually you will have a school of your own. Make sure you listen to the teachers that are part of your faculty and make sure the good procedures that are in place are kept and other changed but followed thru. Starting strong but not continuing to keep strong defeats any good intentions. Talk, talk, talk, listen, listen, investigate, be involved. A good administrator is not only visible but very involved in all aspects of the school administration. Take note of what you need to run an elementary school which is different from a middle school and different from a high school and also remember that because of the differences in needs, all three levels require different things to make them effective and make them stand out. Make sure you change the things that you know need changing but that you also find out about the good traditions that made the faculty feel united before you got there and encourage them. Not that you aren't

but- be consistent! It is frustrating to feel like administrators are too busy to fight what they see as small battles- like dress code. If teachers are expected to do it, my advice would be for you to be even more vigilant.

What 1 - 2 recommendations can you provide to me to ensure that I can be more effective in regards to staff morale?
You already do a great job with that. You cannot control everything! Test the notes are great Giving staff small trinkets occasionally is nice. Giving staff comp time is nice too. Continue to be your positive, pleasant self. I enjoy seeing your "sun-shiny" face before school, making your rounds. Continue to always remain calm and positive. You are very up front and honest with feedback; teachers like knowing instead of wondering. This is a difficult undertaking because each person reacts to their situations in different ways. Keep providing a sympathetic ear when need, add insightful help where needed, and always add levity where you can. You cold send an agenda for staff meetings so we are prepared once we get there and know how much time we will be spending at the staff meeting. I think you are doing excellently well in this area. Just keep it up ma'am. Continue the positive comments when there is something positive to comment on. Offer constructive criticism when you see need for improvement whether one on one or as a group. In a tasteful manner of course. Continue to be supportive of teachers and recognize them for the accomplishments they achieve. support the teachers in regards to discipline. teachers need to know that the administrators have their back in all situations. Continue to be positive and view each day as a fresh opportunity. Keep smiling, keep positive, being there Sometimes you come thru as aloof even if you are standing there and talking to the person, as if you are thinking " I am spending time with you to be in the groove of things but I really have something more important to do somewhere else" Continue to acknowledge the positives you see. What you have implemented is helping boost morale that was at the least I have ever experienced. Keep checking in on us! As I previously said, it is a great feeling when someone outside of your department asks how you're doing or how your classes went that day. It boosts our morale and even whatever we're feeling at that moment....whether it's tired or we're about to rip a student's head off! Leaving notes as you do observations and walk-through with comments lets us know that you are observing us and actually taking in the situations that you are seeing. Acknowledging 'education' in general and Edgecombe County specifically in this point in time is very difficult.

Is there anything else that comes to your mind that you think would be helpful for me to remember as I continue my

journey in administration?
you try to measure our stress level - which I greatly appreciate!! Please do not forget, where you first began your journey; in the class- room. So many times when people decide to go in to administration, they often forget what the classroom is like and the struggles we face on a day to day basis. Test Nothing else. Other than to say, I am proud of you. Keep up the good works. It's being an honor serving under you. -- Mr. O. I think you are doing a great job and have been an asset to THS. Each administrator brings something unique to the table and the 3 of you together make it an enjoyable place to work. Keep your positive attitude! You look at problems and situations in a different light than most of us do. If a student is having a hard time or giving a teacher a hard time, you figure out a different approach that seems unlikely, but works out in the end. You have a strong backbone, which is exactly what you need in this profession, but you go about it in a personal way. The students see that you care about them, which makes them want to listen to you and follow your directions. I admire this trait! We need to start working on a master schedule for next year so we do not have the mess we had this year. Having 2 big departments (Math and English having 3rd period planning) is hurting the schedule as most students are in the back building during 3rd period. I think you are doing a fabulous job! I love having you here as part of our administrative team. Continue to listen to others. Remember what worked good and what didn't and then make adjustments in the future based upon that. We all make mistakes. It is those who improve on the mistakes that have the potential to become great. Always remember that you were a teacher before an administrator. I think sometimes administrators forget some of the issues they had as a teacher and how they thought administration could have helped or been understanding. I think you do a good job of that now. Just remember that we all in this together. There are no Big I or Little U ,.It's just US making sure students are learning to their potential. Just remember, what you do for one staffer or student you should be able to do the same for all of them. If you cannot do this, DON'T DO IT! One important thing to remember is that if you are dealing with 100 different people, you have 100 different personalities and to be sucessful and effective, you will have to be flexible in how you deal with people to get them to achieve at the level you want them to be. Be throrough, be firm (in as much a nice way as you can that will not seem as weakness) and always follow-thru. Good luck. Give your career some time. You are very young and may be resented by some with more years of experience. Don't be discouraged. Once others work with you and see your commitment to doing what is best for the students, respect will come. Remain studentfocused as much as possible, I like that you make an effort to get to know

our students no matter the reason you are dealing with them. Keep doing what you're doing! Never forget that you were a teacher in a classroom. You have been down the same road as the rest. Also, Be straight forward with your staff, they appreciate integrity. Listen to your staff and take suggestions. The staff will work harder for you if they feel like it is a team effort. Don't allow first-year teachers to become overwhelmed with extra responsibilities, they need time to get their lessons perfected and their discipline sorted out. Keep on keeping on YOU CANT SOLVE THE WORLDS PROBLEMS!!!!

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