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Page Number, Date line and NME title In the corner of the page contains the NME title,

date and page number. By repeating the name of the magazine this keeps the reader informed on where the information is coming from, thus subconsciously making the audience remember the name of the magazine. This is promoting the magazine. The page numbers are effective as they allow the audience to know exactly what page they are on and where in the magazine they are. This allows to reader to flip through the pages of the magazine without the issue of having to remember the pages of the magazine to return to the page they were on.

Mise en scene

Analysis of NME Double Page Spread

The mise en scene created by a graffiti background makes Dizzee look as though he is up to trouble. The audience assumes this as graffiti had connotations of deviance and criminality which then makes the audience assume that the artist is doing something wrong. Main Image Dizzee is wearing a red bomber jacket. This contrast the idea of the magazine being for youths as this styled clothing was around in the 970 suggesting that is audience is older. The red jacket also makes him stand out which denotes his famous statue of being well known. The bomber jacket also relates to the genre of music, as they are stereotyped for people who are causing mischief. There is also a photograph of Dizzee on the first page of the double spread. This artist face can also be seen on the front cover whereby an exclusive interview is promoted. By doing this it allows the audience to easily distinguish between the main article and the other articles in the magazine making it appear organised and professional. The main image of Dizzee relates to the genre of music as he looks as if he is up to no good, a common stereotype for people who are into hip hop music.

Copy In the paragraph it talks about previous events, and gossip about Dizzee. This is what a music magazine generally talks about e.g. bands which relate to the genre of the magazine. On the other hand this could be contradicted as by publishing gossip material it moves away from the music and therefore distracts the audience from the magazine goal of promoting music. Other images There are empty bottles and cups on the second page of the double page spread. This tells me this is a youths magazine as commonly people of this age will experiment with drinking, making the magazine more interesting to the audience by showing something they can relate to.

Sub Heading The artists name Dizzee is repeated throughout the double page spread. This keeps the audiences concentration onto the artist promoting him and also the magazine by making it clear to the audience what the magazine is talking about, therefore showing consistency in the magazine.

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