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Government of Tamilnadu


Thiru.Vi.Ka. Industrial Estate, Guindy, Chennai !"" "#$. FORM `A' Application for Electrical Contractor's Licence-Grade `A' (To e filled in En!lis"# (Read t"e $nstructions overleaf efore fillin! t"e form# 1. 2. Name in which Electrical Contractor's licence is applied for Business address : :



Full name and house address of proprietor or partners or irectors

(!f it is partnership concern partnership deed should "e enclosed) (ii) #$e and %ualification alon$ with e&idence (iii) Father'(us"and's name (i&) )resent "usiness of the applicant. (&) *hether holdin$ a competenc+ certificate and if so the num"er and &alidit+ of the competenc+ certificate (&i) *hether he is presentl+ emplo+ed an+where, !f so the name and address of the emplo+er. !f not detaails of the )resent "usiness. (&ii) !f holdin$ a competenc+ certificate, details of pre&ious e-perience with period. !f the applicant has wor.ed under a contractor, licensed "+ this /icensin$ Board, the name address and licence No. of the contractor. (Note : etails should "e furnished for each partner' irector) 0. Name and desi$nation of authorised si$nator+ if an+ in the case of limited compan+. *hether an+ application for Contractor's licence was made pre&iousl+2 !f so, details thereof. etails of 4taff appointed on full time "asis:

: : :



%&'o& 1. 2. 3. 0.

'ame of (erson


Competenc* Certificate 'um er and validit*

(Note : !n the case of (.5. Consumer, a list of authorised person under 6ule 3 of !ndian Electricit+ 6ules, 1713 appointed for maintenance of electrical installation to "e attached) 8. emand raft emand raft No. ate 9alue 6s.

:. Ban. 4ol&enc+ Certificate details :

Name of the Ban. and #ddress

9alidit+ )eriod

#mount 6s.


(as the applicant or an+ of his'her staff referred to under item 3, "een at an+ time con&icted in an+ court of law or punished "+ : an+ other authorit+ for cirminal offences. *hether consent letter, of the competenc+ certificate holder are enclosed. (includin$ for self) :

1;. (i)

(ii) *hether ori$inal "oo.let of competenc+ certificate holders are enclosed2 (includin$ for self) 11 (i) *hether purchase "ill for all the instruments are enclosed in <ri$inal.

(ii) *hether the test reports for instruments : and deeds for possess of the instruments are enclosed in ori$inal2 12. (i) *hether specimen si$nature of the )roprietor or of the authorised si$nator+ (in case of limited compan+ in triplicate is enclosed) :

(ii) 5he name of the person'persons whom the applicant has authorised to si$n if an+, on his' their "ehalf in case of )roprietor or )artnership concern. (iii) *hether the applicant enclosed the specimen si$nature of the a"o&e person' persons in triplicate in a separate sheet of paper

!'*e here"+ declare that the particulars stated a"o&e are correct to the "est of m+'our .nowled$e and "elief. !'*e here"+ declare that !'*e ha&e in m+'our possession a latest cop+ of the !ndian Electricit+ 6ules, 1713 and that !'*e full+ understand the terms and conditions under which an Electrical Contractor's licence is $ranted, "reach of which will render the licence lia"le for cancellation.

+ate , (lace ,

%i!nature of t"e applicant


From 5o 5he 4ecretar+, Electrical /icensin$ Board, 5hiru.9i.=a.indl.Estate, >uind+, Chennai ? 13;; ;32.

!, ...........................................................................holdin$ 4uper&isor ' *ireman Competenc+ Certificate No....................................9alid till .................................................issued "+ the Electrical /icensin$ Board, Chennai@3;; ;32.

A1B ! am$ under .................................................................................................. as a full time emplo+ee from ...&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&

A2B ha&e applied for Contractor's licence E# ' E4# in the name of ........................................ A3B ! am holdin$ E# ' E4# No.

! declare that "ased on m+ Competenc+ Certificate , ! ha&e not o"tained an+ contractor's licence. ! am not$ under, an+ other contractor or <r$anisation. ! further assure that when ! lea&e the ser&ices of the present emplo+er, ! will intimate to the fact immediatel+ to the 4ecretar+, Electrical /icensin$ Board, Chennai@32. ! attach herewith m+ ori$inal Competenc+ Certificate for 9erification and return.

Encl : Boo.let in <ri$inal.

4i$nature of the 4uper&isor ' *ireman Competenc+ Certificate holder. #ddress : ate: 4i$nature of the Electrical Contractor.

$'%TR/CT$O'% , 1. (i) !ssue Fees for 'E#' Contractor licence from ;1.;1.2;11 onward . . . . Rs.%$,"""&

(ii)Code of )a+ment : Fees should "e sent in fa&our of the %ecretar*3 Electrical Licensin! 4oard3 C"ennai "+ Ban. emand raft o"tained from an+ 4cheduled Ban. or Co@operati&e Ban. pa+a"le at Chennai. Remittance of fees * an* ot"er met"od 5ill not e accepted& 2. 3. 5he )roprietor or the Cana$in$ )artner' irector should ha&e attained the a$e of 21 +ears and should ha&e passed a minimum educational %ualification of 9!!! 4tandard. Esta"lishment : 5he applicant shall emplo+ the followin$ minimum staff on full time "asis solel+ for the purpose of Contract wor.s. (i) <ne 4uper&isor holdin$ 4uper&isor Competenc+ Certificate $ranted "+ the Board with a minimum 5echnical Educational %ualification of iploma in electrical En$ineerin$ or holdin$ 4uper&isor Competenc+ Certificate $ranted "+ the Board "ased on the certificate of Competenc+ issued "+ the Board of E-aminers, irectorate of 5echnical Education, Chennai and ha&in$ installation e-perience for a period of not less than two +ears and completion of atleast fi&e num"ers of (i$h 9olta$e wor.s in&ol&in$ 5ransformer erection. 5wo *iremen holdin$ &alid *iremen Competenc+ Certificate $ranted "+ this Electrical /icensin$ Board. #pplicants holdin$ self@certificate can "e ta.en into account for the a"o&e purpose. Consent letters o"tained from the emplo+ees includin$ for self should "e furnished in the prescri"ed form. etailed e-perience certificate of 4uper&isor appointed is to "e enclosed in ori$inal alon$ with attested cop+ clearl+ indicatin$ the wor.s carried out. 5he ori$inal Competenc+ Certificates of the staff includin$ self should "e sent. 0. !nstruments : 5he applicant should possess the followin$ instruments (i) <ne Num"er Earth 6esistance 5ester (ii) <ne Num"er 1;; 9olts !nsulation 5ester (iii) <ne Num"er 1;;; 9olts !nsulation 5ester (and <perated. (i&) <ne Num"er )hase 4e%uence !ndicator (&) <ne Num"er 5on$ 5+pe #mmeter (&i) <ne Num"er /i&e /ine 5ester (&ii) <ne Num"er )orta"le 9oltmeter 5hese instruments should "e $ot tested in >o&ernment Electrical 4tandards /a"orator+ attached to the office of the Chief Electrical !nspector to >o&ernment, Chennai@32 or in the C65 /a"orator+ of 5NEB within 3 months prior to the date of application and test reports sent alon$ with application. 1. 4pecimen si$nature of the contractor and his authorised person should "e sent in triplicate in a separate sheet.


3. #ll the columns should "e answered in words and fi$ures and no columns should "e left "lan.. 8. >rade DE#' Contractors can underta.e (i$h 9olta$e installation and all medium &olta$e and low &olta$e electrical installation wor.s.

:. 7.

!n case of applicants, who appl+ from outside 5amilnadu should ha&e their "ranch office in 5amilnadu and all correspondences will "e made to that address onl+. Financial 4tatus : 5he applicant shall produce Ban. sol&enc+ Certificate for 6s.6737771@ (Rupees fift* t"ousand onl*# in Form D>' &alid for a minimum period of three +ears o"tained from a 4cheduled Ban. or Co@operati&e Ban. operatin$ in this 4tate mentionin$ the full name and address of the contractor as mentioned in Column 1 and 2 of the application o"tained in the Ban.'s letter@head with Ban.'s seal.

4pecimen form for furnishin$ Ban. 4ol&enc+ Certificate.


Certified that 5hiru ' 5hiru&alar$al .......................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................... is' are sol&ent upto 6s.6737771@ (Rupees fift* t"ousand onl*# 5his $uarantee is &alid for the period from ................................. to ............ .................................................

ate ........ ...:............................................ )lace.... ... .........:. .................................... Ban.'s 4eal. :............................................

4i$nature esi$nation Name of the Ban.

: : :

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