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Chemical Industry in U.S.


Chemical Industry
The chemical industry is a central part of modern business and manufacturing. It produces a massive range of different substances that are used in almost all fields, from commercial sales to medicineS. Chemical companies use raw materials such as oil, water, metals, and natural gases to produce thousands of different chemicals that are used all across the globe. Rubber and plastic make up a huge part of the chemical industry, which actually consumes a significant part of its own output. There are many different processes and technologies involved in the chemical industry, as companies must take many steps to convert raw materials into usable chemicals. They often must process and refine the raw materials to get them into a pure form. Great precision is needed if even a small amount of the material is not entirely pure, the final product could be ruined. !easurement, then, is an e"traordinarily important aspect of the industry. #inally, different substances and materials are usually put through chemical reactions that yield the desired end results.

The U.S. Chemical Industry

The chemicals industry is one of the $nited States% largest manufacturing industries, serving both a si&able domestic market and an e"panding global market. It is also one of the top e"porting sectors of $.S. manufacturing. 'ccounting for () percent of global chemical shipments, the $nited States is a world leader in chemicals production and e"ports. The industry%s more than *,+++ firms produce more than ,+,+++ products.

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Korn Ferry Solutions Page

Federal Resources Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) Advanced Manufacturing Office (AMO), Department of Energy

Top Four Chemical Companies of 2013 Company Description

Procter & Gamble 67G slipped one spot in the 1+(2 I8 $S )++ ranking, from 9o. (( to 9o. (1, even as its revenue Co.

rose (.:; for the 1+(1 fiscal year. The consumer product giant attributed the modest sales gain largely to price increases across all of its segments <beauty care, grooming, health care, fabric care and home care, baby care and family care. 67G divested its snacks business to 5ellogg in the fourth =uarter. >ow Chemical slid three slots in the I8 $S )++, from 9o. 11 to 9o. 1), and its revenue dipped ).2; in 1+(1, from ?)@.@ billion to ?)A.* billion. >ow 00 the second0largest manufacturer of chemicals worldwide behind B'S# of Germany 00 said revenue was down for all of its operating segments e"cept agricultural an science, which was up (2; and that sales were off in all geographic areas, led by 8estern Curope, which was down :;. >u 6ont fell two rungs down the ladder, from 9o. 2A to 9o. 2*. The companyDs revenue plunged *.@; in 1+(1. CCE Cllen 5ullman acknowledged weakness in the chemical market and said >u 6ont had adFusted its plans to meet the changing market environment and grow its business in Ga slow0 growth world economy.G

Dow Chemical Co.

Du Pont & Co.

3M Co.

2! held steady in the I8 $S )++ ranking at 9o. ::. Its revenue inched up (.+;. 't the same time, 2! was able to grow net income by more than 1;, thanks in large part to a reduction in its percentage of sales devoted to cost of good sold.

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