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Shazana Mohammed Literature Upper 6:3 D.H Lawrence is a modern writer.

He explores the journey of self-discovery and growth as it relates to the individual themselves and the relationships they have with others. The novel Sons and Lovers spiral from relationship the Morel family share with each other. According to critic Edward Borsheim, The profound relationships that the characters share in D.H. Lawrences Sons and Lovers serve as the powerful core of the novel. It is through point of view, structure and style that Lawrence unveils the struggles of self-discovery and growth ultimately conveying his message. It is through the use of point of view that Lawrence provides his readers with an "inside scoop" of the emotional and mental state of his characters. The narrative point of view that pervades Sons and Lovers is the Omniscient point of view. This type of narrator is all knowing and gives a non bias view. It is through the Omniscient point of view that Paul's deep affection and love for his mother is revealed. Paul imagines that he and his mother will live together and this is his greatest desire. It is clear that Paul is confused emotionally and about his sexuality. This type of point of view allows Paul's thoughts and feeling to be unveiled. As a result the theme of the Oedipus complex is revealed. The Oedipus complex is a term used by Sigmund Freud in his theory of psychosexual stages of development to describe a boy's feelings of desire for his mother and jealously and anger towards his father. Moreover, Paul's mother, Mrs Morel contributes to Paul's obsession and feeds his desires. Due to her unhealthy relationship with her husband all her love and attention goes to Paul. She herself is obsessed with him as she hates all the girls who are interested in him and thinks none of them is good enough for her son. The Omniscient point of view allows readers to understand that Mrs Morel is still on the path of self discovery and is experiencing great inner conflict. The structure of Sons and Lovers is another way in which Lawrence conveys the inner conflict and growth necessary in order to resolve it. Sons and Lovers is a Bildungsroman novel. This is the story of a single individual's growth process and search for meaningful life. This is certainly reflected in the character Paul. His process of maturity is long, arduous and gradual. Paul is confused emotionally about his feelings for his mother and is unsure of himself as a man. This type of novel certainly reflects its content for it is not only Paul who struggles with self

discovery but also William. Moreover, Sons and Lovers is structured episodically. This means that the novel consists of a series of episodes tied together thematically. The structure of this novel allows readers to track and examine the growth and development of both Paul and William who are faced with many challenges. Additionally, this novel has fifteen chapters which moves chronologically. This facilitates the examining of the past and the influence it has on the future. It also clearly depicts the relations within the Morel family and the growth or stagnation that takes place. This technique permits readers to explore the theme of love and family relationship and understand the unique struggle of the Morel family. Style is also used to convey the harsh reality of the Morel family. Lawrence uses a combination of realistic description and poetic images to create the world of Sons and Lovers. This allows readers to delve into the everyday life of the Morel's and ponder upon the symbolic and taboo themes in the novel. The realism in Sons and Lovers is prominent in the first half of the novel as Lawrence describes the day-to-day existence of the Morel family. The poetry however is incorporated in the second half as Lawrence uses nature and a tool in the revelation of the themes. The combination of these two styles concretizes Lawrence's concerns in its entity. Additionally, Lawrence incorporates dialectal variation in his novel. This mirrors the social background of each character and their mental capability. Mr Morel for instance speaks dialect which suggest that he is not well educated. Mrs Morel on the other had speaks standard English which is prominent among the educated middle class. Lawrence's unique style reflects the lives of his characters and ultimately reveals the themes of his novel. Point of view, structure and style are employed tactfully in the molding of Sons and Lovers. It is these techniques that truly highlight the themes and concerns that saturate this novel. Lawrence's ability to use these techniques so effortlessly to fulfill his purpose and convey his message is quite commendable.

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