Thesun 2009-10-12 Page02 Ec Expected Bigger Turnout Says Chairman

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2 theSun | MONDAY OCTOBER 12 2009

news without borders

EC expected bigger turnout, says chairman

PORT DICKSON: The Bagan Pinang
by-election saw a 81.65% voter turnout
be made a regulation so that voters
would feel at ease and not feel threat-
will come out to cast their votes,” he
told reporters after attending a brief-
during the general election.
“I’ve learnt a lot from the numerous
because the existing regulations were
not stringent enough which resulted in
when polling closed at 5pm. A total of ened when going to the polling centre. ing at the Port Dickson district police by-elections ... the question of poor traf- the emergence of the illegal stalls.
11,170 of the 13,664 registered voters “There should not be any brawls headquarters yesterday. fic control, hawkers who set up their Muhyiddin said there was still ten-
cast their ballots. because it is not a quarrel between Muhyiddin said the time had come stalls without obtaining the necessary sion because large crowds gathered
The percentage was a slight increase the supporters. What is important is for discussions to be held among the licence ... such instances show that they at certain spots although the EC had
from the voter turnout during the gen- the voters. The voting process will be government, local authorities and the completely ignore the law,” he said. previously banned the setting up of
eral election last year when 81.75% cast smoother and probably more people EC to ensure that the law was upheld He said such weaknesses could be “canvassing booths”.
their votes. He also observed, during his rounds
“I am a little disappointed with the at the polling centres with Inspector-
turnout as I had expected a 90% turnout General of Police Tan Sri Musa Hassan,
since it is a Sunday,” Election Commis- several incidents involving PAS and
sion chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Umno supporters.
Yusof told Bernama. “I observed there were tense situa-
He said the EC would conduct an tions at two or three places. There were
analysis to find out why there was no also incidents of stone throwing and so on
increase in the percentage of voters. to the extent that policemen were slightly
“We want to find out whether it injured but they were not very serious.
was due to the weather – because it “Like I’ve said, they probably feel the
only rained for a while in the morning pressure and have received the signal
and (there was) sporadic rain in the that they will not get the support and
afternoon – or was it because of the suffer a major defeat. So, they resort to
supporters who had disrupted traffic this tactic. If possible, the voters will not
by making a lot of noise?” go out and they fear that the percent-
Abdul Aziz said setting the polling age of votes will drop,” he said.
date on a rest day had failed to attract However, he gave an assurance the
more voters but instead had attracted a situation was under control as the brawls
lot of party supporters from outside. had not only occurred in Bagan Pinang
He said that despite traffic interrup- but also at several past by-elections.
tions from supporters, police were able Musa said police had detained two
to control the flow of vehicles while men for being involved in a brawl and
polling was in progress. stone-throwing incident in Teluk Ke-
Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhy- mang. “I can’t disclose which political
iddin Yassin suggested that polling day party they are supporting because the
in the next general election be turned incidents are still being investigated,
into a “day of calmness”. the stone-throwing had also injured our
He said the “day of calmness” would policemen,” he said. – Bernama
Cops nab BN, PAS supporters
congestion PORT DICKSON: Police arrested Ladang Siliau.
on Jalan more than a dozen of Barisan Na- Quick action by police prevented
Teluk sional and PAS supporters following a fight as the supporters were getting
Kemang- scuffles at polling centres in Bagan ready to exchange blows.
Port Pinang. The voters in Bagan Pinang began
Dickson. Negri Sembilan police chief streaming into polling centres as early
Datuk Osman Salleh confirmed that as 8am and the shouting matches be-
supporters from both parties were tween BN and PAS supporters started
detained after a fracas outside SK after 10am when huge number of
Teluk Kemang. supporters began gathering at Teluk
Police He said a policeman was injured Kemang.
defuse when a stone hit him as he was trying The supporters jeered at passing
a tense to stop a fight between two groups of cars which bore the flags of the op-
situation supporters. position parties.
involving Osman said additional police A constant stream of abusive words
PAS and personnel were deployed at various was hurled at each another and traffic
Umno areas along Teluk Kemang to prevent came to a standstill on Jalan Teluk
supporters. untoward incidents and a police Kemang-Port Dickson after “human
helicopter was used to monitor the traffic” spilled on to the roads.
situation. The traffic jam extended to the Port
Earlier, there was a scuffle be- Dickson Highway exit as a result.
tween MIC Youth members and Parti The shouting match continued
Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) supporters at way past 2pm.

Isa: 1Malaysia concept has

gone down well people
» From Front Page “The support from the
Indians and Chinese is very
Bagan Pinang voted Tan Sri Isa. encouraging and it is evident
Our efforts have not gone in they support the BN now.”
vain. Isa said he did not expect
“It’s also good to know that BN to win by such a huge
the Indian and Chinese voters majority.
have supported BN.” PAS’s Bagan Pinang cam-
Isa, a five-term Linggi assem- paign director, Salahuddin
blyman and one-term Jempol MP, Ayob, said the party will study
attributed his win to the success the outcome of the by-election
of the 1Malaysia concept pro- as soon as possible.
moted by Prime Minister Datuk Umno vice-president Datuk
Seri Najib Abdul Razak. Seri Hishammuddin Hussein
Flashing the “one” sign, he
said: “I am grateful that the
said among the factors that
contributed to BN’s win were
the personality and leadership
Voter’s pet attracts attention
people voted me in. I believe
the 1Malaysia concept has of the former Negri Sembilan PORT DICKSON: Neo Chin Teck may at a friend’s fruit stall nearby, bleeding
gone down well with the people mentri besar which endeared be just an ordinary voter in the Bagan from dog bites, and he has been my pet
in Bagan Pinang.” him to the constituents. Pinang by-election but his arrival at since,” he told Bernama.
He said he also owed his Hishammuddin, who is also the polling centre at SK Telok Kemang Bobby’s presence and antics also
victory to the good work done home minister, said the win also yesterday captured the attention of the attracted the attention of the Election
by the BN machinery, and proved that the voters in the voters. Commission chairman Tan Sri Abdul Aziz
the support of the Indian and area did not forget the services This was because he was accompa- Mohd Yusof (pix), who posed with the
Chinese voters, who make up and contributions of Mohd Isa, nied by “Bobby”, a baby monkey clad in monkey for photographs.
more than 30% of the elector- who is also the Teluk Kemang a diaper. Neo was told to leave his monkey
ate in the constituency. Umno division chief. “Bobby has been under my care for outside the hall before he was allowed
about three months now. I first saw him to cast his vote. – Bernama

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