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This Agreement made and entered into on ____________ in and bet!een" herein re#erred to as the FIRST PARTY$ % and %


hereina#ter re#erred to as the SECOND PARTY$ WITNESSETH: That &' FIRST PARTY has so(ght the ser)i*es o# the SECOND PARTY !ho +resents herse,# as s(++,ier o# artists, to +ro)ide artists #or the +er#orman*e o# dan*e n(mbers #or the e)ent be,o! s+e*i#ied and in a**ordan*e !ith the #o,,o!ing detai,s" EVENT VENUE : : ONE ESPLANADE BLDG. Seasi e B!"#e$a% &!%'e% (. W Di!)'! B!"#e$a% * +a## !, Asia C!-.#e/ Pasa0 Cit0 1233 : : 2 DANCE NU+BERS : CD ONLY


-' .or the +(r+ose, the SECOND PARTY has +ro+osed to FIRST PARTY the dan*e gro(+ /no!n as 5B GENSAN 0hereina#ter the 1A%tists23 as the +er#ormers to be +ro)ided #or the e)ent and the FIRST PARTY has agreed thereto'

4' .or and in *onsideration o# the +er#orman*e o# the Artists in the e)ent and o# the SECOND PARTY6S ser)i*es, the FIRST PARTY sha,, +a to the SECOND PARTY the amo(nt o# +a ab,e as #o,,o!s" .i#t +er*ent 05673sha,, be d(e (+on signing the agreement$ and .i#t +er*ent 05673 ba,an*e on the da o# the e)ent be#ore the +rogram starts' The SECOND PARTY sha,, be res+onsib,e in *om+ensating the Artists and hereb ho,ds the FIRST PARTY #ree and harm,ess #rom an *,aims b the Artists' 8' The FIRST PARTY agrees to +ro)ide the #o,,o!ing to the SECOND PARTY" a3 .ood and be)erages #or &4 +eo+,e (+on arri)ing and d(ring the sta at the )en(e b3 9oordination and an ade:(ate ba*/gro(nd in#ormation or brie#ing on the e)ent thro(gh its a ,iaison +erson$ .or the +(r+ose, it agreed that *omm(ni*ation sha,, be thro(gh emai, at and a,ternati)e, b te;t messaging to the mobi,e +hone n(mber ' 5' <n *ase the SECOND PARTY #ai,s to +er#orm at the e)ent d(e to (n*ontro,,ab,e=(na)oidab,e *ir*(mstan*es s(*h as si*/ness o# Artists, tro+i*a, disasters, a**idents or an a*ts o# >od, the SECOND PARTY sha,, ret(rn the #i#t +er*ent do!n +a ment to FIRST PARTY' Pro)ided that in *ase the reason #or the inabi,it to +er#orm is d(e to si*/ness, the SE9ON? PARTY ma , s(b@e*t to a++ro)a, o# .<RST PARTY, re+,a*e the Artists !ith another !ith the same star )a,(e' FIRST PARTY agrees that this *ontra*t does not *o)er an radio, te,e)ision' or #i,m rights' A' <n *ase the FIRST PARTY +ost+ones the said #(n*tion, the ARTIST sha,, re#(nd one ha,# o# the amo(nt o# do!n +a ment and retain the other ha,# b !a o# damages #or ,ost boo/ing be*a(se the ARTIST has b,o*/ed the date o# the said e)ent and did not a**e+t boo/ings on the same da to +re)ent *on#,i*t o# s*hed(,e !ith the e)ent o# FIRST PARTY' Pro)ided ho!e)er that i# the Artists are a)ai,ab,e to +er#orm on the date o# resetting o# the e)ent b .<RST PARTY, the SE9ON? PARTY sha,, ha)e the o+tion o# *ontin(ing this *ontra*t in a**ordan*e !ith its terms or to *an*e, the same !ith #or#eit(re as hereinbe#ore +ro)ided' B' A,, +a ments made herein sha,, be e;*,(si)e o# a++,i*ab,e ta;es d(e on the amo(nt re*ei)ed b SECOND PARTY and=or Artists !ho agree to be res+onsib,e #or the +a ment o# an and a,, ta;es on the amo(nt the re*ei)ed and hereb ho,ds the .<RST PARTY #ree and harm,ess #rom s(*h *,aim or ,iabi,it '

<n !itness thereo#, the _______________-6&-'












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