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Needs Analysis Report

*14 out of 14 students completed all needs analysis questionnaires (14 is equal to 100%). Questionnaire 1: What kind of learner are you? Question 1 I enjoy class discussion (talking as a whole group)
16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Agree Disagree

Student comments: I enjoy talking as a whole group, to listen to others opinion. I enjoy sharing opinions and learning something extra. I enjoy class discussions because they help us know peoples ideas. I enjoy class discussions because when we are talking as a whole group we are getting to know each other a little more. I think it helps to improve our speaking. It helps to improve my speaking. I enjoy group discussion because its important for teamwork. I disagree because I prefer to discuss in small groups. My observations: Group conversation must be included in my course syllabus as students find it useful and enjoyable.

Question 2 I enjoy working in small groups

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Agree Disagree Not sure

Student comments: I agree because its good to discuss ideas. I like it because its less confusion and more quiet. I like working in small groups, especially with people that have the same ideas or that are similar in terms of personality. I work better with small groups. I disagree because its harder to concentrate. I prefer to work on my own or in pairs. It depends of the group. I disagree because we end up talking about other things that are not related to the topic. Im not sure because it depends on the theme of the work. My observations: Although more students prefer working in small groups to those that dont it appears that this has no need to play a big part in my course plan. As half the class disagree or are not sure and working in small groups also doesnt play a part in the FCE exam.

Question 3 I enjoy pair work

12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Agree Disagree

Student comments: Its more helpful for each one, because one can help the other and vice versa. I enjoy pair work because I work better with just one person. I enjoy pair work because we can solve problems together. I enjoy pair work, but I prefer working on my own. I enjoy pair work because we can discuss ideas. I disagree because I prefer working in groups. It depends on who the other person is. I disagree because we end up talking about other things that are not related to the topic. My observations: Pair work is enjoyed by the majority of the class and should play a part in my course plan. I must also take into consideration that pair work is crucial in speaking practice as the speaking part of the FCE exam is taken in pairs.

Question 4 When I work on my own I think I have a better result

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Agree Disagree Not sure

Student comments: It depends on the topic, but most of the times I think that we have better results in group. I disagree because I dont know if Im answering well. I think alone I dont learn anything. I have a better result when I discuss my ideas with my partner. The teacher can help me with the exercises. With other people I can improve my work. It depends on the exercise. If its writing I prefer to work on my own, but if its s peaking I prefer groups. Depends of the work. My observations: Most students dont see any benefits to working alone, but the nature of the task requires them to complete tasks individually. I will also need to accommodate everyone, but I can consider individual work for writings and progress/practice tests only.

Questions 1-4
16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 I enjoy class discussion I like working in small groups I enjoy pair work When I work on my own I think I have a better result Agree, 13 Agree, 10 Agree, 7 Agree, 4 Disagree, 4 Disagree, 9 Disagree, 1 Not sure, 3 Disagree, 4 Not sure, 1

My observations: Class discussion is a class is a class favourite, but unfortunately this class are not the best at taking turns and respecting others. Group discussion is also the quickest route to the class speaking their L1. Pair work is liked by most and as it plays a part in the exam it should be taken into consideration when preparing the course. Some group work and individual work should also be planned in to accommodate everyone. Of course individual work will have to be incorporated because of the nature of the exam. This will mainly be in writings and progress/ practice tests.

Question 5 I like it when the teacher allows us to choose who we work with
14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Agree Disagree Not sure

Student comments: Its better to work with the people we know better and we have much more confidence. Its great because we can be with our friends and the people we want. If I work with someone that is bossy or that is clever than me I feel really bad. I like it because its cool and funny. I dont mind either way. My observations: Students like to choose who they work with and feel more comfortable when doing so. It is a good and easy way to motivate students learning. From experience I can see that some students from this group like to stay in their own little groups and lose interest when they are placed in other groups.

Question 6 I would like the teacher to let us choose the topics we discuss in class
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Agree Disagree Not sure

Student comments: Because sometimes its easier when we talk about topics that are familiar. Its easier to talk about topics that we know better. I like the topics we discuss in class. We should tell the teacher about our questions in English and talk about them and do exercises. I would like to choose some of the topics but not all of them. Any topic is a good topic. I dont mind either way. My observations: Students dont appear to be that bothered about choosing the topics for class. As a teacher though I think it could be advantageous to find out their interests and incorporate them into my syllabus. Then it would be nice to find out how they enjoyed this experience.

Question 7 I like the teacher to correct all my mistakes

14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Agree Disagree

Student comments: It helps to improve and not make those mistakes again. Im here to learn and to correct my mistakes, so I like the teacher to correct all my mistakes. Shore, to help us learn more. I know what Im doing wrong I can correct it and improve my English. Sometimes it is not necessary. My observations: There is a general consensus that students would like to be corrected as and when they make mistakes.

Question 8 I would like to work on sounds and pronunciation in class.

12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Agree Disagree

Student comments: It is a good way to improve our pronunciation. Its good to improve it. I think that there are other things more important than that. Its a waste of time. My observations: Whereas most students would like to do some pronunciation work in class others are strongly against it. One of the strengths of this class is there pronunciation and therefore they do not really need to work on this. However, if any pronunciation errors become apparent in class they will be dealt with accordingly.

Question 9 I like the teacher to explain everything

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Agree Disagree

Student comments: To understand everything about the English language. As I wrote before Im here to learn, and I prefer when the teacher explains everything.. When we have a question, I think its necessary to explain. But not the simple and usual things. It doesnt need to explain everything, just the things we need. Some things that should be obvious dont need explanation. Sometimes its not necessary to explain everything. It depends but sometimes I prefer to know the basic things. I only like the teacher to explain new things or the things that we have more difficulty. Only if I cant understand or if it is something new.

My observations: Most students would prefer things explained to them. But there is a general consensus that basic things dont need to be explained to the students.

Question 10 I like to work things out for myself

14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Agree Disagree

Student comments: Helps to improve our English. Its impossible to learn if we dont know how to do it on our own. Sometimes, but always dont My observations: Although students like to be explained things it would appear they also like to work them out on their own. I will take this into consideration in my syllabus planning. I think it will be a good idea to let students work things out before they are explained to them when needed or otherwise review what they have found out.

Question 11 I enjoy learning new vocabulary (Indicate if you prefer to learn new words by seeing them or hearing them).

16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Agree Disagree

Student comments: Yes, because my knowledge will improve. I prefer to learn new words by seeing them. I enjoy learning new vocabulary for my writings get better. I enjoy it by hearing them. I want to learn them both ways. So I know how to write and pronounce the words. Seeing and hearing. Both, but I would prefer hearing them. By seeing them. Because our vocabulary will be more rich. I prefer hearing new vocabulary, it helps to improve our writing and speaking. My observations: All students enjoy learning vocabulary and this can be very beneficial to them for the FCE exam. Students like both seeing and hearing them. Vocabulary should play a part in my course syllabus.

Question 12 I like learning grammar (indicate if you prefer to be given the rules or discover them yourself).
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Agree Disagree Not sure

Student comments: Grammar is useful for my speaking and writing. I prefer to be given the rules. Prefer to be given the rules. I prefer to be given the rules. I like to discover myself I like to know it, but its boring to learn. But when learning I would prefer to be given the rules. I dont know grammar rules by hard. Its important to learn grammar, but its kind of boring. I dont like learning grammar, but I think its important. I prefer to discover the rules by myself. Depend of the grammar. My observations: There are missed views when it comes to grammar. Students dont like to learn it as they consider it boring but on the other hand most students that dislike it realise the importance of it.

Question 13 I like doing reading in class.

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Agree Disagree

Student comments: I like to read especially in English, its funny, practical and I learn from it. Yes, I enjoy reading. I think that reading is a little bit boring. I know that we have to do it, but I dont like it. I dont like reading I prefer listening. My observations: Students have mixed views about reading. Reading is one of the key skills of the FCE exam and must be taken into consideration in the course syllabus.

Question 14 I really enjoy listening activities.

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Agree Disagree Not sure

Student comments: Because I like to hear English stuff. Its good to hear natives speaking. I dont its boring. My observations: Most students like listening and this is also important in their preparation for the FCE exam. However, in my experience with the group so far this is one of their strengths and may not need much attention.

Question 15 I think that its important to do writing tasks in class.

14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Agree Disagree

Student comments: Its a good way to prepare us to the exam. I know its important. I complain because I dont like writing. Most of us have difficulties in this part of the exam and its important to practice them. Its important for learn how to write some words and learn some rules. Sometimes I havent got imagination. My observations: Students agree that writing is an important part of their preparation for the test. It is also one of their weaknesses and previous exam takers from our school usually perform badly in this skill. It will probably play a big part in my syllabus design.

Question 16 I like to learn English by playing games

14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 Agree Disagree

Student comments: Its more funny way to learn. Its very good. Playing games is a good way to learn English. Its a funny way to improve our English. Yes, everybody does. My observations: Students like games and it is a good way for them to learn and have fun at the same time.

Comments Please comment on the things that help you learn and how you prefer to learn: Playing games Practice grammar and writing skills I prefer to learn things that we are into.

Questionnaire 2: Assessing your needs Part 1: Who are my class? Question 1: What year are you in at school? Year 10: 6 students (age 15-16) Year 11: 8 students (age 16-17)

Question 2 : How long have you studied English at school? Average 6.3 years.

Years spent learning English at school

1 4 11 years 1 1 9 years 7 years 6 years 7 5 years

Question 3: How long have you had English classes out of school? Average of 4 years.

Years spent learning English out of school

3 4 1 8 years 2 4 7 years 4 years 3 years 2 years

Question 4: Have you ever taken any official English exams? No students have ever taken any official English exams. Question 5: What other languages do you speak? (Please indicate level) All students have Portuguese as their L1. 9 students have has 3 years of French at school. 1 student has just started learning Italian. Question 6: Motivations for the FCE exam: To improve my English: 9/14 For qualifications: 4/14 To improve my C.V: 3/14 To work abroad: 2/14 For future jobs: 2/14

Question 7 (Badly formed question) What other things motivate you to learn English? How do you hope to use English in the future? Work: 10/14 Travel: 2/14 Socialising: 1/14 Technology for programming: 1/14 At university: 2/14 English is the most talked language: 5/14 To leave Portugal as soon as possible: 1/14 Its another qualification: 2/14 It improves our job prospects: 1/14 Question 8: How do you feel about having lessons to prepare for the FCE exam? Cool !!: 1/14 It prepares us better for the exam (its important): 10/14 Normal: 2/14 No opinion: 1/14

Question 9 : How much do you enjoy learning English? No negative comments Very much: 3/14 A lot: 3/14 Im fond of it: 1/14 I like it: 3/14 Its normal: 1/14 After Portuguese its the best language to learn in the world: 1/14 Its interesting: 2/14 Question 10: How would you describe yourself as a learner? Good classmate: 13/14 Shy: 4/14 Active/ motivated learner: 9/14 Participative: 5/14 Question 11: Would you like to receive homework to do online (If yes, instead of the workbook or in addition to it). Prefers workbook: 1 Doesnt mind: 2 In addition: 2 Just online: 2 No: 7

Question 12: Realistically how much time can you spend on self-study a week?
5 4 3 2 1 0 None A little 30 min 1 hour bit 2-3 4 hours No limit hours

Question 13: How much contact do you have with the English language outside class? Explain what type of contact you have. Contact with native speakers: 5 TV-13/14 Radio-4/14 Books-3/14 Travelling-2/14 Music-4/14 Computer/ internet- 7/14

Question 14: Do you like doing practice tests? How much of the course do you think should be spent doing practice tests? (Average 32.5%)
6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Yes No Neither yes or no








Question 15: What topics do you want to talk about in class next term? I dont know- 7/14 Sports-1/14 Technology-2/14 Use of English-1/14 Grammar-2/14 Writing-2/14 Movies and cinema-2/14 Culture-2/14 Music-1/14

Question 16: how good are you at English?

6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1

Reading (Average 6.7)


6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1

Writing (Average 6.6)


4 3 2 1 0 1

Grammar (Average 6.9)


8 6 4 2 0 1

Pronunciation (Average 7.4)


8 6 4 2 0 1

Speaking (Average 7.3)


8 6 4 2 0 1

Listening (Average 8.3)


Self- evaluation results

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Reading Writing Grammar Prounciation Speaking Listening

Questionnaire 3: Easy or Difficult Part 1 Reading:

Part 1 - Multiple Choice Questions


9 8 7 6 5

6 8

Easy Average Difficult

4 3 2 1 0 I have enough information on this I need more information on this

Part 2- Gapped Text

9 8 7 6 2 6 Easy Average Difficult 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 I have enough information on this I need more information on this

Part 3- Multiple matching

8 7 6 5

2 Easy 7 5 Average Difficult

4 3 2 1 0 I have enough information on this I need more information on this

Comments on reading paper: I general some students feel still they need more information on the reading paper, especially part 2. Students are more confident with part one and usually perform well when doing these exercises. There are lots of doubts and problems with part 2 and this has also become apparent in class, as students seem to have weaknesses in performing this task. Part 3 has mixed answers and this is an area where students perform well in class All tasks must be reviewed with an emphasis on part 2.

Part 2 Writing

Part 1 - Writing
6 5.8 5.6 2 1 Easy Average Difficult 11 5.4 5.2 5 4.8 4.6 4.4 I have enough information on this I need more information on this

Part 2 - Writing
9 8 7 3 1 Easy Average Difficult 10 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 I have enough information on this I need more information on this

Comments on writing paper Both parts of the writing need to be reviewed. Students have yet to do a letter of application and a report.

Paper 3: Use of English

Part 1 Multiple choice cloze


9 8 7 6 5 Easy 4 3 2 1 0 I have enough information on this I need more information on this

Average Difficult

Part 2 Open cloze

8 7 6 1 5 Easy Average Difficult 8 5 4 3 2 1 0 I have enough information on this I need more information on this

Part 3 Word formation

8 7 6 5

2 4 Easy Average Difficult 8

4 3 2 1 0 I have enough information on this I need more information on this

Part 4- Key word transformations

8 7 6 5

1 4 Easy Average Difficult 9

4 3 2 1 0 I have enough information on this I need more information on this

Comments on the use of English paper Students need more information on this paper. Students find part 2, 3 and most difficult and these are both areas in which they perform worse in. Part 1 doesnt present many problems and students usually perform well in these tasks. A review of all parts is needed with special attention to parts 2, 3 and 4.

Paper 4: Listening

Part 1- Extracts with multiple choice questions


14 12 10 8 6

6 8

Easy Average Difficult

4 2 0 I have enough information on this I need more information on this

Part 2- Sentence completion

7 6 5 4

3 Easy Average Difficult 7 3 2 1 0 I have enough information on this I need more information on this

Part 3- Multiple mathcing

0 4 Easy Average Difficult 10

9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 I have enough information on this I need more information on this

Part 4- Multiplechoice questions

9 8 7 6

1 Easy 5 8 Average Difficult

5 4 3 2 1 0 I have enough information on this I need more information on this

Comments on listening paper Students perform generally well in listening and this is reflected in the results. Everything will need to be reviewed and an extra emphasis will be required on part 2, where students struggle the most. A review of everything is needed with a special focus on part 2.

Paper 5: Speaking

Part 1- Interview
9 8 7 6 2 3 Easy Average Difficult 9 5 4 3 2 1 0 I have enough information on this I need more information on this

Part 2- Individual long turn

0 2 Easy Average Difficult 12

8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 I have enough information on this I need more information on this

Part 3- Collaborative task

8 7 6 5

3 Easy Average Difficult 8

4 3 2 1 0 I have enough information on this I need more information on this

Part 4- Discussion
8 7 0 3 Easy Average Difficult 11 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 I have enough information on this I need more information on this

Comments on speaking paper In terms of the need for information speaking appears to be the paper in which students feel they need the most help. Students find part 3 and 4 the most difficult, but I am surprised that they dont feel any difficulties in part 2 as they usually perform these tasks with difficulty. My biggest worry for this paper is that students forget to compare in part 2 and show a lack of use of interactive language (which is worth 25% of the speaking paper) Students need an overview of all parts of the speaking paper with a bigger emphasis on parts 3 and 4 and language for comparing and interactive communication.

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