Chapter 4 Porn

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Chapter 4 PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION This chapter deals with presentation, analysis and interpretation of data gathered.

The data gathered from the respondents were presented in tables, analyzed and interpreted base on the data and information gathered by the researcher with the aid of the questionnaire. The tables and figures are useful in describing the result and in showing the trends and emerge in the analysis. A descriptive statistics through computation of mean and standard deviation were used to determine the perceived effect of pornography on behavior and social function. Demographic profile is a statistical view of a population, generally including age, religion and so on. Demographic analysis provides insights into the links between these characteristics. Demographic analysis used to establish the percentage of the total population involved in a particular resource use activity. The status profile of the respondents described in terms of age, gender and religion. The factors that contributed to exposure to pornography are personal and social factors. Profile of the respondents in terms of Age

The age of an individual is an important variables in the process of pornography. The response of an individual being exposed to pornography varies within their age and maturity. Table 1 presents the frequency and distribution of age Table 1 Profile of the Respondents in Terms of Age Age 18 years old 19 years old 20 years old 21 years old Total Frequency 10 21 20 9 60 Percentage 17% 35% 33% 15% 100%

The table revealed that out of 60 respondents, there are 10 or 17% who are 18 years old, 21 or 35% who are 19 years old, 20 or 33% who are 20 years old and 9 or 15% who are 21 years old. Twenty one (21) or 35% of the respondents who are exposed to pornography are 19 years old. This agrees with the statements of Traore (2004), who stated that, adolescent have distinct needs at different stages of the process of their development, and, therefore, different approach are required for reaching and serving them. Although they are by no means a homogenous group, many common characteristic define their lives and affect their ability to access and use reproductive health information and service. Specially, adolescent, unlike most adult, are not fully capable of understanding complex concepts, or the relationship between the behavior and consequences, or the degree of degree they have or can have over sexual decision making. This inability may make them particularly vulnerable to sexual exploitation and high risk behavior. Profile of the Respondents in Terms of Gender

Gender plays an important factor in being exposed to pornography which in fact being male and female affects person knowledge and behavior. According to the statement of Brooks (2013), pornography gives men the false impression that sex and pleasure are entirely divorced from relationships. In other words, pornography is inherently self-centeredsomething a man does by himself, for himselfby using another women as the means to pleasure, as yet another product to consume.

Table 2 presents the frequency and distribution of gender Table 2 Profile of the respondents in Terms of Gender Gender Male Female Total Frequency 50 10 60 Percentage 83% 17% 100%

The table above shows that the majority of the respondents are male which comprises 83% of the total respondents while the remaining 17% are female respondents, which means that most of the respondents who are being exposed to pornography are males.

Fifty (50) or 83% of the respondents who are exposed to pornography are male. This agrees with the statement of Anderson (2004), who stated thateExperiences are gender exclusives. This saves embarrassment amongst students and teaches them only what is necessary to know based on their gender specially in terms of sensitive stuffs like sex or pornography, more likely men are usually has the more courage to get into this kind of topic. Profile of Respondents in Terms of Religion

Religion varies as an important factor in sex and pornography. This reflects their strong faith on what they believe is right and how they manage things that environment kept on supplying them and how they react with it. Table 3 presents the frequency and distribution of religion. Table 3 Profile of the Respondents in Terms of Religion Religion Roman Catholic Born Again Christian Total Frequency 55 5 60 Percentage 92% 8% 100%

The table revealed that 55 or 92% of the respondents are who are exposed to pornography are Roman Catholic. This is supported by the statement of Andrew Comisky (2013), who stated that Catholics and Protestants came in droves to immerse themselves in the solution for the scandal of sexual disintegration among them. They know their disgrace. Recently a group of 400 Catholic 4th graders admitted unanimous exposure to Intent porn. Every other city motel is designed for short-term sexual trysts. Innumerable young men strut about as grotesque female prostitutes. Forms of Pornography that Respondents are exposed in terms of Written Materials Table 4 presents the types of written materials under pornography that respondents are exposed of. As can be seen from the table, it indicates that the respondents are Agree in the four classifications of written materials. There are 3.9 in the average mean and 0.1 standard deviation.

Table 4 Forms of Pornographic Written Materials Written Materials 1. 2. 3. 4. Mean SD Remarks

Magazine 4.3 0.6 Moderately Agree Newspaper articles 3.3 0.6 Moderately Agree Nobles/ Books 3.5 0.5 Strongly Agree Online Blogs 4.6 0.5 Strongly Agree Average Mean = 3.9 SD= 0.1 Agree Legend: 4.50 5.00 = Strongly Agree 3.50 4.49 = Agree 2.50 3.49 = Moderately Agree 1.50 2.49 = Disagree 1.00 1.49 = Strongly Disagree

The table shows the computed mean of each of the four classifications of written materials under forms of pornography. The result represents the different written pornographic materials. The following results were obtained and the respondents Agree in all classifications where; (1) Magazines has a means of 4.3 and standard deviation of 0.6; (2) Newspaper Articles has a means of 3.3 and standard deviation of 0.6; (3) Nobles/Books has a means of 3.5 and standard deviation of 0.5; (4) Online Blogs has a mean of 4.6 and standard deviation of 0.5 The low standard deviationof 0.1 revealed that the ratings given by the respondents were homogenous. The average mean of 3.9 revealed that the respondents Agree to the different forms of written materials under pornography. <literature here>

Forms of Pornography that Respondent are exposed in terms of Audiovisual Table 5 presents the types of audiovisuals under pornography that respondents are exposed of. As can be seen from the table, it indicates that the respondents are Agree in the four classifications of pornographic audiovisuals. There are 3.7 in the average mean and 0.8 standard deviation. Table 5 Forms of Pornographic Audiovisual Audiovisual 1. 2. 3. 4. DVD/VCD Online Video Live Shows TV shows Average Mean = Mean 4.5 4.5 2.9 2.9 3.7 SD= SD 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.7 0.8 Remarks Strongly Agree Strongly Agree Moderately Agree Moderately Agree Agree

Legend: 4.50 5.00 = Strongly Agree 3.50 4.49 = Agree 2.50 3.49 = Moderately Agree 1.50 2.49 = Disagree 1.00 1.49 = Strongly Disagree The table shows the computed mean of each of the four classifications of written materials under forms of pornography. The result represents the different Pornographic Audiovisuals. The following results were obtained and the respondents Agree in all classifications where; (1) DVD/VCD has a mean of 4.5 and standard deviation of 0.5, (2) Online Video has a mean of 4.5 and standard deviation of 0.5, (3) Live Shows has a mean of 2.9 and standard deviation of 0.8, (4) TV shows has a mean of 2.9 and standard deviation of 0.7. The low standard deviationof 0.8 revealed that the ratings given by the respondents were homogenous.

The average mean of 3.7 revealed that the respondents Agree to the different forms of Pornographic Audiovisuals. <Literature Here> Factors that affects the respondent to be exposed to pornography in terms of Personal Table 6 presents the different personal factors that affect the respondents to be exposed to pornography. As can be seen from the table, it indicates that the respondents are Agree in the three personal factors that affects the respondent to be exposed to pornography. There are 2.8 in the average mean and 0.2 standard deviation. Table 6 Factors that Affect Exposure to Pornography in Terms of Personal Factor Personal 1. Depression 2. Self- Satisfaction 3. Curiosity Average Mean = Mean 2.6 4.1 4.1 3.6 SD= SD 0.5 0.8 0.7 0.2 Remarks Moderate Agree Agree Agree Agree

Legend: 4.50 5.00 = Strongly Agree 3.50 4.49 = Agree 2.50 3.49 = Moderately Agree 1.50 2.49 = Disagree 1.00 1.49 = Strongly Disagree The table shows the computed mean of each of the three personal factors that affects the respondents to be exposed to pornography. The following results were obtained and the respondents Agree in all classifications where; (1) Depression has a mean of 2.6 and standard deviation of 0.5, (2) Self- satisfaction has a mean of 4.1 and standard deviation of 0.8, (3) Curiosity has a mean of 4.1 and standard deviation of 0.7.

The low standard deviationof 0.2 revealed that the ratings given by the respondents were homogenous. The average mean of 2.8 revealed that the respondents Agree to the personal factor that affects the respondents exposure to pornography. . <Literature Here> Factors that affects the respondent to be exposed to pornography in terms of Social Table 7 presents the different social factors that affect the respondents to be exposed to pornography. As can be seen from the table, it indicates that the respondents are Moderately Agree in the two social factors that affects the respondent to be exposed to pornography. There are 2.8 in the average mean and 0.2 standard deviation. Table 7 Factors that Affect Exposure to Pornography in Terms of Social Factor Social 1. Peer 2. Family Average Mean = Mean SD Remarks Agree Disagree Moderate Agree

3.6 0.5 2 0.8 2.8 SD= 0.2

Legend: 4.50 5.00 = Strongly Agree 3.50 4.49 = Agree 2.50 3.49 = Moderately Agree 1.50 2.49 = Disagree 1.00 1.49 = Strongly Disagree The table shows the computed mean of each of the two social factors that affects the respondents to be exposed to pornography. The following results were obtained and the respondents Moderately Agree in all classifications where; (1) Peer has a mean of 3.6 and standard deviation of 0.5, (2) Family has a mean of 2 and standard deviation

of 0.8. The low standard deviationof 0.2 revealed that the ratings given by the respondents were homogenous. The average mean of 2.8 revealed that the respondents Moderately Agree to the social factor that affects the respondents exposure to pornography. <Literature Here> Perceived effects of pornography in terms of Psychological factor. Table 8 presents the different perceived effect of pornography to behavior in temrs of psychological factor. As can be seen from the table, it indicates that the respondents are Agree in the four classifications of written materials. There are 3.9 in the average mean and 0.1 standard deviation. Table 8 Perceived Effect of Pornography to Behavior in terms of Psychological Factor Psyschological 1. Voyeurism (arousal on seeing intimate scene or nude and sexy personalities) 2. Frotteurism (arousal on rubbing or being touch on body parts) 3. Addiction Average Mean = Mean 3 SD 0.7 Remarks Moderate Agree



Moderate Agree

3.3 0.5 2.9 SD= 0.2

Moderate Agree Moderate Agree

Legend: 4.50 5.00 = Strongly Agree 3.50 4.49 = Agree 2.50 3.49 = Moderately Agree 1.50 2.49 = Disagree 1.00 1.49 = Strongly Disagree

The table shows the computed mean of each of the three psychological effects of pornography to behavior and social function. The following results were obtained and the respondents Moderately Agree in all classifications where; (1) Voyeurism has a mean of 3 and standard deviation of 0.7, (2) Frotteurism has a mean of 2.5 and standard deviation of 0.8, (3) Addiction has a mean of 3.3 and standard deviation of 0.5. The low standard deviationof 0.2 revealed that the ratings given by the respondents were homogenous. The average mean of 2.9 revealed that the respondents Moderately Agree to the psychological effect of pornography to behavior and social function. <Literature Here> Perceived effects of pornography in terms of Physical factor. Table 9 presents the different perceived effect of pornography to behavior in temrs of physical factor. As can be seen from the table, it indicates that the respondents are Moderate Agree in the four classifications of written materials. There are 3.3 in the average mean and 0.2 standard deviation. Table 9 Perceived Effect of Pornography to Behavior in terms of Physical Factor Physical 1. Grooming 2. Body Built/Figure Average Mean = Mean SD Remarks Agree Moderate Agree Moderate Agree

3.6 0.5 3.1 0.8 3.3 SD= 0.2

Legend: 4.50 5.00 = Strongly Agree 3.50 4.49 = Agree 2.50 3.49 = Moderately Agree

1.50 2.49 = Disagree 1.00 1.49 = Strongly Disagree The table shows the computed mean of each of the three physical effects of pornography to behavior and social function. The following results were obtained and the respondents Moderately Agree in all classifications where; (1) Grooming has a mean of 3.6 and standard deviation of 0.5, (2) Body built/Figure has a mean of 3.1 and standard deviation of 0.8. The low standard deviationof 0.2 revealed that the ratings given by the respondents were homogenous. The average mean of 3.3 revealed that the respondents Moderately Agree to the physical effect of pornography to behavior and social function. <Literature Here> Perceived effects of pornography in terms of Moral factors Table 10 presents the different perceived effect of pornography to behavior in temrs of moral factor. As can be seen from the table, it indicates that the respondents are Moderate Agree in the four classifications of written materials. There are 3.3 in the average mean and 0.2 standard deviation. Table 10 Perceived Effect of Pornography to Behavior in terms of Moral Factor Moral 1. PDA (Public Display of Affection 2. Same sex attraction 3. Engagement to premarital sex 4. Multiple relationship with opposite gender Mean 2.8 2 3 2.2 SD 0.8 0.5 0.8 0.7 Remarks Moderate Agree Disagree Moderate Agree Disagree

5. Multiple sexual partner Average Mean =

2.7 0.7 2.5 SD= 0.1

Moderate agree Moderate Agree

Legend: 4.50 5.00 = Strongly Agree 3.50 4.49 = Agree 2.50 3.49 = Moderately Agree 1.50 2.49 = Disagree 1.00 1.49 = Strongly Disagree The table shows the computed mean of each of the three moral effects of pornography to behavior and social function. The following results were obtained and the respondents Moderately Agree in all classifications where; (1) PDA(Public display of affection) has a mean of 2.8 and standard deviation of 0.8, (2) Same sex attraction has a mean of 2 and a standard deviation of 0.5, (3) Engagement to premarital sex has a mean of 3 and a standard deviation of 0.8, (4) Multiple relationship with opposite gender has a mean of 2.2 and standard deviation of 0.7, (5) Multiple sexual partner has a mean of 2.7 and standard deviation of 0.7. The low standard deviationof 0.1 revealed that the ratings given by the respondents were homogenous. The average mean of 2.5 revealed that the respondents Moderately Agree to the moral effect of pornography to behavior and social function. <Literature Here> Perceived effects of pornography in terms of Social factor. Table 11 presents the different perceived effect of pornography to behavior in temrs of social factor. As can be seen from the table, it indicates that the respondents are Agree in the four classifications of written materials. There are 3.9 in the average mean and 0.1 standard deviation.

Table 10 Perceived Effect of Pornography to Behavior in terms of Social Factor Social 1. Hanging out mostly with friends of the opposite gender 2. Dating Average Mean = Mean 3.6 SD 1 Remarks Agree

4.1 0.8 3.9 SD= 0.1

Agree Agree

Legend: 4.50 5.00 = Strongly Agree 3.50 4.49 = Agree 2.50 3.49 = Moderately Agree 1.50 2.49 = Disagree 1.00 1.49 = Strongly Disagree The table shows the computed mean of each of the three social effects of pornography to behavior and social function. The following results were obtained and the respondents Agree in all classifications where; (1) Hanging out mostly with friends of the opposite gender has a mean of 3.9 and standard deviation of 1, (2) Dating has a mean of 4.1 and standard deviation of 0.8. The low standard deviationof 0.1 revealed that the ratings given by the respondents were homogenous. The average mean of 3.9 revealed that the respondents Agree to the social effect of pornography to behavior and social function. <Literature Here>

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