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A very good day to everyone, it is my pleasure to have yours attendance to my speech. First I ould li!e to introduce mysel", my name is Donald, and i am the Training #anager o" this company. Today, I ould very glad to elcomes you all to $oin us as one "amily o" the %yntron&is Asia 'te (td. Today I)m going to give a speech a*out +The ,arious %el"-development programs) that o""er "rom our company. .e are very than!"ul to our company hich provided us a very com"ort and tremendous environment as ell as provided us a various type o" sel"-development programs. These purposes o" program is to improve the young employees to gain !no ledge in their or!place. There"ore, these various sel"-development program ill *e contri*ute to ards the improvement o" the company.

(adies and gentlemen. Firstly I ould li!e to e&plain ,arious %el"-development. ,arious %el"developments is the process o" improving onesel" through activities such as enhancing employment s!ills, increasing consciousness and *uilding ealth. The gro ing success o" the sel"-help and personal development movement has assisted many *usiness managers in o*taining more /uali"ied and motivated personnel "or organi0ed companies, and it has also encouraged more people to involve in the *usiness "or themselves. The concept covers a ider "ield than sel"-development or sel"-help1 personal development also includes developing other people. This may ta!e place through roles such as those o" a teacher or mentor, either through a personal competency or a pro"essional service. 2eyond improving onesel" and developing others, personal development is a "ield o" practice and research. As a "ield o" practice it includes personal development methods, learning programs, assessment systems, tools and techni/ues. As a "ield o" research, personal development topics increasingly appear in scienti"ic $ournals, higher education revie s, management $ournals and *usiness *oo!s. Any sort o" development re/uires a "rame or! i" one ishes to !no hether change

has actually occurred. In the case o" personal development, an individual o"ten "unctions as the primary $udge o" improvement, *ut validation o" o*$ective improvement re/uires assessment using standard criteria. 'ersonal development "rame or!s may include goals or *enchmar!s that de"ine the end-points, strategies or plans "or reaching goals, measurement and assessment o" progress, levels or stages that de"ine milestones along a development path, and a "eed*ac! system to provide in"ormation on changes.

%el" development are various, initially I ould li!e to discuss the "irst point o" my vie . %el" a areness is actually !ind o" the sel" development s!ill, this is very important during or! time. .hat is sel" a areness3 %el" a areness means that the capacity "or introspection and the a*ility to recogni0e onesel" as an individual separate "rom the environment and other individuals. In others ay, an individuals should have sel" recogni0ation among themselves in order to ensure o n sa"ety and reduce un anted misshape during or! time as ell as improve or!ing e""iciency. During an individual or! time, sel" a areness are an important "actor to maintain one)s a*ility in or!, a or! re/uired a certain level o" sel" a areness in order to !eep the level o" e""iciency not *elo the par and avoid damage to o n sel". For e&ample, a chemical engineering must very caution on every chemical handling method to prevent any un anted accidents happen in the or! place. This is hy I state that the sel" a areness is important. In con$unction o" that, sel"-!no ledge is /uiet necessary to an individual. %el" !no ledge can *e re"er to one)s conclusion ma!e *ase on o n memory that e have learned earlier. It can *e serious i" one)s doesn)t ac/uire any !no ledge a*out their or! on the or! "ield. %el" !no ledge is also provided an individual a *etter improvement to o n sel" so that an individual can cope to the or!ing "ield easily and clearly signi"y hat they need to do , through this , the or!ing e""iciency can increase gradually. For e&ample, a ne employee might *e lost their ay and don)t !no hat to do and hat suppose to do "or their $o* range. There"ore, gaining !no ledge is important to one)s sel" so that one)s can clearly !no a*out hat is their duties and goals.

Furthermore, sel" esteem to ard the or!ing o" an individual is vital as ell. A person ho doesn)t ta!e care a*out hat he or she trying to do ould have a very less e""iciency to ard anything. %el" esteem is actually the %ense o" personal orth and a*ility that is "undamental to an individual4s identity. There"ore, sel" esteem should *e instil among everyone. For instant , a person ho have higher level o" sel" esteem could done their $o*s easily and automatically ithout any sigh hereas those person ho have lo level o" sel" esteem ould not get to "it in to the or!ing environment . 2esides, s!ill ould *e an important "actor as ell. %!ill can *e re"er as the a*ility to carry out a tas! ith pre-determined result *y using the least time and energy aste. An individual ho have s!ill on solving daily or!ing trou*leshoot ould *e a*le to maintain the /uality o" or! and as a leadership as ell. For e&ample, an engineer heavily needed s!ill to solve any constructing product or even machine in order to improve the /uality and /uantity o" the or!. .here*y a person ho lac! o" s!ill could "ace immense trou*le that he or she cannot solve easily. Re"er to the e&planation that I given, it is proven that the s!ill is vital among the or!ing "ield. %ocial communication is also the most necessary s!ill should *e handle *y anyone. %ocial communication can *e de"ine as the a*ility to trans"er or share in"ormation *et een t o or more individuals. %ocial communicate *et een each other at the or! place can improve the !no ledge o" each other to enhance the a*ility o" solving or!ing trou*leshoot. For e&ample, a $unior level sta"" should communicate more ith their seniors sta"" so that they get to !no and doesn)t since they have more e&perience compare to the $unior. hat is the does

Developing on o n sel" talents is curial as ell. .e should discover out talents and use in our related or! place. .hen e cope our talents to the related or! place, e manage to hands up more easily and sho s to *e more pro"essional to ard the related $o*s. For e&ample, a person ho is having more talent on human resource management are a*le to manage one)s company)s ultimate corporate goals and motivate su*ordinates to provide *etter /uality o" or!.

#oreover, punctuality is an important matter to improve "rom time to time. A person ho is punctual can achieve or su*mit their o! right on time, and also sho s their o n personality hich is the good side o" them. 'unctuality is actually the time management s!ill. Time management s!ill is de"ine as the a*ility to "inish or complete a tas! ithin a certain time limited "actor. For e&ample, one)s can complete their or! right in time i" they really "ocus on the time limit hereas those ho al ays ta!e time slo ly in complete the or! might *e late "or su*mit. There"ore, this time management s!ill should *e strongly instil to everyone *ecause punctuality re"lect your reality personal.

In conclusion, "or my point o" vie , I thin! that one)s should ta!e responsi*ility to ard their sel" development no matter at any here or any time even any situation. Although these improvement might *e di""icult to seen on short time period, *ut there is only pros *ut no cons "or o n sel". As e !no , e are one "amily to ard the company, so , e should improve o n sel" development gradually in order to raise the company to a higher level. Finally , maintaining various sel" development is vital . All learning and the sel" development activities ill help to maintain the o n sel" development enhance to higher personalities. There"ore, 'ersonal development is the process o" a person improving his or her ha*its, characteristics, routines, attitudes, or practices in an attempt to improve his or her li"estyle or *usiness ethic. The *ene"its o" personal development can vary signi"icantly depending on hat type o" development activities are underta!en. A person can improve his or her interpersonal relationships, "or e&ample, *y ta!ing on the tas! o" improving communication s!ills. A *usinessperson can improve his or her or!"lo or change the ay he or she interacts ith colleagues and customers. %ometimes, seminars are availa*le that ill structure development goals and ma!e the *ene"its o" personal development much easier to achieve. %uch seminars are structured and are usually geared to ard one or t o speci"ic topics rather than *roader goals. The cost o" such seminars can vary, and a participant ill need to do some research to ensure he or she attends a reputa*le seminar conducted *y pro"essionals ith proven results. The *ene"its outlined *y the seminar should *e measura*le, hich means the participant should *e a*le to recogni0e that goals have *een met and *ene"its are noticea*le in the short or long term.

6. http177en. i!ipedia.org7 i!i7'ersonal8development 9. http177 .*usinessdictionary.com7de"inition7personaldevelopment.html:i&009u(oCC!Ov

<. O&"ord dictionary-=th edition >. Rosa and Raymond par!s institute "or sel" development ?re"erence *oo!@ A. http177eds.*.e*<Ca=a6D6c<"-<Dce-*EF"E*99"6d=AaaEG<Dsessionmgr66>HvidB9HhidB66AH*/ueryBsel"Idevelopme ntH*dataBJnR>cKUF#AGCdGCd

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