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2 theSun | TUESDAY OCTOBER 13 2009

news without borders

Tougher for those who give up citizenship to reapply

by Husna Yusop situations beyond their expectation, it was not is also an Umno vice president, said it was a the context of party. If BN members were also easy to come back.” worrisome development. involved, they must face the law and be respon-
According to a wire report on Sunday, hun- “Normally, such a situation would only arise sible for their actions,” he said.
PUTRAJAYA: Malaysians who tore up their pass- dreds of Malaysians who tore up their passports when Barisan Nasional were facing (Parti) Keadi- Commenting on the latest development in
ports in the desire to become citizens of other and set off for Britain in the belief they could lan (Rakyat). But this time, PAS had gone to the MCA, Hishammuddin said Umno will continue
countries must go through stricter procedures if claim citizenship under a quirk of colonial law extent of doing things which they have not done with its stand not to interfere with the internal
they want to re-apply for their citizenship. have found themselves stateless and desper- before,” he said affairs of other BN component parties.
Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin ate. “This includes launching personal attacks on “This is a conscious effort on our part because
Hussein said it saddened him that some Malay- Hishammuddin said their action was serious the candidate and making baseless statements there have been allegations in the past that we
sians were willing to tear up their passports and and to come back, they would have to submit like using pictures to rouse the supporters’ bully, we interfere or MCA has been directed in
let go of their citizenship just because of some their applications to become Malaysian citizens emotion and anger, and declare jihad in Bagan one way or the other,” he said.
temptations elsewhere. and go through the normal process like other Pinang.” “I know it is a perception but people think it is
“I feel sad that while thousands of people foreigners. Expressing concern that if such a hostility real in the context of Umno-MCA relations.”
were seeking Malaysian citizenship status, there “In fact, to me, the process should be more happens every time there is a by-election, some- He said the situation in MCA would not affect
were some Malaysians who had the heart to tear rigid because they have created doubts over thing severe may happen one day and it would Umno but would have an impact on BN.
up their passports and give up their citizenship,” their loyalty to this country,” he said. be too late to do anything. “It has to be looked at, navigated and guided
he said to reporters at the ministry’s Hari Raya Commenting on the commotion between He said the police will continue to monitor by MCA leaders with wisdom so that they could
gathering here yesterday. supporters of rival political parties during the the “unhealthy development”. come out stronger,” he said, adding that all those
“And when they were cheated or faced with Bagan Pinang by-election, Hishammuddin, who “However, we need to look at it not from in the rival groups in MCA are his friends.

Not time to be
Cooperate to revive standing, complacent,
says Umno

Najib tells BN parties

by Himanshu Bhatt Najib said: “It is an internal consideration.
info chief
by Maria J. Dass

KUALA LUMPUR: Despite the big win for What is important is that the BN must Barisan Nasional (BN) in the Bagan Pinang
work together as one.” by-election, Umno leaders feel the coalition
GEORGE TOWN: Barisan Nasional (BN) He said the reception to the BN federal should not rest on its laurels just yet.
parties in Penang are strategising their government’s new 1Malaysia policy has Umno Information chief Datuk Ahmad
internal cooperation and support mecha- been over-arching and vast. Maslan said the coalition should not be-
nism to revive the BN’s standing here after “This was proven by our victory in the come complacent and should remember
losing the state government in the March Bagan Pinang state by-election, which has that Sunday night’s win was only the sec-
8, 2008 general election. been beyond expectation,” he said. ond for BN in nine by-elections, of which BN
Prime Minister and BN chairman Datuk “We are confident that the 1Malaysia took part in eight.
Seri Najib Abdul Razak said yesterday the concept is well-received by all levels of “We should not be too comfortable with
leaders have been told to increase inter- society, and is particularly accepted in a this win although it indicates that the Indian
party coordination to foster a formidable very multi-racial society in Penang.” Citizen-
and Chinese voters have begun to support
appearance as a single entity with more On a reported assertion by former ship the BN,” he said at the PWTC yesterday.
understanding among themselves. Umno vice president Tengku Razaleigh woes of Ahmad said the signs were good but by
“Our BN leaders are aware that if there Hamzah that Tan Sri Isa Samad’s victory
women no means should the BN stop its effort to
are weaknesses among us, we must rectify in the Bagan Pinang by-election would
win back the votes it lost on the last general
them while enhancing our service to the translate into an endorsement for cor- with election.
rakyat,” he said after chairing a meeting ruption since he had been found guilty of missing
with state BN leaders at a hotel here. The acceptance of new policies, such
money politics, Najib said: “Isa has paid
Present were Gerakan president and his dues. hubbies as 1Malaysia, and the new leadership, the
friendly character of BN candidate Tan Sri
Minister in the Prime Minister’s Depart- “Under the constitution, even if a per- Umno by the same committee that had pg 5 Mohd Isa Abd Samad, the hardworking elec-
ment Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon, Penang son is a criminal, he can stand for elections convicted Isa.
Gerakan chairman Datuk Dr Teng Hock after five years. “So what are they talking about?” Najib tion machinery, the ignoring of provocations
Nan, Penang Umno deputy chairman “Isa was not even convicted of being a asked. by the opposition parties, and the support
Datuk Zainal Abidin Osman, Penang MIC criminal but only for going against party “After all, Isa is loyal to the party and is of postal voters were among the reasons
chief Datuk P.K. Subbaiyah, state MCA ethics.” very popular. Most importantly, the result for the BN victory, he said.
vice-chairman Eng Hiap Boon and Penang He said PKR had accepted Datuk Zaid speaks for itself.” Umno Youth head Khairy Jamaluddin
PPP chief Datuk Loga Bala Mohan. Ibrahim into its fold although he had once said the BN should not interpret the win in
Asked about differences that have been suspended from Bagan Pinang as a sign that the people have
emerged publicly between certain BN par- returned to the BN.
ties over the last year, particularly in light Khairy, who is also the Rembau MP, said:
of the disparity in legislative seats won, “This is not the time for BN to be arrogant
and blow its own trumpet because there
is still a lot of work for us to do towards
solving our weakness.

Teams complete “However, it is clear the cooperation

from the omponent parties and the election
machinery put in place had succeeded in
mission in convincing the people to support the BN
and its policies mooted under the leader-
Padang ship of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib
Abdul Razak,” he told reporters after meet-
ing with a delegation from the Communist
PADANG: The Malaysian victims. Youth League of China (CYLC), led by its
medical and SMART teams will “I wish to head Lu Hao.
return home today after their remind caring
He said the meeting with the CYLC
humanitarian aid mission in West Malaysians to
Members delegation was to look into areas where
Sumatra, especially in Padang continue to
of the the youth wings in BN could work together
and Pariaman, that were struck channel aid. Fund
Malaysian with the league, especially in terms of
by a devastating earthquake on collections, be it
humanitarian exploring business opportunities for young
Sept 30. by the mass me- aid team led
Defence Minister Datuk Seri dia, print media, entrepreneurs in both countries.
by Sophian “In line with the government’s partner-
Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the electronic media Iswandy
mission has been halted because and government ship with China, we see the country as an
Ismail important trade and business partner,” he
the Indonesian authorities were departments, (front) shout
capable of helping the victims to are to lighthen said.
get on with their lives. the burden of the BERNAMAPIX contin- Boleh’ at Khairy admitted that there was some
“What they need is financial people here,” he the ue their studies,” he said. their field discomfort over this meeting but said the
aid rather than physical help,” he said. Industrial Building System “I hope the private sector and camp in communist party in China today was a
said. Ahmad Zahid said the (IBS) were encouraged to provide NGOs who wish to help can co- Padang after more progressive one.
He said the people still needed government will find the right equipment to rebuild schools and ordinate their efforts through the completing “I got a lot of comments about this
tents as there were only 3,800 mechansim to ensure that aid places of worship that were badly National Security Council and this their mission meeting when I put it up on Twitter this
tents now as opposed to the meant for Padang and Pariaman damaged. will be discussed with permission to provide morning, but we should remember that
50,000 needed. reached the places quickly with- “I have been informed that through the governor of West assistance today’s communist party in China has gone
Ahmad Zahid said the govern- out any hindrance. 1,500 classes need to be rebuilt to victims through a lot of changes and is progressive,
Sumatra and representatives of
and 500 schools need to be of the especially in terms of trade and economy,”
ment would not stop any NGOs Construction firms that had an Padang so that aid is hastened.”
earthquake. he said.
from continuing to help the quake urgent building system through repaired to allow students to – Bernama

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