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By : 1. Fadila Rahma Sofihadi ( 093194017 ) 2. Yudit Yulianinda 3. Me a Roudloh Maulida 4. !oo" Fathi M ( 09319402# ) #. Shintia $a"in % Internati na! C"e#i$tr% E&'(ati n )**+



&. '()&*+(! F+!&' R,BB+S- .(S* *le/un Batu in Malan B. *+M0 May 271 2010 at ). S(,R)0 : M" Riyadi and M". Moh. Fa/ih %. R0S,'* : *hi2 final "u33i2h 4o2t 5a2 3uilt in 200#. *he a"ea 5ide of thi2 F+!&' R,BB+S.(S* i2 61# he7ta"e and the num3e" of "u33i2h a77e4ted e8e"y day i2 47# m 3 of "u33i2h 1 e9ual 5ith a44"o:imately 3# t"u7/2. *hi2 "u33i2h a"e ta/en f"om one 5hole to5n that amount of 4eo4le a"e a44"o:imately 172000 4eo4le. F"om 47# m3 of "u33i2h a77e4ted ;u2t 24# m3 of "u33i2h 2e"8i7ed. *he"e a"e t5o /ind of "u33i2h a77e4ted that o" ani7 and ino" ani7 "u33i2h. *he 4"o7e22in 2y2tem a44lied in thi2 F+!&' R,BB+S- .(S* i2 2anita"y landfill 2y2tem. *o 4"o7e22 the "u33i2h 1 many e9ui4ment needed1 fo" in2tan7e e:7a8ato"2 320%1 do<e" %3 et7. *he"e a"e 12 unit2 3ut at that time 2 unit a"e 2tand3y that 10 dumt"u7/2 5ith 24e7ifi7ation a2 follo521 4 unit 5ith 4o5e" 6=> m 3 and 6 am "oll ?6m3 5ith a3ility 4 time2 fo" ta/in . ,2ually "u33i2h i2 ta/en at 06.00 @ 12.00 . 08e"y Satu"day 700 @ 1000 / of ino" ani7 "u33i2h i2 4"o7e22ed. +f the"e a"e 2ome e""o" on the e9ui4ment1 it 5ill 3e 3"ou ht to the me7hani7. *he num3e" of la3o" in thi2 4la7e i2 40 4eo4le 5ith f"ee daily 2y2tem. *he 2ala"y 4e" 4e"2on i2 2#000 5ith 7 5o"/ time f"om >.00 @ 1#.00. *hi2 la3o" a"e di8ided a2 follo52 20 4eo4le a2 2o"te" 1 6 4eo4le a2 "olle" 1 4 4eo4le fo" ta/in ino" ani7 "u33i2h that 2till 7an 3e u2ed and the othe" a"e 4la7ed in a"den. (4e"ational fee fo" fuel i2 0.# M and total fee i2 1.6 M *he"e a"e 2ome 2te42 in 4"o7e22in "u33i2h. Fi"2t 1 the "u33i2h f"om hou2ehold i2 2e4a"ated into t5o /ind2 that o" ani7 "u33i2h and ino" ani7 "u33i2h. *he o" ani7 "u33i2h 5ill 3e "e7y7le to 3e fe"tili<e" late" and the ino" ani7 "u33i2h 5ill 3e 2old1 3ut if anyone donAt 5ant to 3uy it 5ill 3e 2moothed do5n in 7ell. Se7ond1 the o" ani7 "u33i2h i2 7ut do5n to 3e 2malle". *hi"d 1 the "u33i2h i2 "olled in "olle". Fou"th 1 the "ollin "e2ult i2 hea4ed fo" 1# day2 than it i2 2huffled th"ou h in o"de" to 3e7ome fe"tili<e" fa2te". Bhen it i2 2huffled1 it i2 added 3y 3 4ail of medi7ine named uni7ulum. *hi2 medi7ine 7an 3e made 3y mi:in 10 lite" of d"i4 2u a"1 1# lite" of 7o7onut 5ate" 1 10 lite" of o: u"ine and 3 3ottle of 8ine a". *hen thi2 mi:tu"e i2 hu2hed fo" a 5ee/. %oin it fo" 2# day2 2o the 7om4o2t 5ill 3e "eady to 3e u2ed. +n

thi2 4"o7e22 the"e i2 no 7hemi7al 2u32tan7e u2ed. Fifth1 *hi2 7om4o2t i2 "olled a ain 2ie8ed in o"de" to filte" the "u33i2h that 7anAt 3e 4"o7e22ed.


*he 4"o7e22 a3o8e i2 fo" o" ani7 "u33i2h that 7an 3e de7ayed 3y 3a7te"ia. But fo" the othe" /ind of "u33i2h that 7an 3e de7ayed 3y 3a7te"ia i2 4"o7e22ed 3y the othe" 5ay. Fi"2t 1 the "u33i2h i2 7olle7ted. Se7ond1 mo8e it into 7ell. +n 7ell the "u33i2h i2 2moothed do5n. )ell i2 the 4la7e that the"e i2 a 3i hole that 7o8e"ed 3y eote:tile 30 mete"2 hi h then added 3y 4i4e fo" lye 5ate" 7u""ent. +n the to4 of it 7o8e"ed 3y eomem3"ane and on the to4 of eomem3"ane i2 7o8e"ed 3y 2tone 10=# 7m in len th fo" filte"in lye 5ate". *hi"d 1 to 7ente" the lye 5ate" 4 4ond2 a"e made that &BR 4ond1 fa7ultati8e 4ond 1 matu"ation 4ond and 5etland. 'ye 5ate" "e2ulted e8e"y day a44"o:imately 300m 3. *he lye 5ate" flo5 to &BR 4ond afte" 4"e7i4itate it flo52 a ain1 to o4timi<e 7u""ent fo"m &BR to fa7ultati8e 4ond1 the anae"o3i7 4um4 i2 u2ed. *hen it flo52 into fa7ultati8e 4ond. &fte" 4"e7i4itation in fa7ultati8e 4ond1 it flo52 a ain to matu"ation 4ond1 a7tually in thi2 4ond the lye 5ate" 7an 3e u2ed di"e7tly. &fte" f"om the matu"ation 4ond the 5ate" flo5 a ain to 5etland. +t 7on2i2t of 6 4ond2 in o"de" to a32o"3. &"ound the 5etland i2 4lanted 2ome flo5e"2 that yello5 /ana flo5e" 1 "ed /ana flo5e"1 )y4"u2 and lem3u ai" flo5e" . the "e2ult of thi2 4"o7e22 7an 3e a44lied to 2o7iety and u2ed fo" fe"tili<e" in a"den. *he"e a"e 2ome ad8anta e2 otten f"om 4"o7e22in "u33i2h 1 a2 follo52 : %e7"ea2in the num3e" of "u33i2h 0m4o5e"in the 4eo4le in 2o7iety (4enin ne5 ;o3 field *he"e i2 no 3ad effe7t fo" 4lant and human Ma/in the land no ma ot and 5o"m Ma/in the land fe"tile fo" the futu"e. e2tion f"om M".Riyadi :

*he"e a"e 2ome 2u

Be 7an ma/e 7om4o2t f"om hou2ehold "u33i2h. Fi"2t 1 8e eta3le2 i2 7ut 2malle". Se7ond1 ente" it into 4ail then 7lo2e it. *hi"d 1 add it 5ith C / of yea2t. Fou"th 1 7lo2e it fo" 20 day2. Finally it 7an 3e u2ed fo" fe"tili<e".

O-ini n . *hi2 a7ti8itie2 i2 8e"y u2eful fo" u2 e24e7ially fo" 4eo4le in Batu. Be7au2e the num3e" of "u33i2h 7an 3e de7"ea2ed and 2o do the num3e" of 4ollution. Mo"e o8e" the 27ale of thi2 F+!&' R,BB+S- .(S* i2 national 27ale. +f thi2 F+!&' R,BB+S- .(S* i2 mo"e de8elo4ed it 5ill i8e mo"e 7ont"i3ution fo" 5hole en8i"onment e24e7ially and the 2tate too. Fina! R'//i$" P $t MaLe0en& . 1. Se4a"ation 4la7e 2. .la7e fo" hullin 3. .la7e fo" hea4in 4. .la7e fo" 2ie8in #. *oilet 6. (ffi7e 7. .la7e fo" ino" ani7 "u33i2h that "eady to 3e 2old a ain >. )ell 9. &BR 4ond 10. Fa7ultati8e 4ond 11. Matu"ation 4ond 12. Bet land 4ond

Filte"in 4"o7e22


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