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So many people have ideals as to what power is, how to go about getting it, and how to
use it. The issue is that everyone is operating out of fear and pain. Personal power is
associated with the 3rd chakra (major energy center in the body) or Manipura as it is
actually called which means "the city of jewels". Herein lies the answer to many things
because the 3rd chakra also governs self esteem, will power, and the ego. The organs of
the body that are associated with this chakra are: solar plexus, abdomen, upper intestines,
liver, gall bladder, stomach, kidney, pancreas, spleen, adrenal system, and middle spine.
Physical ailments associated with it are: ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome, constipation,
heartburn, diabetes, diarrhea, indigestion, anorexia, bulimia, and hepatitis. The challenges
associated with this chakra are: self-confidence, self-respect, competence and skills in the
outer world, substance abuse, aggression, defensiveness, making decisions, and

With all the above being said, how many people do you know, especially at the
companies you work for be "power trippin" or are "micro-managers" - the bullies of
corporate America? How many people do you know that love confrontation or gotta be in
control of everything? These type of people have an overactive or blown out chakra
(meaning too much energy coming in that point of the body before they can properly
transmute, circulate, and distribute it). What about people that are "yes" people who don't
know how to say no which means that they are in a constant state of self-sacrifice
because they are putting everyone's needs before their own. Then you have those
individuals who don't speak their mind and suffer in silence. Others operate in a state of
indecisiveness which is a reflection of one's self esteem.

All of the imbalances began with events, circumstances, and inherited beliefs from
ancestors, past lives, and current events. The events and circumstances formed beliefs
within that person which created a shift of energy into a lower level of conscious thinking
called NEGATIVITY OR LIMITING BELIEFS. People with this energy generally do the
things they do because they have allowed sources outside of themselves to define power
and success for them, which in turn has effected their ego and self esteem - but this may
have been damaged in the first place. Because thoughts and emotions are pure energy, it
is important to note that all imbalances FIRST BEGIN in the energy bodies of the
individual. When events or circumstances are not addressed in a manner where it helps
the person to transform the experience and the energy related to that experience into a
higher vibration, then the person struggles and eventually adapts to that change by
incorporating coping mechanisms which they now accept as their true personality.

No matter who I am working on or what belief we are working on pulling from the
subconscious mind, personal power issues always surface. The person doesn't come to
me and say - hey I want to work on personal power issues, it is usually something else
and after we dig for the bottom belief of the matter at hand, we find thoughts in the
subconscious such as: I cannot use my personal power, If I use my personal power, I will
lose my family and loved ones, I am not worthy of power, If I use my power I will abuse
it, Power is evil, Power hurts people, Nobody in my family uses their power so I can't use

Copyright 2009 Eternalkween LLC

mine, I will not be accepted if I use my power, and the list goes on. The individual is not
aware of the beliefs of course and generally have a surprised reaction. Once these beliefs
are removed as well as the many variations of power issues, the person can operate in
their power and understand what it is according to the Creator's definition, perspective,
and understanding.

When the person is operating in their true power they are then able to access the higher
states of divinity and express it in this lifetime. This allows the individual to reach their
highest optimal level of human potential meaning they can now fulfill their life's purpose
without the extra emotional/mental baggage. Coming from a place of power such as this
shifts many things within an individual's life. If the person is spiritually inclined, then
they go through training from the Creator/Life as to how to use their power and what it is.
One learns how to shift the energy within their home with a single intent and command.
One shifts the energy with any circumstance by decisions instantly. All of the things that
seemed impossible or out of reach - just simply no longer are.

In the world of activities that we see around us, the need to get over on people, control
others and everything, run scams, manipulate situations (all acts of fear/pain) begin to
dissipate. A person comes to a place where they no longer "need" to go to a lecture,
sermon, workshop, or retreat. The person comes to a place where they no longer "need"
to have a library of books/material that they have yet to apply. The person comes to a
place where they no longer "need" to do ceremonies or rituals. This is because they
understand that the most important part of Power, and what some may consider an
audacity of Power, is commanding the Power of God that dwells within to create, move,
manifest, reveal, unveil, transmute, and transform change in their life.

Humans did not create Power, therefore they cannot give it nor can they take it away, nor
can they define it. The Source and Center of All Creation shifts your mind (which is
throughout your body) into higher frequencies so that you can dwell in the place of
divinity within your own being - which is the true source of heaven. No doubt this is
transcendence and it doesn't come with doing a couple of ceremonies, chanting, and
breathing. It comes with hard work, dedication, tenacity, courage, humbleness, love, love,
love, and lots of determination to face those things that you have accepted and labeled as
"the norm" or "life" or "this is just how I am".

This, my brother and sisters, is how one goes about unlocking the code of life, one by
one. The body is a circuit of energy that operates on frequencies and the circulation and
transmutation of such. Ignorance of this fact will have you dealing with an influx of
energies that you don't even know how to digest and direct. You see, the other part of the
3rd chakra also deals with changing dense energy (matter) into light frequencies. The
dense energy is the food and emotions you digest. Many people who are emotional eaters
are not aware of the Enteric Nervous System that is located in the digestive tract. Many
people are also not aware that the first organ in the body that is formed is the colon (large
intestine). The Enteric Nervous System has been labeled as the second brain and recent
studies in science are saying that it may be more in control than the brain in the head. In
addition to this, also located in the 3rd chakra region, is the celiac artery. This is an artery

Copyright 2009 Eternalkween LLC

that contributes to getting blood from the heart to other parts of the body. With this in
mind, it is of no wonder that all issues dealing with power, self esteem, and ego are
directly connected to matters of the heart (4th chakra). Now you can see how the fear and
the pain sets in.

The heart center shuts down or gets blown out from emotional trauma caused by events,
circumstances, and ESPECIALLY EMPATHY. The person becomes emotionally
constipated, trapped in a prison of mental disarray labeled as fear, confusion, suffering,
and pain amongst other things. During my Theta sessions, while we are doing the
"digging" process, we often touch matters of the heart. This is where the tears come in.
See they think they are just gonna sit down with me and tell me all about their problems,
but that is not how the Creator operates. The Creator unravels the mysteries of the mind,
one by one, taking a person from the conscious state into the subconscious revelations of
what has been there all along. They go from the Beta, Alpha, to Theta brain wave states.
The subconscious mind will try to shut down, creating many forms of resistance from
pain to physical detachment (person has left the body) to avoid dealing with the belief
that needs to be removed. We call this COPING as in the person is reverting to the
program it has created to maintain the imbalanced energies known as pain, suffering,
fear, and confusion. It is no different than a person who is addicted to pork ribs. You
know it (the pork) is full of parasites, yet because it tastes good and it is what you are
accustomed to eating, you say you won't stop until you die. In this case, the pork is the
pain and fear, and because you are accustomed to it, you eat a full plate of it with
toppings (variations of circumstance). AND THIS IS WHERE THE FALSE SENSE OF
POWER SETS IN (the place you THINK you are operating from).

So long as a person comes from the above state of consciousness, they will always be in
emotional chains of bondage, detached from their body, as the mind is constantly shifting
consciousness caused by the emotional triggers of pain and suffering which constantly
makes the person re-call their unfavorable experience of the past. It is the constant re-
calling of the pain/fear that keeps shifting the conscious and keeps the person detached
from themselves. It is of no coincidence that we use terms like "I just lost it" or "you
didn't seem like yourself" or "they took me somewhere else with that" or "she is very
sensitive (great amount of energy contained within a past circumstance) on that subject"
or "why are you so emotional (great amount of energy stuck and trying to ex-press
(release) itself)".

We talk in these terms with ignorance, passing judgments of how we think things and
people should be when all we need to do is focus on getting ourselves together. It is not a
game of trivial pursuit. It is not even a competition. It is a journey with many adventures
that heighten the human experience. A journey of Soul evolution if you will. A journey
that is to re-mind you of your true place of Divinity.

Copyright 2009 Eternalkween LLC

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