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Could the use of Genetically Modified Food cause risk to biological security?

La Trobe University 29 January 2014

Could the use of Genetically Modified Food cause risk to biological security?


World population has peaked 7.2 billion habitants and it is predicted to number 9.15 billion by 2050. As result, the demand for quantity and quality of food by the population has been major as well. It is believed that genetically modified food (GM food) as a product of the advances in molecular technology has contributed positively to changes of the food production in modern agriculture. In addition, there are studies that show the contributions to agriculture, specially, the increase of productivity, reduction of environmental pollution, reduction of pesticide and herbicide usage and improvement in nutrition by the control or addition of nutrients in food. However, this technology has been criticized for biological security by religious, consumers and scientists because the population is not correctly informed about the benefits and risks brought by the use of GM food. In most cases, costumers are buying vegetables, meat and fruit from supermarket and grocery stores without know the origin or the nutritional quality these products, and in reality, most are consuming genetically engineered food. Despite of limited amount of studies, a number of articles have shown that the use of GM food could cause unanticipated allergic responses (Taylor & Hefle, 2001., & Nordlee et al 2006), biological resistance reducing the effectiveness of pesticides and herbicides (Keese, 2008) and inadvertent toxicity to wildlife (Tiedje et al 1989). Therefore, this essay will firstly define genetically modified food. Second, it will discuss how genetically modified food is being utilized as innovative technology for developing agriculture. Finally, it will give reasons why GM food should be controlled, specifically because of the high risks to biological security; 1 health risks and 2- increasing environmental damage.


In order to understand the complexity of the issue about genetically modified food and the effects caused to health and the environment, some key elements must be explained. These key elements include biotechnology, DNA, genetic engineering, genetically modified organisms or transgenic and genetically modified food as well. To start, biotechnology can be defined as a procedure for modifying living organisms, specifically microorganisms, for economic or scientific purposes. Containing the genetic information (genes) of the living organisms, the DNA (deoxyribonucleic acids) is the main material studied by biotechnology scientists. According to Uzogara, 2000, genetic engineering or genetic modification is the direct manipulation of the DNA of plants, bacteria, virus and animals using biotechnological techniques. In addition, the use of genetic modification involves modifying the characters of an organism by adding, removing or altering genes including moving the genetic material from one organism to another to improve or create new variations of life (Uzogara, 2000). Organisms recently altered are called transgenic or genetically modified organisms (GMOs). These are programmed to produce diverse substances - for example, monoclonal antibodies, hormones, enzymes and nutrients, diverse pharmaceutical products including vaccines and several drugs (Campbell, 1996; Brown, 1996, as cited in Uzogara, 2000) and food as well. Food that has been changed through genetic modification is called genetically modified food. GM products have been commercialized for two decades. This has promoted various changes in agricultural production systems by the increase of the productivity, cost reduction and increase efficiency as well. However, the use of genetic engineering and genetically modified food production has been contested by numerous critics. They claim that genetic modification is bringing serious environmental and health problems and needs to be urgently controlled before the event of irreversible biological consequences. Having made clear what genetically modified food is and all aspects that involve this technology in this first moment will be discuss the positive aspects promoted for it. However, the next section it will be explained why genetically modified food should be controlled for two main reasons: 1 increasing health risks and 2- increasing environmental damage.


Genetically modified food could be the main innovative technology in developing agriculture. According to Phillips 1994 as cited in Purchas (2005), experimentation in genetic modification (transgenic) started in 1960s, it continued into the 1990s. It also has extended into the 21st century. Advances in genetic engineering generated new technologies that have been considered as the main responsible to the progress of the agriculture by proponents of this technology. It has utilized many countries to solve the economic, health and environmental issues. This is based in manipulation of genetic material, specifically DNA. The ability to change the DNA structure
permitted create new variation of life called transgenic organisms or genetically modified

organisms. These are frequently utilized to produce various chemicals products including drugs, vaccines, hormones, antibiotics and to food production as well. According to Bouis et al (2003) as cited in Purchase (2005), the introduction of GM technology brings an alternative to the increase in productivity and supply of food in the world. Improving the ability to withstand extreme conditions for example pests, weeds, viruses, salinity herbicides, insects, frost, pH, temperature, drought, and weather, genetically modified plants can response positively to these conditions and increase the production as well. Uzogara (2000), report that improving plants could increase the productivity reducing costs by the diminution of pesticides, herbicides and fertilizes usage. As a result, farmers increase profits. It also could promote the environmental preservation of the soil, water and atmosphere by the reduction of chemical substances utilized. In addition, the reduction of pesticide application promotes improving nutritional quality of foods as well (Purchase, 2005). GM foods can also be utilized to increase minerals in plants stimulating production of antioxidants and vitamins (flavonoids, carotenoids, vitamins A, C, and E). These are important chemical substances utilized to protect the body against biological oxidation, a damaging chemical reaction that occurs in the body causing cancer and heart disease (Uzogara, 2000). These are the biotechnological benefits that have been observed by the use of genetically modified food.


However, several risks to health could be caused by contact or consumption of genetically modified products. According to Hodgson, 2000 as cited in Artemis Dona & Ioannis S. Arvanitoyannis (2009), when a viral DNA is transferred to another living organism it has the potential to cause diseases such as cancer, mutation and the reactivation of inactive viruses. This transference of genetic materials (genes) among organisms have been identified as responsible for creating a new generation of antibiotic resistant virus and bacteria that increase the risks to human health (Artemis Dona & Ioannis S. Arvanitoyannis, 2009). Creating resistant organism, drug dosage (medicine) may be larger than before which could cause, for example, secondary effects in pathologically sick patients. Moreover, the formulation of the medicine may also be changed to create new strong medicine. However, new medicines are not developed in a short time and it could cause the death of various sick patients as well. Another situation, genetic transference could be utilized as tools to improve the nutritional quality of food. For example, a gene (methionine rich 2S albumin) from Bertholletia excelsa was introduced in the DNA of soybean. Having been tested after consumption of this modified product, patients presented serious skin allergies problems caused by the protein 2S albumin (Nordlee et al 2006). In addition, CRY9C protein (Bt toxin) is a toxin produced by the Bacillus thuringiensis (soil bacteria) that has been used for decades specifically in corn crops to protect against attack from insects. This protein has the power to exterminate insects causing physiology damage, however, when ingested or touched it has caused immunological responses, including allergen problems in farmers and consumers as well (Conner et al., 2003; Taylor and Hefle, 2002 as cited in Artemis Dona & Ioannis S. Arvanitoyannis, 2009). Others facts that concern experts about this issue are the effects caused in the metabolism of rats by the consumption of GM foods. In these negative effects are includes; increasing triglycerides (Mon856 corn) (Seralini et al., 2007 as cited in Artemis Dona & Ioannis S. Arvanitoyannis, 2009), cells structure of the liver and pancreatic effects (GM soya) (Malatesta et al., 2002; 2003; 2005 as cited in Artemis Dona & Ioannis S. Arvanitoyannis, 2009), Stomach necrosis and erosion (flavr-savrTM GM tomatoes) (Pusztai et al., 2003 as cited in Artemis Dona & Ioannis S. Arvanitoyannis, 2009) and death after two weeks without explanation (Poulsen et al., 2007 as cited in Artemis Dona & Ioannis S. Arvanitoyannis, 2009). Therefore, when these consequences are closely analyzed GM food has been observed as uncertain and unpredictable to human health and on environment.


Nevertheless, the uses of genetically modified food not only cause negative impacts on human health but it also could lead to serious environmental damage. According to Tiedje et al (1989), the free genes in the environment which come from genetically engineered organisms have the potential to hybridize other species through the processes, namely, transformation, conjugation, transduction, recombination and rearrangement of the DNA. These genes are called genetic pollution (Tiedje et al, 1989) or Horizontal Genes Transfer (HGT) (Keese, 2008). It has becoming an issue since the 1970s and it has continued in 21st century through the increase of new antibiotic resistant organisms. HGT could occur among virus, bacteria, animals and weeds causing biodiversity loss (Tiedje et al, 1989) and severe damages to agro-ecosystem by modifying or creating new organisms. Various domestic or wild species could disappear or become new pests or pathogens when genes from other species (donor) are incorporated into their DNA (recipient). In other words, there is a type of steric seeds called terminator seed commercialized by Monsanto (an agricultural company) which only the first generation (F1) is economically utilized. These seeds also have the potential to pollinate other crops within a radius of five kilometer. When this recipient crop is pollinated by the wind, it may cause the completely loss their genetic potential becoming a hybrid. As a result, this new hybrid crop may be unable to produce viable seeds for the next generation. Consequently, farmers need to buy new seeds from Monsanto in each new planting. In addition, the increase of resistant pathogens and weeds has become an economic problem by the rising use of pesticides and herbicides and increasing the costs of production of the farmers. As result, consumers are affected by the high costs and low quality of the final products. It may also cause serious problems of air, water and soil contamination leading to the intoxication of farmers, consumers, domestic and wild animals by the consumption, contact or inhalation of harmful. For these reasons GM food is considered unsafe. It could cause environmental damage and also the destruction of the food chain.


In conclusion, despite the benefits promoted by the use of GM food, it should be strictly controlled due to the potential risks to biological security. The main risks caused by the use of this technology are the negative effects on human health, namely, allergies, antibiotic resistant virus and bacteria and mainly cancer. In addition, various issues in rats caused by the consumption of GM food may reflect on human health as well. Another reason is the large potential to destroy the environment through Horizontal Genes Transfer leading to the loss of biological diversity and causing an imbalance in all ecosystems. In other words, if genetic engineering continues in this way without control, the ecosystems and the genetic patrimony could be compromised. It could represent the extinction of various species, including the human species.

(Word Count 1857)

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