Thesun 2009-10-13 Page Suicide Bomber Kills 41 in Pakistan

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10  theSun | TUESDAY OCTOBER 13 2009

news without borders

Suicide bomber kills 41 in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD: A suicide bomber killed 41 peo-
ple in an attack on a Pakistani military convoy
Commandos stormed an office building near
the headquarters and rescued 39 people taken
economically most important province.
Earlier yesterday, Pakistani Taliban spokes-
London Evening Standard
becomes free newspaper
LONDON: The London Evening Standard
passing through a market yesterday as the hostage by gunmen after an attack at a main man Azam Tariq claimed responsibility and
Taliban claimed responsibility for a weekend gate of the headquarters. threatened more attacks. yesterday became a free newspaper in a
raid on the army’s headquarters. Nine militants and three hostages were killed “It was carried out by our Punjab unit,” Tariq bid to boost its flagging circulation, ending
Militant attacks have intensified over the past in the violence in Rawalpindi while the number said by telephone. “We will take revenge for our 182 years as a paid-for title.
week as the army prepares to launch a ground of soldiers killed rose to 11, with the deaths of martyrs and will carry out more attacks, whether “Today is an historic day for the London
offensive on the Al Qaeda-linked fighters’ South three wounded men, a military official said. it’s the GHQ or something bigger,” he said, refer- Evening Standard as we become the first
Waziristan stronghold. The 10 attackers had wanted to take senior ring to the army’s General Headquarters. quality daily newspaper to go free,” said
A suicide bomber on foot leapt at a military military officers hostage to demand the release A ground offensive in South Waziristan could editor Geordie Grieg in an editorial.
vehicle in Shangla district, near the Swat valley, of a “long list” of captured militants, said army be the army’s toughest test since the militants “In this pioneering move we will be giv-
security officials said. spokesman Maj-Gen Athar Abbas. turned on the state. ing away 600,000 copies to Londoners.
“The bomber hit one of three military vehi- Abbas said a telephone conversation had The army has not said when it would begin “We are proud to be free and many
cles that were passing through the busiest mar- been intercepted between Reham and one of but interior minister Rehman Malik said on the of London’s most prominent voices have
ket in the district,” top Shangla police official, his subordinates. weekend it was “imminent”. given their support.” – AFP
Khan Bahadur Khan, said by telephone. “It revealed that this attack was planned The military has been conducting air and ar-
Provincial information minister Mian Ift- in the area of South Waziristan,” Abbas told a tillery strikes for months, while moving troops, Michael Jackson’s
ikhar Hussain said 41 people had been killed, news conference, adding Rehman had told his blockading the region and trying to win over new song released
including 35 civilians and six soldiers, and 45 subordinate to pray for the attackers’ success. factions.
NEW YORK: A previously unreleased
people were wounded. The leader of the attack, a former soldier who Military aircraft attacked in the region yes-
song by Michael Jackson entitled
The army has largely driven the militants out deserted in 2004 and joined a militant group terday killing up to five militants, an intelligence
This Is It was unveiled to the world
of Swat and their leader, Baitullah Mehsud, was based in Punjab province, was the only attacker official said, a day after about 16 militants were
yesterday almost four months after
killed by a missile fired by a US drone aircraft captured alive but wounded, Abbas said. killed in air strikes.
the star’s death.
in August. The man, identified as Aqeel, also known as “There is no mercy for them because our
The track was released at the stroke
The militants are hitting back. Dr Usman, was from Punjab, he said. determination and resolve is to flush them out,”
of midnight at www.MichaelJackson.
The army said Pakistani Taliban commander Abbas said that while the Taliban and Punjabi Malik said in an interview in Singapore.
com, marking “yet another exciting
Wali-ur-Rehman was behind Saturday’s attack on militant groups had links there were no militant “They have no room in Pakistan, I promise
moment in music history for one of the
its headquarters in Rawalpindi, near Islamabad. “safe havens” in Punjab, Pakistan’s biggest and you.” – Reuters
world’s most revered artists”, Sony
Music Entertainment said in a state-
ment. – AFP

UN: Afghan vote fraud ‘significant’ No one wants to see

curvy women: Lagerfeld
KABUL: The UN special representative to Af- Eide said the United Nations supported vote the credibility of the United Nations as the BERLIN: Curvy women have no place on the
ghanistan acknowledged on Sunday for the first fraud investigations which are due to be com- election’s organiser and funder. catwalk, iconic German fashion designer
time that the country’s presidential election had pleted, and a final result announced, in days. Karzai leads preliminary results with about Karl Lagerfeld was quoted as saying on Sun-
been tainted by “significant” and “widespread” The elections, held on Aug 20, have been 55% of the vote, against his nearest rival Abdul- day, after a magazine said it was banning
fraud. Kai Eide, who is Norwegian, called a news overshadowed by the fraud allegations, mostly lah Abdullah, who is on 28%. skinny models in favour of “real women”.
conference to counter allegations by his sacked aimed at President Hamid Karzai. “It is true that in a number of polling sta- “No one wants to see curvy women,”
deputy, Peter Galbraith, an American, that he had Eide’s decision to speak to the media reflected tions in the south and the southeast there was Lagerfeld was quoted as saying on the
concealed evidence of vote fraud. the damage the row with Galbraith has done to significant fraud,” Eide said. website of news magazine Focus.
“The extent of that fraud is now being deter- “You’ve got fat mothers with their bags
mined,” he said, referring to investigations by of chips sitting in front of the television and
the Electoral Complaints Commission (ECC) saying that thin models are ugly,” he added.
and an audit of suspicious ballot boxes by the The world of fashion is about “dreams and
Independent Election Commission (IEC) last illusions”, he said, dismissing as “absurd”
week. “It has been claimed that there was 30% the debate prompted by Brigitte magazine
fraud. There is no way to know at this stage which said it would no longer feature
what the level of fraud is. professional models. – AFP
“No one knows. I can only say there was
widespread fraud,” he said.
Eide called the news conference to answer US arrests suspected
accusations by Galbraith, who was dismissed Pan Am flight hijacker
last month after a row with his boss over the WASHINGTON: A man wanted in con-
fraud issue, that he tried to conceal information nection with the hijacking of a Pan
about the extent of the fraud. Am flight to Cuba nearly 41 years ago
He was flanked by the ambassadors to Ka- was arrested in New York on Sunday, a
bul from the United States, Britain and France, Justice Department official said.
with the German ambassador, the European Luis Armando Pena Soltren was ar-
Union’s special representative to Afghanistan, rested at John F. Kennedy International
and a Nato representative also in attendance. Airport for suspected involvement in
None of the ambassadors made any com- the November 1968 hijacking of a
ment, and reporters were not permitted to ask Puerto Rico-bound Pan Am flight from
them questions. – AFP New York, said Justice Department
spokesman Richard Kolko. He said
Soltren has been in Cuba for almost
First woman wins 41 years. – Reuters

Nobel Economics Prize N. Korea fires missiles,

STOCKHOLM: Elinor Ostrom puzzles outside world
(pix) became the first woman to
win the Nobel Economics Prize SEOUL: North Korea test-fired short-range
yesterday for research seen as missiles yesterday, South Korean media
highly topical in the wake of the reported, sparking consternation just as the
economic crisis and amid efforts reclusive state had been signalling to the out-
to tackle climate change. side world it might return to nuclear talks.
Fellow US economist Oliver US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said
Williamson shared the 10-million-kronor (RM5 Washington would continue to work towards
million) prize with Ostrom, whose name has a nuclear-free Korean peninsula, while a Rus-
circulated for years as a possible winner. sian official expressed bewilderment.
Ostrom told Swedish television her first reac- South Korea’s Yonhap news agency
tion was “great surprise and appreciation” and quoted a government source as saying
said she was “in shock” at being the first woman Pyongyang had launched five missiles off
to clinch the honour. its east coast and declared a “no sail” zone
Ostrom describes herself as a political scientist in the area from Oct 10 to 20. – Reuters
instead of an economist and is a professor at
Indiana University, where she researches the man- Priest kidnapped
agement of common property or property under in Philippines
common control, such as natural resources.
Her work challenged the notion that common MANILA: An Irish Catholic priest was
property is poorly managed and should be either snatched by six armed men from his
regulated by central authorities or privatised, the mission’s residence in a southern
jury said. Philippine city, a regional police chief
Williamson, a professor at the University of said yesterday.
California Berkeley, was honoured with the other Michael Sinot, a Columbian mis-
half of the prize “for his analysis of economic sionary, was abducted late on Sunday
governance, especially the boundaries of the at the Columban House in Pagadian
firm”. – AFP City, according to Chief Superintendent
Angel Sunglao. – dpa

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