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A HORROR STORY Objectives: Improve students writing skills throughout the creation of a horror story, guided by listening exercises,

reading comprehension activities, and visual activities such as movies. Review the past tenses of English, their structures and their use: simple past, past progressive, present perfect, past perfect, present perfect progressive, and past perfect progressive. Integrate their likes to the topics proposed on the textbook which is being used for the classes.

JUSTIFICATION As it could be perceived in the first term of the year, the students did not have appropriate writing skills for the level they are currently taking. So, the teacher considered that it was pertinent to focus the production of the project on this skill, without taking apart the other three. STEPS: 1. Students are going to brainstorm about what a horror story main components are what it is necessary to write one. 2. In groups, they choose a title for their story, from some titles the teacher chose and wrote on the board. 3. They have to brainstorm about the title they chose for the story. 4. In order to know how a story is structured, they are going to read and listen to a horror story from the internet. They have to answer comprehension questions about the text. 5. Then, to present their projects, they must choose a creative way to do so. Thus, they can choose among a movie, a trailer, a recording, an illustrated story, a cartoon, or a Power Point presentation. 6. After this, students are going to write their first draft for the story. 7. Then, they have to correct the style and grammar mistakes they can have in their writings. 8. Once more, they have to correct and check errors or complete the story if necessary. 9. As an important part of motivation to write, they are going to see a movie. 10. Finally, the students build up their projects, as they have chosen, and they present to the other groups in the school. 11. Students from other groups are going to choose the project that they like the most, and the teacher is going to do the same. 12. At the end of the presentation, there will be 2 winning teams who are going to be exempt of the final exam. NOTE: The presentation of the projects is going to be considered as the 60% of the final exam Thursdays in the term are going to be dedicated especially to the project.

Tuesdays are going to be dedicated to work on the textbook and grammar orientation, in order to have a global view of the topics.

FOR THE PRESENTATIONS: GROUP 1: VIDEO GROUP 2: RECORDED SOAP OPERA GROUP 3: ILLUSTRATED STORY GROUP 4: POWER POINT PRESENTATION They must bring their own resources and use their creativity to show the final products of the term.

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