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Alyssa Fowler Ms.

Gardner English 10, Period 2 26, November 2013 Annotated Bibliographies: Howards End

C., Jason. "Literature Frenzy!" : Howards End by E.M. Forster. N.p., 10 July 2011. Web. 30 Nov. 2013.

Jason C. expresses his opinion on which topics were mainly expressed in Howards End. "...various political, economic, social and philosophical attitudes pertaining to his native England at the turn of the 20th century.", Jason saw these all as main topics, conflicts and themes. The introduction of his article was very broad and general however, the second paragraph included more references to The novel and it made his statements clearer and more reliable.

Jason C. created a credible article by relating the subjects and issues in this novel to the time period. It helps the reader understand that it is possible that the culture of that time period could be held responsible for some of the conflicts at hand. Overall this article provided very useful and clear information.

Doll, Rob. "E. M. Forster's HOWARDS END." E. M. Forster's HOWARDS END. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2013. <>.

Rob Doll offers insight on E.M. Forster, the author of Howards End, and more specifically his background. Not only does Doll cover Howards End, but also mentions

Forsters first three novels. Rob examines how Forster intertwines the characters in his books to people in reality. By doing so, Forster creates a more relatable story.

In this article Rob Doll explores a deeper meaning embedded in each character. He picks apart every character individually which offers insight to a person that has never read the book before. He also goes on to examine the dynamics between the characters in Howards End and the relationships that bind them all together. Overall Doll did an exceptional job introducing E.M. Forster as well as referring back to quotations in the book to support all of his statements about the characters and setting.

Guardian, The. "New Novels - Howard's End." The Guardian. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2013.

The Guardian website describes Howards End as "a novel of quality". This article mostly summarizes the characters' roles in the book but, with the impression that it is a more feminine plot. The author of this article thouroughly covers the conflicts between characters, conflicts with society, setting, and conflicts within social groups and classes.

All in all the clarity that this article offers is very beneficial to the reader's understanding of the battle between men and women in Howards End and the overall literature. The citations that were used to refer back to the novel were helpful and clarified the topics being discussed. The Guardian website perceives Howards End as a high quality and liberating novel.

"Howards End by E. M. Forster - LSC Kingwood." Howards End by E. M. Forster - LSC Kingwood. LSC Kingswood, n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2013.

Under the "General Background Information" section in this article is a list of most of the main topics and issues that were presented in Howards End. The topics listed were "English society at the close of the Edwardian era, emotion versus pragmatism, the strong bond between sisters, country houses as images of cultural unity, culture versus materialism, and the relationship between Germany and England at the time of the novel." This article discusses how Forster takes the theme of sisterhood and makes it a more maternal and protective concept.

Another issue that could've been represented is the men's respect, or lack of, for women in this novel. Ultimately the men think themselves superior and invincible which leads to a cause and effect that could've been avoided. This article did not touch on that subject as much as it should've because it was a major issue throughout Howards End

Lodge, David. " (usa)." Howards End., n.d. Web. 30 Nov. 2013.

Not only does David Lodge introduce his article by discussing the main setting in Howards End, but he offers insight into why E.M. Forster chose that particular setting. Forster based Howards End off of Rooksnet which was a country house north of London. By uncovering Forster's reasoning for his setting, Lodge creates a more personal and intimate relationship between Forster and his novel. Later on in this article David Lodge sets aside an "about the E.M. Forster" portion which goes on to describe the life and Forster and the importance of Rooksnet.

This article is unique in the sense that it offers information that other articles don't care to examine. However, by revealing the reasoning behind Howards End the reader develops a more significant and relatable understanding of the novel and the author that is behind it. The relationships that are associated with Rooksnet and the Forster family, are very similar to that of the ones presented in Howards End with the Schlegel family and Wilcox family.

"Novel Summaries Analysis." Novel Summaries Analysis RSS. N.Design Studio, 26 Jan. 2009. Web. 30 Nov. 2013.

The purpose for this article is interesting because it gives the characters in Howards End a symbolic meaning. They match the symbols of characters to groups of people in general. The author of this articles recognizes that the character's in this novel have very humanistic hopes and values.

The setting is also related to symbols and the way that Forster uses the seasons to interpreted time in his story. Howards End possesses many symbolic meanings in almost every aspect. Overall, this article opens up the opportunity to explore symbols all throughout this piece of literature.

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