Thesun 2009-10-13 Page06 Pirated Software Seized From College

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6 theSun | TUESDAY OCTOBER 13 2009

news without borders

Koh (left)
over the

Pirated software seized pledge of

to Chan.

from college
PUTRAJAYA: The Domestic Trade, pirated or unlicensed software with a
Cooperative and Consumerism Minis- total of RM7.6 million.
try seized RM794,300 worth of pirated Asked whether the ministry was
software from a private institution of only focusing on the end-user instead
higher learning in Kota Kemuning, of the source and manufacturers of
Selangor, on Thursday. the pirated software, Roslan said his
The ministry’s Enforcement Divi- officers were still gunning for the
sion director general, Mohd Roslan manufacturers and had raided two
Mahayudin, said it was the first edu- pirated software factories in March
cational institution to be investigated and May this year.
under the Copyrights Act 1997. Business Software Alliance Asia
“Our officers found 58 copies of Pacific Anti-Piracy senior director
infringing software installed in eight Tarun Sawney, who was present
computers in school’s administrative at the news conference, said that
office computers,” he said, software piracy was different from
The computers, worth an estimated
RM24,000, were also seized.
Roslan told a news conference
yesterday the ministry’s officers also
raided an IT solutions provider based
in Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday and
other forms of piracy like music- and
movie-based piracy in that the source
was the company using the pirated
software and not the factory.
He lauded the Malaysian govern-
ment for its commitment to protecting
Great Eastern hopes staff
build ties at hunt
seized 74 copies of pirated software intellectual property rights in Malaysia
worth about RM125,800 installed as the 30 cases filed by the ministry
in eight computers worth around was the highest in comparison to the
RM21,000. rest of Asia.
Among the software seized in “The regional average in Asia Pa-
both raids were different versions of cific for piracy is around 61% whereas
programmes from Adobe, Autodesk, Malaysia only has a 59% piracy rate, by Meena L. Ramadas and acquaintances.
Microsoft and Solidworks. which 2% lower than the rest of the About 80 Great Eastern
So far this year, the ministry had region. Also, over the last four to five staff and agents will be
raided 30 companies suspected of us- years, the piracy rate for software has THESUN Motor Hunt re- taking part in the event,
ing pirated software in business and never gone up, it either stays the same turns yet again to whet the to be held on Sunday, Nov
seized 178 computers, 2,106 copies of or has gone down. – Bernama appetites of adventure-seek- 8. It will be followed
ing individuals. by a dinner and prize-
For main sponsor Great giving at the Sime Darby
Eastern Life Assurance, Convention Centre. The other partners and sup-
however, the motor hunt is Koh said Great Eastern porters are Petronas, PVSL
more than just five hours of promotes healthy lifestyle Sound & Light, Mix FM, Sime
fun. among its staff. “We want to Darby Convention Centre,
Its director and chief let people know that we are Elken, Milo, Nescafe, Nesvita
executive officer, Koh Yaw not just an insurance com- 3IN1 Green Tea, Revive Iso-
Hui, said the motor hunt is pany,” he said. tonic, Dentyne, Clorets, Am-
an opportunity for its staff to The company has been bipur Car Perfume, Protex
build relationships. sponsoring theSun Motor Soap, Ava Fabric Softener,
“Of course, we want our Hunt since 2004. Harimau Kuat Dishwash-
staff to have fun but more “We will have a briefing ing Liquid, Win Fabricare
importantly, it is also an session for our staff to build Powder Detergent, M&M’s,
avenue to promote com- awareness about the motor CLEAR Unisex Shampoo,
munication,” he said at the hunt,” he said. CLEAR Men’s Shampoo,
launch of the motor hunt and theSun Motor Hunt 2009, Kenny Rogers Roasters,
the handing over of a pledge which will be limited to the TESCO, Bata and Berjaya
of sponsorship to Chan Kien first 250 cars, will take the Air.
Sing, managing director of participants around the Klang Time Out Solutions will
Sun Media Corporation Sdn Valley, where they will try to return as the clerk-of-course
Bhd, at Great Eastern Mall break the clues and look for for the event, which prom-
yesterday. treasures. ises to be fun for the whole
“It’s very much about the This year, electronics family. So, hurry, download
journey than the destina- giant Samsung is sponsor- the entry forms from www.
tion.” ing RM200,000 worth of its or www.time-
Koh said Great Eastern products as the main prizes. now.
staff will seize the opportunity The other sponsors are HSBC, The closing date is Nov 3
to build stronger bonds with Sports Toto, Kao Biore, or when the target of 250 cars
business associates, friends McDonald’s and Northport. has been achieved.

Blogs gaining upper hand, says don

KUALA LUMPUR: It has to This new media wields and Section 233 on repulsive
be admitted that blogs, which great influence over the and obscene contents as well
are part of the new generation younger generation as they as abuse of the network facili-
media, have wielded great in- are IT-savvy and have the ties and services respectively.
fluence and swayed thinking “urge to know”. As of last July, the authori-
among the Malaysian public. Hence there are concerns ties have investigated 52 cases
For certain reasons, blogs among the authorities that under sections 233/211 involv-
have gradually but distinctly parties with vested interest ing e-mails and websites.
usurped the influence that would manipulate this new According to the com-
used to be exerted by the media to benefit their subver- mission, the authorities have
conventional media such as sive aims. charged 11 cases in court
TV, radio and newspapers. A recent example was involving eight individuals
The emergence of blogs how blogs were manipulated alleged to have sent com-
has reflected society’s aware- to create friction in Malaysia- ments that insulted the Sultan
ness on the importance of Indonesia ties. of Perak.
having information, but this Malaysians are given the Even in the United States,
“leeway” has provided room liberty and access to gain there were bloggers who
for manipulation by irrespon- whatever information they were hauled up for breaching
sible quarters. want, apart from airing their the country’s laws.
To what extent have the views online via blogs and In Malaysia, cyber threat is
trials created by this new news portals as provided on the rise and this has drawn
media impacted the society by the Communication and the attention of Information
and nation? Multimedia Act 1998. Communication and Culture
Universiti Malaya’s Media This Act also empowers Minister Datuk Seri Dr Rais
Studies Faculty lecturer Prof the Malaysian Communication Yatim.
Madya Dr Abu Hassan Has- and Multimedia Commission Rais said cyber threat had
bullah said the new media is as well as the police to haul turned out to be more griev-
like a “new trust” that breaks up those who breached the ous than the visible dangers
all boundaries of politics, rules. as it could infiltrate the minds
economy, culture, ethnicity Among the provisions of of the younger generation
and religion. the Act on this are Section 211 undetected. – Bernama

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