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College of Arts and Letters Bulacan State University City of Malolos, Bulacan

OJT NARRATI ! R!"ORT (For Television)

I, Lady Lee, a broadcasting student from BAMC- C, !ad com"leted a total of #ne $undred Fifty (%&') !ours of office "racticum (it! Tec#nical O$erations %ivision& 'il( Arc#ives in AB)-CB*, +ue,on City from A"ril '-, .'%. to May '/, .'%.0 #n t!e first day of my interns!i", I felt so nervous to commit mista1es because I (as a ne(bie at t!at time and I also felt afraid mostly (!en I (as !aving a conversation (it! t!e su"eriors0 But in t!at moment I reali,ed, I need to "rove t!at I am firm, fle2ible and versatile in any 1ind of circumstances0 And I often s!o(ed t!em my best to ma1e t!em ama,ed0 3uring my training days, I often "racticed myself to (a1e-u" early in t!e morning 4ust to be on-time and until no( I am so "roud to myself because I maintain it0 And in line (it! t!is, I al(ays did accom"lis! t!e activities of Film Arc!ives very (ell5 I did "a"er (or1s and com"ilation of films5 I also e2"erienced to ans(er "!one calls, transcribe and re(ind ta"es5 And lastly, I (ould li1e to mention t!e most unforgetable and most tiring activities ,(!ic! !a""ened inside t!e big 6ault of Film Arc!ives, suc! as getting, returning and arranging of ta"es7 films, researc!ing and encoding Filmogra"!ic details, "revie(ing of Fili"ino movies for assessment, monitoring of tem"erature and !umidity at t!e arc!ives vault and ot!er office related activities0 T!en, at t!e end of t!e day, I (ill give myself enoug! time to rest to get ready for t!e ne2t tiring day0 8rueling yet en4oyable0 9n4oyable because I 1ne( t!ese are t!e (or1s t!at I may attain in t!e near future0 And I !o"e it may come true0 As time (ent by, I learned to value intimacy and close-1nit relations!i" toget!er (it! my co-trainees and su"eriors0 I learned "rinci"les of arc!iving0 I learned to !andle my res"onsibilities as (ell as my accountability to t!e station0 I also observed "ro"er time management and act (it! s"eed and urgency0 I (ill not forget t!is interns!i" mostly t!e last day, (!ic! is May '/, .'%.0 :es, it (as t!e day I end my inters!i", but t!at day (as t!e day I totally develo"ed my "ersonality and ca"abilities0

College of Arts and Letters Bulacan State University City of Malolos, Bulacan

OJT NARRATI ! R!"ORT (For ;adio)

I, Lady Lee, a broadcasting student from BAMC- C, !ad com"leted a total of #ne $undred Fifty (%&') !ours of "roduction interns!i" (it! Manila Radio %ivision& %)MM Teleradyo in AB)-CB*, +ue,on City from <une ' , .'%. to )e"tember %&, .'%.0 #n t!e first day of my training, I immediately !ad fun (it! t!e staffs because of t!eir gleeful and !abitual 4o1er "ersonality0 In line (it! t!is, I monitored and observed t!e boot! first0 I also familiari,ed myself (it! t!eir organi,ational "rocedures and tec!ni=ues0 I al(ays s!o(ed my self-confidence (!enever I did an activity eac! day0 I also (or1ed not 4ust only to finis!ed t!e activity, but I (or1ed (it! interest in t!e "rogram0 3uring my interns!i", I disci"lined myself and "racticed to (a1e-u" early in t!e morning 4ust to be on-time and until no( I am so "roud to myself because I maintain it0 And in t!at time, I al(ays broug!t bundles of maturity and energy to face different circumstances I often encountered (!enever I (as on my duty0 In line (it! t!is, I en4oyed staying inside t!e boot! of 3>MM Teleradyo because I could see t!e actual tec!nical o"erations done along (it! t!e 3isc <oc1eys and Announcers0 I (as "lacing an Art Cart on t!e screen for t!e recognition7 familiari,ation of re"orters, announcers, visitors and intervie(ees to t!e listeners and vie(ers (since it?s multicasting)0 I also c!ec1ed and monitored t!e se=uences of eac! "rograms and commercial ga"s0 I also e2"erienced (or1s suc! as revie(ing of T#A?C3s, researc!ing or gat!ering information for t!e ne(s and ma1ing slides!o(s to be aired, "lacing of bum"er on t!e screen and any related activities done inside t!e 3>MM Teleradyo0 I absorbed and follo(ed instructions easily0 I (as o"ened to learn ne( conce"ts and ideas0 And during my training, I also !el"ed ot!er trainees to get on t!e 4ob0 I (ould say t!at I en4oyed my interns!i" !ere0 I learned many t!ings, ne( ideas, ne( abilities and so on0 I learned to (or1 under deadline, develo"ed my ability to (or1 (it! ot!ers0 Increasingly, my talents and "ersonality develo"ed to a better one0 I (ill not forget t!is interns!i" mostly t!e last day, (!ic! is )e"tember %&, .'%.0 :es, it (as t!e day I end my inters!i", but t!at day (as t!e day I totally develo"ed my "ersonality and ca"abilities0

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