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College of Engineering and Computer Science Mechanical Engineering Department

Mechanical Engineering 692 Computational Fluid Dynamics

Spring 2010 Number: 17535 Instructor: Larry Caretto

First Computer Exercise

This exercise is inten e to intro uce stu ents !ho ha"e ne"er use #$uent to the co e% The exercise &o$$o!s the #$uent intro uction tutoria$' !hich has many steps% Stu ents !ho ha"e use &$uent in the past shou$ be ab$e to &inish most o& the steps% I& you ha"e ne"er use #$uent be&ore an o not ha"e strong computer s(i$$s' you may not be ab$e to comp$ete many steps% I& you o not comp$ete the entire tutoria$' you can continue to !or( on it outsi e o& c$ass% The instructions be$o! are inten e to augment the instructions in the tutoria$' !hich are much more extensi"e than the items mentione be$o!% These instructions assume that you are !or(ing &rom a computer in the c$assroom on the )echanica$ *ngineering computer $abs in +, 111-.111/% In the instructions be$o!' items sho!n in bold represent items that !ere copie "erbatim &rom the screen% The instruction to 0se$ect More Documentation &rom the Help menu1 means that there is a menu $abe$e 02e$p1 an you shou$ se$ect the menu item 0)ore ,ocumentation%%%1%

Start the #$uent co e by c$ic(ing on the Fluent 6.3. 6 icon on your es(top% Se$ect the 3d "ersion% Lea"e the Mode se$ection as Full Simulation an c$ic( !un% The co e continues to $oa ' e"en a&ter the #$uent screen sho!s Done3 it is &u$$y $oa e !hen you see the comman prompt 4"5% 6&ter you see the comman prompt' se$ect More Documentation &rom the Help menu% 7n the resu$ting bro!ser screen se$ect #utorial $uide &rom the 2T)L menu% Then c$ic( the &irst tutoria$' Introduction to %sing #L8*NT& Fluid flo' and Heat #ransfer in a Mi(ing Elbo' % C$ic( Introduction on the resu$ting screen% 9ou are no! rea y to procee % Set the "ertica$ height o& your bro!ser to the maximum height &or the screen% :ea the initia$ screens on Introduction' )rere*uisites' an )roblem Description% Note that you can mo"e among screens by c$ic(ing the ;re"ious or Next boxes at the top or bottom o& the text% 9ou can s(ip the preparation screen3 the tutoria$ has a$rea y been insta$$e on the c$assroom computer% 7nce you get to the page that is hea e Step +& $rid' &o$$o! the irections &or each step care&u$$y% #or the &irst comman 4File , !ead , Case5 your Select &i$e box !i$$ be pointe at M- Computer% 8se the &o$$o!ing path: M- Computer , .ocal Dis/ 0C&1 , Fluent.Inc , fluent6.3. 6 , help , tutfiles , introduction to get to the Se$ect #i$e picture sho!n in the notes% 9ou can then comp$ete the instructions o& se$ecting the elbo'.msh &i$e% Note that some bro!ser pages are <uite $ong an you !i$$ ha"e to use the s$i er bar to mo"e to $o!er regions o& the page so that you can comp$ete "ie!ing a gi"en page% 46 goo ru$e to &o$$o! is to a$!ays !ait unti$ you see the Next box at the bottom o& the page be&ore mo"ing to the next page%5 +acaran a 4*ngineering5 3333 *>mai$: $caretto?csun%e u )ai$ Co e /2@5 ;hone: /1/%-77%-==/ #ax: /1/%-77%21=0

9ou shou$ try to &o$$o! a$$ the instructions' inc$u ing the ones hea e E(tra&' because these !i$$ he$p you $earn &eatures o& #$uent that !i$$ be use&u$ to you in &uture app$ications e"en i& they are not necessary &or the particu$ar tutoria$% 6s you go through the steps you !i$$ ha"e many <uestions about the meaning o& "arious options that you are as(e to se$ect% #or the time being' Aust &o$$o! the instructions3 !e !i$$ be co"ering the meaning o& the "arious options $ater in the course% The remaining instructions &or step 1' a$$ the instructions &or steps 2' 3' an =' an the initia$ instructions &or Step 2& Solution shou$ be se$&>exp$anatory% I& you ha"e any <uestions be&ore the File , 3rite , Case comman 4step number = on the screen hea e Step 2& Solution5 p$ease &ee$ &ree to as( the instructor or your neighbor% 6t this point you shou$ create a &o$ er on one o& the net!or( ri"es 48: or B:5 to store your !or(% 49ou cou$ a$so use an existing &o$ er on a net!or( ri"e%5 I& you try to sa"e your &i$e in the &o$ er &rom !hich you rea the case &i$e you !i$$ get a "io$ation error% 9ou cou$ sa"e your !or( on the C: ri"e o& your computer' but &i$es sa"e on the C: ri"e may be e$ete uring computer maintenance% Continue as much as you can uring the c$ass% 9ou can comp$ete the !or( outsi e o& c$ass in the ,epartment Computer Laboratories in +, 111-.111/ or the Co$$ege Common Computer Laboratory in +, 1-22%

9ou rea the #$uent 8serCs manua$ on $ine% Se$ect %ser4s $uide Contents or %ser4s $uide Inde( &rom the Help menu% The &irst choice gi"es you a hyper$in(e $ist o& chapters3 the secon gi"es you an in ex o& topics !ith $in(s to i&&erent page numbers in the manua$%

+acaran a 4*ngineering5 3333 *>mai$: $caretto?csun%e u

)ai$ Co e /2@5

;hone: /1/%-77%-==/ #ax: /1/%-77%21=0

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