Journey Concept Statements

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Area of Study The Journey

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!ourneys offer new lnslghLs abouL self,
Lhe world and an enrlched experlence
on human experlence lLself.
!ourneys can be moLlvaLed by a deslre
Lo experlence new Lhlngs.
Llnear [ourneys are ofLen less poslLlve
because Lhey are predlcLable, hlghly
regulaLed and non-changlng.
!ourneys can be negaLlve and or llfe-
changlng. 1hey can lnvolve hardshlp
and loss.
!ourneys can spark powerful emoLlons
!ourneys can be llberaLlng and lnvlLlng
as well as daunLlng.
Some [ourneys seem lnvlLlng,
represenLlng a world LhaL LempLlngly
!ourneys can demonsLraLe our
crazlness, lngenulLy or sense of
!ourneys can bemuse us, lnvlLlng us Lo
ponder, speculaLe and reflecL on
posslble meanlng and slgnlflcance.
Some [ourneys are more dlfflculL Lhan
Some [ourneys offer a refuge and a
place of escape.
Some [ourneys are Lerrlfylng and fears
musL be conquered ln order Lo reach
our desLlnaLlon.
We don'L always know where we are
headlng or whaL our desLlnaLlon wlll
CuLcomes can be complex or mulLl-
lnvolve maklng and revlewlng cholces,
opLlons and declslons.
lnvolve changlng aLLlLudes and values.

Pave a deparLure polnL, rouLe and
!ourneys requlre some means of
!ourneys can be exploraLory and
dangerous demandlng LhaL
Lravelers flnd reserves of courage
and forLlLude deep wlLhln
Lhemselves ln order Lo survlve.
!ourneys can be drlven by a
nomadlc deslre Lo always be on
Lhe move.
Some Lravellers are prepared Lo
Lake more rlsks Lhan oLhers, ofLen
agalnsL amazlng odds.
laces can spark our search for Lhe
!"#$ &'($) our deslre 'Lo be moved'
Some [ourneys can lnsplre
herolsm, endurance and
deLermlnaLlon ln oLhers.
ueLermlnaLlon and leadershlp can
make Lhe dlfference beLween Lhe
success and fallure of a [ourney.
1he dlrecLlon of a [ourney has
many posslblllLles. Some are ln
our conLrol, some are noL. Some
are forward. Some reLreaL.
lnsLrucLlons are someLlmes
necessary for a [ourney.
We can be LempLed Lo flnd whaL
we can'L yeL see.
SLepplng off Lhe paLh can allow for
a random, unknown [ourney.
1hey can be exclLlng, enllghLenlng
and Lo be en[oyed.

8equlre engagemenL wlLh real llfe
or people and Lhelr feellngs.
May be dellberaLely lnlLlaLed, buL
ls more ofLen Lhe resulL of new
clrcumsLances LhaL we flnd
ourselves ln.
lnvolve maklng cholces.
Cffer Lhe capaclLy Lo revlew
cholces and declslons.
Lead Lo changes ln aLLlLudes and
Allow lnslghL lnLo behavlour/s.
8esulL ln growLh and developmenL
for Lhe lndlvldual.
Can lead us Lo a place of
re[uvenaLlon, repenLance and
reconclllaLlon afLer Lhe LempesL
Lnable us Lo see ourselves
dlfferenLly as a resulL of our
lnLeracLlons wlLh oLher people,
experlences and new slLuaLlons.
Allow us Lo acqulre undersLandlng
and revlew Lhe way we see Lhe
1ravelllng Lhe road of an lnner
[ourney resulLs ln arrlval aL a
dlfferenL place from where we
Can be sLressful and problemaLlc.
Cccur ln everyday slLuaLlons.
Pave profound effecLs on one's
Pave effecLs LhaL may noL always
be fully undersLood.

lmaglnary !ourneys - ofLen sLarL
ln Lhe Langlble world.
Are a vehlcle by whlch we escape
reallLy Lo lmaglned seLLlngs.
Can lead Lo a change ln
perspecLlve on llfe, a beLLer
undersLandlng of Lhe self or
lnLellecLual enrlchmenL.
1hough Lhey may be flcLlonal, Lhey
ofLen reflecL [ourneys underLaken
ln real llfe. 1hey help us Lo resolve
Lhe problems we encounLer ln real
llfe ln a safe, slmulaLed
WhaL makes Lhem powerful ls LhaL
Lhey can enable us Lo see
posslblllLles beyond Lhe
boundarles of our own exlsLence,
by suspendlng our dlsbellefs and
challenglng our assumpLlons.
We need Lo suspend our dlsbellef
Lo embark on lmaglnary [ourneys.
8esponder and composer undergo
Lhe lmaglnaLlve [ourney of
!ourneys can explore Lhe
lnexpllcable, unknown,
supernaLural and make Lhe
Can lnvolve Lravel Lhrough Llme -
pasL, presenL or fuLure.
rovlde an exlL from Lhe bounds of
Can lnvolve elemenLs of
enchanLmenL, llluslon and maglc
!"#"$%&&' )*'+,-%& .##"$ ./%0,#%1,2"
Cffer achlevemenL of lnslghL or
Cffer personal growLh, self-awareness
or developmenL.
Can alLer our perspecLlves or
percepLlons ln response Lo new
relaLlonshlps, places or experlences.
Some are Llmeless and unlversal - eg
llfe, deaLh, grlef, blrLh
Are rarely one-dlmenslonal or
Challenge and adverslLy can lnsLlgaLe
poslLlve change.
CbsLacles/challenges musL be meL and
overcome before Lhe desLlnaLlon ls
Can be sollLary, accldenLal or
Pave dlfferenL sLages - preparaLlon,
[ourney lLself and posL-[ourney. Lach
phase has slgnlflcance and unlque
varled goals and moLlvaLlons Lrlgger

1ravellers are open Lo experlence,
1hose who do noL [ourney can be
narrow or rlgld ln focus for falllng
Lo experlence Lhe [ourney.

Can also comprlse an lnner [ourney
Lo self-dlscovery, self-awareness, a
Lrlal or LesLlng.
Can have profound psychologlcal
affecLs, a dlfferenL perspecLlve as a
resulL of a shlfL ln menLallLy.
Are exclLlng and poLenLlally
lf we are percepLlve we can grow
ln maLurlLy and wlsdom.

Any [ourney Lhesls needs Lo be clearly arLlculaLed and focus on:

moLlvaLlons caLalysLs obsLacles
challenges effecLs processes
consequences self-dlscovery self-knowledge

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