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In the evaporation there is eliminated the steam formed by boiling of a liquid solution of which a more concentrated solution is obtained. In the great majority of the cases, the unitary operation of evaporation refers to the water elimination of a watery solution. Between the typical examples of processes of evaporation there are the concentration of watery solutions of sugar, chloride of sodium, hydroxide of sodium, glycerine, rubbers, milk and juice of orange. In these cases, the concentrated solution is the wished product and the evaporated water is in the habit of being rejected. In others, the water that contains pequefias quantities, of minerals evaporates to obtain free water of occurred that is used in the supply of boilers, for chemical special processes, or for other intentions. Nowadays they are developing and using processes of water evaporation of sea to obtain drinkable water. Occasionally, the principal aim of the evaporation consists of concentrating a solution so that when this one cools there are formed crystals that could separate. This special process of evaporation is called a crystallization

Process factors
The physical and chemical properties of the solution that centering and of the steam that separates they have a considerable effect on the type of evaporatingly that must be used and on the pressure and the temperature of the process. Later there are analyzed some properties that concern the methods of processing. 1. Concentration in the liquid: In general, the liquid supply to the evaporating one is diluted enough, for what his viscosity, low enough, is similar to that of the water and occurs with high enough coefficients of heat transfer. As the evaporation happens, the solution centers and his viscosity can rise notably, causing a marked decrease of the coefficient of heat transfer. A traffic or turbulence is needed then adapted to prevent the coefficient from diminishing too much. 2. Solubility: As the solution warms up and increases the concentration of the soluto or salt, one can exceed the limit of solubility of the material in solution and crystals were formed. This limits the maximum concentration that can be obtained by evaporation of the solution. In the figure 8.1-l some solubilities appear in water of certain you go out depending on the temperature. In most cases, the solubility of the salt increases with the temperature. This means that, on having cooled to temperature it sets a concentrated warm solution that comes from the evaporating one one can present a crystallization.

3. Sensibility tkrmica of the materials: Many products, especially the food and other biological materials, are sensitive to the temperature and degenerate when this one rises or the warming is very long. Between them the pharmaceutical materials are; food products like milk, juice of orange and vegetable extracts; and chemical organic delicate materials. The quantity of degradation is depending on the temperature and of the time. 4. Pressure and temperatura: The boiling-point of the solution is related to the pressure of the system. The higher it is the pressure of operation of evaporatingly, major it will be the temperature of boiling. In addition, the temperature of boiling also rises as it increases the concentration of the material disuelto for the action of the evaporation. This phenomenon is called an elevation of the boiling-point. To support to a level under the temperature of the thermosensitive materials is in the habit of being necessary to operate to lower pressures than 1 atm, this is, to the emptiness.

Types of equipments of evaporation and methods of operation

The evaporation consists of the heat addition to a solution to evaporate the solvent that, in general, is a water. Usually, the heat is supplied by condensation of a steam (as water steam) in touch with a metallic surface, with the liquid of another side of the above mentioned surface. The type of secondhand equipment depends so much of the configuration of the surface for the transfer of heat as of the means used to achieve the agitation or traffic of the liquid. Later the general types of equipment are analyzed. 1. Opened kettle or dug-out: The simplest form of the evaporating one is an opened kettle or dug-out in which the liquid is boiled. The heat supply comes from the condensation of water steam in a jacket or in coils immersed in the liquid. In some cases, the kettle warms up to direct fire. Evaporating these are economic and of simple operation, but the heat waste is excessive. In certain equipments palettes or scrapers are used to wave the liquid. 2. Evaporating of horizontal pipes with natural traffic. In this type of evaporating the horizontal bank of pipes of warming is similar to the bank of pipes of a heat interchanger. The water steam enters to the pipes and becomes condensed; the condensed one goes out for another end of the pipes. The solution to boiling is externally of them. The steam parts with the liquid surface; later, almost always one makes spend for devices of type baffle to prevent the dragging drop of liquid and goes out on the top part. This equipment, relatively economic, can be in use for not viscous liquids with high coefficients of heat transfer and for liquids that do not form inlays. Since the traffic of the liquid is not very good,

they are little adapted for viscous materials. In almost all the cases, so much evaporating this one as those who are studied later they operate with constant regime, with supply to constant and bulging speed of concentrate to constant speed 3. Evaporating vertical with natural traffic. Evaporating vertical with natural traffic. In this type of evaporating vertical pipes are used instead of horizontal and the liquid this one inside the pipes, for what the steam becomes condensed in the exterior. Due to the boiling and the decrease of density, the liquid rises in the pipes for traffic nature and flows down across a central opened big space, or descent. This natural traffic increases the coefficient of heat transfer. It is not useful with viscous liquids. This equipment calls often evaporatingly of short pipes.

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