Sales QA 19-01-14

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QA Report (Testing) Module: Client: Task: Release Level: Server Machine: Client Machines:


Sr. No.
TGFIN-20 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Main Feature

Sales Export -> Proforma Invoice

Sales Export -> Proforma Invoice View Sales Export -> Sales Order Sales Export -> Sales Order View

Warehouse ->Dispatch-> Delivery challan View

Sales Export -> Invoice

TGFIN-20 Sales Reports->sales recon


QA Report (Testing) Sales Local Internal QA Internal JAVED-PC 19-Jan-13



Calculation of gross is not correct on PI Calculation of sets and pieces are not performed on proforma invoice Gross calculation is not updated on PI view and PI report Calculation of units for dozen is not correct in few cases It is suggested that on sale order one more radio this is probably due to wrong attributes in product button for dozen calculation may be incorporated defination to tackle this conflict Same wrong affectt as above on SO report Dispatch address is empty on sale order view frame No of units are not updated on 1st attempt No of units are not updated on SO report Qty in inners and pieces are not dynamic according to the SO on DC report Qty in inners and pieces are not dynamic according to the SO on Gate Pass report date does not removed by pressing ESC as it was earlier when a customer is selected DC are not shown Due to this issue I can not proceed further to verify calculations on frames and reports

Reports takes too much time in sketching data Distributor spelling is not correct

There is no check on date from and date to i-e (When date from is selected as 20.01.2014 and date to as 20.12.2013 system does not stop it as it is illogical Dispatch spelling is not correct on report fileds The reports headings suggest that this report is drawn on monthly basis if that is the case then report should not be sketched on half monthly and daily basis if it has to be then reports headings and data should also be ajusted accordingly to date Party look up (customer frame) is not standard frame due to which customer order wise view and other features disturbed Qty in pieces column is missing in report


420 0



Application Testing Module: Client: Task: Release Level: Server Machine: Client Machines:

Date: Sr. No. 1 2 3 4 5 HoneycombERP-Sales InventoryReports Inventoryr Proserver13 HoneycombERP-Inventory TGFINMain Feature

Sales Reports->sales recon

9 10


12 13 14

15 16

17 18


Application Testing

Observations Modified date and time is showing as 01/26/2014 10:23PM Modified date and time is showing as 01/26/2014 10:21PM Modified date and time is showing as 01/26/2014 10:11PM Modified date and time is showing as 01/26/2014 09:42PM Modified date and time is showing as 01/27/2014 03:27AM

Exit button is not standard sales button

Customer code should not be bold When report is sketched with no brand selection it should show customers in assending order and bandwise Reports fileds are not flexiable to data size Qty in pieces is not available in report


Sales Local Internal QA Internal JAVED-PC 11-Jan-13 Remarks Date and time should be actual on which Jar is created as this one is confusing do do do do

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