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PP-CP-T-2014-A004 Exam Name: Date of completion: 23-Sep-2013 00:44 80 mins Duration:

Exam Result Number Of Questions Correct/(Unattempted + Wrong) Ratio: 27 : 3 Marks Correct/(Unattempted + Wrong) Ratio: 27.0 : 3.0 87 % Percentage Score: Total Time Taken Including Stoppage and Resume Time = 430 seconds Negative Marking Factor 0.33 Attempted Wrong Weightage of Questions: 3.0

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10% 90%

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Question wise report

Result No. Description All Marks Time Spent Solution Ans: 144m Let the distance of race be d. Let the speed of the runners be a,b,c Let Anand take t seconds to cover d. at = d, bt = d-36 ct = d-54 d = at = bt+36 = ct+54. Time taken by Babu to cover distance d = d/b = t + 36/b c(t + 36/b) = d-24 d = ct + 36c/b + 24 so overall we have d = at = bt+36 = ct+54 = ct + 36c/b + 24 Using ct + 54 = ct + 36c/b + 24, b=6c/5. Using bt+36 = ct+54 and b=6c/5., ct=90. As on the top we have ct=d-54, 90 = d-54, Solving d=144m. Ans: (x+15)/9 The function f(x) does the following. 1. Multiplies x by 9. 2. Subtracts 15 Correct 1.0

(QID=9734) : Anand, Babu and Chiyaan ran a race, with Anand finishing 36 meters ahead of Babu and 54 meters ahead of Chiyaan. Babu finishes 24 meters ahead of runner Chiyaan. Each runner travels the entire distance at a constant speed. What is the length of the race? 1 132m 140m 144m 152m Correct 1.0

(QID=9729) : If f(x)=9x-15 what is f-1(x) (the inverse function)? x/9 - 15 x/15 - 9 (x+15) / 9 None of the above

The inverse is to undo using the steps in the reverse order. 1. Add 15 2. Divide by 9. Hence answer is (x+15)/9

(QID=9728) : What is the remainder when 6^17 + 17^6 + 169^235 is divided by 7? 0 1 3 5




Ans: 1 6^17 mod 7=(71)^17 mod 7= (-1)^17 mod 7=-1 (As 17 is odd finally -1). 17^6 mod 7=(3)^6 mod 7= 729 mod 7 = 1 (3^6 - 729) 169^235 is 1. The remainder when 6^17+17^6 is divided by 7 is 11+1=1 Ans: 24 23400 = 2*3*3*13*2*5*2*5 272304 = 2*2*2*2*3*3* 1891 205248 = 2*2*2*2*2*2*3*1069 Common factors are = 2*2*2*3 Hence the required number = 8*3 = 24 Ans: 252 ways The 5 who refuse to sit in upper deck must be in lower. The 7 who refuse to sit in lower deck must be in upper. Hence these 12 people have been utilized and now upper deck can accommodate 12-7 = 5 people and lower can accommodate 10-5 = 5 people. The remaining 2212 = 10 people can be distributed in 10C5 * 5C5 = 252 ways Ans: 8 Let us consider the possible count of Rs.50 notes being paid to pay Rs.250 and the pattern of payment across the days. 5 fifty rupee notes = 5C5 = 1 3 fifty rupee notes and 1 hundred rupee note = 4C1 = 4 1 fifty rupee note and 2 hundred rupee notes = 3C1 =3 Hence total ways = 1+4+3 = 8 Ans: -4 > x > 4 x^2 - 16 > 0 x^2 > 16 So if x is positive it should be greater than 4. If is negative it should be less than -4.

(QID=9685) : What is the largest positive integer that divides all the three numbers 23400, 272304, 205248 without leaving a remainder? 4 48 24 96 72 Correct 1.0

(QID=9724) : 22 passengers are to travel by a double decker bus which can accommodate 12 in the upper deck and 10 in the lower deck. If 5 refuse to sit in the upper deck and 7 refuse to sit in the lower deck, in how many ways can the passengers be distributed? 5 140 ways 252 ways 360 ways 440 ways Correct 1.0

(QID=9721) : A owes B Rs. 250. He agrees to pay B over a number of consecutive days starting on a Monday, paying single note of Rs 50 or Rs 100 on each day. In how many different ways can A repay B. (Two ways are said to be different if at least one day, a note of a different denomination is given) 6 8 12 14 None of the above Correct 1.0

(QID=9736) : If x^2 - 16 > 0, then which of the following must be true? -4 < x < 4 4<x -4 > x > 4




-4 > x < 4

than -4. Hence -4 > x > 4 is true. Ans: 5 (b + 5)(2b+2) = 4b^2 + 4b + 0, 2b^2 + 12b + 10 = 4b^2 + 4b + 0, 2b^2 -8b -10 = 0, b^2 -4b -5 = 0, Solving b=5 or b=-1, Among the given options, 5 is the answer.

(QID=9727) : In a number system with base b, 15*22 = 440, the value of b is 2 8 4 5 7 Correct 1.0

(QID=9719) : How many positive integers less than 450 can be formed using 1, 2, 5 and 6 for it's digits, with each digit being used only once? 9 96 60 42 28 Correct 1.0

Ans: 28 Num of possible 1 digit numbers = 4 Num of possible 2 digit numbers = 4*3 = 12 For 3 digit numbers, to meet the condition the number should be less than 450, 5 and 6 cannot be in the hundredth position. Num of possible 3 digit numbers = 2*3*2 = 12 Total +ve integers meeting the condition = 4+12+12 = 28 Ans: 36 45 can be written as 9*5. The sum of all the digits is 44*45/2 + 81 = 22*45 + 63 = 1071 which is divisible by 9. Hence the entire number is divisible by 9. As 1 is in the last digit, the last digit in the quotient when divided by 9 will be 9 (As 9*9 gives unit digit as 1). So when divided by 5, the remainder will be 4. Because we used 9 already to divide the number, the remainder 4 should be multiplied by 9. Hence required answer is 36. Ans: 4 Let the committees/groups be a,b,c anbnc=2 anb=bnc=cn a=3 So total members in committee a = Number of members who are not common with

(QID=9722) : What is the remainder when the number 123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434481 is divided by 45? 10 16 21 36 41 Correct 1.0

(QID=9741) : An organization has three committees. Only two persons are members of all three committees, but every pair of committees has three members in common. What is the LEAST possible number of the members on any one committee? 11 2 3 4 5 Correct 1.0

any of the committee + number of members common with committee b and c + number of members common with committee b ALONE + number of members common with committee c ALONE For the least possible number, Number of members who are not common with any of the committee = 0. Hence least possible number = 0 + 2 + (3-2) + (32) = 4 Note: We have 3-2 because though there are 3 members common

for a group, 2 are common across all groups. Ans: Thursday From day 1 to day 11 is considered one cycle. So for 1233 rd holiday it is 1233*11 = 13563. Excluding the starting Monday it is 13562 days. 13562 has 3 odd days. So Monday+ 3 days = Thursday.

(QID=9740) : A man starts his work on a monday. He works for 10 days and takes rest on every 11th day, that is every 11th day as holiday. The 1233 rd holiday will fall on 12 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Correct 1.0

(QID=9720) : Meena wanted to buy 3 kgs of apples. The vendor kept the 3 kg weight on the right side and weighed 10 apples for that. She doubted on the correctness of the balance and placed 3 kg weight on the left side and she could weigh 15 apples for 3 kgs. If the balance was accurate how many apples she would have got for 6 kilograms? 13 15 apples 20 apples 25 apples None of the above Correct 1.0

Ans: 25 apples. Let the additional weight on the left side be x. Let the average weight of an apple be a. x+10a = 3kgs x+3 = 15a Solving, a=6/25 kgs. Hence for 6 kgs she should have got 6/1/6/25 = 25 apples. Ans: 15.38% Let the current price of unit quantity of petrol be x. New price=1.3x. Let reduced quantity be y. y*1.3x = 1.1x, y=11/13

(QID=9733) : If the price of petrol increases by 30% and Babu intends to spend only an additional 10% on petrol, by how much percentage should he reduce the consumption? 14 11.62% 12.64% 14% 15.38% Correct 1.0

Reduction = 1 11/13 = 2/13 = 15.38% (QID=9739) : Diana bought two varities of rice costing 50 Rs per kg and 80 Rs per kg and mixed them in some ratio. Then she sold that mixture at 72 Rs per kg making a profit of 20%. What was the ratio of the mixture? 2:1 3:1 2:5 3:5 Ans: 2:1 Cost of mixture be x. x*1.2 = 72, x = 720/12 = 60 Correct 1.0


Using alligation rule, Qty of 50kg rice/Qty of 80kg rice = (80 - 60)/(6050) = 2:1 Ans: None of the above (As answer is 243) Based on the condition the center can contain any of the three colors and need not have matching cell. The 2 pairs of grid cells which are positioned diagonally must have same color. The 2 pairs of grid cells in the edge in the middle should match it's color with the cell in the directly opposite side. As there are 3 colors to be used, number of ways = 3*3*3*3*3 = 243 Ans: 462 Now when the queues are merged there are 11 slots. In these slots the girls can be arranged in a fashion without disturbing their order. Hence num of ways to arrange girls = 11C6 = 462 The boys can be arranged in the remaining five slots in only one way as their order should be preserved. Hence total num of ways = 462 * 1 = 462. Note: If you consider arranging boys first, then also 11C5 * 1 = 11C6 = 462

(QID=9737) : A 3*3 grid is coloured using red, green and blue colors such that if we rotate the grid about it's center in the plane by 180 degrees, the grid looks the same. The number of ways to color the grid this way is 16 6 15 32 None of the above Correct 1.0

(QID=9723) : There are 5 boys and 6 girls in two separate queues. The two queues are merged so that the positions of the boys (in relation to each other) and those of the girls (in relation to each other) remain unchanged. In how many ways can this be done? 17 250 462 684 748 Correct 1.0

Ans: 53 Let the number of chocs be x. The price of one choc will be between Rs.1

between Rs.1 inclusive to Rs.2 which will be y So xy == 68.90 = 6890 paise. (QID=9738) : A shop used to sell chocolates at Rs.2 each but there were no sales at that price. When it reduced the price, all the chocolates sold out enabling the shopkeeper to realize Rs 68.90 from the sales. If the new price was not less than half of the original price quoted, how many chocolates were sold? 18 47 53 73 87 Wrong 1.0

Now writing 6890 as multiple of prime factors, 6890 = 2*5*13*53 As the price of a choc should be between 100 paise to 200 paise, the possible product combo is either 2,5,13 or 53*2 So the price of a chocolate and the num of chocolate can be either (Rs.1.30 and 53 chocolates) or (Rs.1.06 and 65 chocolates) Among the options 53 is the answer

Ans: None of the above (As answer is 64/15625) Let us find the probability that the product ends with odd digit. For a product's unit digit to be odd, no unit digit in the 6 numbers should be even. Else even * odd will be even. For the unit digit to be an odd digit other than 5, 5 should not be in the unit digit. So possible digits in unit digit of all the six numbers are 1,3,7,9 out of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0 Hence required probability = (4/10)^6 = (2/5)^6 = 64/15625

(QID=9669) : 6 positive numbers are taken at random and multiplied together. Then what is the probability that the product ends in an odd digit other than 5? 19 2/5 9/10 4/5 None of the above Correct 1.0

(QID=9735) :

If f(x)=ax+b, then f(f(f(x))) = 27x + 39. Then a+b is

5 6 7 8





Ans: 6 f(f(f(x))) = f(f(ax+b)) = f(a^2*x + ab + b) = a^3*x + a^2*b + ab + b = 27x + 39 Comparing the coefficients of x, a^3=27 and hence a=3. Also a^2*b + ab + b = 39, As a=3, b=3 and a+b=6

(QID=9725) :

Ans: 126654 Thousandth position. 2,3,5,9 can occupy there. Sum = 1000 * (2+3+5+9) * 3! =

(QID=9725) : Find the sum of all the four digit numbers that can be formed using the digits 2,3,5,9. No digit is to be repeated. 21 524254 324454 126654 None of the above Wrong 1.0

(2+3+5+9) * 3! = 1000 * 19 * 6 Hundredth position sum = 100 * (19) * 6 Tenth position sum = 10 * (19) * 6 Unit position sum = 1 *(19) * 6 Hence overall sum = 19 * 6 * (1000 + 100 + 10 + 1) = 19 * 6 * 1111 = 126654

(QID=9731) : How many 5 digit numbers are there that do not contain the digits 3 or 6? 25088 32768 28672 None of the above (QID=9730) : How many 6-digit odd numbers can be formed from the digits 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 so that the digits do not repeat and the second last digit is even? 23 1440 1820 2400 None of the above Correct 1.0





Ans: 28672 Possible digits are 0,1,2,4,5,7,8,9 Num of ways = 7*8*8*8*8 = 28672 (As the digits can be repeated and 0 cannot be in first place.) Ans: 1440 Number of ways to fill last digit = 4 (one among 1,3,5,7), second last = 3 (one among 2,4,6) Reqd num of ways = 4*3*5*4*3*2 = 1440 Ans: 40km/hr Total distance = 25*24 kms Distance by bus =

(QID=9560) : A man travels by bus for 20 hours and then by train for 5 hours. If the average speed of the bus was 20kmph and that of the entire journey was 24 kmph, what was the average speed of the train? 24 30 km/hr 32 km/hr 36 km/hr 40km/hr Correct 1.0

20*20 Distance by train = 25*24 - 20*20 Average speed for train = (25*24 20*20)/5 = 5*24 4*20 = 40km/hr Ans: 16 Num of ways only green box is selected = 1C1 * 4C2 = 6 (PVG, YVG, BVG, PYG, PBG, YBG) Num of ways only red box is selected = 1C1 * 4C2 = 6 Num of ways one green box and one red box is selected = 2C2 * 4C1= 4 Total ways = 16. Ans: 24! * 34 Out of the 26 slots, two slots are allocated for C and D and can be filled in 2,1 ways (The first slot can be C or D and the second slot the remaining). The number of ways in which C and D can occur in different slots = 26(8+1) = 17 Hence total num of

(QID=9732) : There are 6 boxes colored violet, pink, red, yellow, blue and green. If 3 boxes are selected at random, how many combinations are there for atleast one green box or one red box to be selected?


12 14 16 18




(QID=9726) : In how many ways can we arrange letters from A to Z, when C and D can have only eight letters between them? 26 24! * 34 24! / 8! 26! * 7! None of the above Correct 1.0

ways = 24! * 2 * 17 = 24! * 34 Ans: None of the above (As answer is 01) The unit digit will be 1. The tens digit will be the unit digit in Correct 1.0

(QID=9718) : Find the last two digits in 4761^25


21 41 81 None of the above

the product of 6*5(the unit digit in power and the tens digit of the number) = unit digit in 30 = 0 Hence last two digits will be 01


(QID=9682) : A farmer has a rose garden. Every day he either plucks 7 or 6 or 24 or 23 roses. The rose plants are intelligent and when the farmer plucks these numbers of roses, the next day 37 or 36 or 9 or 18 new roses bloom in the garden respectively. On Monday, he counts 189 roses in the garden. He plucks the roses as per his plan on consecutive days and the new roses bloom as per intelligence of the plants mentioned above. After some days which of the following can be the number of roses in the garden? 249 232 27 26

Ans: 249 Situation where the number of roses increases is when he plucks 7 or 6. Increase = 37-7 or 36-6= 30. Situation where the number of roses decreases is when he plucks 24 or 23. Decrease = 24-9 = 15 or 23-18 =5. Initial count was 189. Option 1: 26 To arrive at 26, it has to be decremented by 189-26=163 which cannot happen as 189 + 30x -5y -15z will not give 3 in unit digit. Similarly Option 3 and 4 are not possible Option 2: 249 To arrive at 249, it has to be incremented by 249 - 189 = 60 which is possible as 189 + 30*2 = 249




Ans: Thursday Esha lies on Mon,Tue,Wed Usha lies on Thu,Fri,Sat Esha says truth on Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun Usha says truth on Sun,Mon,Tue,Wed Case 1: Both are saying truth. This can happen only on Sunday. But saturday cannot be a lying day for Esha. Hence this case is invalid

(QID=9575) : Absentminded professor forgot the day of the week. He met his 2 students Eesha and Usha in the

Absentminded professor forgot the day of the week. He met his 2 students Eesha and Usha in the class room. Eesha lies on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays and tells the truth on the other days of the week. Usha lies on Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays but tells the truth on the other days of the week. They made the following statements. Eesha : Yesterday was one of my lying days. Usha : Yesterday was one of my lying days. 29 From these two statements, the professor was able to deduce the day of the week. What was the day? Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Correct 1.0

Case 2: Both are lying. This cannot happen at all as per the info given Case 3: Esha lies and Usha is saying truth. Usha saying truth and the previous day being her day of telling lie can happen when current day is Sunday. But on Sunday Esha will always say the truth. Hence this case is not valid. Case 4: Usha lies and Esha is saying truth Esha saying truth and the previous day being her day of telling lie can happen when current day is Thursday. Also on Thursday's Usha lies. Hence this case is valid. Hence answer is Thursday Ans: Only Father and Mother Consider the possible scenarios. Case 1: Father is right. Now, Usha never sleeps. This implies Eesha never drinks milk. Hence nurse is wrong in this case. Mom's conclusion can happen as it does not contradict with father's assumption.

(QID=9567) : A mother has 3 babies Usha, Nisha and Eesha. If Usha is sleeping, Eesha is drinking milk. If Nisha is not sleeping, Eesha is not drinking. It never happens that both Usha and Nisha are sleeping. Father concludes that Usha never sleeps. Mother concludes that Nisha never sleeps. Nurse concludes that Eesha always drinks. Who has made a correct deduction? 30 Only Father and Mother Only Father Only Nurse and Mother Only Nurse Correct 1.0

Case 2: Mom is right. Now, Nisha never sleeps. This implies Eesha never drinks milk. Hence nurse is wrong in this case. Father's conclusion can happen as it does not contradict with mom's assumption. Case 3: Nurse is right. Now, Esha always drinks. This implies Usha is always sleeping. This also implies Nishal is always sleeping. But as both Usha and Nisha cannot

sleep simultaneously Nurse can be never right.


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