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SMJK YU HUA, KAJANG UJIAN BULANAN I 2013 Subject Tarikh Guru Pengubal : Physics : 14-3-2013 (Khamis) : En Pradeep Kumar

Tingkatan : 4A-F Masa : 9:25 am 10:25 am Guru Penyemak : Pn Juzira Bahiki Pengesahan Ketua Bidang:Pn Lew Poh Peng Pengesahan GPK Akademi:

PART A: 30 Objective Questions. Answer in the Objective sheet provided. 1. Which of the following is a base quantity? A. Weight B. Energy C. Mass

D. Velocity


The SI unit for length , time and mass respectively are A. Meter, second, gram B. centimeter, second, kilogram D. Centimeter, minute, gram

C. meter, second, kilogram


Which of the following base quantity and its corresponding SI unit is correct? Base Quantity Electric Current Temperature Length Mass SI Unit milliampere Celcius Meter Newton

A B C D 4.

Which of the following has the smallest value A. picometer B. micrometer C. megameter Which of the following show ascending order of quantity A. 1 dm, 1 cm, 1m, 1 m B. 1 L, 1 mL, 1 cL, 1 dL C. 1 m, 1 m, 1 nm, 1 dm D. THz, MHz, GHz, KHz





Which of the prefixes are arranged in decending order? A. Giga, mega, kilo, terra B. terra, giga, mega, kilo C kilo, mega, giga, terra D. mega, terra, giga, kilo The distance between the earth and the sun is 149 000 000 000 000 meters. Which of the following is written in the correct prefix? A. 1.49 Gm B. 149 Gm C. 149 Tm D. 1.49 Mm Which of the following measurements is the longest? A. 7.20 x 108 m B. 7.20 x 109 dm C.



7.20 x 1011 cm


7.20 x 1013 m


Energy is expressed mathematically as a product of Force and displacement. Force is expressed mathematically as a product of mass and acceleration. What is the equivalent based unit for energy ? -2 -1 2 -2 2 -1 A. kg m s B. m s kg C. kg m s D. kg m s

10. Hertz is the SI unit for frequency. Given that frequency, f = 1/T, where T is time, Hertz can also be written as -1 -1 -2 -2 A. ms B. s C. s D. kg s 11. The diameter of a particle is 250 m. What is its diameter is cm? A. 2.5 x 102 cm B. 2.5 x 10-2 cm C. 2.5 x 10-4 cm -6 -8 D 2.5 x 10 cm E. 2.5 x 10 cm 12. Which of the following shows the correct conversion of units? 3 -9 3 A. 24 mm = 2.4 x 10 m 3 B. 800 mm = 8.00 x 10-11 m3 3 -4 3 C. 1000 mm = 3.0 x 10 m 3 -7 3 D. 300 mm = 3.0 x 10 m 13. Wireless network (Wi-Fi) used for computer communication broadcast and receive at a frequency of 2.4 GHz. What is the frequency in Hz? 9 -9 6 3 A. 2.4 x 10 Hz B. 2.4 x 10 Hz C. 2.4 x 10 Hz D. 2.4 x 10 Hz E. 2.4 x 1012 Hz 14. A square card has sides of 12 cm. The area of the card is A. 1.44 x 10-4 m2 B. 1.44 x 10-2 m2 C. 1.44 m2

D. 1.44 x 102 m2

E. 1.44 x 103 m2

15. A small bar of an unknown substance of dimension 2.0 cm x 3.0 cm x 4.0 cm has a mass of 463g. What is the density of this substance in stated in the correct SI units A. 4.1 x 103 kg m-3 B. 5.3 x 103 kg m-3 C. 51.4 x 103 kg m-3 D. 51.4 x 103 kg m3 4 -3 E. 1.9 x 10 kg m 16. Which of the following is a vector quantity? A. Acceleration due to gravity B. 17. Which of the following is correct Scalar quantity A Displacement B Frequency C power


C. Speed

D. mass

Vector quantity Velocity Speed force

18. The sensitivity of a thermometer can be increased by A. Increasing the size of the bulb B. Increasing the thickness of the glass bulb C. Narrowing the bore of the capillary tube 19. Which of the figures show good accuracy but less consistency?

20. From the information given, which of the following statement is true? Group A Group B Reading 1 14.01 s 14.37 s Reading 2 13.15 s 14.15 s Reading 3 14.36 s 14.36 s Reading 4 12.99 s 14.29 s Reading 5 15.34 s 14.34 s A. The readings of group A are more consistent B. The readings of group B are more consistent C. The readings of group A and B are consistent D. The readings of both group A and B are not consistent 21. When measuring a length with a ruler, the eye must always be placed vertically above the mark being read. This is to avoid A. Zero error B. end error C. parallax error D. random error 22. Which of the following is true about error made in a measurement? A. It can be smaller if the range on the scale of the instrument is big B. It increases when repeated measurements are taken using the same instrument C. It increases when the value of the repeated reading increases D. It can be reduced by finding the average of the readings 23. The vernier caliper shows the reading of the inner diameter of a beaker. What is the diameter of the beaker? A. B. C. D. E. 7.53 mm 7.63 mm 7.52 mm 7.53 cm 7.58 cm

24. A car travels from A to B in 6 seconds and from B to C in 8 seconds as shown in the diagram below. AB is perpendicular to BC. Calculate the displacement and total time taken to travel from A to C
A 6s 20 m B

33 m


A. 53 m, 10 s

B. 53m, 14 s


38.6m, 14 s

D. 38.6m, 10 s


Main Scale

1 cm

Main Scale

5 cm

5 Vernier Scale

5 Vernier Scale

Measurement with the jaws closed


Measurement with the jaws open


Diagram A shows a vernier caliper with nothing in its jaw. Diagram B shows a measurement being made with the same vernier caliper with an object inside its outer jaws. What is the actual reading of the caliper (take into account the zero error) A. 4.24 cm E. 4.20 cm 26. B. 4.18 cm C. 4.21 cm D. 4.27 cm

Main Scale

1 cm

5 Vernier Scale

The vernier caliper above is read without any object between its outer jaws What is the zero error of this vernier caliper? A. + 0.04 B. - 0.04 cm C. + 0.06 cm D. -0.06 cm


30 0 5


0 45

20 15

Figure A

Figure B

Figure 27(A) shows the scale of a micrometer screw gauge when its spindle is closed tight without anything to measure. Figure 27(B) shows the reading when used to measure the diameter of a ball bearing. What is the diameter of the ball bearing A. 7.72 mm B. 7.74 mm C. 7.22 mm D. 7.70 mm

45 0 5


45 40

35 30

Figure A

Figure B

Figure 28(A) shows the zero error of a micro meter screw gauge. Figure 28(B) shows the meter reading after a measurement is made. Choose the combination of Zero Error and Actual reading of the scale that is correct


Zero Error + 0.03 mm -0.02 mm -0.03 mm - 0.03 mm -0.03 mm

Actual Reading 7.87 mm 7.39 mm 7.34 mm 7.90 mm 7.40 mm

29. Which of the following velocity-time graphs shows a uniform deceleration

V / ms-1 V / ms-1 V / ms-1 V / ms-1

t /s

t /s

t /s

t /s

30. In the experiment to study the period of oscillation of a simple pendulum, the responding variable is the A. length of the pendulum B. frequency of oscillation C. Mass of the pendulum D. Period of oscillation


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30




Structure Question: Answer All. Answer in the space provided and DETACH THIS SECTION

A typical ink jet cartridge used in an inkjet printer has a capacity of 6 ml. Given that the droplet size of ink from this ink cartridge is 3pl (picoliter), calculate the number of ink droplets inside the ink cartridge? . . .


A car accelerates uniformly from rest until it reaches a velocity of 25 ms-1 in 10 seconds. It maintains on this velocity for a duration of 15 seconds. It then decelerates uniformly to rest in 5 seconds. (i) Sketch a velocity-time graph for this motion.


Calculate acceleration for the first 5 seconds


Calculates acceleration of the car in the last 5 seconds


Indicate on the graph where the acceleration is zero


Calculate the displacement of the car for the whole journey


Calculate the average velocity of the car


Write down the 4 equations of linear motion and state the quantities used

i. ii. iii. iv.




R: RENDAH 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 C-R C-R C-R AS BS BS CS CT CT BS BT DS AR BR ET S: SEDERHANA 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 AR CS CS B R BT CS DS DS CT C-T BS DT ET AR CR T: TINGGI


FM 4 UD 1 2013 1. 6 ml = 6 x 10-3 L -12 3 pl = 3 x 10 L 6 x 10-3 9 No of droplets = ----------------------- = 2 x 10 droplets -12 3 x 10 7 marks -----------7 marks ======= 8 marks T



Draw graph correctly with all labels marked correctly

v m/s







2 (ii) a = 25/10 = 2.5 ms-2 2 (iii) a = -25/5 = - 5 ms-2 2 (iv) Marked on the horizontal line of the graph 2 (v) s = ( u +v ) x t = ( 30 + 15) x 25 = 562. 5 m 2 (vi) average velocity = Total displacement/time = 562.5 / 30 = 18.75 ms-1

3 marks 2 marks 2 marks 3 marks 2 marks ----------20 marks ======= 2 marks 2 marks 2 marks 2 marks 1 mark 1 mark 1 mark 1 mark 1 mark ---------13 marks =======



v = u + at s = (u+v) t s = ut + a t2 2 2 v = u + 2 as u = initial velocity : v = final velocity : a = acceleration : s = displacement : t = time:

Unit: ms-1 unit : ms-1 -2 unit: ms unit : m unit : s



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