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Shot list based on script and storyboard

Title Director Producer Production company Shot Scene # Lo cat ion Bedroo m Bedroo m Bedroo m Park Park Park Park Park Park Bedroo m Bedroo m Living room Living room Living room Type of shot Breach Rashard Buchanan, Jeffery Lopez Safiya Gobir Unfeigned Camera An gle Camera mo ve me nt N/A Panning N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Handheld N/A N/A N/A Handheld N/A Length One Line Description

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Close Mid Close Wide Over the shoulder Over the shoulder Over the shoulder Mid Mid POV Close Mid Mid Shot reverse

EyeLevel EyeLevel EyeLevel EyeLevel EyeLevel EyeLevel EyeLevel High EyeLevel EyeLevel EyeLevel EyeLevel EyeLevel EyeLevel

6sec 10sec 6sec 10sec 10sec s 6secs 10sec s 10sec s 10sec s 15sec s 15sec s 20sec s 10sec s 10sec s

Daniel is seen ruffling in his bed, he is clearly agitated at this point Establishing the items he has in his room (cannabis bag, cigarettes and alcohol) We see Daniel again in his bed still appearing agitated Two young males are having a brief heated conversation Daniel is confronting his component Dushane begins to argue back at Daniel Daniel is getting more tense with Dushanes response Dushane pulls out a knife from his pocket We see Daniel become frantic at the sight of the knife telling Dushane to stop Point-of view of Daniel showing the R.I.P photo of his deceased friend Daniel is seen looking rather disturbed before he shuts his eyes Erin is seen sitting down on the coach watching TV Erins younger brothers are both watching the TV Erin is still watching TV, however seems very uninterested

Shot list based on script and storyboard

Shot Scene # Lo cat ion Living room Living room Paveme nt Paveme nt Paveme nt Paveme nt Exterior House House House House House House House Bedroo m Bedroo m Bedroo m Bedroo m Bedroo m Type of shot Camera An gle Camera mo ve me nt N/A N/A Handheld Handheld Handhel d N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Tracking N/A Tracking N/A N/A N/A N/A Length One Line Description

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

Mid-close Mid Mid Close-up Mid Long Mid Shot reverse Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Mid Long Shot reverse

EyeLevel EyeLevel Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level Low angle Eye-level High angle Low angle Eye-level Eye-level Low angle Eye-level Eye-level High angle Eye-level High angle

15sec s 7secs 20sec s 20sec s 10sec s 7secs 7secs 7secs 15sec s 10sec s 7secs 10sec s 10sec s 7secs 7secs 15sec s 20sec s 20sec s

Dialogue section where she asks if her younger brother has done his homework Erin continues to watch TV as she looks up and slowly closes her eyes Erin is walking home from school Erin is looking very distressed as the VOICEOVERS begin to fill her mind Erin begins to quicken her step Back view of Erin as she is seen walking hastily Erin is opening the door of her house The door is seen being opened from within the house Bills scattered on the floor are seen being picked up by Erin Erin looks through all the bills Erin throws all the bills to the ground Erin walks from her front door towards the stairs Erin is walking upstairs to her bedroom Erin is walking to her chair Front view of Erin is seen sitting down on her chair Erin hesitantly picks up a photo of her father who is deployed Erins mum Caris is seen by the door telling her daughter to look after her siblings Erin responds rather annoyed saying this is the third time this week

Shot list based on script and storyboard

Shot Scene # Lo cat ion Bedroo m Bedroo m Bedroo m Bedroo m Bedroo m Living room Living room Living room Floyds Bedroo m Bedroo m Bedroo m Bedroo m Bedroo m Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Type of shot Camera An gle Camera mo ve me nt N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Length One Line Description

33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

Close up Long Mid Mid Close up Mid Mid Mid Mid

Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level High angle Eye-level Eye-level

7secs 10sec s 7secs 7secs 15sec s 15sec s 10sec s 10sec s 20sec s 15sec s 10sec s 15sec s 10sec s 9secs 7secs 7secs 10sec s

She looks down as her voice is a bit more quieter as she tells her mum shes never home Caris responds to Erin before she hastily walks away to avoid further conversation Side view of Caris as she sighs Erin is seen putting her hands to her face rather frustrated and tired Erin closes her eyes as the VOICEOVER repeat themselves in her head Erin is sitting on the coach Erin calls out to her brother asking if he has done his homework as theres no response Erin is seen getting up from the coach tutting as she goes to her brother Floyd is sitting at the computer desk attempting to finish his work, he then reaches for his phone Close up shot of Floyd as he is holding his phone, we see that the time is 11.00pm In frustration, he throws his papers to the ground before picking up his phone once again He is seen scanning through the old exchange messages with his ex He puts the phone down calmly before looking to the side Floyd and his mother Steph are sitting in silence while theyre eating dinner Steph is seen eating her food Floyd is also seen eating Steph tells Floyd that theyll be relocating. Emotionless

42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49

Close up Mid Close up Mid Wide Mid shot Shot reverse Shot reverse

Eye-level High angle Eye-level High Angle Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level


Shot list based on script and storyboard

Shot Scene # Lo cat ion Kitchen Kitchen Kitchen Street Street Street Street Street Street Street Street Bedroo m Bedroo m Type of shot Camera An gle Camera mo ve me nt N/A N/A N/A N/A Handheld Handheld N/A N/A N/A N/A Zoom N/A N/A Length One Line Description

50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62

Shot reverse Shot reverse Shot reverse Wide Mid Close up Mid Shot reverse Close up Mid Mid Mid Close up

Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level Eye-level High angle High angle

10sec s 12sec s 11sec s 12sec s 7secs 7secs 10sec s 15sec s 8secs 20sec s 10sec s 15sec s 13sec s

Floyd looks up very concerned and questions her Steph is seen still eating clearly not fazed by his reaction as she responds Floyd doesnt wait for her to finish before he gets up to leave Floyd is seen walking with two of his friends having a regular conversation Floyds phone begins to ring Floyd answers the phone call. His facial expressions becomes concerned His friends look rather worried Floyd is on the phone to his ex as he looks still concerned Phone dial tone is heard on the phone Floyd looks towards his friends before running away His friends are seen calling him back Floyd is sitting on his desk before he puts his hands towards his face Floyd begins to write a text to his ex before he erases it

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