GPON Vs EPON The Performance and Cost Comparision

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GPON vs EPON: the performance and cost comparision

What's the difference between the GPON and EPON, let's learn from the following aspects: the performance and cost comparision, first we should know what's the GPON and EPON: EPON & GPON Basics 1 Ethernet Passive Optical Network (EPON) Sometimes called GEPON Gigabit Ethernet Passi!e Optical Network" #EEE $%&'( standard, ratified as $%&'(ah)&%%* for +Gbits,s #EEE $%&'(a! standard for +%Gbits,s -ses standard $%&'( Ethernet data frames 2 Gi a!it Passive Optical Network (GPON) #.- Standard G'/$* 0ownstream &'*$$Gbits,s, -pstream +'&**,&'*$$Gbits,s #.- Standard G'/$1 for +%Gbits 0ownstream +%Gbits,s, -pstream &'*$$,+%Gbits,s -ses GPON Encapsulation 2ethod GE2", fragmented packets or 3.2 implementations use GE2 as 3.2 is e4pensi!e" Basic PON Operation


EPON & GPON "imilarities


+ 5oth ha!e an Optical 6ine .erminal O6." at the headend & 5oth use passi!e optical splitters in the Optical 0istribution Network O0N" ( 5oth ha!e multiple Optical Network -nits ON-s" or Optical Network .erminals ON.s" at the subscriber * 5oth utili7e W02 3 $%&'(ah,#.- G'/$* 0ownstream +*/%nm, -pstream +(+%nm 5 $%&'(a!,#.- G'/$1 0ownstream +&8%)+&$%nm, -pstream +919)+9$%nm 9 Standards define different loss budgets but t:picall: use &$d5 which corresponds to (& split at &%km 8 ;orward Error <orrection ;E<" is used to gain more loss budget 1 5oth pro!ide support for =oice, =ideo and 0ata EPON & GPON #ifferences + EPON assumes that data toda: starts and ends as Ethernet and therefore $%&'( frame format is appropriate' -sed widel: in the Enterprise and 3sian #SP markets' 3 #P data ser!ices 5 =o#P < #P.= > Supports multicast so uses less bandwidth & GPON Pro!ides nati!e support for different ser!ices' 3s this is an #.standard it is aimed at .elco s 3 Pro!ides 3.2 for =oice 5 Ethernet for 0ata < Proprietar: Encapsulation for other !oice ser!ices ( GPON e?uipment re?uires multiple protocol con!ersions, segmentation and reassembl: S3@", !irtual channel =<" termination and point)to)point protocol PPP" $e sho%ld also know the difference from the link speed& "plit 'atios& 1 EPON & GPON (ink "peed (1) GPON G)*+, Provides faster link speed than EPON +-2).ah 3 GPON &'**$ Gbps in the downstream direction and +'&**+8 Gbps in the upstream direction, whereas EPON is s:mmetrical +'&9 Gbps +'% Gbps prior to $5,+%5 coding" 5 EPON efficienc: reaches /1'+(A to /$'/&A of the efficienc: of a point)to)point +GbE link' While GPON in GE2 mode can achie!e B /9A efficienc: of its usable bandwidth < EPON can be operated in what is t:picall: termed Cturbo modeD ) downstream EPON data rate is doubled to &'9Gbps, thus enabling bandwidth throughput comparable to GPON'

(2) EPON O(/s connect to the provider network %sin cost0efficient devices& s%ch as Ethernet switches and ro%ters) 3 GPON O6.s connect to the pro!ider network using 3.2 switches or con!ert to Ethernet 5 Ethernet switches and routers use $%&'( as their standard as does EPON (.) GPON G)*+1 and EPON +-2).av are the same link speed EPON can scale !ia $%&'( standards +Gbits,s, +%Gbits,s, etc' (,) 2P not 3/4 is the dominant networkin technolo 5 oin forward 3 Standard data ser!ices are #P $%&'(" 5 =oice is transitioning to =o#P $%&'(" < =ideo is transition to #P .= $%&'(" 2 EPON & GPON "plit 'atios (1) EPON does not limit the split ratio 3 Standard supports a minimum of (& but no upper limit 5 Split ratio defined b: the ser!ices and bandwidth the pro!ider wants to support < .:pical split ratio is (& and 8* with ;E< 0 EPON can deplo: cheaper optics at the ON- as it does not need to reach a split ratio of +&$ (2) GPON defines an %pper limit 3 Promises to support +&$ with ;E<" 5 .:pical split ratio is 8* (.)1-G!its6s ever5thin the same Pro!ides the same bandwidth to the same number of subscribers . EPON & GPON 7ramin

GPON vs EPON: a cost comparision

3s a purchaser, we pa: close attention to the price, this chapter we will take a look for the cost comparision between the GPON and EPON EPON & GPON 8osts 1 EPON deplo5ments driven !5 3sia (9apan& 8hina & :orea) +" 3ppro4imatel: 8%A of PON subscribers world wide &" Scale reducing cost and dri!ing in!estment (" North 3merican <able Operators also mo!ing to EPON *" Ethernet de!ices appro4imatel: +,+% the cost of 3.2 de!ices 9" Optics less e4pensi!e than GPON 2 GPON deplo5ments initiall5 driven !5 /elco;s ("ONE/) +" 40S6 still widel: deplo:ed but mo!ing to PON &" 3.2 de!ices supporting 0S6 and GPON e4pensi!e and being replaced with Ethernet de!ices (" North 3merican .elco s ha!e historicall: used GPON *" No nati!e support for 2ulticast so uses proprietar: solution or more bandwidth 9" .iming constraints tighter with GPON so optics more e4pensi!e 8" GPON adds a la:er of comple4it: to data networks including =o#P", as traffic must be con!erted to #P

8omm"cope "ol%tion 1 Provides "%pport for !oth EPON and GPON +" +Gbits,s s:mmetric EPON &" +%Gbits,s s:mmetric EPON waiting on Silicon to go to production" (" &'9Gbits,s GPON 2 Provides a wide ran e of ON<s +" S;P ON- to support legac: e?uipment &" +,&,* Ethernet Ports (" * Ethernet Ports, & =o#P ports *" * Ethernet Ports, & =o#P ports and Wifi 9" $,+8,&* Ethernet Ports ( Standards based no Proprietar: solutions +" EPON e?uipment meets #EEE standards for both subscriber and network side &" GPON e?uipment meets #.- standards * Supports 6a:er ( features +" Supports routing protocols, OSP;, 5GP, #S)#S' =%awei GPON prod%cts 1 O(/ prod%ct: 4%iti >service O(/& mainl: for o!erseas include 2398%%., 2398%(., 2398%8. stop production, replacement is 2398%$.", 2398%$. /he P%re O(/& 2398$%., 2398$(.

2 /he client 4#< ON/ 4#<: 2398&%, 2398&8, 2398+&, 2398+8 ON/: EG$%+%, EG$&*%, EG$&*9, EG$&*1

. Optical splitter& O#7& ?%mper and so on) 2ore GPON and EPON .erminal products, http:,,www'huanetwork'com,gpon)epon)terminal)priceFc*& please !isit:

EPON & GPON "%mmar5 + 5oth EPON and GPON recogni7ed the need to e!ol!e PON to being a Gigabit capable

solution for transporting Ethernet #P traffic' & 5oth utili7e a common optical infrastructure, but !er: different in e4ecution' EPON e4tended nati!e Ethernet to support the PON P&2P architecture, while GPON wished to e4tend the life of G;P framed SONE.,S0E ( GPON .elco legac: supporting legac: telecom SONE. networking +" GPON link rates match #.- standards like O<(, O<+&, etc &" North 3merican .elco s SONE.,GPON (" E?uipment based on #.-,SONE. t:picall: more e4pensi!e,complicated * EPON is designed to support Ethernet and #P +" EPON link rates match #EEE standards like +Gbs, +%Gbs, etc &" North 3merican <able Operators adopting EPON (" EPON is widel: deplo:ed world)wide *" Ethernet and #P scale reducing costs and dri!ing in!estment in EPON s:stems

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