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Movie reviews: X-Men Days of Future Past!

By: Sebastian The new X-Men movie is on the rise, so why not do a spe ia! review and snea" pee" for X-Men Days of Future Past! #hara ters: $o!verine, Toad, Professor X, Ma%neto, Sunspot, &avo , 'itty Pryde, (ui "si!ver, Storm, Mysti)ue, Bo!ivar Tras", Beast, * eman, Bishop, #o!ossus, $arpath, B!in", $i!!iam Stry"er, and *n"! + &ere,s a !in" for the trai!er: X-Men: Days of Future Past Trai!er -./0 Movie - 1ffi ia! 2&D 333 The a tua! omi was very different from this hot new movie! * !oved this series and they,re ma"in% on!y one more as far as * "now! *t wi!! be a!!ed X-Men 4po a!ypse3 &ere,s a pi ture of 4po a!ypse: *n the omi s 4po a!ypse was an an ient mutant who had the power to han%e his e!!s to anythin% he wants! &e an a!so absorb ener%y and he has a super brain! &is b!ood an hea! other mutants but is fata! to humans! *n X-Men Days of Future Past the omi it a!so featured a bun h more mutants in the brotherhood who end up bein% beat by the X-Men from the past! The omi was rea!!y stran%e be ause there was weird time trave! and 'itty Pride too" the X-Men from the present to the future, and *T3 $4S3 ST54678! * %et brain ramps thin"in% about it! &opefu!!y the movie won,t be as omp!i ated! $e!! fo!"s that was fun! * an,t wait for our ne9t review! *f you have )uestions p!ease onta t Sebastian in Pam,s !ass! Bye now!

Lebron James Better than Michale Jordan

:ebron ;ames has won two 6B4 hampionships, four 6B4 M<P 4wards, two 6B4 Fina!s Most <a!uab!e P!ayer 4wards, two 7o!d 1!ympi meda!s, an 6B4 s orin% tit!e, and an 6B4 5oo"ie of the =ear 4ward3 &e has a!so been se!e ted to nine 6B4 4!!-Star teams, nine 4!!6B4 teams, and five 4!!-Defensive teams, and is the #!eve!and #ava!iers> a!!-time !eadin% s orer3 :ebron ;ames has two "ids3 Their names are :eborn ;ames ;5 and Bry e Ma9imus ;ames and is married to Savannah Brinson3 :ebron ;ames ou!d have won 0 6B4 tit!es but he had !ost two of them3 :ebron ;ames p!ays for the Miami &eat but used to p!ay for the #!eve!and #ava!iers3 :ebron ;ames is sponsored by 6i"e3 :ebron is -? years o!d3 &e did not p!ay bas"etba!! in o!!e%e3 &e ame out of hi%h s hoo! and the number one pi " meanin% he was ta"en first in the draft3 4s a roo"ie, he avera%ed more than -. points whi h on!y @ peop!e have doneA Mi hae! ;ordan, 1s ar 5obertson, and :ebron ;ames3 :ebron ;ames is the best 6B4 p!ayer that is p!ayin% ri%ht now3 By $yatt Mohr

NFL playoffs
*n the 6F: p!ayoffs there are four teams !eft3 The 0?ers p!ay the Seatt!e Seahaw"s3 Denver Bron os p!ays 6ew 8n%!and Patriots3 *n the %ame a%ainst the Bron os, * thin" the Bron os have a better han e be ause they have one of the best (B,s3 They a!so have a %ood wide re eiver, Damaryius Thomas3 They a!so have a %ood runnin% ba ", Montee Ba!!3 * hope the 0?ers win a%ainst the Seatt!e Seahaw"s3 * !i"e the 0?ers )uarter ba ", #o!!in 'aeperni 3 They a!so have a %ood re eiver3 * thin" they have a han e to ma"e it to the Super Bow!3 * thin" the 0?ers wi!! %o to the Super Bow! * a!so thin" the Bron os wi!! be in the Super Bow!3 By *saiah

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