Study 20131218161224

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d) Had a relatively small circulation before 1880

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1. 2. 3. 4. 1) 2) 3) Only, never, all 4)

Practice 1 When people yawn, it usually indicates when people are bored or tired and tries to increase alertness by reversing the drop in blood oxygen levels which is caused by shallow breathing according to the conventional theory. However, the scientific
investigations that have studied this phenomenon have been unsuccessful in tying how much sleep or how tired the individual feels with yawning. The recent research that has come to proving this theory is one that supported the hypothesis that adults yawn more often on weekdays than on weekends and that children who attend school yawn more frequently in their first year at primary school than in kindergarten. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. a) The conventional theory is that when people are bored or sleepy, they usually have a drop in blood oxygen amounts due to their shallow breathing. b) When people are bored or sleepy, yawning is more likely to happen than when they are alert and deeply breathing, based on conventional theory. c) Conventional theory states that yawning is caused by boredom or sleep deficiency but can be avoided through deeper breathing. d) The conventional theory is that when bored or sleepy people yawn because yawning raises blood oxygen amounts, which then raises alertness.

Practice 2
One of the most common techniques that advertisement industries use to mislead a younger audience is the instrument of fantasy. Usually, advertisements focusing on a younger audience tend to use magic and fantasy more so than advertisements aimed at adults. In a study of Canadian television, the author Stephen Kline saw that most commercials for character toys used fantasy play. This is a problem because children have vigorous imaginations and when fantasy is used it helps provide the ideas with more dimensions. However, children may not be adept enough to know that the content they are viewing is not in fact reality. Food advertising is a sector that frequently uses fantasy to attract children. About nine out of ten advertisements for breakfast cereals use the fantasy method. It is largely presumed that children are unable to differentiate between fantasy and reality. After all, most advertisements try to use emotional and indirect appeals to psychological states and associations while rational appeals are rare. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information. a) Using fantasy in advertisements is difficult because children like more fantasy than the television. b) c) Problem in using fantasy lies in not so much extensive imagination as toys itself. Using fantasy in advertisements is problematic because of children strong imaginations.

d) Most advertisements appeal childrens psychological states because of fantasy.

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