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Systems, Operations, Performance and Team Management Assessment Number: One Individually Written Report: 40% of the overall

module grade Word count 3000 words maximum Learning Outcomes Covered: 1,2

Assignment Brief

Introduction This assignment is the first part of three components that assesses the overall module. It is an individually written report that consists of 3,000 words (10 % +/-). This word count excludes any attached appendices, title page and table of contents. Your report should ideally display an excellent level of analytical and evaluative skills as well a reflection of theory and its contextualisation to the intended scenario. The use of appropriate theories, models and concepts to analyse and evaluate the given scenarios is needed in order to provide a proper and sustainable answer. In order to further complete this report in a successful manner, you are advised to use an organisation of your choice (one that you are currently employed in, a previous work place or one that you can obtain relevant information with ease). Your report will consist of a certain amount of secondary research and a significant amount of primary research to support your answer. Any supporting documents that you choose to use to reinforce your answer, need to be attached at the end of the report as appendices, in order to equip the examiner with the required background knowledge on the information you have provided within the report. It is essential that all theories, concepts, models and industry examples are appropriately referenced using the Harvard System style in the bibliography. You are advised to cite only those that you have used within your answer. Finally, you are advice to pay attention to the wording in which the tasks have been presented to you, to ensure that you understand and address the requirement as a whole with minimal misinterpretations.

As the Operations Manager of an organisation of your choice, you have been requested to produce a report that encompasses the following aspects.

Tasks 1. Undertake a critical evaluation of the effectiveness of the current Operations Management framework and the current Quality Management approach, in relation to the organisations overall business strategy; (Learning Outcomes covered L5: 1,2 - L4: 1,3,5,10 2. Provide recommendations to overcome the identified weaknesses found within the organisation, with the view of improving its overall performance as well as the management issues that may arise when implementing these recommendations. Further explain how these issues can be managed. (Learning Outcomes covered L5: 1,2 - L4: 3,5,10

Systems, Operations, Performance and Team Management Assessment Number: Two Individually Written Report: 40% of the overall module grade Word count 3000 words maximum Learning Outcomes Covered: 3,5,6,7,8,9 Assignment Brief

Introduction This assignment is the second part of three components that assesses the overall module. It is an individually written report that consists of 3,000 words (10 % +/-). This word count excludes any attached appendices, title page and table of contents. Your report should ideally display an excellent level of analytical and evaluative skills as well a reflection of theory and its contextualisation to the intended scenario. The use of appropriate theories, models and concepts to analyse and evaluate the given scenarios is needed in order to provide a proper and sustainable answer. In order to further complete this report in a successful manner, you are advised to use an organisation of your choice (one that you are currently employed in, a previous work place or one that you can obtain relevant information with ease). Your report will consist of a certain amount of secondary research and a significant amount of primary research to support your answer. Any supporting documents that you choose to use to reinforce your answer, need to be attached at the end of the report as appendices, in order to equip the examiner with the required background knowledge on the information you have provided within the report. It is essential that all theories, concepts, models and industry examples are appropriately referenced using the Harvard System style in the bibliography. You are advised to cite only those that you have used within your answer. Finally, you are advise to pay attention to the wording in which the tasks have been presented to you, to ensure that you understand and address the requirement as a whole with minimal misinterpretations,.

As the HR Manager of an organisation of your choice, you have been asked to develop to a report that addresses the following aspects.

Tasks 1. Taking into consideration the HR functions followed by the organisation, critically evaluate the People Management Principles, Leadership approaches, the organisational culture and group behavior within the organisation. (Learning Outcomes covered L5: 1,3,5,6,7,8,9 - L4:1,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10)

2. Highlight the human resources related issues found within the organisation and make recommendations on how the People Management Principles can be adapted in order to overcome these weaknesses and enhance employee performance. (Learning Outcomes covered L5: 3,4,7 - L4:1,2,3,5,6,7,8,10)

3. Highlight the weaknesses in the organisational leadership approach in terms of supporting a team environment within the organisation whilst identifying feasible leadership approaches and management practices that can be incorporated in order facilitate a more conducive environment for group dynamics and inter-personal relationships. (Learning Outcomes covered L5: 6,7,8,9 - L4:1, 2,3,4,6,7,8,9,10)

Systems, Operations, Performance and Team Management Assessment Number: Three Group Presentation: 20% of the overall module grade Learning Outcomes Covered: 2,4,5,6,7,8,9 Presentation with handouts: maximum 20 slides and speakers notes Assignment Brief

Introduction This is the third and final component that assesses the overall module. The presentation should address the tasks mentioned and you should ensure that they demonstrate that they have achieved the outcomes stated. You should prepare a supporting handout in which you summarise the key points of their presentation; you should also present the presentation slides and accompanying speaker notes when submitting this assignment. You are advised to develop the slides in professional manner. Ideally, you should refrain from including a large amount of information within a slide. You are advised to maximise the use of visual data on slides. You can use the slides to present important information in point form and use the speaker notes to provide comprehensive information. You should maintain consistency between what you present and what is contained within the handouts when presenting information during assessment, Marks will be awarded for the format of the presentation along with the information contained within. Ensure that the speaker notes complement the slides as well as make sense without the visual aid of the slides when presented alone.

You are required to select an organisation of your choice and prepare a presentation that includes the following aspects

Tasks 1. Define and explain the Soft Systems Methodology approach, list its strengths and weaknesses and explain how it can be used to solve issues that can crop up within an organisation (Learning Outcomes covered L5: 4 - L4: 1,5,10) 2. Define performance management and explain its importance for an organisation, appraisal systems, reward and remuneration and training and development in terms of how it can improve the overall organisational performance. (Learning Outcomes covered L5: 1,2 - L4:1:2,5,6,7,8,9,10)

3. Explain the importance of Team Management within an organisation by explaining the importance of group dynamics within an organisation, how organisations can improve interpersonal relationships and identify an accepted leadership approach that is conducive to group behavior within the organisation (Learning Outcomes covered L5: 5,6,8.9 - L4: 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)

Systems, Operations, Performance and Team Management

Assessment Criteria for Both Assessments % Criteria


Has presented an answer with an outstanding result with a minimal number of errors Reflects an excellent level of knowledge and understanding of related models, theories and frameworks. Analytical techniques used are of high standards that display the required breadth and depth. Ability to apply models, theories and frameworks to interrelate and contextualise findings is of high standards. The analysis and interpretation of research related data, as well as the ability to use the data to reach acceptable and accurate conclusions is outstanding. Answers reflect independent thought and clarity with an overall focused and evaluative answer Has followed appropriate Harvard referencing in the bibliography.


The answer reflects an above average standard with errors. Reflects a good level of knowledge and understanding of related models, theories and frameworks. The use of analytical techniques is evident throughout the answer in a manner that reflects a very good level. Ability to apply models, theories and frameworks to interrelate and contextualise findings is of a good standard, however, is quite broad in certain instances. The analysis and interpretation of research related data, as well as the ability to use the data to reach acceptable and accurate conclusions is of a good standard. Answers reflect independent thought and clarity with an overall focused and evaluative answer. Nevertheless, does not reflect consistency at all levels. Has followed appropriate Harvard referencing in the bibliography.


The answer reflects an above average standard with errors. Reflects a general level of sound knowledge and understanding of related models, theories and frameworks, though with notable errors. The use of analytical techniques is evident throughout the answer in a manner that reflects a very good level. Ability to apply models, theories and frameworks to interrelate and contextualise findings is of a reasonable level, however, the link between theory and practice projected through the presentation of findings has been restricted.

Reflects more assumptions rather than valid arguments based on analysis of research data. However, has displayed sound interpretative and evaluative abilities. Answers reflect independent thought and clarity with an overall focused and evaluative answer. Nevertheless, does not reflect consistency at all levels. Relatively appropriate Harvard referencing is evident in the bibliography.


Displays several shortcomings throughout the answer. Reflects a limited level of knowledge and understanding of related models, theories and frameworks. The use of analytical techniques is also limited. The degree of accuracy and research abilities are somewhat limited and the interpretation and the application of findings reflect a superficial characteristic. A certain level of appropriateness is evident in Harvard referencing in the bibliography.


Answer reflected is weak and lacks proper focus. Reflects a high level of poor grammar and spelling errors. Understanding of subject knowledge, related models, theories and frameworks is poor. Contextualisation, interpretation, and evaluation are of poor standard. The degree of accuracy and research abilities are somewhat limited and the interpretation and the application of findings reflect a superficial characteristic. Reflects basic level of Harvard referencing in the bibliography.


Requires more work on overall answering skills. Very little evidence of appropriate subject knowledge has been reflected. The evidence of the use of appropriate models, theories and frameworks is quite poor. The analytical skills and contextualisation is almost non-existent. Answer produced has little relevance to the assignment briefs. The overall output is well below the required standard.


Considerable amount of work is needed as the overall answer it quite weak and unacceptable.

Link of the requirements to the learning outcomes

Requirement Component One Critically evaluate the following; o o effectiveness of the organisations current operations management framework Quality Management Approaches

Learning Outcome Level 5 1. Assess the role of systems and operations management in an organisation and its integration within the business. 2. Examine the main issues involved in quality management and business excellence

Learning Outcome Level 4 Personnel Management and Personal development 1. Identify and use appropriate techniques for effective written and oral presentation. 3. Obtain and manage data from a variety of sources, using appropriate technology and software packages. 5. Understand and critically evaluate the underlying principles and concepts of the nature of organisation. 10. Use simple psychometric and related instruments for self -analysis and learning tools for goal-setting, problem-solving and personal reflective practice within a framework for personal and career development.

Recommendations on how the identified weaknesses can be overcome to improve the organisations overall performance. Recommendations should be backed by sound justifications. Candidates are then required to analyse the management issues that may arise when implementing these recommendations. Candidates should also provide explanations on how these issues can be managed. 3. Analyse the people and management issues in organisations 5. Evaluate the main ideas and principles governing inter-personal relationships

Component Two Candidates are required to critically evaluate the HR related functions given below in relation to the chosen organisation ; People Management Principles Leadership approaches Organisational culture and group behaviour

1. Identify and use appropriate techniques for effective written and oral presentation. 2. Explore a range of theories developed to aid the understanding of learning and human behaviour, reflecting on their learning experiences and career development. 3. Obtain and manage data from a variety of

6. Understand and apply the principles of group dynamics, behaviour and facilitation in diverse group and team based contexts

Task One Candidates are required to highlight the human resources related issues found within the organisation. Candidates should make recommendations on how the People Management Principles can be adapted in order to overcome the identified weaknesses and enhance employee performance. Task Two Candidates are required to highlight the weaknesses in the organisational leadership approach in supporting a team environment within the organisation. Candidates should identify feasible leadership approaches and management practices that can be incorporated in order to facilitate a more conducive environment for group dynamics and inter-personal relationships.

7. Apply organisational behaviour and learning theory to the business context 8. Critically analyse the factors influencing individual behaviour in teams 9. Demonstrate effective management practice and behavioural skills in a team environment to generate personal and organisational performance.

sources, using appropriate technology and software packages. 4. Explore the advantages and disadvantages of group working, using appropriate strategies to manage the process. 5. Understand and critically evaluate the underlying principles and concepts of the nature of organisation. 6. Understand and appreciate the contribution of managing people effectively. 7. Explore and reflect on a range of theories developed to aid the understanding of learning and human behaviour. 8. Examine the application of theories in real world organisational settings. 9. Apply a range of theories and concepts on organisational design, structure and management in the analysis of managing employees with specific reference to leadership, power, motivation and teamwork. 10. Use simple psychometric and related instruments for self analysis and learning tools for goalsetting, problemsolving and personal reflective practice within a framework for personal and career development.

Component Three The presentation should include a brief explanation on SSM, its general uses, as well as its strengths and weaknesses. It should further identify and explain an Operational issue identified in component one. Candidates should then use the 7-stage approach of SSM to provide recommendations on how to overcome the identified obstacles. Recommendations should be backed by sound justifications.

1. Assess the role of systems and operations management in an organisation and its integration within the business. 2. Examine the main issues involved in quality management and business excellence 4. Evaluate the role of Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) in analysing and defining business requirements 5. Evaluate the main ideas and principles governing inter-personal relationships

1. Identify and use appropriate techniques for effective written and oral presentation. 2. Explore a range of theories developed to aid the understanding of learning and human behaviour, reflecting on their learning experiences and career development. 4. Explore the advantages and disadvantages of group working, using appropriate strategies to manage the process. 5. Understand and critically evaluate the underlying principles and concepts of the nature of organisation. 6. Understand and appreciate the contribution of managing people effectively. 7. Explore and reflect on a range of theories developed to aid the understanding of learning and human behaviour. 8. Examine the application of theories in real world organisational settings 9. Apply a range of theories and concepts on organisational design, structure and management in the analysis of managing employees with specific reference to leadership, power, motivation and teamwork. 10. Use simple psychometric and related

6. Understand and apply the principles of group dynamics, behaviour and facilitation in diverse group and team based contexts 7. Apply organisational behaviour and learning theory to the business context 8. Critically analyse the factors influencing individual behaviour in teams 9. Demonstrate effective management practice and behavioural skills in a team environment to generate personal and organisational performance.

instruments for self analysis and learning tools for goalsetting, problemsolving and personal reflective practice within a framework for personal and career development.

Systems, Operations, Performance and Team Management

Student Name: Student Number:

Assignment One: Written Assignment

Work is assessed according to the assessment criteria
Task Candidates should first identify the organisations overall business strategy Candidates should then analyse the effectiveness of the Operations Management framework in terms of its strengths and weaknesses. Candidates should make adequate affiliation of these aspects to the identified business strategy. The operations framework can be discussed in terms of: The input-process-output models; 4Vs typology; Business process mapping; etc Candidates should then identify and explain the advantages and disadvantages of the Quality Management approach followed by the organisation. Candidates should make adequate affiliation of these aspects to the identified business strategy. The Quality Management approach can be discussed in terms of concepts such as the eight principles of quality management etc. Candidates are then required to make recommendations on how the weaknesses identified can be overcome. It is imperative that candidates use the analysis conducted above to identify the weaknesses. Recommendations should be made in terms of improved operations processes and systems and should not be generic explanations in nature. Candidates are required identify management issues that can arise when implementing the recommendations made above. Furthermore, candidates should explain how these issues can be managed. Structure and presentation of work including use of Harvard referencing Comment Marks allocated 03 10 Marks Received





Total Overall comments:


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First Marker:

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Agreed Mark:

Assignment Two: Written Assignment Work is assessed according to the assessment criteria Task Task One Candidates should first identify and briefly explain the strengths and weaknesses of the people management principles followed by the organisations. This can be determined through HR activities such as: Motivation; Reward and remuneration; Training and development; etc Candidates are then required to identify the current leadership approach followed by the organisation and identify and explain its strengths and weaknesses. Candidates can then identify and explain the organisational culture and group behaviour in terms of their strengths and weaknesses. Candidates should explain if the environment is conducive for group/team dynamics or more towards an individualistic orientation. Task Two Candidates are required to use the weaknesses found in task one to identify and explain the human resources issues within the organisation. Candidates should then make recommendations on how the people management principles need to be changed or adapted to overcome them. It is important that candidates explain how these recommendations would enhance employee performance. Recommendations should not be generic in nature. Task Three Candidates are required to use the weaknesses found in the task one to identify and explain how the organisations leadership approach falls short of creating an environment conducive to group behaviour and dynamics. Candidates should then make recommendations on how the leadership approaches followed by the organisation needs to be changed or adapted to overcome them. It is important that candidates explain how these recommendations would enhance Comment Marks allocated 03 Marks Received







group behaviour and team dynamics. Recommendations should not be generic in nature. Structure and presentation of work including use of Harvard referencing Total Overall comments: 04 40

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First Marker:

Second Marker:

Agreed Mark: %

Assignment Three: Group Presentation Work is assessed according to the assessment criteria Task Candidates are required to reflect a collaborative effort by all members of the group. Candidates are first required to provide a brief explanation on SSM in terms of what it can be used for and a generic description on how it can be incorporated within an organisation. Candidates are then required to list down its conceptual advantages and disadvantages. E.g. having a hypothetical basis could prove to be impractical in real world implementation. This can be a disadvantage of following the SSM approach Candidates can then explain how the SSM approach can be used to solve issues within organisations. Candidates can incorporate the 7 stage approach of the SSM to explain the intended scenario. Entering the problem situation. Expressing the problem situation. Formulating root definitions of relevant systems. Building Conceptual Models of Human Activity Systems. Comparing the models with the real world. Defining changes that are desirable and feasible. Taking action to improve the real world situation. The use of SSM should incorporate elements such as root definitions, CATWOE analysis, conceptual models of human activity systems etc. Candidates are then required to explain about performance management. This includes: Definition and explanation on how important performance management is for an organisation Appraisal Systems Reward and remuneration Training and Development Candidates are required to emphasise how these factors would result in overall organisational performance in a positive manner. For instance, proper appraisals and rewards systems in place can motivate employees to perform better on the job. 03 Comment Marks allocated Marks Received




When elaborating on Team Management, candidates are required to emphasize the following aspects: The importance of group dynamics within an organisation. Candidates can focus on facts such as how group dynamics can be used as means to involve employees in decision making etc. How organisations can improve interpersonal relationships. Candidates can use elements such as two-way communication etc. to emphasise this aspect identify an accepted leadership approach that is conducive to group behaviour within the organisation. Candidates should provide adequate justifications to sustain their decision on choosing any particular leadership approach.




Candidates are required to follow a professional format of presentation, structure and language Total Overall comments:

02 20

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First Marker:

Second Marker:

Agreed Mark:

Overall total:

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