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Masthead This is also on the front cover, making it appear professional due to it being consistent.

The colours and style are also the same showing that there is an occurring theme. Band Index Bands are listed in a red font with a contrasting background of white. This is a continuous theme throughout the magazine making it appear professional and organised. This is also effective as it makes it easy to understand allowing the audience to understand the content of the magazine before reading it Main Image The main image is in the centre which catches the audiences eye. This is effective as people can be put off by lots of text so by doing this it breaks it up making it appear more interesting to the audience. There is a glamorous woman in the image suggesting to me that the audience is male. I think this as by using an attractive image this would stereotypically interest males, seeing her as a sexual object, catching their eye. The woman is wearing indie/rock clothing and behind her is a tour bus. The bus denotes travelling telling me this is a music magazine as generally music artist travel to promote their music. The image is also slightly titled showing no sign of organisation. This suggests that the magazine is edge and different following the genre of music it is advertising. Date Line Banner The dateline is featured at the top of the page. This is effective as this will draw the audiences attraction, informing them on the issue they are reading. This also enables the audience to work out if they have missed any issues of the magazine, keeping them up to date. This is aided also by the contrasting colours which makes it standout. The banner clearly tells the audience what they will be getting on the page, making it clear with capital letters and a contrasting coloured background to avoid confusion in the audience.


Analysis of NME Content Page

This is advertising the details of the website/phone number of how the audience can get the magazine. This is attractive to the audience as buying copies of a magazine from the shelves is restricting, as you can only buy the issue that is there whereas with the subscription the audience is able to buy previous issues enabling them to read about what they have missed. Brief Heading This is the summary of the content giving the reader an insight into what the magazine will include. Again the theme of red has been used showing consistency by sticking to the house style. The summary also shows the reader exactly what they will be reading and what they will be getting from the magazine demonstrating professionalism. This is also effective as it contrast the manic style of the image placement and shot types, giving the audience structure in order for their read to be easy and simplistic. Sub Headings The sub headings are in blocked capitals making them stand out from the background. This is effective as it makes the white writing standout even more on the page, attracting the audience and thus informing them on the content of the magazine. By the text being in sections this makes the text seem less overwhelming, which could have cause the audience to be uninterested in the magazine due to the vast amount of information they have to read in order to be navigated to their desired section. Editorial Editor introduces the magazine, portraying the magazine as approachable and shows the audience that the people who have made the magazine care for its content therefore making the magazine worth the read. The style of writing is informal and chatty suggesting that the magazine will be for thoughts of a younger age as they are more likely to be interested in informal topics, giving then relieve from their stressful lifestyles of work and exams.

Analysis of NME Content Page

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